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Shri Paras Kuhad, Additional Solicitor General graced the sixth annual convocation at Jaipuria Jaipur

Jaipuria Jaipur organized its sixth annual concvocation on May 18, 2013 . The Chief Guest for the occasion was Shri Paras Kuhad, Additional Solicitor General, Govt. of India. The convocation commenced with the lighting of ceremonial lamp and invocation to Goddess Saraswati. Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman Board of Governors, welcomed the Chief Guest, Members of the Academic Council and Board of Governors, Parents of the graduating students and the distinguished guests.

Gracing the occasion, Honorable Chief Guest, Shri Paras Kuhad began with offering his congratulations to all the students who were conferred their degrees. He said “Learning is a continuous process. We should crave for learning with application of our knowledge to raise the social levels of the down trodden and in the betterment of society.” He reiterated “The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.” He said, integrity is the biggest necessity for your holistic growth, for your continuous and everlasting success, for your cheer and happiness and for your emotional and spiritual fulfillment. He strongly advocated that one should be 100 percent honest and even a little bit of dishonesty shall not take one to the success ladder. He also said that one should be passionate about whatever one is working on as one shall not be lucky enough to get on to work every time on one’s passionate job.

Further he advised the students on the art of living. He said, “Remember to enjoy the little things, for one day we may look back and realize those were really the big things. I believe life is in the details. Simple pleasures throughout the day can be far more gratifying than that one amazing weekend. When you connect the dots between all these little joys, life seems fuller and more satisfying.”

Finally, he wished that each one turn out to be integrated individuals, laden with values and a sense of responsibility towards the institute, nation and society as a whole.

Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman of Jaipuria Institutes of Management, in his message to the graduating students said “We too need corporations and managers who adhere to the triumvirate of Indian values: Satyam-(Truth), which is the ethical component of business; Shivam- (Welfare), which should be the economic objective of business; Sundaram- (Beauty), which should be aesthetical outlook for business: aesthetics here does not imply physical beauty but purity of ideas, morality in behavior. In the ultimate analysis what matters is whether truth prevails in the end and it has happened. He emphasized do not forget that the noble values of caring, sharing, service and sacrifice has kept our society away from dangers of extinction and made it energetic at all times. As inheritors of a society which mushroomed great values for life and a deep concern for human development, you should intensely pursue for further deepening and broadening your knowledge, learning to experience the power of collective team work, and always be guided by higher values that you believe in.

Dr. Pankaj Gupta Director General, Jaipuria Institutes of Management, in his message to the graduating students said “Life’s biggest battles don’t always go to faster or stronger man,… but the man who thinks he can.’ If you are sure about your success & dreams, it is definitely going to manifest, as per the Universal ‘Law of Attraction and Belief’. The clarity of your vision will decide how far you can go in your career. Your passion will determine the strides you will make and your world view will determine the route you may take to get to your destination. You will have to carve out your own chartered path to glory and you must create your own mandate for growth. Toughen up your body and soul, fuel your passion to excel and be prepared to walk through the stony path. Invest yourself in these 5 areas on a daily basis “SPICE” – Spiritual + Physical + Intellectual + Community + Emotional. Also, find time to relax, smile, do some random act of kindness, and above all be grateful for what you have got; always feel grateful to your parents, guru’s, your company, your bosses, your peers, your colleagues. So this feeling of gratefulness will get more and more bliss and happiness in your life. He wished the students very best in their professional endeavours.

Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director, Jaipuria Jaipur presented the progress report and outlined the growth of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur in terms of institute’s improved rating, ranking and placements, expanded infrastructure and intellectual capital, research contributions, executive development and other significant academic milestones. He congratulated the students and advised them to be good brand ambassadors of the institute. Dr. Prabhat Pankaj shared a couple of motivating thoughts for the graduating students. First he said, “Face trouble, don’t flinch.” Never try to dismiss the problem or shy away from it. Second he said, “Keep the child alive in you.” Like children try to be your own best friend. Give yourself positive recognition and be as simple as a child.

26 students of PGDM batch 2011-13 were awarded diplomas and the meritorious students were awarded medals and certificates.

Shri Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman of Jaipuria Institutes of Management proposed a vote of thanks. He thanked Shri Paras Kuhad, members of the Board of Governors and Academic Council, faculty, staff and all the distinguished guests, especially the parents of the graduating students. He felicitated the students and advised them to remain eternally young by being open to new progress, new improvement and new transformation.

