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Jaipuria’s PGDM Service Management brings in bright career for students

The PGDM in Service management at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida & Jaipur brings in lot of fulfillment for the first year students. Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur campus is the only institute in Rajasthan to offer specialized program in service management. The strategic collaboration of Jaipuria Institute of Management with corporate bigwigs like KPMG, BSE, and IBM for course delivery, prepares professionals for the burgeoning industry.
With enhanced foreign investment flows, the sector that covers trade, hotel and restaurants, storage and communication, financing, insurance, real estate, and construction services is set to grow further. It has created a major demand for skilled professionals, who can take on decision-making roles in the industry. The PDGM Service Management program offered by the B School aims to fulfill that demand by bridging the gap with the industry.
After the stupendous success of Service Management program at Jaipuria Noida campus it was introduced at Jaipur Campus. Renowned industry names like Landmark, Oppo, Vivo, Wipro GE, Amazon, Lava, HDFC Bank, Yes Bank have already recruited graduates of the programs from different campuses. Moreover, the results after the first year of the program at Jaipuria Institute of Management keep up with the promising trends. Students bagged internships with top Indian and International MNCs including the Landmark Group. At the heart of the success of the program is the industry-oriented curriculum that has been designed to give students the cutting edge advantage in their specific areas of interest. They can gain specializations in Consulting, Retail, Ecommerce, Banking as well as Rural Marketing sectors. It enables them to drive their future careers in their areas of interests.
Sharing his vision on innovative culture and success, Dr,. Prabhat Pankaj, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur says, “PGDM in Service Management at Jaipuria Institute of Management is a major contributor of skilled professionals to the service industry in India. Our aim is to empower all our students to shape defined careers in the field of their choice.”
International collaborations with international universities of Jaipuria Institute of Management offer their own benefits. Students have the opportunity to be mentored by foreign faculty members as well as gain International exposure at top universities through student exchange programs. That’s how at the end of the program, they seamlessly transition from classrooms to global boardrooms.
All aspirants who wish for that career trajectory in the massive services industry can apply for the program at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida & Jaipur Campus. It can be the gateway to flourishing careers that will be much sought after in times to come.

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Shri Rajnath Singh, BJP National President addressed 7th Annual Convocation at Jaipuria Noida

Noida, May 05: The Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida hosted its “Seventh Convocation Ceremony” on Sunday, May 05, 2013 for 118.graduating students of PGDM (2011-13) Batch, 39 graduating students of PGDM Services (2011-13) and 24 graduating students of PGDM Marketing (2011-13) Batch.

Shri Rajnath Singh, National President BJP and MP delivered the convocation address to the enthusiastic gathering. Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman of Jaipuria Institutes of Management awarded the diplomas to all the graduating students while the chief guest, Shri Rajnath Singh, handed over the Chairman’s Gold and Vice-chairperson’s Silver medals to the top achievers amongst the graduating students for their academic excellence in the presence of members of Academic Council, corporate dignitaries, faculty, staff, family members, friends and members of the press.

Gracing the occasion, Shri Rajnath Singh, said that he was quite delighted to address the young diploma recipients of the institute and urged the students to follow three rules in life always. The rule of no difference between words and deeds, the rule of hard work with right intention and lastly the rule of having a large heart always. He added that the there is a direct relationship between the largeness of heart and the maximization of happiness. According to him real spiritualism lies in living a kind and large hearted life which has no place for I, me and myself. He also requested the students to think about why the Indian culture is accepted and recognized as the best culture in the whole world? He gave a very small example to explain this further by saying that if western students would be asked , Who is the greatest King on earth and Why?, they would take names of people who have earned a lot of wealth and land. But if Indians are asked the same question their answer will mention kings like Raja Ram or Raja Harishchandra who were great in deeds and character. He ended his address by asking the students to always follow the path of sacrifice, hard work, strong character and dedication in life.

Shri Sharad Jaipuria in his welcome address extended a warm welcome to Mr. Rajnath Singh and congratulated the students on successfully completing their Post Graduate Programme in Management. Speaking on the occasion, he urged the students to adopt a culture of Hard Work, Integrity and Diligence in their profession. He added that there is no substitute for hard work, and core values of hard work, determination, and commitment should always guide the students towards finding their purpose in life and achieving their goals. He gave examples of India’s most successful and towering business leaders and Chief Executives coming from modest circumstances, who worked hard for everything in their lives but were able to transcend their circumstances and thrive.

