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Sales- and why is it the domain that guarantees speedy climb to successful career growth?

A conversation with Alumnus Hemant Madhwani, of Class 2013 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.
Hemant, an alumnus of 2013, a voracious sales guy with a strong business acumen, recalls his days at BookMyShow. A man with unstoppable ideas- Hemant, just walked up to Mr. Ashish Hmerajani, the CEO and founder of BookMyShow and proposed on taking over Townscript- an organization that was founded in 2014 by Sachin Sharma and Sanchit Malikto, and provides ticketing and planning services for workshops, conferences, exhibitions and adventure events.
Mr. Ashish, the CEO of BookMyShow is really an inspirational man. He does not dismiss any idea coming from his team! He is always open to critical feedback and healthy propositions. He listened to what I have to say and asked for a complete study. And within 2 months newspapers and media houses had news flashing all over- BookMyShow has picked up 75% stakes in Townscript,” says Hemant.
After working for 9 years at BookMyShow as Business Development Head, thereafter, as Head Business Development of Townscript and now as Assistant General Manager – Live Entertainment – South India. We had the opportunity to converse with him about his career moves, his game plans, and suggestions for the latest graduates who are looking forward to enter the Sales industry in the quest for success.
“First and foremost, I strongly believe in the Sales domain. I am a Sales guy from heart and I would say, no other domain allows you success at the pace Sales does. You cannot expect the company to give you growth unless you are ready to bring money to your organization through your work. And that is precisely why we Sales people start earning in larger digits from quite early in our careers,” remarks Hemant. According to him, Sales is a profile that brings out the best in you. From Communication skills to your people skills, from foresight to logical thinking, Sales require a man to be in his best- every single day and Hemant rates Sales a Ten on a Ten as a domain simply because of the intellectual stimulation and satisfaction it brings on the table.
He still remembers his first-day encounter with one of his colleagues in Jaipuria Institute of Management. “He was the first person I encountered at Jaipuria and we started talking. He told me at the very beginning that he does not wish to work at Sales- no matter what! And I told him that very day, you got some tough time ahead!” He graduated to join a good Sales profile even after he repeatedly went on rejecting Sales offers in the beginning. Fortunately, “my point stayed,” says Hemant who had himself come to the Jaipuria classroom with 4 years work-experience.
Hemant is a strong advocate of Communication skills. He thinks, “These days, we often mistake Communication skills to be synonymous to speaking English fluently. No! Communication can be done in any language and often times, it is also your body language that communicates on your behalf. I personally know a lot of Directors and CEOs who prefer speaking in their native language. As long as you are getting your thoughts communicated with confidence, you are an effective communicator.” And it’s his communication skills and love for Sales that Hemant thinks has gotten him where he is today.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Souvik Chandra, alumnus 2019 shares how he unfolds the second opportunity with Deloitte

Souvik, class 2017-19, a number juggler from day one at Jaipuria did not let off the opportunity to en-cash when he was recalled for interview at Deloitte.
Souvik recall his earlier days at Jaipuria during first trimester. It was Prof. Wasan from finance in class, who assigned him with a task, and without any delay souvik wrapped up meticulously. The very instance Prof. Wasan commented ‘take Finance in your 2nd year and I would not be surprised if you are hired by Deloitte by the time you complete your PGDM from Jaipuria,” says Souvik who thinks Prof. Wasan’s words had a life-changing impact on him.
Souvik had arrived at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida to up his game in Management and especially Finance, and walk out with a placement offer from one of the big fours in Consulting but even after having almost all the blocks perfectly fit in the puzzle, it was not cakewalk. The final stumbling stone arrived when Souvik was not selected at the versant test of Deloitte. However, luck has a way for people who really are worthy of it. “After few days, he was given a second chance for full retest of the Versant and Aptitude rounds. He knew this was the only chance. He left no stone unturned in his preparation, and when the time actually arrived, he cleared all the rounds- one after another,”.
Souvik says, “If you ask me about my few significant achievements in last 2 years at Jaipuria Noida, I would quantify them from a more humane level. I think I changed as a person. I was an introvert, extremely shy. That of course got entirely altered with repeated presentations and team building exercises that we are immersed here at Jaipuria, Noida. You just cannot afford to stay inactive or isolated. Beside that, I grew more sensitive about the environment around me. I have evolved into a more responsible citizen, looking for a greener future for the world,”. Of course Souvik’s transition indicates the kind of managers that are stepping out of a B-school that has been consistently working towards creating conscientious human beings.
Souvik specifically attributes his placement achievement to the exposure he got during his summer internship with Thomas Cook at the Credit Control Deptt. According to Souvik, it taught him the importance of being a go-getter. “My Manager had an elaborate project to wrap within a strict deadline of 3 days. The task needed experience and training, however, I along with my four other colleagues of Jaipuria Institute of Management volunteered to take it up. We asked our manager to train us briefly and summarize it for us and then we delved into the project- divided the work among us, consulted each other, reached out for help and spent our time strategically on it. Within 3 days it was done! And we were ushered in with praises and appreciations from various quarters,” he explains. And it was not just the SIP that decided the course of Souvik’s journey. In fact, the study group approach of Jaipuria Institute of Management has been quite popular among the graduates of the B-school since the time the B-school adopted the method.
Souvik is now with Deloitte as a US Tax Consultant and he is all set to make the most of the initial few years of his professional life before deciding any further.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

10 years since graduation- Shreyasee fondly recalls her days at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida; as a topper, a student, a friend and an aspiring professional