The ceremony culminated with the singing of National Anthem. It was a day of fond remembrance and achievement for the young management graduates who received their degrees in the ceremony with the Board of Governors, the Director, the faculty members and the proud parents in attendance. Students were upbeat and expressed their elation by throwing their hats up in the air.

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Jaipuria Lucknow STUDENT Speaks

“Being a science student, accounting and finance were new to me. But the faculties, and my batch-mates at Jaipuria Lucknow, helped turn them into my strength.”

“During my first year at Jaipuria Lucknow, I realised that my inclination was more towards Finance subjects. I enjoyed picking up all kinds of information about Finance from the newspapers, TV, Internet or discussions with colleagues at Jaipuria Lucknow. By the end of the first year, I had decided that I would specialise in Finance. Banking became my dream sector.”

In 2011, Jayanti cracked her summer internship with the Union Bank of India regional office, Allahabad. Her project was ‘Assessment of working capital requirement of export finance with special reference to carpet export’.

“My project mentor at Union Bank of India was Mr. Sanjay Narayan, Senior Manager, Credit. Under his guidance, I was able to learn a lot about Banking Finance, which further strengthened my interest and inclination towards Finance. The best part was that if I needed some clarification, I could pick up the phone and call up my faculty guide at Jaipuria Lucknow, regardless of the time of day.”

This summer internship played a major role in grooming Jayanti for the banking sector; not just in terms of knowledge about finance, but practical exposure to the sector as well. It prepared her well for the placement season in Jaipuria Lucknow, especially her interview with Oriental Bank of Commerce.

“The interview panel initially asked me to introduce myself and there were some questions regarding my family and educational background. This made me quite comfortable with the interview. Then, there were some questions on finance subjects, but very soon the interview turned into a discussion on my summer training project. Once this happened, I was able to take the interview to a desirable conclusion.”

Jayanti believes that ‘being confident’ is the mantra for facing any interview. She feels that the placement process is a mix of success and failures; patience and determination is necessary to succeed. Ultimately, hard work always pays.

“Being a Science student, Accounting and Finance were new to me. I did face some difficulties but gradually, with the help of faculty, the well-managed teaching pattern and my batch-mates at Jaipuria Lucknow, I was able to turn these subjects into my strength. During the placements, extra classes were conducted to align us with the expectations of the industry, which proved to be very useful.”

Jayanti believes that life in Jaipuria Lucknow is absolutely amazing; she feels it has completely shaped her professional path as well as her personality. She fondly remembers Talaash, a fest which is more like a talent hunt from among the first year students. Over her two years at Jaipuria Lucknow, she participated in numerous events, and won the 2nd prize in badminton. As a member of the alumni committee of Jaipuria Lucknow, she had the privilege of coordinating alumni meets for various chapters.

All in all, Jayanti is very happy with the decision she made about studying here at Jaipuria Lucknow.

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“An empowered employee gives his best"

Mr. Paritosh Vaishnav, Senior Executive (Human Resources) Gravita (India) Ltd., a leader in the lead battery business, delivered a guest lecture on ‘Managing Global Teams’ to second year students of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur on February 3rd, 2012. When asked about getting the best out of an employee he said, “An empowered employee is a responsible employee who gives his best. Rewards are just the consequence.” Since Gravita is an MNC, he spoke about managing teams in Nigeria, South Africa, Europe, and USA,and also discussed cross-cultural issueslike traditions, communication, dress, food, languages, and different greeting styles.He also touched upon the legal, environmental and social aspects of business in different areas. The discussion concluded with a comparison of workforce expectations from Asia, South Africa, Europe and America.
Gravita (India) Ltd came to Jaipuria Jaipur for recruitment two years back and is expected to make a visit in the near future as well.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Jaipur

Thanks to the Jaipuria Jaipur faculty, i got three promotions in a short span of two years in info edge India limited

