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Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida Jaipuria Noida Home

Sales- and why is it the domain that guarantees speedy climb to successful career growth?

A conversation with Alumnus Hemant Madhwani, of Class 2013 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.
Hemant, an alumnus of 2013, a voracious sales guy with a strong business acumen, recalls his days at BookMyShow. A man with unstoppable ideas- Hemant, just walked up to Mr. Ashish Hmerajani, the CEO and founder of BookMyShow and proposed on taking over Townscript- an organization that was founded in 2014 by Sachin Sharma and Sanchit Malikto, and provides ticketing and planning services for workshops, conferences, exhibitions and adventure events.
Mr. Ashish, the CEO of BookMyShow is really an inspirational man. He does not dismiss any idea coming from his team! He is always open to critical feedback and healthy propositions. He listened to what I have to say and asked for a complete study. And within 2 months newspapers and media houses had news flashing all over- BookMyShow has picked up 75% stakes in Townscript,” says Hemant.
After working for 9 years at BookMyShow as Business Development Head, thereafter, as Head Business Development of Townscript and now as Assistant General Manager – Live Entertainment – South India. We had the opportunity to converse with him about his career moves, his game plans, and suggestions for the latest graduates who are looking forward to enter the Sales industry in the quest for success.
“First and foremost, I strongly believe in the Sales domain. I am a Sales guy from heart and I would say, no other domain allows you success at the pace Sales does. You cannot expect the company to give you growth unless you are ready to bring money to your organization through your work. And that is precisely why we Sales people start earning in larger digits from quite early in our careers,” remarks Hemant. According to him, Sales is a profile that brings out the best in you. From Communication skills to your people skills, from foresight to logical thinking, Sales require a man to be in his best- every single day and Hemant rates Sales a Ten on a Ten as a domain simply because of the intellectual stimulation and satisfaction it brings on the table.
He still remembers his first-day encounter with one of his colleagues in Jaipuria Institute of Management. “He was the first person I encountered at Jaipuria and we started talking. He told me at the very beginning that he does not wish to work at Sales- no matter what! And I told him that very day, you got some tough time ahead!” He graduated to join a good Sales profile even after he repeatedly went on rejecting Sales offers in the beginning. Fortunately, “my point stayed,” says Hemant who had himself come to the Jaipuria classroom with 4 years work-experience.
Hemant is a strong advocate of Communication skills. He thinks, “These days, we often mistake Communication skills to be synonymous to speaking English fluently. No! Communication can be done in any language and often times, it is also your body language that communicates on your behalf. I personally know a lot of Directors and CEOs who prefer speaking in their native language. As long as you are getting your thoughts communicated with confidence, you are an effective communicator.” And it’s his communication skills and love for Sales that Hemant thinks has gotten him where he is today.


