Kick Start your career with India's best Management Institute


As much as it is about gunning for the big jobs, it is about a sound education as well

A PGDM program that is transformative and student-centric in every way.
It’s all happening now. Businesses are changing. Challenges are growing. Opportunities are multiplying. The stakes are high. The important question at this point in time- is your MBA preparing you enough to beat the onrush of the shifting market?
In Jaipuria Institute of Management’s endeavor to make management education- an experience and an opportunity of a lifetime, we try to question, think, analyse, re-imagine and re-create almost everyday, in everything we do. Result? Our students hit the ground running. We do not train them for businesses, careers or jobs. We make them life ready. We teach them to think, learn and evolve which in turn helps them grow, both personally and professionally. With the help of our outstanding faculty and distinguished leadership team, Jaipurians are pushed our students to go beyond boundaries, geographies, thought patterns and practices. We show them the bigger picture, they painted the canvas with colors of their own. As of today, Jaipuria Institute of Management has been instrumental behind creating almost 8200+ socially responsible managers and citizens of the world. Here’s how!
1.Industry Connect: Creating close synergy with industry is our first priority and differentiator. We do it in multiple ways—1. Making industry guest session in regular courses compulsory, 2. Inviting industry professional to conduct workshops, 3. Singing MoU for full course delivery, 4. Ensuring purposeful summer internship in industry, quite often with stipend and a pre-decided project, 5. Conducting training and management development program for industry professionals, 6. Inviting industry stalwarts and experts in Academic Council and Area Advisory Board, 7. Organizing regular industry visits and commissioning live projects, 8. Assigning industry professionals as mentor to students. More than 200 such connect is made available to students in any given year which a huge opportunity for them not only to learn but also to create network.
Industry driven courses are run by IBM (software based analytics), BSE (financial and stock market), KPMG (six sigma and lean management), Thomas Assessment (Assessment centre), Fortis Hospital (Hospital Management), Genpact (Financial standards and reporting).
2.24 x 7 Learning Environment: Learning is divided into three phases—pre-learning, learning, and post-learning. Technology enabled online platform is created as part of pre-learning preparations. Flipped videos on core concept building are made available to students. As part of post-learning reinforcement, students can access recorded classroom sessions through mobile app and moodle platform. The classroom learning is a lot discussion and activities based where students take active part in deliberations. Pedagogies adopted in classroom is aligned to promote active learning. It is evident that learning works well for students when conditions are created in pre-phase and reinforced in post-phase. A bit of care and help offered to students in organizing their learning tends to enhance the possibility by several percentage. Jaipuria understands how learning works for students and how it can be made more practical and hands-on.
3.Beyond Classroom Learning: Learning centricity is all about capturing all possible spaces where students tend to learn, both in formal as well as non-formal mode. Research suggests that 40-60 per cent learning for students occur outside classroom. A range of programs designed to sub-serve the goal of learning, fall outside the classroom. This is indeed important as to how we create engagement platforms for students. Opportunities to lead by example, learning-by-doing, and learning-by-watching make students really take charge of their own learning. Platforms such as Hot-Coffee-Hot-Issues where students discuss on current issues over a cup of coffee, WAVE (Written and Verbal English) where students practice spoken and written English, and Seminar where students present their research work to a larger audience do serve duel objective of capturing learning and enhancing confidence. Discussion Forum and Peer Learning activities do tend to bring in contemporariness and opportunity to bring in day-today happenings into the fold of learning.
4.Global Exposure: Learning from global practices, visiting places and meeting people are indeed very critical for developing personal vision. Jaipuria creates ample opportunities for students to develop vision and macro view for their personal growth. Exchanges and visit opportunities have been created under MoUs with top class institutions in France, South Africa, New Zealand, Dubai, Singapore, Finland, Bhutan, and USA. Our students recently visited France, Dubai, Singapore, South Africa and similarly we received students from US, New Zealand, and France. Our students completed summer internship in Bhutan and created e-marketing plan for rural enterprises. Students from France is studying with us for full trimester exchange and similarly our students are scheduled to visit them for full term. The emphasis is on creating long term exchange opportunity for our students.
5.Outlining Graduate Attributes for life-long-learning: Quite unique to to our MBA program, the Graduate Attributes (GAs) are set to define the outcome in terms of what a student would develop in context to knowledge-skill-attitude (KSA). These competencies transcend beyond the program and tend to inculcate life-long-learning in students.. The graduate attributes are brought down and assimilated into what is called Program Level Outcomes (PLOs). This provides a larger picture about the objective of the program and what the program is expected to achieve. This also provides guideline for curriculum design, delivery and assessment of student learning. This mapping also indicates what Jaipuria as a responsible institute is contributing to the life of students in the pursuit of well being of family, society, and the entire nation.
Our placement testifies the rigour of our MBA program
Jaipuria Institute of Management’s quest for outcome-based education has led to stronger correlations between academic performance and placement performance of students. This is a testimony of the fact that emphasis on knowledge, skills, and attitude and its alignment with curriculum and measurement of learning thereof has resulted in improved student performance. Jaipuria students are able to crack national and international companies with good profile and high package (in the range of 18-20 lakhs per annum).

