Jaipuria Jaipur wins Social Community Engagement Award at the Community Leadership Awards 2012.
The sustained efforts of Jaipuria Institute of Management in community-building were recently recognised by the Institute of Leadership development (ILD). On the 23rd of February 2013, Jaipuria Institute of Management was recognised at the Community Leadership Award 2012 as ‘The Organisation with the Best Social Community Engagement in Rajasthan’.
“It is a proud moment for Jaipuria Institute of Management,” said Dr. Rajiv Thakur, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management.
“This award once again shows that the Jaipuria Institute of Management believe in a far greater purpose to management education. This is recognition of the good work done by Jaipuria Jaipur in capacity building in Rajasthan. Our round-the-year training initiatives, MDPs, conferences and seminars have earned us this distinction. Various CSR initiatives like the free computer courses and English speaking courses in the Dantli Panchayat under Project Dantli have begun showing results. Credit goes to our young student managers for bridging the information gap between rich and poor. Apart from bringing us recognition, these projects have helped the budding managers from Jaipuria Institute of Managementgain the right skills and temperament for community growth and development.”
A team of faculty and staff members from Jaipuria Jaipur received this prestigious award from Dr. Mahesh Joshi, Member Parliament (Jaipur), and Shri Dilip Baid, Chairman, CII, Rajasthan. According to ILD, Jaipuria Jaipur was selected for the Social Community Engagement award from a pool of many organisations.
Leading consulting firm, Kamtech Associates Pvt. Ltd., was included as the knowledge partner entrusted with the task of evaluating the nominations.Shortlisting was carried out on the basis of systematic evaluation criteria, like how well an organisation had championed a cause or causes and implemented sustainable solutions for the benefit of target citizens or communities.