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Orientation and Induction Program at Jaipuria Indore

Orientation and Induction Program for Batch 2021-2023 at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore organized 12 days Induction and Orientation program starting from 26th July and concluding on 7th August for the newly joined PGDM students to set a tone for their upcoming PGDM journey.

Day 1 of the program began with the introduction of faculty members to the new batch. Further, students were addressed by Dr. Prithvi Yadav, Director -JIM, Indore followed by the speech from Chief Guest Prof. Rajan Saxena, Advisor to Chancellor, NMIMS Mumbai(Former Vice-Chancellor, NMIMS). The program concluded by briefing students about their course curriculum and informing them about the clubs and committees of the institute.

Orientation and Induction Program for at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore

The second day of the program witnessed a session on “Self-Leadership” by Mr. Sahil Nayar – Sr. Associate Director, KPMG India which helped the students in the understanding 3-I approach of Intent, Influence, and Impact of Self Leadership followed by a session on Case-based Learning analysis.

On the 3rd day of the program, invited speaker Mr. Vimal Pandey, CEO-VI John Group deliberated on the theme “Life after PGDM” which was followed by a session on “Learn through Movies”.

Day 4 of the Induction Program was a fun-filled day embracing two amusing events: the “Coolest Jaipuria to be” competition wherein students highlighted their talent and “Jam with our Musical Maestro” where the senior batch students welcomed the junior batch by a Jam session.

Orientation and Induction Program Jaipuria Indore

The program went ahead with its 5th day where three events took place consecutively. The first session was a Guest talk on Research and Analytics by Mr. Ashwini Arora-Executive Director, Market Xcel Datamatrix which was followed by a panel discussion on Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness. Lastly, to give the students a break from the long day schedule, a workshop on Team building was conducted.

Day 6 of the Orientation and Induction Program witnessed Business Orientation Project Presentation which catered to students’ knowledge pertinent to their chosen organization. Following that, an Alumni Guest Talk- Panel Discussion was held to help students embark on their PGDM journey. The event witnessed the presence of alumni from batches 2011-13 to 2017-19 to make students abreast with the latest endeavors in the field. Seventh-day of the program observed a Guest talk by the invited speaker Mr. Harshal Samant- Vice President, JP Morgan. Orientation Induction Program Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore

The program moved forward with a talk on “The Startup Journey ” by Mr. Ravi Teja Palla -Director, Urban Leader on the 8th day, following which an Online Management Quiz was planned to help students brainstorm.

On Day 9 of the Orientation and Induction, a Workshop on Professional Etiquette and Grooming was organised to formalize students with professional nitty-gritties before kick-starting the journey.

On 5th August, marking the 10th day of the program, a Foundation Day celebration took place. On day 11th of the program, a talk on ” Mental Health and Self Awareness” by Mr. Monocha was conducted to make students cognizant of certain aspects related to mental health. The last day of the Induction and Orientation program commenced with an address by Vice-Chairman -Shri Shreevats Jaipuria which was thereafter carried forward by a speech from the Chief guest Mr.Varun Khaitan -Co-Founder, Urban Company. This marked the end of the 12 days Induction and Orientation program paving a path for the PGDM batch 2021-23 to move ahead with a flair of confidence and rise with shining colors.

Jaipuria Indore STUDENT Speaks

Geet Malhotra, Jaipuria Indore 2011-13 Batch – “Jaipuria Indore is a wonderful management institute which focuses on one’s overall development to make one professional and presentable”