Jaipuria’s PGDM Service Management brings in bright career for students

The PGDM in Service management at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida & Jaipur brings in lot of fulfillment for the first year students. Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur campus is the only institute in Rajasthan to offer specialized program in service management. The strategic collaboration of Jaipuria Institute of Management with corporate bigwigs like KPMG, BSE, and IBM for course delivery, prepares professionals for the burgeoning industry.
With enhanced foreign investment flows, the sector that covers trade, hotel and restaurants, storage and communication, financing, insurance, real estate, and construction services is set to grow further. It has created a major demand for skilled professionals, who can take on decision-making roles in the industry. The PDGM Service Management program offered by the B School aims to fulfill that demand by bridging the gap with the industry.
After the stupendous success of Service Management program at Jaipuria Noida campus it was introduced at Jaipur Campus. Renowned industry names like Landmark, Oppo, Vivo, Wipro GE, Amazon, Lava, HDFC Bank, Yes Bank have already recruited graduates of the programs from different campuses. Moreover, the results after the first year of the program at Jaipuria Institute of Management keep up with the promising trends. Students bagged internships with top Indian and International MNCs including the Landmark Group. At the heart of the success of the program is the industry-oriented curriculum that has been designed to give students the cutting edge advantage in their specific areas of interest. They can gain specializations in Consulting, Retail, Ecommerce, Banking as well as Rural Marketing sectors. It enables them to drive their future careers in their areas of interests.
Sharing his vision on innovative culture and success, Dr,. Prabhat Pankaj, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur says, “PGDM in Service Management at Jaipuria Institute of Management is a major contributor of skilled professionals to the service industry in India. Our aim is to empower all our students to shape defined careers in the field of their choice.”
International collaborations with international universities of Jaipuria Institute of Management offer their own benefits. Students have the opportunity to be mentored by foreign faculty members as well as gain International exposure at top universities through student exchange programs. That’s how at the end of the program, they seamlessly transition from classrooms to global boardrooms.
All aspirants who wish for that career trajectory in the massive services industry can apply for the program at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida & Jaipur Campus. It can be the gateway to flourishing careers that will be much sought after in times to come.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Souvik Chandra, alumnus 2019 shares how he unfolds the second opportunity with Deloitte

Souvik, class 2017-19, a number juggler from day one at Jaipuria did not let off the opportunity to en-cash when he was recalled for interview at Deloitte.
Souvik recall his earlier days at Jaipuria during first trimester. It was Prof. Wasan from finance in class, who assigned him with a task, and without any delay souvik wrapped up meticulously. The very instance Prof. Wasan commented ‘take Finance in your 2nd year and I would not be surprised if you are hired by Deloitte by the time you complete your PGDM from Jaipuria,” says Souvik who thinks Prof. Wasan’s words had a life-changing impact on him.
Souvik had arrived at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida to up his game in Management and especially Finance, and walk out with a placement offer from one of the big fours in Consulting but even after having almost all the blocks perfectly fit in the puzzle, it was not cakewalk. The final stumbling stone arrived when Souvik was not selected at the versant test of Deloitte. However, luck has a way for people who really are worthy of it. “After few days, he was given a second chance for full retest of the Versant and Aptitude rounds. He knew this was the only chance. He left no stone unturned in his preparation, and when the time actually arrived, he cleared all the rounds- one after another,”.
Souvik says, “If you ask me about my few significant achievements in last 2 years at Jaipuria Noida, I would quantify them from a more humane level. I think I changed as a person. I was an introvert, extremely shy. That of course got entirely altered with repeated presentations and team building exercises that we are immersed here at Jaipuria, Noida. You just cannot afford to stay inactive or isolated. Beside that, I grew more sensitive about the environment around me. I have evolved into a more responsible citizen, looking for a greener future for the world,”. Of course Souvik’s transition indicates the kind of managers that are stepping out of a B-school that has been consistently working towards creating conscientious human beings.
Souvik specifically attributes his placement achievement to the exposure he got during his summer internship with Thomas Cook at the Credit Control Deptt. According to Souvik, it taught him the importance of being a go-getter. “My Manager had an elaborate project to wrap within a strict deadline of 3 days. The task needed experience and training, however, I along with my four other colleagues of Jaipuria Institute of Management volunteered to take it up. We asked our manager to train us briefly and summarize it for us and then we delved into the project- divided the work among us, consulted each other, reached out for help and spent our time strategically on it. Within 3 days it was done! And we were ushered in with praises and appreciations from various quarters,” he explains. And it was not just the SIP that decided the course of Souvik’s journey. In fact, the study group approach of Jaipuria Institute of Management has been quite popular among the graduates of the B-school since the time the B-school adopted the method.
Souvik is now with Deloitte as a US Tax Consultant and he is all set to make the most of the initial few years of his professional life before deciding any further.

Whats New

The 4th Jaipuria CEO-CHRO Deliberation ‘Leaderspeak’ witnessed a galaxy of corporate honchos.

