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CAT Results: What to expect and next steps

Greetings from Jaipuria Institute of Management.

CAT 2021 results are going to be released in the coming week and we are sure you must be eagerly (and somewhat nervously) awaiting them. With the DILR section being on the slightly difficult side this year, we expect scores to come mostly from the Quantitative Analysis section of the question paper.

Date of CAT, 2021: 28th November | Total no. of registrants: 2.31 lakhs

Here are a few tips that will help you to understand the results and prepare for the next stages.

Checking your test score

The process for checking your CAT 2021 score is as follows:

  • CAT 2021 Results with the overall percentile will be sent to the candidates through SMS on their registered mobile phones.
  • CAT 2021 Result in detail can be downloaded from CAT website on the date of CAT 2021 results.

Step 1 is to click on the ‘Download Scorecard for CAT 2021’
Step 2 is to ‘Login to View/Download Application Form/Score Card’. Enter your CAT 2021 registered user ID and password and click on login.
Step 3 is to click on the icon ‘Score Card’ in the next window that opens before you
Step 4 is to click on ‘here’ in the message displayed ‘Click here to download your scorecard’. Your CAT 2021 Scorecard is downloaded and you can now take the print of the same as well.

Understanding your test score

The result of CAT 2021 will be announced in the form of percentile and section-wise & overall scaled scores.

Scaled scores are raw scores (marks scored on the basis of correct and incorrect answers in each section) moderated for the assessed difficulty levels of each slot in which the CAT was conducted. This is done to even out the differences in the difficulty levels of each slot’s test paper. The Scaled Scores of Section-1 (Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension); Section-2 (Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning) and Section-3 (Quantitative Ability) are not additive.

To put it very simply, Percentile scores are a representation of how many people are behind you based on your overall scaled score. For example, if there were 200 people taking a particular test and your score places you in 4th rank. That means there are 196 people who scored less than you. This means that your percentile is 196/200 or 98.

This is what your scorecard will contain:
• Your personal details like Name, Address, Photograph, Date of Birth, Email ID
• CAT 2021 Registration number/User ID – Both should be the same
• Your category – General/OBC/SC-ST
• Gender – Male/Female
• PWD Status
• Date & Time of CAT 2021 exam
• Section-wise CAT 2021 exam Scaled Score and Section-wise CAT percentile score
• Overall CAT 2021 Scaled Score and the overall Percentile score
• Important Instructions related to CAT result
What next

Once the results are announced, each B-school will announce a cut-off score. Interview calls will be issued based on this cut-off. IIMs and Non-IIM member institutions independently decide how to use CAT 2021 scores on the basis of their own selection process. The scores are to be used only for selecting the candidates for their Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) program.

On the basis of the CAT 2021 Cut-off list, the candidates will be short-listed for the second stage selection process comprising of – Group Discussion (GD), Written Ability Test (WAT), and Personal Interview (PI).

Remember that in addition to the CAT score, your Class 10, 12, graduation marks will also count. In addition, preference points are given to certain categories such as female candidates, candidates with work experience, etc.

Make an assessment of the B-schools that you wish to realistically apply to. Your assessment will be based on factors like college rankings, quality of faculty, placement track record, MBA course fees, alumni strength, location, etc.


Of course, you know your CAT score isn’t going to be valid forever. The CAT 2021 result will stand valid only till December 31, 2022. You got to select your preferred B-school by then.

Also, no query regarding the issuance of the CAT 2021 scorecard will be entertained by CAT Centre 2017 after the validity date.

Tips for the admission rounds

Personal Interview (PI): Preparation for PIs involves improving 3 very distinct aspects: a) technical knowledge; b) verbal communication skills (tone, language, diction, etc.); and c) body language (posture, appearance, etc.)

Group Discussion (GD): Preparing for GDs involves developing knowledge about topical events as well as preparing for a hypothetical business situation. To learn how to structure arguments, develop listening skills. Remember GD is not about dominating but convincing. Skills that are evaluated include presentation, listening, comprehension, leadership, and problem-solving.