When it comes to communication skills, Geet Malhotra is second to none; not just in the Jaipuria Institute of Management fraternity, but in the entire city of Indore. In the past, Geet has worked with leading Radio Channels of the Times Group and Dainik Bhaskar Group. More recently, after joining Jaipuria Indore, Geet was the winner of the Campus Jockey Hunt of MyFM 94.3, held in November 2011. Clearly, Geet is hardly ever at a loss for words; but ask him to describe his experience at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore and you find him tongue-tied. This is not because he has nothing to say, but because he hardly knows where to begin.
“The experience of staying in Jaipuria Indore is actually beyond words. You can only understand the value of life in Jaipuria Indore if you stay here, with the beautiful landscape all around. It’s a fully-residential campus, and living here 24 x 7 with friends, studying and enjoying all the passions of life is absolutely fantastic.”
An Indore-bred boy, Geet Malhotra is a Commerce graduate from the Renaissance College of Commerce and Management, Indore. He is a trained tabla artist and writes, composes and sings his own songs as well.
“Jaipuria Indore is a wonderful management institute, which focuses on one’s overall development to make one professional and presentable. There is immense scope for extra-curricular activities within the campus. Before joining Jaipuria Indore, I had worked as a core team organiser in Ganga Avtaran, an event organised by the Paridhi Art Group in association with the Uttarakhand government. I was able to build on my organisational skills in Jaipuria Indore by being an organiser for the ENCORE 2 Fest and the National Business Olympiad at Jaipuria Indore. Over and above this, I was also the main event coordinator for the student exchange programme across all four campuses of Jaipuria Institute of Management, called MILAN.”
Geet’s exposure to organising large-scale events at Jaipuria Indore came very handy during his summer internship with Zeeco Media Private Limited, where, as the supervisor of an 18-member team, he successfully organised Gulli Premier League in the NCR region. This widely acclaimed event was sponsored by RadioCity 91.1 FM.
Geet Malhotra, who is currently specialising in Marketing at Jaipuria Indore, is looking forward to a career that harnesses his creative as well as organisational skills.

Jaipuria Indore STUDENT Speaks

My experience with Jaipuria has been priceless

My name is Pratham Inani. I was born in Indore and spent 23 years of excitement and learning in this city. For graduation, I did my Bachelor of Engineering from SVCE Indore and alongside that, I was working as Administrator and Manager of “myMO” News and Web-Solutions. Through this experience, I gained three-and-a-half years of experience in education as well as the corporate world. After graduating, I realised that I was born to be a manager and that made me opt for a career in Management; I decided to do PGDM and took HR and Marketing as my Major subjects.
Having some past experience of working in an organisation gave me the signal that I was meant to be a Manager, as I used to do all the work which was done by a Marketing Manager and HR Manager. In a sense, the company gave me the confidence to shift from a technical background to management.
I came to Jaipuria Institute of Management with a dream to learn and to grab knowledge wherever I could get it. My first statement to our professor, Mr. Kanak Gupta was that I wanted to be a manager through practical knowledge and not only through book learning. One year of experience in Jaipuria confirmed my belief that I had picked the right college. College gave me multiple opportunities to prove myself and gave me the chance to improve my skills.
Being in Jaipuria, I got a chance to work in DCB Bank Ltd. as a Summer Intern. My internship was in the field of HR – Recruitments in the city of dreams, Mumbai. The DCB internship was the experience of a lifetime, as it showed me a new aspect of the corporate world. Time management, resource management and professionalism were just some of the basic lessons I learnt through my internship. Apart from these, I observed and learned all the basic HR practices which are used practically in the HR department of a bank.
My project was based on modules and each module focused on a different area. I handled three modules, which were based on Web Designing, Social Media Presence and Daily Assignments of the Recruitment team of a Bank. I successfully completed and submitted each of these Modules and they were appreciated and implemented by DCB Bank.
I completed 60 days of my SIP with valuable contribution and guidance from my Faculty Mentor – Prof. Kanak Gupta, Industry Mentor and Project Guide- Ms. Hamsaz Vasunia (GVP – Human Resource) and Ms. Ashu Sawhney (Head – Recruitments). The full Recruitment team, which included Kamakshi, Alen, Tarana, Priya and Shivendu  also added to the excitement and dynamism of the experience.
The SIP was the best experience I have had in my growing years and it wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of all the working members of the Jaipuria team. I give serious thanks to the Jaipuria Institute of Management for giving me another opportunity to work in a corporate and add to my basket of my skill-sets.
To date, my experience with Jaipuria has been priceless and today I feel confident that in choosing the Jaipuria Institute, I have set out on the path to a successful future.

Blog Jaipuria Indore

Future Corporate houses to be powered by future managers from Jaipuria Indore.