As we took the elevator to reach Mindteck Business Services floor where Shreyasee Sinha, the Project Manager – Global Service Delivery & Infra  sits, we were mulling over our last encounter with her. It was the annual alumni meet of Jaipuria Institute of Management. We remembered her as the topper of Class 2010 with a voracious appetite for success. She had spoken to us for full 30 minutes about what it takes to make one’s mark felt in the domain of Sales and Marketing- post a PGDM education and what a delightful conversation it was! We were expecting to meet the same person- only more successful this time. And as the elevator door slid open- there she was, extending her hand to welcome us once again.
Shreyasee has been the kind of student at the B-school who never wanted to settle for anything but perfection. She left no opportunity slip her by for the two years of her PGDM. In fact, alumnus Swapnil Tiwari and Shreyasee had together initiated the first ever Marketing Club of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida which is now one of the most active student driven committees of the B-school and the first thing Shreyasee asked as we stepped into her office was- “how is the club working now? Are we in good hands?”
Having specialized in Marketing, Shreyasee’s work primarily revolved around the domain of Sales and Marketing. She started with All e Technologies and went on climbing the subsequent rungs of the ladder. With a very cohesive outlook towards problems and their solutions, in no time did she start making her natural passion for the domain translate into successful projects’ delivery for client like Pepsico.
Shreyasee’s perception towards Marketing as a domain is straightforward and simple. “You got to be agile and analytic in your approach if you want to make room for yourself in this space. There’s intense competition and of course, it is not going to be easy ever, so whatever you do, you got to do it very well or you will remain mediocre as a performer,” she explains. And having spent 2 eventful years with All E and 6 years at ESQ as Assistant Manager, Shreyasee moved to Mindteck that provides product-engineering solutions and IT services to several Fortune 100 companies, universities and government agencies across the world, in January, 2019.
As we asked her about her fondest memories during Jaipuria days, she recalls fondly about the first outing with her friends at the B-school. “We were 12 of us who went to Shipra Mall in Noida to bond over burgers. We spent hours chatting, losing track of time and by the time we started for the hostel- there was no commutation available. We remember walking 2kms at a stretch to reach campus and the friendship we forged in that walk- stayed with us throughout.” According to Shreyasee, “Jaipuria has all the ingredients it takes to help you with the correct Launchpad for your career. Even a decade back when we were attending the B-school, our professors used to adopt some of the most innovative forms of teaching to make the classroom experience exceptional. I worked with them for a long time even after graduating- on various projects and I must say, their unique perspective to subjects and sectors helped me evolve as a professional,” concludes the alumnus who feels extremely proud to see how far her B-school has come over the years.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

Working with 5 brands, gaining 10 years’ experience in HR- alumnus Gaurav Tripathi talks about his B-school and the journey so far

Be it recruitment, employee engagement, training, talent management, employee relations, campus recruitment or organizational development Gaurav Tripathi has tested the waters of Human Resources in almost every capacity. An alumnus of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida’s PGDM Class 2007-2009, Gaurav has worked for four renowned organizations before joining LOTS Wholesale Solutions as Senior Manager, HR in September 2017.
The man is absolutely charming. Beside the decade long experience that he brings to the table, Gaurav has an air of integrity around him and the first few minutes of conversation is enough to make you realize that you are talking to a man who is extremely passionate about the work he does. And in the words of his colleague Mr. Vaibhav Goyal, Head – Retail Ops – People at Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Limited, “Gaurav as a professional has his ears to the ground always and this habit of his has helped him to gain respect amongst the front end employees of the organization. He always approaches things with a solution in mind.” Aren’t those exactly the Must Have’s for a successful Human Resources professional!
Gaurav Tripathi joined Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida in the year 2007 and by the time he was wrapping his PGDM he was already hired by Godfrey Philips India Ltd. as a HR Executive. Since then, his professional journey had no looking back. Having spent 1 year and 5 months at Godfrey, Gaurav made a strategic move to Madura Fashion & Lifestyle. He joined as a Regional HR (North) in 2010 and handled MFL brands like Louis Philippe, Allen Solly, Van Heusen, Peter England, Planet Fashion & People. A promotion awaited and within 2.5 years, he was made the Asst. Manager HR. Gaurav spent 4 years at the organization and in the year 2014, interviewed with Pantaloons and was instantaneously absorbed by the company in the office as Deputy Manager HR before Gionee India happened in 2016. Needless to say, by the time Gaurav was looking for his next big move- he already had experiences gathered from three major sectors- Hospitality, FMCG and the Retail. Of course, you cannot stop talents like Gaurav Tripathi from shining bright in whatever they do!
But how did Jaipuria Institute of Management really helped this HR professional make his mark in the domain? “Well, while my BBA taught me the theories, my PGDM helped me with an active and experiential learning ecosystem. The Jaipuria pedagogy is full of with Live projects, group works, case studies, simulations, business games, internships and exchange programs. We were taught by some of the best minds in the world of management- both inside and outside the classrooms. Every bit of my 2 years at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida had me broaden my horizon of knowledge and understanding.”
Having said that, is college life all serious and no fun? As Gaurav would say, “I keep returning back to my B-school almost every second month. I interact with the juniors, meet my faculty, explore possibilities of alumni engagement, yet amidst all that, every time I pass those corridors or the residential blocks, I think of the nights we have spent in groups prepping for last minute assignments, drinking tea, fighting over extra rasgullas over dinner and what not! Those were definitely the best days of my life!”
So what would the alumni suggest to other aspiring professionals trying to find their feet in the competitive sector of Human Resources? “Push yourself to go beyond the textbooks. If you want to survive in HR, you got to be highly sensitive about cultures and learn to adjust and respect diversity. Also, it is essential that you learn t understand the organization first before you start to zig things in it. And of course, just 2 months summer internship is not enough to prepare you for the corporate milieu. Take up Live projects and real life case studies- beyond what is being taught in the classroom. Your ‘extra’ will decide where you land in life!”

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