Written Ability Test (WAT): WAT is about more than just a candidate’s writing skills. Coherency, clarity of thought process, and clarity of expression are tested here. Essays, Statements of Purpose (SOPs), etc. are forms of WAT.

Self-assessment is most important in preparing for WAT. This will help you to formulate your thoughts in a manner that comes through as honest, clear, and logical. Beyond this, being focused on creative writing skills, improving grammar, and practicing sharp writing is important. The best source for all these is reading and practice.

We wish you all the very best in your application journey.
Be ready to crack the right B-School.
With best regards,
Team Admissions
Jaipuria Institute of Management

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How to Prepare for CAT with no Physical Coaching?

We have all been hearing about the term “global crisis” for some time now; through the recession, political turmoils, etc. But this year when the Covid-19 pandemic struck we realized the true meaning of the word. The impact has been universal and in several instances, devastating. If you are preparing for the crucial CAT entrance then you have felt the ripples of the effect too. But as they say, every challenge and crisis also presents an opportunity.
You might have been locked down in the house without access to physical coaching as you prepare for CAT 2021. But you can look at these unprecedented times as an avenue to unlock your true potential and fool-proof your results, which are your ticket to top B Schools in the country. How? For starters, don’t be unnerved by the idea of not getting physical coaching to rely on. There are many instances where CAT aspirants have done brilliantly through self-study.
One of the biggest advantages CAT candidates have during the period of lock-down is that you can solely focus on your preparations. In usual circumstances, you will be juggling several responsibilities including traveling to college, coaching classes, etc. Of course, there are many distractions along the way. But the imposed isolation is an opportunity to open the doors to some of the best management institutes in India through self-study.

Simple Tips to prepare for CAT without Physical Coaching:

  • The Social Dilemma: Yes, we recommend watching the new Netflix documentary by that name; but that’s not what we mean here. Studies have suggested that people’s usage of social media has gone up drastically during the lock-down. While you are isolating at home, make sure you practice some isolation from online platforms as you prepare for the CAT. Self-isolation with self-discipline should be your mantra.
  • Give yourself a break: Usually, it is recommended that CAT aspirations have a strict study plan to get through their preparations in time. But these are not usual times, and be kind to yourself if you are not able to stick to a rigid routine. Give yourself a break when you feel like you need it. Flexibility will be the key to work towards your goal, and remember, it’s also an important attribute for future management professionals.
  • Be the cool CAT: Let’s not underestimate the psychological and emotional impact the pandemic has had on us. As you throw yourself headlong into your CAT preparations try and take time off to unwind. While you follow all safety protocols, you can go out for a walk in the neighborhood or watch a movie, talk to your friends. It will help you de-stress a great deal.
  • Get Material-istic: Yes you are going to be deprived of physical coaching, which is something your predecessors had the benefit of. But now you can pick your study material and make it count for you. Yes, it’s a challenging task but researching the material is also a smooth way of getting acquainted with it. Incorporate video lectures that you can easily find today, into your study material.
  • Study Groups are vital: For CAT aspirants it normally means spending time in the college library, campus, or home, studying together. But now you can take advantage of social media platforms of management educational institutions to widen your scope of study buddies. It’s the perfect platform to brainstorm, understand simple ways to solve certain problems, discuss schedules and issues you are facing. Look at it as a strong support group.
  • Focus on individual sections: It is recommended that you create separate study times for each of your CAT sections. It’s a great time to pick up a novel of your choice to enhance Reading Comprehension and Verbal Ability. The practice is the only way to perfection as far as Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning is concerned. Figure out ways to do mental calculations as you prepare for the Quantitative Aptitude section.
  • Mock it online: If you are preparing for the CAT for the first time then mock tests acquaint you with the exam structure and type of questions to expect. You might have familiarized yourself with the structure with the previous attempt but still, need to assess your preparations before the big days. That’s where online mock tests come into the picture, which can be taken in the early stages of your preparations to modify them accordingly.

Yes, Covid-19 has made physical coaching impossible for CAT 2021 aspirants. But in a way, it has also evened out the playing field. You alone are in charge of your success. Focused self-study offers the silver lining, which can help you claim the golden ticket to the best business schools in India.

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