Jaipuria Noida

Becoming the Territory Manager at FedEx Express – Jadumoni Das, PGDM 2015, Jaipuria Noida

“People. Service. Profit. We call that PSP in FedX and I think I sort of got that right,” says Jadumoni Das pulling away from the gravitas of the question pointed at him. He was in a light-hearted mood and why won’t he! He had just wrapped a long tedious day at work when we arrived at his office with a bunch of questions to ask.
Let us begin by introducing the man. Jadumoni’s native place is in Assam but he was only 18 when he left the beautiful land of eri and muga. He had BBA in mind and WBUT found his application perfect. 3 years in Kolkata, amidst BBA curriculum, internships, assignments and grades, Jadumoni did not forget the bigger picture. He wanted to do his MBA from a B-school that would put him in the map of big things! And, he made it just in time to Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida campus. It was 2013. Yet a lot was left to achieve. To begin with: a top-of-the-line industry placement.
“2 years of PGDM taught me a lot of things but the most important of what I learnt was- to not let go of opportunities,” suggests Jadumoni who started it at the executive level in FedEx and is now the Territory Manager at FedEx Express. He further adds, “just throwing my two penny here- what might often look very trivial and insignificant as an opportunity to you can just be the table turner of your life. The cultural fests, the conclaves, the internships, the golgappa stall at the startup fest, all of it are great deal important. You should and you must be an active participant in everything. These 730 days of your life that you will spend in Jaipuria will decide a lot for you and I vouch from my experience- there are opportunities awaiting you at every door you knock in this b-school.”
Jadumoni outshone other candidates who had sat for the FedEx interview in the year 2015. He had confidence to fall back on but his major enabler was his communication skills. “I carefully chose my specialization and I had picked Marketing & Operations simply because I wanted to settle in a company like FedEx. I honed my theoretical knowledge and complimented it with an internship with ITC” explains the alumnus. ITC was just launching its popular deodorant line- Engage and in the PGDM summer break, Jadumoni took off to Dehradun.
At ITC, he was assigned the task of identifying the loopholes in the distribution channel of the Dehradun region. He also had to figure out the problem set of retailers, maintain the daily sales report (DSR). He covered more then 300 new retailers in Dehradun region within a span of 20 days. “A spirit we are trained to nurture from the beginning at Jaipuria,” adds Jadumoni. At his interview with FedEx, this sheer passion and commitment to work shone out loud! The logistics company immediately hired him.
As a goodbye question, we asked this jocund man- what does he miss the most about Jaipuria life? “My friend Jagpreet Singh and the cricket ground which was very close to the girls’ hostel,” remarks Jadumoni while waving at us.