Jaipuria Indore has already made itself well-known as the first B-school in South-East Asia to provide its students a completely digital business management education. Now, in yet another interesting move, it has announced the‘Young Enterprise Mentorship Programme’ or YEMP-CHISEL. As is suggested by the word ‘Chisel’, this programme will help chisel Small and Medium sized companies into corporate houses of the near future. The programme is all set to begin in the first week of September.
“An internship is single-dimensional – a project decided by the corporate house or a task to be fulfilled. But YEMP-CHISEL will be two-way traffic, where students will be equal participants in the decision-making process of a company,” says Kanak Gupta, one of the three faculty members of Jaipuria Indorespearheading the programme.
On the 1st of September 2012, students of Jaipuria Indorewill be organised intogroups of three and will begin a 20-month long association with selectedstart-up companies. The programme will encourage these student groups to act as ‘catalysts’ in the growth of their respective companies. Each group of students will be mentored by a faculty member from Jaipuria Indore for the entire duration. In the first week of the YEMP-CHISEL programme, these ‘catalysts’ will visit their respective YEMPees – as these enterprises are fondly called – and study their business philosophy, model and practices. Based on this feedback, the ‘catalysts’ will then create a roadmap to take their YEMPee to the next level. This roadmap will then be discussed with key members of the concerned company in October. In the beginning of November, these teams will take a viva, submit a project report and make a full-fledged ‘strategy and perspective’ presentation. The YEMPee concerned will be a part of the evaluating process, along with the Director and programme heads of Jaipuria Indore.
“This is absolutely amazing! I had never imagined I’d be a part of transforming a company while studying in a B-school!” says Shravanti from the 2011-13 batch of Jaipuria Indore.
“It is not a training exercise. This is the real deal,” says Jagdish Prabhat, one of the faculty members of Jaipuria Indore heading the programme. “All the faculty members have been engaged as mentors. Progress will be reported every two months, with a review of the work of the catalyst teams by the Director, the programme heads and the YEMPee management. If we are to make managers who will change the face of the Indian economy, we have to do it right now and right here.”
It is hoped that by developing a relationship early on with these future corporate houses, Jaipuria Indore will ensure that its students have a bright and promising future.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Indore

“Training women entrepreneurs for Goldman Sachs was a life-changing experience.”

Professor Priti Bakhshi, one of the best-known experts in entrepreneurship training in the country and a core faculty member at Jaipuria Indore, has just concluded a prestigious consulting assignment with Goldman Sachs. Professor Bakhshi was mentoring women entrepreneurs during this assignment, and feels blessed to have made a positive impact on the lives of the women she was mentoring.
“There were six women entrepreneurs in and around Indore under this programme. The issues with each one were different – financial, operations-related issues and vocational issues, and these were not limited only to managerial problems,” says the professor as she talks about the experience. Professor Priti Bakhshi ensured that these women received over-all grooming in order to face the challenges of their chosen careers.
Professor Bakhshi, who has recently submitted her PhD thesis while carrying out her duties at Jaipuria Indore, has over 14 years of academic, consultancy and industrial experience. She is a certified teacher of  “Entrepreneurship” and “Incubation Set Up” by the National Entrepreneurship Network, and is also trained to teach Business Simulation. She has worked with other B- Schools and organizations such as Grasim Industries and the IPS Academy, and her consultancy services have been of benefit to Goyal Consultants and Sayaji Hotels amongst others. IIT Bombay’s E-cell appointed her as a Mentor for ‘Eureka 50 Entrepreneurs’ and for ‘IndiaPreneurs’ by Indira Business School as well. She has numerous internationally acclaimed papers and publications to her name on the areas of micro-finance, women entrepreneur finance, clean development mechanism and Carbon Credit.
Professor Bakhshi, simply by virtue of bringing in these new avenues of management, is of immense value to Jaipuria Indore. Sometimes, the concepts she teaches are so novel that she has to practice immense patience in getting them across to her students at Jaipuria Indore. What helps is that she has an extremely calm way of communicating. Speaking of her methodology, she says, “I believe in creating an atmosphere that fosters the learning experience. Over any other quality, I prefer an environment where there is a two-way communication.”
Beyond classes in Jaipuria Indore, Professor Priti Bakhshi is actively involved with social work, opting to help the poor without making a public show of it. She believes that helping others without third party intervention always brings a smile to her face.
To her, the time spent at Jaipuria Indore has been an excellent learning experience, especially the digital campus. She feels that it keeps everybody on their toes, and with regular updating of the technology, the learning at Jaipuria Indore never stops, irrespective of whether you are faculty or a student.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Indore

“Training women entrepreneurs for Goldman Sachs was a life-changing experience.”

