Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow was the natural choice for Amman Raza, who belongs to the city of Lucknow and has done his schooling from Study Hall and graduated from Lucknow University. As Amman remembers, “I had a 73 percentile in CAT and 96 percentile in MAT and I had been away from my home for a year, so when I got a call from one of the best management institutes in the country – and in my home-town at that – there was no looking further”. Amman also has two years of work experience that he gained before joining Jaipuria.
Amman aspires to be absorbed by the Human Resource industry when he passes out of Jaipuria and he is working hard toward his goal. He believes Jaipuria gives the right platform to its students to build industry-specific skills. He appreciates the effort the faculty puts in and believes they have their finger on the pulse of industry as well as of their students. “This is my 2nd semester and I have interacted with 13 different faculty members, all of whom are well qualified. Sometimes during class hours they are quite strict, but the best thing is that they know how to make a student work hard.”
A passionate cricketer, Amman is proud of his culinary skills as well! He is also a self confessed first-person shooter games enthusiast, which he plays on his laptop. He is part of several clubs and activities on the campus and says proudly, “I am a part of the Student Interface Group which comprises of Facebook pages and groups for connecting Jaipuria to the outer world and come under the Jaipuria ‘Uncampus’ campaign.” He is also the student point of contact (SPOC) for the Media Relations Club, a 12-member group that handles all updates and news related to activities and events on the Jaipuria Lucknow campus. He is associated with the Marketing and HR clubs and is also the main first year Media Committee Coordinator (the committee handles media invites and contacts for all important events like IIC and OJAS for Jaipuria).
Amman loves the environment he has discovered at Jaipuria and believes that it has enabled him to learn a lot. “My most memorable moments include the time spent with the friends I have made at Jaipuria and the discussions and debates we have after class hours.” He remains extremely busy with the course and its requirements, but is happy and excited about the future that his time at Jaipuria will lead him to.