Nitin Kalani is undoubtedly the most active alumnus of Jaipuria Jaipur. Ever since passing out of a couple of years ago, he has been in constant touch with his seniors, batch-mates and juniors from Jaipuria Jaipur and has hardly missed out on an alumni meet.
“I actually enjoy being active on social media as well as hanging out with my colleagues. It is quite nice that it is a part of my job now as the President of the Alumni Association of Jaipuria
Jaipur,” Nitin says with a smile.
Nitin’s batch-mates as well as teachers from Jaipuria Jaipur remember him as someone who always gave a 100% to whatever he did. No wonder, then, that in a short span of 2 years, Nitin Kalani has seen three promotions in Info Edge India Limited.
“I joined Info Edge as a Senior Executive, and was promoted to Assistant Manager, then Deputy Manager, and am currently working as a Manager – Corporate Sales.
Nitin gives the credit or his steep rise up the corporate ladder to the liberal learning methods employed by the fantastic faculty of Jaipuria Jaipur.
“Whatever I’ve learnt in my 2 years at Jaipuria Jaipur still helps me face the challenges and clear the hurdles in my professional as well as personal life, on a daily basis. The beautiful infrastructure and a fantastic set of batch-mates – who brought in their unique talents and culture from different parts of country – provided a great learning atmosphere. The corporate communications and marketing classes were the ones which I enjoyed the most, especially the live case studies.”
Nitin says that he misses Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur for more than one reason -the beautiful location with scenic views, the classrooms and the lecture theatres at Jaipuria Jaipur, equipped with the latest computers and projectors.
“What I miss the most is the always-ready-to-help, world class faculty of Jaipuria Jaipur. It includes senior professionals with a rich industrial background, and guest lecturers from acrossIndia. We learnt a lot from the regular seminars, and we also had the opportunity of learning in the field through the renowned Jaipuria Institute of Management corporate interface.”
He advises the incoming batches of Jaipuria Jaipur to enjoy the ‘Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur experience’. He is confident that just like him, students who are able to avail of the ample theoretical, practical and field knowledge at Jaipuria Jaipur will not only be able to cope with the present corporate challenges, but will actually excel.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Jaipur

Thanks to the Jaipuria Jaipur faculty, i got three promotions in a short span of two years in info edge India limited

Nitin Kalani is undoubtedly the most active alumnus of Jaipuria Jaipur. Ever since passing out of a couple of years ago, he has been in constant touch with his seniors, batch-mates and juniors from Jaipuria Jaipur and has hardly missed out on an alumni meet.
“I actually enjoy being active on social media as well as hanging out with my colleagues. It is quite nice that it is a part of my job now as the President of the Alumni Association of Jaipuria
Jaipur,” Nitin says with a smile.
Nitin’s batch-mates as well as teachers from Jaipuria Jaipur remember him as someone who always gave a 100% to whatever he did. No wonder, then, that in a short span of 2 years, Nitin Kalani has seen three promotions in Info Edge India Limited.
“I joined Info Edge as a Senior Executive, and was promoted to Assistant Manager, then Deputy Manager, and am currently working as a Manager – Corporate Sales.
Nitin gives the credit or his steep rise up the corporate ladder to the liberal learning methods employed by the fantastic faculty of Jaipuria Jaipur.
“Whatever I’ve learnt in my 2 years at Jaipuria Jaipur still helps me face the challenges and clear the hurdles in my professional as well as personal life, on a daily basis. The beautiful infrastructure and a fantastic set of batch-mates – who brought in their unique talents and culture from different parts of country – provided a great learning atmosphere. The corporate communications and marketing classes were the ones which I enjoyed the most, especially the live case studies.”
Nitin says that he misses Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur for more than one reason -the beautiful location with scenic views, the classrooms and the lecture theatres at Jaipuria Jaipur, equipped with the latest computers and projectors.
“What I miss the most is the always-ready-to-help, world class faculty of Jaipuria Jaipur. It includes senior professionals with a rich industrial background, and guest lecturers from acrossIndia. We learnt a lot from the regular seminars, and we also had the opportunity of learning in the field through the renowned Jaipuria Institute of Management corporate interface.”
He advises the incoming batches of Jaipuria Jaipur to enjoy the ‘Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur experience’. He is confident that just like him, students who are able to avail of the ample theoretical, practical and field knowledge at Jaipuria Jaipur will not only be able to cope with the present corporate challenges, but will actually excel.

Jaipuria Jaipur STUDENT Speaks

“Seniors staff at Jaipuria Jaipur are always available and supportive.”