Professor Priti Bakhshi, one of the best-known experts in entrepreneurship training in the country and a core faculty member at Jaipuria Indore, has just concluded a prestigious consulting assignment with Goldman Sachs. Professor Bakhshi was mentoring women entrepreneurs during this assignment, and feels blessed to have made a positive impact on the lives of the women she was mentoring.
“There were six women entrepreneurs in and around Indore under this programme. The issues with each one were different – financial, operations-related issues and vocational issues, and these were not limited only to managerial problems,” says the professor as she talks about the experience. Professor Priti Bakhshi ensured that these women received over-all grooming in order to face the challenges of their chosen careers.
Professor Bakhshi, who has recently submitted her PhD thesis while carrying out her duties at Jaipuria Indore, has over 14 years of academic, consultancy and industrial experience. She is a certified teacher of  “Entrepreneurship” and “Incubation Set Up” by the National Entrepreneurship Network, and is also trained to teach Business Simulation. She has worked with other B- Schools and organizations such as Grasim Industries and the IPS Academy, and her consultancy services have been of benefit to Goyal Consultants and Sayaji Hotels amongst others. IIT Bombay’s E-cell appointed her as a Mentor for ‘Eureka 50 Entrepreneurs’ and for ‘IndiaPreneurs’ by Indira Business School as well. She has numerous internationally acclaimed papers and publications to her name on the areas of micro-finance, women entrepreneur finance, clean development mechanism and Carbon Credit.
Professor Bakhshi, simply by virtue of bringing in these new avenues of management, is of immense value to Jaipuria Indore. Sometimes, the concepts she teaches are so novel that she has to practice immense patience in getting them across to her students at Jaipuria Indore. What helps is that she has an extremely calm way of communicating. Speaking of her methodology, she says, “I believe in creating an atmosphere that fosters the learning experience. Over any other quality, I prefer an environment where there is a two-way communication.”
Beyond classes in Jaipuria Indore, Professor Priti Bakhshi is actively involved with social work, opting to help the poor without making a public show of it. She believes that helping others without third party intervention always brings a smile to her face.
To her, the time spent at Jaipuria Indore has been an excellent learning experience, especially the digital campus. She feels that it keeps everybody on their toes, and with regular updating of the technology, the learning at Jaipuria Indore never stops, irrespective of whether you are faculty or a student.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Indore

Jaipuria Indore will help you discover how you are built, and help you learn how to play to your strengths,” says, Professor Jagdish Bhagwat, Faculty – Operations, Jaipuria Indore

The first thing that impresses you about Prof. Jagdish Bhagwat is that he has an almost philosophical and karmic view about life in Jaipuria Indore.
“Life is a ‘Learn – Earn – Return’ cycle. I believe that every individual in the first phase of his life learns from society. In the next phase, he needs to earn in order to support his family. Finally, at a later stage in his career, an individual should return, or give back, to society. Academics is probably the most noble way of returning to society.”
A Metallurgical Engineer from MNIT, Jaipur, and an MBA from IMS – DAVV, Indore, Professor Jagdish Bhagwat has accumulated 14 years of industrial experience in Indian & foreign steel plants, having worked with Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd., Pune, Qatar Steel Company Limited, Qatar, ShriIshar Alloy Steels Limited, Indore, and Indore Steel & Iron Mills Limited, Indore. He has also been a part of the management of steel plant projects in Germany and Argentina. His industrial experience covers almost the entire gamut of operations from production management to process control, quality control, product development and customer services departments.
“Prior to Jaipuria Indore, I’ve been with numerous educational institutions over a period of 10 years. There are vast differences between theoretical practices taught in classrooms and actual practices followed in industry. My indian and international experience helps me in educating students about different business practices followed around the world and in managing the cultural differences for global businesses. I try to bring in complicated business situations to my classroom which provides an insight to students about contemporary business practices, and helps students analyse them and develop their solutions.”
Prof. Bhagwat has been a part of the faculty at leading business schools like IBS Ahmedabad, ICFAI University Dehradun, IBS Indore, Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies Indore, and Maharaja Ranjit Singh College Indore. He has been a guest faculty member with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Indore chapter, PT education Indore, and Institute of Management Studies Indore. To his credit, he has organised numerous national conferences, presented research papers, conducted Management Development Programmes for Airtel – Jaipur, and TATA International Limited – Dewas.  He teaches Operations Management, Quantitative Techniques, Business Research, and Marketing Management at Jaipuria Indore.
“Operations management is an integral part of the manufacturing and service industry. The success of any business depends upon efficiently & effectively managing operations. In today’s complex business situations, management executives are required to take conscious business decisions based on past data. Quantitative techniques will help an executive in taking better decisions after a thorough analysis of all facts and facets.”
Professor Bhagwat advises his students at Jaipuria Indore to listen to their inner voice and carry out a self-assessment.
“Operations has immense potential for students who love working with numbers, while students who are extroverted by nature should focus on the nuances of Marketing. Jaipuria Indore will help you discover how you are built, and you should learn to play to your strengths.”