Jaipuria Jaipur Whats New


The word “Abhyudaya” signifies rising and when one rises, one outshines others. Our Inter-college Annual Fest, Abhyudaya ’18 is the kaleidoscope of creative and managerial skills of the young and enthusiastic managers of tomorrow, out to demonstrate their professional competence as budding managers. It has been planned as a two days mega event full of fun and frolic and a showcase of the very best in the world of Schools & Colleges.

ABHYUDAYA team promises you two challenging days, testing your business acumen, creativity, drama, dancing tunes & gala time on both the days with loads of Bang-Wang, music, and unimaginable fun. We assure of the best of the experiences and hospitality.

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Jaipuria Lucknow Whats New

Eduroomz – A Story of Startup by 5 Jaipurians

Among the myriad tales of start-ups in India is a tale worth telling. This is a story of innovation, dream, tenacity and above all, of relentless motivation. This is the tale of Eduroomz.

“The greatest achievement was, at first, and for a time, but a dream.”
Napoleon Hill (from Think and grow rich)

Eduroomz was the dreamchild of Akshay, one of the 5 Jaipurians from the Lucknow campus who introduced the novel concept of providing classrooms to teachers. The journey of Eduroomz started as Akshay ramped up his team and implemented his idea on small- scale. While Akshay’s dream Start-up was just budding, Jaipuria’s MiDCOM BUSINESS CHALLENGE came as a boon to his team as they were given an opportunity to present their business plan. How could their dreams fail them? They won the title and were awarded a cash prize of Rs. 5 lakhs!

“If you have zeal to succeed, you have all you need to succeed”- is what Eduroomz believe in. Eduroomz provide rooms on rent to teachers who wish to impart knowledge but lack space to make their visions a reality. So if you are a teacher and have students with the desire to teach, Eduroomz has a room for you! The best part is the nominal cost, which is as low as Rs. 49 per hour. As a token to contribute to the society and not hinder the stream of knowledge from flowing, even in absence of monetary benefits Eduroomz is determined to provide rooms of knowledge to the weaker sections of society. So if you see an air conditioned classroom at Rs. 49 per hour (irrespective of the strength of the class), flexibility in terms of timings and independent work space to teachers, you are looking at an Eduroomz!

The Eduroomz team comprises of 5 members. Since it’s a startup by students, role switching is common and in a way this strengthens the team to explore all operational perspectives.

Right from the very beginning, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow has provided an uninterrupted support to Eduroomz. Because the expert team could recognise potential in budding enterpreneurs, be it providing various platforms to showcase a plan, mentorship and guidance, or networking, Jaipuria has been a pillar of support to Eduroomz. Jaipuria has also been working upon the team’s request to incorporate an incubation centre collaborated with the U.P. government.

It’s not that there have not been obstacles in the journey of Eduroomz. When it comes to education, ideas and results often do not coincide. Eduroomz has endured the obstacles and has built up a robust client network. Eduroomz is Lucknow’s well- knit network with well-equipped classrooms, conference halls, computer labs and study lounges. Eduroomz own 50+ properties with more than five thousand teaching slots in a month, where the priority is to provide teaching by experts at affordable prices.

Eduroomz is still experimenting to include other services, planning to expand its horizons over the next decade and create a niche where online teaching is taking over offline classrooms.

The most unanimous message that these young entrepreneurs wish to convey to those who aspire to have a start- up of their own someday is to be assured that no matter how meticulously they plan, their plans will fail, but the key is to plot a new scheme every time the old one is reduced to ashes. They also suggest stepping out and analysing the needs of target customers instead of planning in isolation because the key to a successful start- up is knowing the demands of target population and targeting them. Jaipuria is glad it could provide aid to these young minds and is committed to their success throughout their journey.