Jaipur, May 24, 2019 – The fourth edition of the CHRO deliberation ‘ Leaderspeak’ – CEO-CHRO meet was a grand success with some of the leading practitioners and minds from the industry joined together to chalk out the strategy.
Organized amidst the corporate hub at The Leela Ambience, Gurugram, the evening witnessed how the how the CEOs and CHROs are leading the corporates today. What are the expectation of CEOs from CHROs and vice-versa.
The meeting featured an extraordinary line up of influential speakers including Mr. Ajay Trehan, CEO & Founder of Authbridge, Mr. Pradeep Gupta, Chairman of CyberMedia Group, Mr. Siddhartha Gupta, CEO of Mercer Metti, Mr. Praveen Sinha, Managing Director of Jabong, Mr. Avadhesh Dixit, CHRO of Moody’s, Mr. Pankaj Suri, Director HR of Edelman India, Mr. R. Anand, Advisor HR of HCL Technologies, Mr. Vikas Gupta, Managing Director Talent at Deloitte, Besides these eminent personalities, Mr. Prasuon Tripathi, CHRO of Jaipuria Institute of Management, and Prof. (Dr.) V.P Singh, Professor at Jaipuria Institute of Management participated in the gathering.
“Jaipuria Institute of Management believes in leveraging the power of collective voices, resources, knowledge, and expertise to drive measured change for creating societal impact,” said Mr. Prasuon Tripathi, CHRO of Jaipuria Institute of Management.
Amid candid closed-door discussions, while talking about the CEO-CHRO expectations on an organizational level, Mr. Avadesh Dixit, CHRO of Moody’s, said, “HRs needs to understand business and business needs to understand HRs and the requirement of its people.”
The summit brought the CEOs and C-level leaders to discuss the ever-evolving role of CHROs in the business era shaped by the transformation of organizations, cultural change, agile work, and emerging digital technologies. It also helped CEOs put their challenges forward to CHROs and discuss mutual ways forward. They focused on critical concerns encountered by CHROs who operate in complex business environments, lead international teams, and make decisions that hold substantial implications to their profession, industries, and companies as a whole.
Identifying that real change demands engagement beyond workplaces and classrooms, Jaipuria Institute of Management pledged to further provide platforms and initiate a step closer to drive growth, excellence, and benchmarks.
With each year the CEO-CHRO meet organized by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida is climbing from strength to strength and Edition 4 was all the more significant because of the kind of representation it drew from across the industries and sectors.