Dr. Pankaj Gupta Director General, Jaipuria Institutes of Management, greeted all the fellowmen present at the venue and elaborated on the principles of KASH i.e. knowledge, attitude, skills and habits & SPICE which is a combination of Spirituality, Physical, Intellectual, Community and Emotion. According to him if followed these could be success enablers for students. He also said that one should choose one’s career on the basis of Interest, Skills and Belief so that maximum output can be delivered.

He urged the students to work in the true spirit of being a professional and quoted Subroto Baghchi from his book, The Professional, “ Professional is somebody who works unsupervised, who is proactive and he/she is the one who declares completion of any task as per his/her standards”.

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Thakur, Director, while presenting the Progress Report of the Institute described the year 2012-13 as an ‘eventful year full of excitement, learning and progress’. He very happily shared that Jaipuria Noida had been awarded ‘A’ Grade Accreditation by NAAC and had been rated as 6th in North India amongst private B-Schools by Outlook – Career 360 (2012), A++ by Business India, Best B School Survey 2010 and 2011, 5th in NCR by silicon India B-School survey. In his speech Dr. Thakur said that the students should use knowledge for the service of the society and also remain passionate about their dreams and goals in life. He said that one should work like an artist in life who is always working for perfection in his art. He also reiterated the fact that humility, character, dedication and simplicity are the values that take a person towards long term success in life.

Thereafter, awards were given to the deserving students for their outstanding academic achievements. The Gold Medal for PGDM was awarded to Ms. Harshita Shukla and Silver Medal to Ms. Anuja Srivastava. The specialization wise toppers were Mr. Harshita Shukla (Financial Management), Ms. Neeti Bali (Marketing Management), Ms. Neeti Bali (Human Resource Management), Mr Amar Pal Singh for Operations Management.

For PGDM (Services), the Gold Medal was awarded to Mr. Lakhbindar Sharma and Silver Medal to Ms. Swati Pandit. The specialization wise toppers were Lakhbindar Sharma for Financial Management, and Swati Pandit for Marketing and Human Resource Management.).

For PGDM (Marketing), The Gold Medal was awarded to Mr. Ankush Verma and Silver Medal to Mr. Arun Kumar Pal.

The Gold Medal for Best Woman Student of 2011-13 was awarded to Ms Harshita Shukla.

The Vote of Thanks was delivered by the Vice Chairman of the Jaipuria Group of Institutions, Mr. Sreevats Jaipuria who stressed on the fact that each passing student should become an active doer and participate in the whole process of the system in the best possible manner.he firther added that one should take responsibility and feel a sense of ownership for his professional responsibilities. Inner satisfaction only comes when one contributes whole heartedly to whatever he is doing. H e once again wished the very best to the passing out students.

All in all the Graduation Ceremony was an emotional moment for the family members of the students as their loved ones went on stage to receive their certificates. The gathering then proceeded for a group photograph.

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Introducing Ph.D at Jaipuria, Noida in association with MohanLal Sukhadia University, Udaipur

A Memorandum of Understanding between Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida and Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur has been signed on 8th May, 2013. With this the institute shall start offering Ph.D course from new academic session 2013-14.

The MoU aims at promoting and enhancing academic interaction and collaboration between the two institutions in areas of mutual interest for mutual benefits. The MoU also opens up avenues for student faculty exchange between two institutes of repute. Together, the two institutions propose to seamlessly collaborate and pursue their respective research and educational aspirations by facilitating joint research and educational activities in areas of mutual interest.

With this, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida opens up new opportunities in higher education of management for management students, professionals and academicians looking forward to pursue Doctoral Programme in Management. The details regarding Ph.D programme shall be put up shortly on the website.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida stands committed to achieve its mission –“To continuously upgrade and upscale the quality and spread of our educational endeavour”

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Swapnil Tiwari – Jaipuria Noida Alumnus 2010 batch featured in Forbes Magazine

Jaipuria Alumni featured in Forbes magazine for being a ray of hope for Social Entrepreneurship in India

Blog Jaipuria Lucknow

Budding managers at Jaipuria Lucknow excited after interacting with captains of industry.