Jaipuria Lucknow STUDENT Speaks

Good attitude, coupled with hardwork helped PGDM’s Sulaxmi of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow come a long way

“There is a thing about trust. It helps you achieve great many things,” believes Sulaxmi, the PGDM graduate of Class 2018 of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. Sulaxmi just bagged herself a placement with Capital First and she couldn’t thank her faculty and mentors enough. For her, “had it not been for their unwavering support and the trust of my mother, the journey would have been incomplete.”

From the moment you start speaking to Sulaxmi, you realize, the humility and simplicity with which the girl approaches life. Thankful to circumstances, friends and kins at every step, Sulaxmi happily sidesteps all the personal effort and hard work she has put in her 2 years of PGDM. When asked, what is it that she wants to do with her first salary that she would be drawing from Capital First as a Associate Credit Manager, she remarks “Family first! I want to send them gifts as token of my appreciation. They need to know how important they have been throughout, for me.”

The Kanpur girl wishes to bring to her organization her undying spirit. “I want to stabilize relationships and enhance the levels of cooperation, collaboration, and trust that exist between people by interacting with others personally, competently, and effectively,” she elaborates. But just what kind of training does she have in order to achieve any of it? The classroom pedagogy at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow consists of unique mentorship programme, diversified peer group, highly experienced faculty, strong industry exposure, and individual development programs. These couples with a state-of-the-art campus have helped Sulaxmi rise above her dreams.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

Dr. Dayanand Pandey, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida shares his plan

The newly appointed Dr. Dayanand Pandey, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida shares his plan to make the B School a global force

In the last few years, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida has cemented its place as one of the top B Schools in North India. Stunning placement record, strong faculty, and alumni pool are just some of the factors behind its meteoric rise. It has been keeping no stone unturned in its endeavor to evolve continuously so that its students keep up with the latest industry demands. And now the B School aims to explore new territories with its new Director, Dr. Dayanand Pandey set on building an even stronger global connect than before. With certification programs from London and Switzerland under his belt and teaching stints in India as well as Dubai, he has focused on helping the B School achieve his global ambitions. We find out about his plans in this interview.

A Cutting-edge curriculum for industry-ready students cannot be underestimated

Dr. Pandey brings over two decades of experience in industry and academia to Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. He has seen rapid changes in the industry first hand, especially as the professor of Finance. He believes that if the curriculum doesn’t imbibe the changes, students would be at a serious disadvantage. “As the Director I would like to see how our curriculum can reflect the paradigm changes in the industry. I would also like the curriculum to have a global connect because then we will be able to do students’ profile the justice it truly deserves,” he says strongly.

Strengthening the faculty pool stands among Dr. Pandey’s top to-dos

At Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida Dr. Pandey wants to continue teaching students sharing his experience with them. He realizes the importance of having a strong faculty team to help the B School achieve its goals. While he reminds us that with around 40 faculty members for about 600 students, the faculty team remains strong, he wants to keep enhancing it continuously. “I am trying to create more space for research faculty as it will add to the intellectual base of the institute. Hiring will be a continuous process and I will keep building this valuable resource of the B School,” he adds.

Expect global expansion by leaps ad bounds

Having worked in different countries and global environments, Dr. Pandey is aware that today’s managers should be able to work in multicultural setups. With student and faculty exchange programs, getting International corporate professionals on the campus, he wants to realize the global vision. “I want to make sure that Jaipuria, Noida is connected with the best corporate companies and campuses all over the world. I want the results to show in student intake and placements as well. While our placement record is excellent, it will be good to see more foreign recruiters. So I will look to tap into markets like Dubai, Singapore, and Hong Kong,” he reveals.

A major emphasis on holistic growth

Dr. Pandey strongly believes that having in-depth knowledge of a subject can’t be the only value addition to managers of tomorrow. They need to be strong personalities, who can express themselves in the best possible way. He plans to launch more initiatives for the overall growth of students. “I will always encourage my students to participate in various kinds of activities like debates, case studies, music, sports, drama, and more. At the same time, I want to imbibe values into the students because I think success without ethics can be hollow. One has to look at the long-term roadmap for future managers,” he adds thoughtfully.

