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Kick Start your career with India's best Management Institute

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Shikha Gupta, A Graduate of Jaipuria Noida, gets reminiscent about her time at the B-School.

Shikha Gupta, A Graduate of Jaipuria Noida, gets reminiscent about her time at the B-School.

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Shikha Gupta is a graduate of Jaipuria Noida, and had been placed, on-campus, in an enterprise communication company called ‘Value First’. ‘Value First’ is a comprehensive digital solutions provider that is internationally renowned for its mobile, SMS and Internet marketing services. After her PGDM from Jaipuria Noida, Shikha was given charge of the sales & support department and is currently handling the ‘Fab India’ project by providing them all the back-end support that they require.
When asked about her time with Jaipuria Noida, she tells us, “I thoroughly enjoyed my stay in Jaipuria. Never did I regret my decision of pursuing my PGDM here. The faculty is very supportive; whenever we needed them, they were always there for us, without fail. Be it for a silly issue or for curriculum guidance, they were always there.”
Belonging to a relatively small batch of management students at Jaipuria, Shikha especially remembers how compatible she was with her peers and how her experience not only included academic learnings, but a number of other co-curricular activities such as cultural events and industrial visits.
We asked how her experience at Jaipuria changed her, and she goes on to tell us “Prior to Jaipuria, life for me was all about having fun and nothing else. But when I entered Jaipuria I came to realize what the professional world was actually about. There are always people who play politics and try to use their power, so I actually had a gist of how things are in the corporate world. We learnt how to manage time, how to understand concepts, and how to grasp things quickly. In the two years that I spent here, I learnt how to present myself and how to take charge of a presentation. Initially we used to hesitate in front of a gathering of 40 people, but now we have gained immense confidence to present anything to any number of people.”
During her term at Jaipuria, Shikha also had the opportunity to intern with Fundoodata.com where she handled a social media marketing profile. She thoroughly values this experience as an opportunity to learn, and believes that it played an integral role in her management education and development of skills.
Shikha’s message to her juniors is to make the most of their time at Jaipuria, have fun and to always be themselves!

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