List of Professional Career Options after Commerce Graduation

Business Analyst. Market Researcher. Tax Consultant. Banker. Auditor. Stock Broker. Academician. Lawyer. Senior Manager. You can’t possibly imagine the multitude of options a simple B.Com. or BBA can simply open for you. So next time you hear Commerce graduates disgruntle about the lack of professional opportunities, well, check them right there.
With leading organizations across the world having Commerce graduates holding top most offices, one thing is clear- the demand of a B.Com. student isn’t ending anytime soon. In fact, why go so far? Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, Prannoy Roy, Vishwanathan Anand, Motilal Oswal and Mohandas Pai are among some of the distinguished Indian personalities who completed their education in Economics and Commerce and are legends in their areas of interest. However, it is not easy to simply choose a career! A lot goes behind making a decision that you would in all likelihood, not regret in your life and as studies indicate, your profession decides majority of your actions in life. But with work roles and nature of jobs changing at unfathomable speed today, it has become all the more intricate to make career decisions with absolute clarity. Yet, amidst all the humdinger, the fundamental concept remains the same- if you got to thrive in what you do, you got to love what you do!
So tighten your seat belts, and open your cognitive windows to explore what professions will stand relevant for you if you are already pursuing a degree in Commerce.
1. A career in Sales and Marketing
Every industry in the world has to grow and expand in terms of its size and profitability. Quite similarly, consumption of resources too is increasing drastically. Hence, the need for selling and marketing products and services is growing by leaps and bounds. Businesses are getting consumer-centric. Businesses are getting more robust. Businesses are getting more skill-oriented. Therefore, demand for good sales and marketing professionals who can create the needs and market the products or services are in constant rise. In such a scenario, it is wise to opt for a career that is in high demand and intensely competitive. However, post your Commerce degree, if you take a work-ex in the field of Sales and Marketing and then ace it up with a power-packed MBA, you open for yourself the doors to career, options such as- brand manager, marketing strategist, marketing researcher, market analyst and what not!
2. A career as a Chartered Accountant/ Chartered Financial Analyst/ Company Secretary
If you are a commerce graduate, then you’ll naturally have your paths open for any of these courses: Chartered Accountant (CA), Company Secretary (CS), or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). However, before opting for a particular course, you must know the difference between each of these courses and the nature of jobs you will be exposed to.
3. A career in Human Resources Management
As you wrap a B.Com. degree and opt to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), you are in for yet another phenomenal ride. While a B.Com. student stands all the chance to enter blue-chip companies at junior or mid-rung offices, a MBA/ PGDM program enables you to pick a specialization and these days, a career in Human Resources Management is the hot cake. You can join in the office of employment and placement or compensation and benefits or recruitment or labor relations or training and development. Senior HR Managers handle multiple roles in their ranks. And the pay-checks? Exceptionally rewarding as well.
4. A career in E-Commerce or the new jobs of the 2020
E&Y’s latest report- “Future Jobs in India: A 2022 Perspective” states that 9% of the Indian population will be deployed in new jobs that do not exist today. And in this category, e-commerce organizations will contribute in massive hires. A B.Com. graduate with his/her skills in numbers, quant and data crunching abilities are obvious fits to these newly evolving roles in the digital world. Their B,Com. degree opens gateways for them to be hired as Digital Analysts, Data Analysts, supply chain management, product management, to name a few.
5. A ticket to the world of BFSI
Considered among the conventional job roles, once you graduate as a Commerce student, your entry to the world of Banking, Financial services and Insurance becomes almost a but-obvious. The typical Commerce syllabus across Indian universities and colleges include Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies, Statistics, Mathematics and Computers. Therefore, it is not surprising to see that major BFSI organizations across the country have Commerce graduates calling the shots across departments.
5. A career as an academic
Indian culture considers teaching and education as a noble profession. If you are inclined to this profession and wish to develop a formal career, you need to complete teachers’ training program/ B.Ed. If you wish to take a step ahead and teach in Universities or Colleges or anything equivalent, you need to clear NET and have a post-graduate degree. Commonly, graduate students start teaching in private colleges as a guest faculty or on contract bases and simultaneously pursue post-graduation or prepare for NET.
6. A career in Event Management
Event Management as an industry is on the move! With exponential growth in events across the world, the demand for appropriate professionals is on an upward rise. A successful event requires a lot more than the people involved it. It is about flawless planning; strategizing, handling finance and getting the logistics work in its favors. A Commerce graduate is often seen as an appropriate fit for Supply Chain or Event Management companies simply because of the skill-sets they get to bring to the table. With a holistic knowledge of how businesses work, a B.Com. graduate hits the ground running as an Event Manager.
7. Among million other things- starting up on your own
B.Com. when topped with a fine MBA, becomes a combination that is relevant across all the industries. Latest trends have shown that Commerce graduates are not just seeking jobs but are creating jobs as well. Be it opening your own travel agency out of sheer passion to travel or simply starting up a bakery shop from your garage, a Commerce graduate with his/her knowledge in Business can run the long mile to scale the next billion-dollar company for the country.
So, while you are on the crossroad of making one of the most decisive choice for our career- we suggest, observe your interests, give room to your passion, and consider your aptitude. No stream is not “good enough”. You just need to know- what is for you!

