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Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

Working with 5 brands, gaining 10 years’ experience in HR- alumnus Gaurav Tripathi talks about his B-school and the journey so far

Be it recruitment, employee engagement, training, talent management, employee relations, campus recruitment or organizational development Gaurav Tripathi has tested the waters of Human Resources in almost every capacity. An alumnus of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida’s PGDM Class 2007-2009, Gaurav has worked for four renowned organizations before joining LOTS Wholesale Solutions as Senior Manager, HR in September 2017.
The man is absolutely charming. Beside the decade long experience that he brings to the table, Gaurav has an air of integrity around him and the first few minutes of conversation is enough to make you realize that you are talking to a man who is extremely passionate about the work he does. And in the words of his colleague Mr. Vaibhav Goyal, Head – Retail Ops – People at Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Limited, “Gaurav as a professional has his ears to the ground always and this habit of his has helped him to gain respect amongst the front end employees of the organization. He always approaches things with a solution in mind.” Aren’t those exactly the Must Have’s for a successful Human Resources professional!
Gaurav Tripathi joined Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida in the year 2007 and by the time he was wrapping his PGDM he was already hired by Godfrey Philips India Ltd. as a HR Executive. Since then, his professional journey had no looking back. Having spent 1 year and 5 months at Godfrey, Gaurav made a strategic move to Madura Fashion & Lifestyle. He joined as a Regional HR (North) in 2010 and handled MFL brands like Louis Philippe, Allen Solly, Van Heusen, Peter England, Planet Fashion & People. A promotion awaited and within 2.5 years, he was made the Asst. Manager HR. Gaurav spent 4 years at the organization and in the year 2014, interviewed with Pantaloons and was instantaneously absorbed by the company in the office as Deputy Manager HR before Gionee India happened in 2016. Needless to say, by the time Gaurav was looking for his next big move- he already had experiences gathered from three major sectors- Hospitality, FMCG and the Retail. Of course, you cannot stop talents like Gaurav Tripathi from shining bright in whatever they do!
But how did Jaipuria Institute of Management really helped this HR professional make his mark in the domain? “Well, while my BBA taught me the theories, my PGDM helped me with an active and experiential learning ecosystem. The Jaipuria pedagogy is full of with Live projects, group works, case studies, simulations, business games, internships and exchange programs. We were taught by some of the best minds in the world of management- both inside and outside the classrooms. Every bit of my 2 years at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida had me broaden my horizon of knowledge and understanding.”
Having said that, is college life all serious and no fun? As Gaurav would say, “I keep returning back to my B-school almost every second month. I interact with the juniors, meet my faculty, explore possibilities of alumni engagement, yet amidst all that, every time I pass those corridors or the residential blocks, I think of the nights we have spent in groups prepping for last minute assignments, drinking tea, fighting over extra rasgullas over dinner and what not! Those were definitely the best days of my life!”
So what would the alumni suggest to other aspiring professionals trying to find their feet in the competitive sector of Human Resources? “Push yourself to go beyond the textbooks. If you want to survive in HR, you got to be highly sensitive about cultures and learn to adjust and respect diversity. Also, it is essential that you learn t understand the organization first before you start to zig things in it. And of course, just 2 months summer internship is not enough to prepare you for the corporate milieu. Take up Live projects and real life case studies- beyond what is being taught in the classroom. Your ‘extra’ will decide where you land in life!”

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Lucknow

A Life-changing Experience & a successful outcome – Alumni Joshita Tandon, AVP and Head – CHR and People Analytics at SRF Limited, Reminisces her Journey!