They have just started their innings in the game of business, and they are lucky to be able to meet veterans in the field. First-year students of Jaipuria Lucknow’s batch of 2012-14 are on cloud nine after their first industry interface, which concluded recently. The week-long interaction saw industry leaders sharing their experiences with the students, and telling them about the skills and talents that would help them in getting the job of their choice.
“It was like a dream come true. Everything makes a lot more sense when you hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. They are the ones running the show out there, and they really know how the cookie crumbles,” said Rohit Verma, a first-year PGDM student.
On the first day of the industry interface, Ankit Khandelwal, Ex Chairman, Bank of Baroda, talked about ‘Contemporary Developments in the Banking Industry.“Banking has undergone a sea change in the recent years. Now, there are more job opportunities, but at the same time, one is expected to come to the interview table equipped with more skills,” Ankit informed the students.
Seeing the students’ interest in Banking, one more day was earmarked for this sector. Students were apprised of major challenges faced by marketing executives of banks. This subject was handled by V. K. Srivastava, Deputy General Manager, Punjab National Bank. “Financial products should be adequately marketed, and cater to the needs of the consumers. Utmost importance should be given to marketing analysis when designing products for the consumers,” advised V. K. Srivastava. He informed the students that new marketing segments have evolved in public sector banks and this means numerous jobs are up for grabs for deserving candidates. He promised students of Jaipuria Lucknow that some of them would be absorbed by Punjab National Bank after the campus interviews.
Students at Jaipuria Lucknow learnt the art of entrepreneurship from Majush Garg, a very successful entrepreneur. “You must learn to lead, manage and innovate,” advised Majush to all the students planning to set up their own businesses.
P. N. Sharma, Deputy General Manger, Allahabad Bank, Staff College Lucknow, discussed the ‘Credit Functions of Banks, and Major Challenges Faced by Financial Analysts’.
Justice Bhanwar Singh highlighted the importance of discipline and etiquette in order to scale the ladder of success for a career in the corporate world.
Anshumal Dikshit, Head- HR, IGATE spoke on the topic of Student Responsibility towards Organisation and Self. “Initial days in any organisation are rather tough, but keep at it and soon you will be able to make a difference,” suggested Anshumal. “Factories and production units provide ample opportunities to learn basics of HR management. So it is a good idea to get exposure to these sectors in the early stages of one’s career,” he continued.
Akhilesh Sharma, State Head, Hero Moto Corp, advised students to be ready to tap the rural markets, where there is ample scope for growth.
The last industry leader to interact with the students was Sanjeev Jha, AVP, Magma Finance Corporation. Speaking on the subject of the Role of Non Banking Finance Companies’, he highlighted the need to interact regularly with customers to understand their needs. His rapt audience felt a collective sense of pride when Sanjeev announced that Jaipuria students who hav ejoined Magma Finance are very hard-working and proving to be a great asset to the company.  “Our experience with Jaipuria Lucknow has been very good, and we will definitely pick students this year too,” concluded Sanjeev. No wonder this was followed by a round of applause, and an eventful industry interface drew to a close.

Blog Jaipuria Lucknow

Budding managers at Jaipuria Lucknow excited after interacting with captains of industry.