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Lucknow Jaipuria Lucknow Home

Down the memory lane with Jaipuria Alumnus – Devyani Sinha, Global Head Human Resources, Nucleus Software

Ms. Devyani reminisce the decade back story at Jaipuria “In those days, when we used to enter the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow campus we had to walk roughly a distance of 500 mts. before reaching our classrooms. And during that walk, we used to come across the campus Maggi point, where an old gentleman used make the tastiest Maggi I have ever tasted,” recalls Devyani as she talks about some of the fondest memories from her days at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. As a part of the second Batch of Jaipuria, Lucknow, Devyani Sinha the Global Head Human Resources (VP), Nucleus Software has some amazing stories to narrate. And we could not resist the temptation of gathering around her and sit down over a steaming cup of coffee to hear her talk of what the initial years of Jaipuria, Lucknow was like and how the B-school has evolved in the last two decades.
The Class of 1996-1998 used to study in the class that was situated within Seth M.R. Jaipuria school campus. “ The B-school was at its did not have its own building at that point in time. It was all very new- a new set-up; initial days. It was almost like going back to school days,” mentions Devyani with a bright smile on her face. “And imagine how far we have come now! There is hardly any Ranking in the Indian B-school space that does not recognise Jaipuria Institute of management, Lucknow to be among the leading B-schools of the country today,” adds the alumnus who was taken aback when she had returned to her B-school in the year 2008- a decade after graduating from its premises.
Devyani illustrious career covers TCS, Onicra, Usha Com and NEC’s HR offices prior to taking the office of the Global Head Human Resources VP at Nucleus Software in the year 2017. In fact, Devyani spent 9 years at NEC Technologies India Ltd. as General Manager- HR (Lead) before making the big bold career move. Clearly, she has seen HR evolve as a domain in the Indian landscape and with each change, Devyani has ensured to keep aligning her skill sets with that of her professional goals as well. Starting as a mid-level manager HR in 2000, Devyani has climbed from strength to strength and she thinks- “agility, flexibility and a killer survival instinct are critical to help one find their feet in the world of Human Resources.”
Devyani’s work revolves primarily around looking for strategies and activities around how to increase inflow of talent and how to reduce outflow of talent from the organization. Her work in daily basis includes operational and strategic involvement alongside building business and client relationship. And in all of these “the Jaipuria education comes handy till date because we were taught the fundamental principals of managerial subjects in ways we just cannot forget. There was tremendous thrust upon the concept of learning by practicing. I remember Prof. Luthra who used to pay attention to students’ weak and strength areas individually. In fact, she used to call me during lunch hours and ask me to speak on any topic under the sun for a stretch of 10mins and exercises like that leave long lasting impact in young minds in unimaginable ways.”
Devyani last visited the campus 3 months back and was thrilled by the energy of the students and the pace with which the campus has grown over the years. “I was overwhelmed to see the kind of work Jaipuria Institute of Management is doing to give India some really brilliant leaders of tomorrow,” she says.

Whats New

Stepping Up On The Top Of The List – Jaipuria Institute of Management

National Institutional Ranking Framework or NIRF India Rankings 2019 has been announced. President of India Sh. Ramnath Kovind announced the NIRF Rankings for Indian educational institutes at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi yesterday. In its fourth year of Rankings, the NIRF 2019 has been released in 9 categories – Overall, Universities, Engineering, Colleges, Management Colleges, Pharmacy, Medical, Architecture, and Law.

The parameters on which the NIRF 2019 is based are – Teaching, Learning and Resources, Research and Professional Practices, Graduation Outcomes, Outreach and Inclusivity, and Perception. According to officials, more than 4000 institutes had submitted their data for NIRF ranking this year including all IIMs, IITs, autonomous institutes, government, and private universities.

This year again Jaipuria campuses have performed very well and Jaipuria Insititute of Management Noida, Lucknow, and Jaipur feature in the 63rd, 68th, and 71st positions respectively in the Management Institutes category. Jaipuria campuses performed better in the ‘Teaching, Learning & Resources’ and ‘Graduation Outcomes’ section. These two form the core of any educational institution.