Jaipuria Academics

Jaipuria Indore: learning the 'Paperless' way.

Almost all B-schools have spoken about achieving it. Some have even taken a few steps to inculcate it. But if there is one B-school that has successfully implementedthe dream 21st Century knowledge-society campus – a completely green and an uncompromisingly ‘paperless’ B-school – it is Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore.
The leadership at Jaipuria Indore realised that going ‘paperless’ is less about technology, and more in the minds of its stakeholders. There was no point having the best software in the world if it was never going to be used.  The Jaipuria Indore management raised the stakes and from day one Jaipuria Indore was a fully digital entity. Everything is controlled by Academia – a campus management system integrated with emails and Smart Phones, capable of sending messages via SMS, email and social networking sites. Academia integrates all academic and administrative modules – right from Admissions, to Hostel Management, HR and Payroll, Inventory, Stores and Transport Management. The Time Table, Attendance and Student Information System, all processes are integrated and automated. Course content, media files, class notes, pre-reads, assignments, articles, case studies, reviews and analyses- everything is available on e-reader format, 24/7, across the globe. The faculty members at Jaipuria Indore uploaded – books, case studies, and other resources for research and scholarly articles. Everything is categorized and ready for use.
“Changes! Changes! Changes!” emotes Aditi Sharma. “It is a completely new experience. Everything carefully cultivated over the last 20 years has had to be discarded. This stone will keep rolling for the next two years at Jaipuria Indore but will definitely accumulate enough moss that it will achieve a prominent place in professional and personal life.”
One big change from the ‘normal’ is the Digital classroom at Jaipuria Indore. Students might be on traineeship and faculty members out on consulting assignments; and yet, the show never stops! Classes are conducted and the grades awarded go automatically to the students’ account, the PGP office, and the Admin office for further action.
“This curriculum will help us emerge as leaders who can create new ideas and new markets, as well as constantly design new systems, by using digital-based strategies, processes and operations in all functional areas,” exults Prasad Shejwalkar of the 2011-13 batch of Jaipuria Indore.
No aspect of B-schooling is unaffected by digitisation at Jaipuria Indore; even the administration has had to rechristen itself a ‘digitaladministration.’ At Jaipuria Indore, CCTV cameras lurk at key locations to ensure that the entire campus is visible to those in charge, monitored online and synced with SmartPhones and email. While the Wi-Fi campus is a given, electronic sensors, working on the principle of influence, are the real deal when it comes to avoiding wastage of electricity.
“This is the creation of a completely new ecosystem,” says Rajani Kispotta, a final year PGDM student at Jaipuria Indore, specialising in Marketing. “The most amazing part is that even our examinations in the first and the second semesters were online. For papers like Marketing, MIS and HR, the questions were sent to us through the mail, or through the Academia software, or simply written down on a board. We submitted our answers in a word file.”
Students of Jaipuria Indoreare required to collect their own study material, picking out details and descriptions from the web.Rajani Kispotta says that most of her batch-mates are, in fact, so used to the ‘Google it’ culture now, that when, for the first time they saw a course book in the third semester, they felt they were being caged. They felt as if there were no options available, no variable applications and no endless ideas or views on a subject.
“With books, a student’s mentality is to restrict himself to the instructions of the teacher, or the book itself. But when the material is online, students get into the habit of researching. When we do not understand a word or a line, we search for its significance. An online search inevitably throws up multiple variants and applications, thus adding to our knowledge-base. Thanks to the visionaries of Jaipuria Indore, ‘Google it!’ is the buzzword for us now.”
Social media is a compulsory part of the curriculum at Jaipuria Indore, withstudents constantly exploring it – not merely in their leisure time, but with the purpose of studying it.  While Facebook is used for personal branding,viral marketing,peer connect, competitions, opinion, podcasts, and conducting and attending virtual seminars; LinkedIn is studied for itsindustry connect,  feedback, mentorship, curriculum validation, peek behind the curtain of corporates and for gathering real life case studies. Twitter, of course, is of extreme importance in keeping tabs on the social movements gathering momentum in the digital space.
“Videos and clips of released movies and ads are studied in great detail to explore the marketing strategy and methods. Everysingle feature introduced by Mark Zuckerberg is discussed threadbare. A major change like the ‘timeline’ structure recently introduced, leads to a brainstorming session in our Marketing classes at Jaipuria Indore.”

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