And that’s something Dr. Pandey definitely seems to have in place. He believes in giving freedom to his faculty members and students, who will be encouraged to walk in for meetings with him whenever needed. With his experience, global vision, and the open-door policy for feedback he will undoubtedly be opening new doors of success for Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Jaipur

How Social Media & Google Search Can help (or Hurt) you in Job Hunt

Are you out of work? You have to hunt out for job now/ Have to change your job. The first thing that comes to mind when you are looking for a new job is putting together a good CV. Yes, you are thinking absolutely right. But this has today become little old-fashioned. Today internet is quite popular with job seekers. In the earlier days, an only way to know about the candidate for interviewer was to read the piece of paper written by the candidate himself called CV aka Resume aka Curriculum Vitae.

A CV used to be a piece of paper- essentially but played a very vital role in deciding a candidate’s destiny. This paper acted as a guessing piece for prospective employers to know your past, present and identify how as an employee you would turn out in future.

It has been quite some time that the new CV is in the town called – Google. All one needs to do is type your name into search engine of Google, and alas what you see if you are anywhere closer to internet which is likely to be… be it FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, your past and present employers sites or any other world of online media much about this can be visible (based on your privacy controls) and they know about your virtual life in and out. Ironically statistics proves that across the globe 35 % to 66 % people are rejected by employers based on findings through Google about them. The causes of rejection can be anything from bad grammar to spell errors, obscene language to bad words for previous employer, or it can be any incongruous content. At the same time your Google presence creatively; impressive network and demonstrated professionalism ay help you to fetch the job very easily.

Are you zapped? So was I. when I thought about it. Today we just cannot imagine our life without Google. Here’s a small piece of advice for all young aspirants to manage their Google CV well. You can oversee your Google search, Fill in your details completely wherever possible, and magnify your online presence.

1. Oversee

Sketch your own personality. The one you would like to be drawn to your prospective employer. The list of adjectives that add acclaim to yourself needs to be identified. It can vary from being professional to disciplined and hardworking; confident to well connected; trustworthy to cheerful disposition just to name a few. Once you have made up your mind, Go and Google yourself. Go to all the possible pages that are visible on first 50 or 100 searches and edit / delete anything that you may feel contradicts the image you wish to carry out. If you find something contradictory, and you don’t know how to remove the same, use again Google for it. Google definitely had answers for your complicated queries and step by step instructions to follow. Be 100 percent assured that you are the only one who needed this, there are many more earlier than you have already had similar doubts. Pick the latest ones from the search options and follow the same.

2. Fill In

For this piece of portion I advise fill the fill in the blanks wherever possible, even the bullet points, sub points. I mean to say, fill in every minute details possible, until and unless you got solid reason to leave them blank. On sites like LinkedIn, Twitter definitely ensure that you fill it completely and keep it updated, since an outdated profile will only make you unprofessional.

3. Magnify it

How one can increase his virtual aura is important to note. There are several ways to do it.

Blogs: Today people right about themselves, their own thoughts, comments about the world’s latest happenings. If you don’t have one, its ok, start one today based on the expertise you carry and keep updating it on regular basis. Still don’t know how to go about it – again guru mantra is go Google it. There are over 200 million blogs in the world; all one needs to do is to find out how to avoid the identity crisis. Employers generally prefer to see concrete and expert opinions on your blogs rather than philosophical writings.

Twitter: for some writing in 25 words is in thing. Blogs have become outdated for them. Texting and tweeting have become so popular that if you go for it, brevity becomes your identified skill.

YouTube Videos: Many prospective employers wish to see your presentation videos. Use your smartphone to get some videos clicked for you and create your repository on YouTube. You may use various other options available on the internet, but YouTube is the best one that can be utilized.

Forums: the organized groups on the subject matter are formed on the internet and are available on various social networks are the right places to be in. Join the one that fits you apply and where you can speak up on regular basis and demonstrate that you are an expert in the subject/ is a wise decision to get noticed as a specialist through these forums.