“These rankings reinforce that we are working in the right direction as we keep the student in the center while designing our curriculum, pedagogy, and learning outcomes,” said Dr. Kavita Pathak, Director, Jaipuria Lucknow.

“Recently, Jaipuria Institute of Management has also been certified as a ‘Great Place to Work’ by the Great Place to Work Institute. This again is a testimonial of our focus on our Faculty Members, who are the most important pillar in an educational institution.” Said Dr. DN Pandey, Director, Jaipuria Noida.

“We aim to get into the top 50 list and the triple crown of international assessments, in the next few years,” said Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director, Jaipuria Jaipur.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, Noida, Jaipur, and Indore offers AICTE Approved, NBA Accredited, and MBA Equivalent (by AIU) programs.

NIRF 2019 ranking is can be checked at


5-Ways to Effective Management Education

Management education is about impacting output and seeking relevance.
How can that be achieved?
Shruti joined a premier B-school after struggling through several rounds of selection. She also faced plethora of advises on how to choose a B-school and how to crack GDPI. The amount of information she had to make through was at times so mind boggling that she was not able to decide between advices and between choices. B-schools websites are cluttered with information and most of them do not have clear focus. For a fresher like Shruti it was a kind of nightmare. CAT or MAT, IIM or non-IIM, PGDM or MBA are just few of several dilemma she confronted. Shruti came out victorious and made a right choice not so much because of oversupply of information but precisely because she knew what she wanted to do in life and why she opted to join a business school. Many students like Shruti would know that management education is not just about book-based study program and world class infrastructure but it is more about where it would lead to in terms of life, career and their own wellbeing. There would also be questions like—Whether it would give opportunity to be part of a solution? Whether it would give platform to challenge own self? Whether it would help linking with global community? Shruti would search for affirmative answers to these questions while looking to join a B-school. That is where a B-school like Jaipuria Institute of Management comes out as highly relevant.
Indeed, Jaipuria Institute of Management being a B-school committed to effective management education pays good deal of attention in 5-ways to ensure optimum benefits for management students:
1.Broader canvas of elective choices: New and upcoming areas must be tapped and offered as elective choices. Jaipuria Institute of Management as a progressive understands that and keeps on expanding the elective choices for its students. For example, digital transformation is impacting economy and society not only in terms of scale, scope and speed but also started impacting wellbeing of people. The curriculum on digital business must deal with both its operation as well as impact. A holistic approach to elective offering can make management education really effective.
2. Modes of offering courses must make students feel being part of it: Jaipuria Institute of Management recently experimented with a workshop based model for Design Thinking. Students were engaged in an experiential form of teaching-learning session where they learnt about Design Thinking by practicing through real time projects in a workshop. The experiment was highly appreciated and approved by students indicating an uptick in their understanding of the course. One needs to really question frequently- are we merely teaching in the classroom or are we open to innovative alternative ways of delivery? Workshop and seminar based courses are always great alternatives. Continuous innovation in teaching method and nurturing a mind-set in favour of blended learning (often a blend of off-line and on-line) can enhance effectiveness in a big way.
3.Learning often happens outside the classroom and can change the life of a student significantly: A B-school with conscious plan for capturing the learning beyond classroom can enhance the effectiveness in a lot of ways. Researches suggest that our generation of students learn 60-70 per cent from outside the classroom. A great blend of discussion forum, cafeteria talk, evening peer sessions, field study, on-the-job engagement, extended internship can maximize learning effectiveness. The best part about outside classroom engagement is that learner feels highly engaged and self-driven. The job of institution is to create such learning opportunities and make them both credit and non-credit driven.
4.Do not miss out on the global stage: A business education sans global relevance is not a business education at all. Today, managers are expected to make big decisions for bigger purposes. Unless they understand global norms, global practices, and global policies they are bound to be ruled out for the nex-big promotion. Plus, “life in a suitcase” is amost the norm of the day for successful Management professionals. It is important to be able to cope up in the international stage. Jaipuria Institute of Management has strategic international student excange programmes with top schools and universities across the world including Carelton University (Canada), Eastern Mennonite University (USA), Rennes School of Business (France), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), to name a few. In fact, students recently completed their internship in Singapore and Dubai and returned to their classrooms at Jaipuria Institute of Management.
5.Industry integrated programs for value add: It is not very uncommon to find a MBA/ PGDM graudate today. However, what is uncommon and absolute dear to a recruiter is- the value add that the Management grad brings to the organization. Your PGDM/ MBA curriculum today got to have relevant certifications and value-add courses attached to it. Jaipuria Institute of Management offers Industry integrated programs in collobaration with KPMG, IBM and BSE helping students stay ahead of their peers and ace the game in their respective industries.
It can be reiterated that teaching-learning is a soul-to-soul communication and teacher and learner need to be in great sync to achieve effectiveness of outcome. Adding to that is the relevance of what you are teaching and how!
In a B-school, the process of learning must translate into effective outcome, impacting life and wellbeing of the learner. A B-school should urge its student to question, analyse, question again and then settle for an answer.