Srijit Saha, a second-year student at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, is a true all-rounder. As a tabla-artist, Srijit has won the admiration of many audiences in various events at Jaipuria Jaipur. A Kolkata boy, Srijit played football for his college, from where he did his BBA. He is also a key member of the Jaipuria Jaipur volleyball and football teams.Srijit also excels in Business Studies, and is a part of the placement committee of Jaipuria Jaipur.
“Since an MBA degree opens up many opportunities for good jobs, I decided to study management. I chose Jaipuria, because it’s an established brand, with a good faculty and placement record. Before joining, I had a detailed conversation with the placement co-ordinator at Jaipuria Jaipur as well as a few seniors, and I realised the immense industry interaction as well as placement opportunities.”
Barely a few months away from getting his management degree in Banking and Finance, Srijit feels that Jaipuria Jaipur has helped him understand his capabilities and focus on what he wants to do in life.
“The help and guidance of the faculty have been instrumental in helping me understand my strengths. Due to this, I have become a very positive person and have developed patience and a friendly nature.My dream job would be in the Bank of Baroda, or else the FMCG industry. Thanks to the summer training placements at Jaipuria Jaipur, I’ve already had the opportunity of interning with ITC.”
Srijit strongly recommends Jaipuria Jaipur as a B-school that focuses on all-round skills in individuals and brings the best out of its students.
“My most memorable time was when a friend and I won the first runners-up trophy for the Peace Contest – a quiz contest organised in the inter-college festival at Jaipuria Jaipur. As a hosteler too, I’ve enjoyed every moment of my time there.”
A few months away from getting his PGDM in Banking and Finance, Srijit is emphatic that the Jaipuria faculty is friendly, supportive, helpful and available even on the phone. “The top-most authorities in Jaipuria Jaipur interact with us and take feedback too,” he concludes.

Jaipuria Jaipur Placement Update

"The faculty at Jaipuria Jaipur ensured that I got a good placement by keeping me motivated to deliver my best", says Nitish Khanna

Everyone who knows Nitesh Khanna is celebrating his entry into the corporate world. Nitesh has been successfully placed with the Oriental Bank of Commerce on-campus at Jaipuria Jaipur. His designation is that of a Specialist Officer, Marketing, and he will be starting his career with Oriental Bank of Commerce on the 30th of July 2012. Nitesh feels that had it not been for the support of the great faculty at Jaipuria Jaipur, he could not have come this far.
“The placement season in Jaipuria begins in November. Quite a few of my batch-mates were placed in the first month itself, but I wasn’t. Had I been in any other B-school, I would have been easily demotivated, but thanks to the support and faith the faculty at Jaipuria Jaipur had in me, I finally cracked Oriental Bank of Commerce in April 2012. During these 5 months, they never allowed me to be demotivated. I owe this fantastic profile especially to Professor Anvay Bhargava, the placement co-ordinator, and also Professor Sheenu Jain, who motivated me continuously and did not let me lose my positive frame of mind.”
Nitesh credits the Placement Cell of Jaipuria Jaipurfor being super-active right from the beginning of the session. They organised ‘mock’ GDs and interviews, personality development programmes and sessions on interview techniqueswith delegates from various institutes. Apart from that, he feels that the numerous events as well as the overall environment at Jaipuria Jaipur make learning very easy.
“Our annual fest, Abhyudaya, provides students of Jaipuria Jaipur with a tremendous opportunity to put into practice all that we learn in our classrooms. This time too, Abhyudaya was a grand success. I had the fantastic opportunity to organise two events and they came off really well, which was a great confidence booster for me.”
Nitesh is now looking forward to put all his learning at Jaipuria Jaipur to good use at the Oriental Bank of Commerce.

Jaipuria Jaipur Placement Update

What matters most during the placement process is your attitude. At Jaipuria institute of management Jaipur, it is this attitude that is cultivated.

Anuj Singh, who specialised in Marketing as a part of the 2010-12 batch of Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, was placed on-campus with the Indian Bank as Assistant Manager Marketing. He feels that sustained effort by the faculty and discussions and debates with batch mates from varied backgrounds at Jaipuria Jaipur is what helped him get through.
“The placement process has three major parts – written tests, group discussions and panel interview or personal interview. At the Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, we were put through a series ofindividual activity programme, numerous panel and one-on-one interviews and group activities like group discussions and group performances, to ensure that we made it. The faculty at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur is fantastic! Not only do they help you work on your weaknesses, but guide youon how to use your individual strengths and skills to the best advantage.”
Anuj is of the opinion that while the placement system at Jaipuria Jaipur takes care to prepare one mentally for the interviews, ‘honesty is the best policy’ would be the best approach when being interviewed. He advises his juniors at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur to be especially careful about not speaking unnecessarily during the group discussion.
“Speak for impact in the GDs,” is Anuj’s message to the current students at Jaipuria Jaipur. “A lot of people simply try to talk as much as they can during GDs, without making much impact; you only stand to lose by doing that. Go in with a positive mind-set. If there’s one thing that matters the most during the placement process, it’s your attitude. At Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, more than anything else, it is this attitude that is cultivated.”
Anuj is confident that this winning attitude developed at Jaipuria Jaipur, will help him achieve even greater heights in the corporate world.

