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“The first stipend of life is always the big deal,” says an excited Ajay, Class of 2015, Jaipuria Institute of Management, currently interning with Marg Compusoft Pvt. Ltd.

Summer Internship Placements (SIPs) are the highlight for management programs because of the real corporate world experience they offer to students. And who better to know that than Ajay Kumar of Jaipuria Institute of Management, who got placed with Marg Compusoft Pvt. Ltd. Interning with a reputable firm in itself is a big deal for Ajay, who grew up in Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand. He believes that his SIP has opened up a world of new experiences. Ajay is working with the company as a summer trainee on a Reseller and Referral partner development project. “Besides that”, he says, “I am also conducting research to determine customers’ opinions on Marg’s product and services. I am also assisting the seniors in designing and executing various marketing campaigns”. As you can see, Ajay feels that his time with Marg Compusoft Pvt. Ltd. is going to become an absolutely fantastic learning experience.

His regular day at work is not only long but filled with challenges, a prospect Ajay thrives on because it offers him an opportunity to grow. “My day begins at 10 am when I report to the head office of the company”, he elaborates. “Then I meet with 10 prospects for a reseller offer. I also have to assist my seniors develop a marketing campaign. Finally, I prepare and mail the daily working reports to the team leader”.

The going might have its ups and downs but Ajay is proud of what he has managed to achieve so far. And he has every reason to be, considering he bagged the internship placement after a rigorous screening process. He had to go through a round of Group Discussions before a personal interview where he displayed his passion for the profile offered to him. According to Ajay, it was this passion that helped him stand out amongst other aspiring candidates.

Ajay is being guided during his internship program by mentor, Mr. Anurag Singh, whose contribution, according to Ajay, is vital. And now, he is keen on making the most of this opportunity: “SIP is the first opportunity for me to apply my classroom learning in the real world. I want to gain valuable work experience and industrial exposure”.

And, other than the handsome stipend he’s earning, does Ajay have any important take-aways from the internship so far? “Hard work never goes unnoticed. If your employer knows you want to be the best at whatever you do, it will help you make an impression more than any resume,” he says wisely before coming back with the parting shot: “And the stipend money will be spent on getting my first fancy Smartphone.” This young man clearly has what it takes to succeed.

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