Jaipuria Noida Whats New

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida hosted its 11th Annual Convocation ceremony

Hon’ble Union Minister Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, graced the 11th Annual Convocation at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida hosted its 11th Annual Convocation ceremony in the presence of luminaries from industry and academia. Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Honorable Union Minister of Law and Justice, Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India was the Chief Guest for event held on 29th of April. Filled with many highlights and emotional moments, it was truly a D Day to remember for 269 management graduates from the institute.

On this occasion, Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman Jaipuria Institute of Management welcomed the guests and congratulated the students on their achievements. “The enthusiasm with which you will rise and embrace the evolution of the country will define growth of our society and economy,” he said.

Dr. Rajiv R. Thakur, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management presented the Annual Report. It was a year of many remarkable achievements for Jaipuria, Noida, from rankings to research, industry visits to international exposure. His deliberation witnessed a huge round of applause from the gathering. He also encouraged the pass out graduates to carry forward the legacy of the institute and build on their foundation.

The graduates from the institute were then conferred with Diplomas, It was a proud moment for their faculty members, and loved ones as they received their diplomas from the Chief Guest. Vaibhav Jain awarded the Chairman’s Gold Medal while Aakanksha Pokhriyal bagged the Vice-Chairperson’s Silver Medal for their scholastic performances as they stood first and second in the order of merit respectively. Medals were also awarded to meritorious students from each of the streams.

Avinash Pratap Singh was chosen the Overall Best Student for 2015 – 17 for his outstanding performance in academics and other co-curricular activities.

Mr. Gaurav Tripathi, Manager – HR, Gionee Mobiles, who has had a prolific industry career, an alumni of 2009 was conferred with award of recognition 2017- Alumnus Award . He echoed the sentiments of the entire batch in the speech when he said, “I would like to thank the institute and its faculty members for choosing me for this award. I owe my successful career to Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida and I promise to come back and give my 100% to the institute in whichever way possible”. Prof. Ajay Bansal & Prof. Abhijit Nair won the Award of Recognition 2017 Faculty award.

Then it was time for the highly anticipated speech by the chief guest Honorable Union Minister of Law and Justice, Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India . He lauded the institute for its contribution to the Nation by training students in the science of management. He urged the students to, “Work for the betterment of the Nation and choose a career that entails not only your own development but carves a difference in the Nation’s pursuit of excellence, integrity and inclusiveness.”

Shri Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman, Jaipuria Institute of Management presented a Vote of Thanks to the guests and parents of the students. “In order to succeed, it is important that we can continue to learn and adapt ourselves,” were his wise words for the students, who embark on professional journeys with diplomas that will open doors for them. For now though, they reveled in the moment and created memories with friends who had been on the journey with them at Jaipuria, Noida.

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