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Know everything about MAT 2021: Application Form, Registration Date, Admit Card, Exam Dates, Result

Know everything about MAT 2021: Application Form, Registration Date, Admit Card, Exam Dates, Result

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MAT score is a qualification criteria for many B-Schools to take admissions for MBA and PGDM program. Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is conducted four times a year in the months of February, May, September, and December. This year has been no different! The upcoming round of MAT will be conducted in September 2021. So, if you are planning to appear for MAT, this is the time to tighten your belts and get the ball rolling!

AIMA MAT 2021 will be conducted in both offline and online modes. For both these modes of examination, the registration deadlines are different. For offline mode, the application form should be filled by 25th August 2021, and for online mode, the last date to submit the application form is 29 August 2021.

MAT 2021 – Important dates and details

1. Application mode – Online
2. Form availability –
3. Final date to fill up PBT MAT application form – 29th August 2021
4. Final date to fill up CBT MAT application form – 14th August 2021
5. MAT PBT Admit Card Download Date – 30th August 2021
6. MAT CBT Admit Card Download Date – 17th August 2021
7. MAT PBT Exam Date – 5th September 2021
8. MAT CBT Exam Date– 21st August 2021

MAT 2021 – Eligibility criteria

Before filling up the MAT application form, the aspirants must check if they meet the eligibility criteria set for the exam. The eligibility criteria require a bachelor’s degree in any stream or a professional qualification, such as CS/CA/ICWA. The candidates appearing for their final year of graduation are eligible for this examination. There’s no age limit to appear for MAT.

MAT 2021 – Application form prerequisites

For those planning to apply for the upcoming MAT exam, keep the following details and documents handy–
1. Personal details
2. Valid email address
3. Scanned photograph and a signature in the prescribed format
4. Educational qualification details
5. Debit/credit card or net banking details

MAT 2021 – Application form fee

The application fee for PBT and CBT is listed below –
1. Offline mode of exam – Rs. 1550
2. Online mode of exam– Rs. 1550
3. Both offline and online modes of exam– Rs. 2650

MAT 2021 – Scoring scheme

Management Aptitude Test (MAT) 2021 exam is composed of 5 subjects with 40 questions each. The syllabus includes data analysis & sufficiency, language comprehension, intelligence & critical reasoning, mathematical skills, Indian & global environment. Each question carries 1 mark and every wrong answer will levy a deduction of 1/4th (0.25) mark. With a Good MAT score, you can take admission to government colleges that have less MBA course fees compared to other private management colleges.

How to get admission to Jaipuria Institute of Management?

Jaipuria Institute of Management is India’s top MBA college has campuses in Lucknow, Noida, Indore, and Jaipur accept MAT score for entry to its Post Graduate Diploma in Management. If selected, applicants got to sit in group discussions and personal interview rounds.

Below is the selection parameter with due weightage.

Score in CAT/MAT/XAT/AT MA/ GMAT: 50%
Group Discussion: 10%
Personal Interview:  15%
Work Experience: 05%
Academic Performance in earlier education/ Sports/ Extra-Curricular Activities: 20%

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