They have just started their innings in the game of business, and they are lucky to be able to meet veterans in the field. First-year students of Jaipuria Lucknow’s batch of 2012-14 are on cloud nine after their first industry interface, which concluded recently. The week-long interaction saw industry leaders sharing their experiences with the students, and telling them about the skills and talents that would help them in getting the job of their choice.
“It was like a dream come true. Everything makes a lot more sense when you hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. They are the ones running the show out there, and they really know how the cookie crumbles,” said Rohit Verma, a first-year PGDM student.
On the first day of the industry interface, Ankit Khandelwal, Ex Chairman, Bank of Baroda, talked about ‘Contemporary Developments in the Banking Industry.“Banking has undergone a sea change in the recent years. Now, there are more job opportunities, but at the same time, one is expected to come to the interview table equipped with more skills,” Ankit informed the students.
Seeing the students’ interest in Banking, one more day was earmarked for this sector. Students were apprised of major challenges faced by marketing executives of banks. This subject was handled by V. K. Srivastava, Deputy General Manager, Punjab National Bank. “Financial products should be adequately marketed, and cater to the needs of the consumers. Utmost importance should be given to marketing analysis when designing products for the consumers,” advised V. K. Srivastava. He informed the students that new marketing segments have evolved in public sector banks and this means numerous jobs are up for grabs for deserving candidates. He promised students of Jaipuria Lucknow that some of them would be absorbed by Punjab National Bank after the campus interviews.
Students at Jaipuria Lucknow learnt the art of entrepreneurship from Majush Garg, a very successful entrepreneur. “You must learn to lead, manage and innovate,” advised Majush to all the students planning to set up their own businesses.
P. N. Sharma, Deputy General Manger, Allahabad Bank, Staff College Lucknow, discussed the ‘Credit Functions of Banks, and Major Challenges Faced by Financial Analysts’.
Justice Bhanwar Singh highlighted the importance of discipline and etiquette in order to scale the ladder of success for a career in the corporate world.
Anshumal Dikshit, Head- HR, IGATE spoke on the topic of Student Responsibility towards Organisation and Self. “Initial days in any organisation are rather tough, but keep at it and soon you will be able to make a difference,” suggested Anshumal. “Factories and production units provide ample opportunities to learn basics of HR management. So it is a good idea to get exposure to these sectors in the early stages of one’s career,” he continued.
Akhilesh Sharma, State Head, Hero Moto Corp, advised students to be ready to tap the rural markets, where there is ample scope for growth.
The last industry leader to interact with the students was Sanjeev Jha, AVP, Magma Finance Corporation. Speaking on the subject of the Role of Non Banking Finance Companies’, he highlighted the need to interact regularly with customers to understand their needs. His rapt audience felt a collective sense of pride when Sanjeev announced that Jaipuria students who hav ejoined Magma Finance are very hard-working and proving to be a great asset to the company.  “Our experience with Jaipuria Lucknow has been very good, and we will definitely pick students this year too,” concluded Sanjeev. No wonder this was followed by a round of applause, and an eventful industry interface drew to a close.

Jaipuria News

Jaipuria Noida Creates a Confluence of Professionals to Kick-Start the Batch of 2012-14.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida welcomed its 2012-14 batch of 240 Business Management students amidst a lot of learning and fun-filled activities. A two week-long Orientation Programme that began on the 27th of June, 2012 included industry interaction, familiarisation with the system and ice-breaking sessions.
The inaugural session was opened by Dr. Anoop Singh, Director Jaipuria Noida. Welcoming the students into the adult professional world, Dr. Singh spoke to them about their future as well-placed managers in the world of business.
The Chief Guest for the inaugural session was Professor Abad Ahmed, Chairman, Aga Khan Foundation. Professor Ahmed shared his own journey through the corporate world to inspire new students.
Asim Talukdar, Ex- Senior VP- Hr Global NIIT, addressed the students the next day. He picked up the most relevant issue for his audience – ‘Expectations of Industry from Young Managers’.  Shivesh Kumar Singh, Regional Head HR, ING Vyasya Bank and Kamal Gairola, Regional HR Manager, Mahindra Financial Services, discussed the current industry trends from a marketing perspective.
The other guests who interacted with the students during the orientation included Gyanendra Singh, Director Mancer Consulting, Hari Sharma, Head-Talent Acquisitions, Neuerth Group, Gautam  Pandey, Associate VP, Deloitte Consulting, Sonal Chadha, Process Trainer, Copal Partners, and R.K. Mediretta, GM- Finance, FCI.
Faculty introduction was part of the orientation and it seems to have made quite an impression on the newcomers. As Rahul Prakash, a new student, said, “I feel that the faculty here is like a river of knowledge.  What you fill depends upon the size of the bucket that you are carrying within yourself!”
The students were also familiarised with attendance requirements, Moodle – their Learning Management System, examinations and the grading system.
During this Orientation, the batch was divided into groups of six students, who were required to work together on a variety of assigned tasks.  “It was a very different experience compared to all the sessions that had taken place till then. It made us feel more comfortable with our batch-mates,” feels Komal Behl, one of the newcomers.
During the last leg of the Orientation programme, the new students were introduced to the huge infrastructure of Jaipuria Noida.
Experiential learning was facilitated through activities like Extempore. “An on-camera extempore was organised. A year later we will have the video recording to compare our improvement,” explained Kirti, another fresher.
The high note of the entire process, however, was the ‘Talent Hunt’! By this time, the ice was well broken and a new batch smoothly moved into their 2-year course amid a lot of singing, dancing and drama. “We had a gala time!” concludes Tarun Suneja, another aspiring manager from the 2012-14 batch.