Joshita Tandon, a native of Lucknow and an alumnus of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow shares how her exploration across the Human Resource field has defined her experience as a student.
Joshita, a 2006-2008 batch graduate is Human Resources major, minoring in Management Studies. But her favorite class was that of her specialization – an interactive class that gave her insight into what it means to be successful by being empathetic, emotionally intelligent, and focused on your goals. She believes that these are certain skills that nobody teaches you, but they’re instilled only when you seek guidance from your professors, interact with seniors, and experience it first-hand.
“Recalling my first semester in Jaipuria Institute of Management, it wasn’t an extraordinary start. I stepped in as a student, but as I sailed through the course, I passed out as a professional. With a shallow understanding level towards Human Resource as a subject, I had to constantly seek guidance from my professors, fellow students, and senior batch-mates – just to ensure that I’m at the right place. Hard-work, perseverance, and self-confidence gradually became the driving force for me,” comments Joshita.
Lucky amongst the rest, Joshita was hired at SRF Limited through the campus placement. Since then, there’s not been a day when she wouldn’t credit Jaipuria Institute of Management and her faculty members for grooming and preparing her for the workplace environment. As a piece of advice, Joshita shares, “There are going to ups and downs through this journey of getting into a premier institute and graduating as a thorough industry-fit individual. But, do not lose hopes and never give up. The secret to clearing any interview is to be original, do not second-guess yourself, your opinions, or your perspectives. While the job market is tight, do not get lured by attractive offers. Stick to your specialization and grow in the same stream. The right organization will find you a the right time.”
Currently hustling between three different job roles – Managing HR functions for two offices and working as an HR Analytics consultant, she firmly believes on accepting the rough edges that come across the way with utmost grace, and refining the same for better career growth. Walking down the memory lane, as one of the most remarkable memories that she recollects is the day of her Convocation. To this, she adds, “Not only has the college been a huge contributor in my life, but also the faculty members who have constantly provided their valuable advice, opportunities, and support. For the kindness I have received, I only wish to carry forward the legacy and make a difference in people’s lives.”
Parting Conversation
She firmly believes that a PGDM program is like a lifetime learning experience, no regrets, only learning. “If you are lucky to get through a college of your dreams for pursuing masters, I recommend you to take it up without any fear. Bear in mind, unless you expose yourself to a new environment, you’ll have nothing to learn, and no opportunity to grab. In my case, learning HR functions was a whole new challenge, but it is also a subject that has matured me with time. So, don’t quit half way. Success will automatically follow,” comments Joshita.

Jaipuria Noida

Becoming the Territory Manager at FedEx Express – Jadumoni Das, PGDM 2015, Jaipuria Noida

“People. Service. Profit. We call that PSP in FedX and I think I sort of got that right,” says Jadumoni Das pulling away from the gravitas of the question pointed at him. He was in a light-hearted mood and why won’t he! He had just wrapped a long tedious day at work when we arrived at his office with a bunch of questions to ask.
Let us begin by introducing the man. Jadumoni’s native place is in Assam but he was only 18 when he left the beautiful land of eri and muga. He had BBA in mind and WBUT found his application perfect. 3 years in Kolkata, amidst BBA curriculum, internships, assignments and grades, Jadumoni did not forget the bigger picture. He wanted to do his MBA from a B-school that would put him in the map of big things! And, he made it just in time to Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida campus. It was 2013. Yet a lot was left to achieve. To begin with: a top-of-the-line industry placement.
“2 years of PGDM taught me a lot of things but the most important of what I learnt was- to not let go of opportunities,” suggests Jadumoni who started it at the executive level in FedEx and is now the Territory Manager at FedEx Express. He further adds, “just throwing my two penny here- what might often look very trivial and insignificant as an opportunity to you can just be the table turner of your life. The cultural fests, the conclaves, the internships, the golgappa stall at the startup fest, all of it are great deal important. You should and you must be an active participant in everything. These 730 days of your life that you will spend in Jaipuria will decide a lot for you and I vouch from my experience- there are opportunities awaiting you at every door you knock in this b-school.”
Jadumoni outshone other candidates who had sat for the FedEx interview in the year 2015. He had confidence to fall back on but his major enabler was his communication skills. “I carefully chose my specialization and I had picked Marketing & Operations simply because I wanted to settle in a company like FedEx. I honed my theoretical knowledge and complimented it with an internship with ITC” explains the alumnus. ITC was just launching its popular deodorant line- Engage and in the PGDM summer break, Jadumoni took off to Dehradun.
At ITC, he was assigned the task of identifying the loopholes in the distribution channel of the Dehradun region. He also had to figure out the problem set of retailers, maintain the daily sales report (DSR). He covered more then 300 new retailers in Dehradun region within a span of 20 days. “A spirit we are trained to nurture from the beginning at Jaipuria,” adds Jadumoni. At his interview with FedEx, this sheer passion and commitment to work shone out loud! The logistics company immediately hired him.
As a goodbye question, we asked this jocund man- what does he miss the most about Jaipuria life? “My friend Jagpreet Singh and the cricket ground which was very close to the girls’ hostel,” remarks Jadumoni while waving at us.

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