Jaipuria Jaipur Placement Update

What matters most during the placement process is your attitude. At Jaipuria institute of management Jaipur, it is this attitude that is cultivated.

Anuj Singh, who specialised in Marketing as a part of the 2010-12 batch of Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, was placed on-campus with the Indian Bank as Assistant Manager Marketing. He feels that sustained effort by the faculty and discussions and debates with batch mates from varied backgrounds at Jaipuria Jaipur is what helped him get through.
“The placement process has three major parts – written tests, group discussions and panel interview or personal interview. At the Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, we were put through a series ofindividual activity programme, numerous panel and one-on-one interviews and group activities like group discussions and group performances, to ensure that we made it. The faculty at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur is fantastic! Not only do they help you work on your weaknesses, but guide youon how to use your individual strengths and skills to the best advantage.”
Anuj is of the opinion that while the placement system at Jaipuria Jaipur takes care to prepare one mentally for the interviews, ‘honesty is the best policy’ would be the best approach when being interviewed. He advises his juniors at Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur to be especially careful about not speaking unnecessarily during the group discussion.
“Speak for impact in the GDs,” is Anuj’s message to the current students at Jaipuria Jaipur. “A lot of people simply try to talk as much as they can during GDs, without making much impact; you only stand to lose by doing that. Go in with a positive mind-set. If there’s one thing that matters the most during the placement process, it’s your attitude. At Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, more than anything else, it is this attitude that is cultivated.”
Anuj is confident that this winning attitude developed at Jaipuria Jaipur, will help him achieve even greater heights in the corporate world.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Jaipur

Ienjoyed every sphere of life at Jaipuria Jaipur

For Vibhor Pareek, currently an assistant manager (liabilities) at IDBI Bank, Kota branch, an alumnus of the 2-year full time Post Graduate Diploma in Management at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, life at Jaipuria Jaipur threw up one lesson after another. Vibhor fondly remembers his teachers and peers; whom he terms as ‘great’ and says they made his journey at Jaipuria memorable. “I am extremely happy and proud to know about Jaipuria’s progress. As a part of the first batch, the struggle had its own element of fun element and was a unique opportunity for training,” says Vibhor.
As management students at Jaipuria Jaipur, he and his classmates had access to reading material from foreign authors, which students from other schools did not. About his days at Jaipuria Jaipur, Vibhor says, “Each and every one of us was placed really well. I have enjoyed every sphere of life and I cherish those moments as we had amazing visiting faculty.”  He particularly feels that the principles of human resources and organizational behaviour which he learnt at Jaipuria Jaipur were very useful and so was his summer training at UTI Mumbai (arranged by Jaipuria Jaipur).
Abhyudaya, a popular Inter-College Annual Fest at Jaipuria Jaipur taught him to rise to the occasion. The invigorating festival gave him an opportunity to imbibe knowledge from corporate honchos and industry analysts. “This management festival provides a real-life learning platform to the students of Jaipuria Jaipur as they are involved in it right from planning to execution. The event gives them an opportunity to build up the strength, creativity, skills and all that they need to scale great heights,” says Vibhor. Cases, classes, group assignments and deadlines were all important aspects of the course. “There is enough on campus to keep everyone engaged; still you never feel tired and, in fact, you yearn for more,” says Vibhor.
Vibhor’s grounding in Jaipuria Jaipur stood him in good stead in his professional life as well. “The journey in terms of my career has been very fulfilling. The majority of the credit goes to Jaipuria Jaipur. The teaching, training, exposure and guidance at Jaipuria Jaipur created an accelerated growth graph. I have handled corporate banking as well and now am in liabilities,” he says. No wonder the key learnings and take-aways from his 2-year stint at Jaipuria Jaipur are integrity and honesty in professional life, understanding HR & organisational management and learning from mistakes and failures. He cherishes the time spent with his batch-mates at Jaipuria Jaipur. “I do stay in touch with about 4-5 people via social networking and would love to be in touch with many more but life’s busy nowadays and I don’t get time,” he adds. Coming from an alumnus, these words do indeed speak volumes about Jaipuria Jaipur.

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