Jaipuria News

Jaipuria Noida Creates a Confluence of Professionals to Kick-Start the Batch of 2012-14.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida welcomed its 2012-14 batch of 240 Business Management students amidst a lot of learning and fun-filled activities. A two week-long Orientation Programme that began on the 27th of June, 2012 included industry interaction, familiarisation with the system and ice-breaking sessions.
The inaugural session was opened by Dr. Anoop Singh, Director Jaipuria Noida. Welcoming the students into the adult professional world, Dr. Singh spoke to them about their future as well-placed managers in the world of business.
The Chief Guest for the inaugural session was Professor Abad Ahmed, Chairman, Aga Khan Foundation. Professor Ahmed shared his own journey through the corporate world to inspire new students.
Asim Talukdar, Ex- Senior VP- Hr Global NIIT, addressed the students the next day. He picked up the most relevant issue for his audience – ‘Expectations of Industry from Young Managers’.  Shivesh Kumar Singh, Regional Head HR, ING Vyasya Bank and Kamal Gairola, Regional HR Manager, Mahindra Financial Services, discussed the current industry trends from a marketing perspective.
The other guests who interacted with the students during the orientation included Gyanendra Singh, Director Mancer Consulting, Hari Sharma, Head-Talent Acquisitions, Neuerth Group, Gautam  Pandey, Associate VP, Deloitte Consulting, Sonal Chadha, Process Trainer, Copal Partners, and R.K. Mediretta, GM- Finance, FCI.
Faculty introduction was part of the orientation and it seems to have made quite an impression on the newcomers. As Rahul Prakash, a new student, said, “I feel that the faculty here is like a river of knowledge.  What you fill depends upon the size of the bucket that you are carrying within yourself!”
The students were also familiarised with attendance requirements, Moodle – their Learning Management System, examinations and the grading system.
During this Orientation, the batch was divided into groups of six students, who were required to work together on a variety of assigned tasks.  “It was a very different experience compared to all the sessions that had taken place till then. It made us feel more comfortable with our batch-mates,” feels Komal Behl, one of the newcomers.
During the last leg of the Orientation programme, the new students were introduced to the huge infrastructure of Jaipuria Noida.
Experiential learning was facilitated through activities like Extempore. “An on-camera extempore was organised. A year later we will have the video recording to compare our improvement,” explained Kirti, another fresher.
The high note of the entire process, however, was the ‘Talent Hunt’! By this time, the ice was well broken and a new batch smoothly moved into their 2-year course amid a lot of singing, dancing and drama. “We had a gala time!” concludes Tarun Suneja, another aspiring manager from the 2012-14 batch.

Jaipuria Academics

Students of Jaipuria Institute of Management, led by professor Aman Shrivastav, complete International Entrepreneurship Programme at JIBS, Sweden.

Professor Aman Shrivastav of Jaipuria Noida has just returned from a month-long tour of the Jonkoping International Business School. Professor Shrivastav was accompanied on his tour of JIBS by 3 students of Jaipuria Noida, who had gone across for the renowned one-month International Entrepreneurship Programme.
“Jonkoping  University is one of the three Swedish private universities that can award doctorates. It is recognised as one of the best Business Schools of Entrepreneurship in the whole of Europe. This entire trip was organised by Jaipuria Noida.”
Professor Aman Shrivastav, who was at JIBS to study the how this world-class institution conducts its education programmes, found that European class-room methods were very different from Indian class-room techniques.
“We are more oriented towards the American system. In Jaipuria Noida, we follow the Harvard-style method of case studies and discussions. In Jonkoping  University, the system is very much lecture-oriented. But their stress on Live Projects is immense. One particular industry visit that included the Jaipuria Noida students was to the production line of the world renowned retailers, ‘Ikea’ – which is shortly coming to India. Right from the unloading of the raw material from the trucks till the finished goods, everything is automated. Manpower is almost negligible.”
Automation of the entire administrative and security process even in Jonkoping University was something that impressed Professor Shrivastav.
“If your entry is approved, all you have to do is present yourself at the gate. Your access card, along with your photo, will be generated automatically. This card not only gives you access to your classrooms but to all the facilities in the University as per your role. You tap your card and enter the computer lab, and even to start the computer, you tap your access card. There are no security-men like you find here in India.”
Professor Aman Shrivastav and all the students of Jaipuria Noida on this summer programme were gratified to find that there was no hint of prejudice against Indians in the Swedes; in fact, most Swedes avoided the company of those who did have a prejudiced outlook. The small group from Jaipuria Noida came back deeply impressed by the Swedish ‘dignity of labour’ and regard for humans above all.
“Jönköpingisthe 10th largest city in Sweden. The public transport system is absolutely fantastic, but is hardly used, as people prefer travelling by private vehicles. Infact, on my first day, I was talking on my mobile while waiting to cross the road. I was surprised to see that despite the fact that I was standing on the pavement, cars had come to a halt on the road waiting for me to get across. One of the drivers actually indicated to me that unless I crossed the road, the cars would not move!”
Professor Shrivastav is positive that apart from the Diploma in International Entrepreneurship from the famed Jonkoping  University of Sweden, the Jaipuria Noida students who actually want to start their own businesses stand a chance of receiving support from Jonkoping  University.
“Atleast 50 new business ideas generated by their students are funded annually by the Jonkoping  University. It was also a great place to network as we came across faculty and students from across the globe, who will grow up to be future leaders.”
Professor Aman Shrivastav hopes that the students at Jaipuria Noida will inculcate the great Swedish fitness mantra as well.
“Just like the car, a bicycle is a necessary part of a Swede’s life. They are extremely fit, probably because they walk 2-3 hours a day.”
Professor Aman Shrivastav has already chalked out a plan to bring in the best of what he had seen at Jönköping University to the Jaipuria Institute of Management.