After this one can really feel that he/she already had a resume which is just a click away and Googling really going to be an important decision-making attribute.

Dr. Sheenu Jain – She is Assistant Professor, Marketing & Entrepreneurship at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur. She can be reached at

Jaipuria Jaipur Whats New

Learning “Business Strategy” with Bela Badhalia- the CEO of Adbhut Jewellery, a day at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur

Over the last decade, women entrepreneurs have long broken the glass ceiling and have been critical drivers of the economy in India. At a latest industry interaction, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur had the opportunity to hear from the dazzling and dynamic Ms. BelaBadhalia, the CEO of Adbhut Jewels who has been the recipient of multiple awards and accolades in the field of Jewellery design, business and execution.

“In order to fulfill your dreams, you need to dream first. And oh, make friends with the failures,” quipped the speaker while sharing her life experiences to the students. Her speech revolved around the importance of effective strategy to run successful business ventures. “Strategy is an action plan and should be drawn keeping long term perspective in mind,” remarked Bela Badhalia.

Enumerating the challenges poised by the latest economic changes in India, she insisted students to stay in touch with the strategy of the company or the organization they are working with. “I had to change my plans and strategies during the time of demonetization. The sudden government policy introduced limit on monetary value for purchasing jewellery, therefore, I had to almost change the product portfolio within the wink of an eye and it would not have been possible had I not stayed in close touch with the Strategy of my business. You need to align your business goals with the vision you had started the business with, in the very first place.”

She further shed light on various aspects of strategic management by stating importance of setting vision and mission for the organization, choosing a product/service depending upon the market, making detailed analysis of external environment and organizational strengths, and to formulate strategies to meet the desired objectives. She advocated setting SMART goals and to break the long-term goals into annual goals to achieve them.

Bela Badhalia is also known for Dyuti- a start up initiative for generating employment for women in the jewellery industry. Passionately fighting for women rights and fetching means to bring women empowerment, Bela Badhalia’s Dyuti served as a complete inspiration for the PGDM students of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur.

Jaipuria Indore Whats New

111 PGDM students conferred diplomas on the 6th Annual Convocation Ceremony of Jaipuria Indore

Convocation days stay forever in the heart of graduates and April 22, 2018 was one such for Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore students. It was an affair of elegance, poise and absolute motivation- one that saw 111 PGDM graduates taking their diplomas and walking down the aisle- proud and beaming with joy. 2 years passed within the wink of an eye and there was a sense of absolute mirth everywhere. After all, the big day had arrived!

Soft music filled the air. As the clock stroke 1pm, friends and families of the graduates started arriving in the auditorium. The stage looked grander than ever. The hall glimmered with an overwhelming spirit of celebration. The red carpet was spread. There was magnolia and orchids everywhere. Shri Deepak Joshi, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge), Technical Education and Skill Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh was the Chief Guest for the 6th Convocation ceremony.

The clock stroke 1.30pm and the convocation procession entered the auditorium. Shri. Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Group lead the gathering with Chief Guest Shri Deepak Joshi and Guest of Honour- Shri. Satish Borwankar, Chief Operating Officer & Executive Director, Tata Motors Ltd walking beside him. Following the dignitaries were proudly robed faculty and the graduates.

Shri Sharad Jaipuria declared open the Convocation ceremony. Chief Guest, Shri. Deepak Joshi along with the Guest of Honour- Shri. Satish Borwankar unveiled the annual magazine of Jaipuria, Indore- Srijan. The ceremony proceeded with Dr. Harshavardhan Halve, Director, Jaipuria, Indore reading the report for the academic sessions 2017 – 2018.

