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Pursue the career of your dreams by appearing for MAT 2021

Pursue the career of your dreams by appearing for MAT 2021

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Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is a standard aptitude entrance exam conducted in the country by the All India Management Association (AIMA). It is used for admission to Master of Business Administration (MBA), PGDM, and allied programmes by over 600 business schools across India.
Candidates can take the MAT exam in Paper-based mode, Computer-based mode, or can even appear in both depending upon their requirement. MAT evaluates the skills of candidates in 4 different sections i.e Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Intelligence, and Critical Reasoning, which are must-have skills for the management fields.

Here we are with some realistic tips, which should be followed to prepare for MAT 2021

1. Time things well: To appear for any entrance examination, time management plays a crucial role. It’s important to build your schedule in a manner that you can finish the exam within a deadline.
2. You are your best friend: Self-study is crucial. Attending classes or tuitions are important but there is nothing more effective than self-study.
3. Run buddy run: Speed and accuracy must go hand in hand for competitive examinations. For the students who fall short of time for completing exams, it is advisable to practice mock tests and solve previous exam papers. This will improve your chances of scoring well as well as finishing your test paper.
4. Fall back, revise, move on: The key to scoring well in any examination is revision. Try to complete your syllabus well prior to the exam and revise in the remaining days. This will help to cover all the topics and thereby can help to score well.
The best books to refer to for MAT 2021
If you are confused about which book to refer to, here’s a list of some of the best books for MAT preparations

  1. Mission MBA MAT Guide
  2. Complete Guide for MAT and Other MBA Entrance Exams
  3. Study Package for MAT
  4. MAT (Management Aptitude Test) Entrance Exam Guide
  5. 10 Challengers MAT

Other tips to ace MAT

For developing strong reading skills- we say, read novels, books, and newspapers on a regular basis. Read whatever you put your hands on! If you want to score well in the data interpretation section, dedicate time to practicing good mock tests. Improve your calculations for clearing quantitative aptitude. To improve general awareness, stay up to date by reading newspapers, magazines, journals, etc.

How to get into Jaipuria Institute of Management?’

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, Noida, Indore, and Jaipur accept MAT score for entry to its Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Courses. If selected, applicants got to sit in group discussions and personal interview rounds.

Below is the selected parameter with due weightage.

Score in CAT/MAT/XAT/AT MA/ GMAT: 50%
Group Discussion: 10%
Personal Interview:  15%
Work Experience: 05%
Academic Performance in earlier education/ Sports/ Extra-Curricular Activities: 20%
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