Jaipuria Academics

Students of Jaipuria Institute of Management, led by professor Aman Shrivastav, complete International Entrepreneurship Programme at JIBS, Sweden.

Professor Aman Shrivastav of Jaipuria Noida has just returned from a month-long tour of the Jonkoping International Business School. Professor Shrivastav was accompanied on his tour of JIBS by 3 students of Jaipuria Noida, who had gone across for the renowned one-month International Entrepreneurship Programme.
“Jonkoping  University is one of the three Swedish private universities that can award doctorates. It is recognised as one of the best Business Schools of Entrepreneurship in the whole of Europe. This entire trip was organised by Jaipuria Noida.”
Professor Aman Shrivastav, who was at JIBS to study the how this world-class institution conducts its education programmes, found that European class-room methods were very different from Indian class-room techniques.
“We are more oriented towards the American system. In Jaipuria Noida, we follow the Harvard-style method of case studies and discussions. In Jonkoping  University, the system is very much lecture-oriented. But their stress on Live Projects is immense. One particular industry visit that included the Jaipuria Noida students was to the production line of the world renowned retailers, ‘Ikea’ – which is shortly coming to India. Right from the unloading of the raw material from the trucks till the finished goods, everything is automated. Manpower is almost negligible.”
Automation of the entire administrative and security process even in Jonkoping University was something that impressed Professor Shrivastav.
“If your entry is approved, all you have to do is present yourself at the gate. Your access card, along with your photo, will be generated automatically. This card not only gives you access to your classrooms but to all the facilities in the University as per your role. You tap your card and enter the computer lab, and even to start the computer, you tap your access card. There are no security-men like you find here in India.”
Professor Aman Shrivastav and all the students of Jaipuria Noida on this summer programme were gratified to find that there was no hint of prejudice against Indians in the Swedes; in fact, most Swedes avoided the company of those who did have a prejudiced outlook. The small group from Jaipuria Noida came back deeply impressed by the Swedish ‘dignity of labour’ and regard for humans above all.
“Jönköpingisthe 10th largest city in Sweden. The public transport system is absolutely fantastic, but is hardly used, as people prefer travelling by private vehicles. Infact, on my first day, I was talking on my mobile while waiting to cross the road. I was surprised to see that despite the fact that I was standing on the pavement, cars had come to a halt on the road waiting for me to get across. One of the drivers actually indicated to me that unless I crossed the road, the cars would not move!”
Professor Shrivastav is positive that apart from the Diploma in International Entrepreneurship from the famed Jonkoping  University of Sweden, the Jaipuria Noida students who actually want to start their own businesses stand a chance of receiving support from Jonkoping  University.
“Atleast 50 new business ideas generated by their students are funded annually by the Jonkoping  University. It was also a great place to network as we came across faculty and students from across the globe, who will grow up to be future leaders.”
Professor Aman Shrivastav hopes that the students at Jaipuria Noida will inculcate the great Swedish fitness mantra as well.
“Just like the car, a bicycle is a necessary part of a Swede’s life. They are extremely fit, probably because they walk 2-3 hours a day.”
Professor Aman Shrivastav has already chalked out a plan to bring in the best of what he had seen at Jönköping University to the Jaipuria Institute of Management.

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