The report gave an account of all the milestones achieved during the last academic year. The report highlighted the initiatives taken in the area of academic excellence, research projects, management development, faculty development and consultancy projects. “More than 60% students achieved paid internships, a big leap from the figure of 30% last year,” elaborated Dr. Halve. Among top companies which have been repeatedly recruiting from Jaipuria Indore such as Deloitte, ITC, Euromoniter International, Pepsico, Various Banks and Microfinance companies for final placements, 27 new recruiters have been added to the list.

The ceremony progressed by conferring Post Graduation Diplomas in Management to 111 students of PGDM batch 2016-18. Ms. Divya Sethia was awarded the Chairman’s Gold, Solanki Khushal Chaturbhai with the Vice-Chairperson’s Silver and Insiya Ali with Director’s Bronze Medals.

Shri. Deepak Joshi was invited on the podium to deliver the Convocation address. “I congratulate each one of you for being where you are today,” remarked the Chief Guest. He shared his views on leadership and enlightened students about the various skills one must acquire in their journey called Life. He talked of the importance of professional knowledge and competence, vision, courage, integrity, humility and strategic planning which a person should develop in order to become a successful leader. He ended on a note that, “A good leader is the one who takes a little more of blame and a little less of credit.”

The event came to an end with the vote of thanks delivered by Shri. Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman, Jaipuria Institute of Management, to the dignitaries. He also thanked Dr. Harshavardhan Halve, Director, Jaipuria Indore, for being a constant motivation to the students and wished the graduating class- “a glorious future ahead!”

Blog Jaipuria Jaipur

“Challenge the status quo,” says the dynamic Guest of Honour Shri Sanjay Aggarwal at the 11th Convocation Ceremony of Jaipuria Jaipur

May 10, 2018, Jaipur: The auditorium at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur stood decked up with red carpets spread across the floor. Amidst lights, flowers, laughter and music, there was excitement and vivacity at every single corner of the campus. After all, 118 PGDM students of Class 2018 were all set to receive their diplomas and step out in the professional world.
Jaipuria Institute of management, Jaipur looked ever more beautiful on 28th April, 2018- it was time for the 11th Convocation of the B-school.
With 10 more classes having graduated from the institute ever since its inception, Convocation has always been a regal affair. Students’ parents and families fly down from all across the country with Chief Guest and Guests of Honour making the occasion, even more special.
Leading the student procession was Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Group. Walking beside him was the young and dynamic Chief Guest- Shri Sanjay Agarwal, Managing Director AU Small Finance Bank Ltd. Following them were the faculty of the B-school. The clock stroke 11.10 am and the Stars of the Ceremony appeared, robed and in their graduating caps- walking down the aisle for one of the very special days of their lives. It was a spectacle to behold!
Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur presented the academic report for the year 2017-2018. Placements, industry interfaces, experiential learning opportunities, paper submissions, thesis work, workshops, researches, industry visits, etc. ear marked the academic year of 2017-2018. Class 2018’s placements saw students being picked by some of the marquee brands of the country and many of them successfully complete paid industry internships during their PGDM. The Convocation Ceremony also awarded the Best Faculty and Best Alumni of the year!
Shri Sanjay Agarwal, Managing Director AU Small Finance Bank Ltd. conferred the Diplomas to the graduates. He took the podium amidst thundering applause and started at a heart-warming note, establishing instant connections with the students. “You are all ready with presentation and speaking skills, after all your 2 years of PGDM journey has prepared you for it however, I have been away from this for a while, 25+ years you see,” exclaimed the dynamic speaker on the stage. His speech became even more endearing when he mentioned- “Whatever we are, we are product of our choices. Make yourself competitive. Challenge the status quo and remember, there is no perfect world. You make your world perfect.” By the time, Shri Sanjay Aggarwal concluded his Convocation address, there was an absolute sense of thrill in the eyes of the young graduates- their eyes shone with the hopes that the future upholds.
The Ceremony came to a successful completion with Shri Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman, Jaipuria Institute of Management delivering the Vote of Thanks. Flashes from camera, hugs, compliments, food and merriment took over the noon thereafter.

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