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Alumni Speak Jaipuria Lucknow

From a class in HR to Head-HR… a winning career

Without actually meaning to, Anshumal Dikshit has made it his business to challenge the norms of the times he lives in. A die-hard lakhnavi, instead of heading out for a top-notch B-school outside, Anshumal stuck around in Lucknow, choosing to be a part of the first batch of an unheard of Management Institute. 17 years down the line, that B-school – Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow – has grown to become one of the best B-schools in North India, and Anshumal Dikshit, Head of Human Resources, iGate Patni, is one of the shakers-and-movers of the Indian IT Industry.
After having majored in Psychology from St Francis College, and then earning his Masters in Public Administration from Lucknow University, Anshumal, chose to specialise in HR from Jaipuria, Lucknow.
“In those days, HR was seen in isolation from the main line of business. It was looked upon as a soft area as opposed to Finance, Operations or Marketing. Infact, I was the only male in HR stream, of my batch in Jaipuria Lucknow. With time though, the demands in an organisation from its HR department has grown manifold, and today, HR is perceived as a business partner, and is pretty much gender agnostic.”
Today, brand-Jaipuria, Lucknow pulls the biggest of recruiters; but back in 1996, you could not be sure. So it was quite a surprise when Anshuman actually ended up with three offers, through the campus placement of Jaipuria Lucknow. Yet again, he opted for the path less trodden.
“Of the three offers, Sona Koyo – which was not as big then – was not my top-priority.  But after a detailed discussion with faculty members of Jaipuria, Lucknow I chose the Assistant Manager’s profile offered to me by Sona Koyo. The logic was that, a compact organisation on the growth path would be a better option as compared to a larger organisation where you are more likely to get lost.”
It is generally perceived that as a HR practitioner, you’ll do well to catch hold of a fast growing industry, start building on your contacts, and every couple of years keep hopping jobs – with hikes in salary and designation – within your chosen industry.
Not for Anshumal though.
“Out of choice, I have worked across various industries. I started out with Manufacturing; managing labour work-force and getting an idea of industrial relations. Learning about personnel and HR in a factory environment gives you a distinct edge. It is a practical experience, which cannot be learnt later on, as your career progresses. Over the years I managed HR in banking, with the Citigroup;in hospitality as AVP, HR with the Oberoi group; and in the Media, with Business Standard. Media particularly was a very difficult job; managing journalists especially. But the learning was immense. The aim was of managing people across different industries, with organisations that are in the growth phase. As AVP, Corporate Learning and Development at the Oberoi Group. I was able to implement some good organisational initiatives for the group, before I really ventured out into IT county.”
Over the years, Anshumal has been a great asset in building brand-Jaipuria Lucknow.
“Thanks to the regular alumni meets, facebook and linkedIn, a lot of us are in constant touch. While it’s always nice to go back to Jaipuria, Lucknow, I do miss the small tea-stall which was there within the institute during our times. It has now been converted into a bigger and better canteen.”

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Siddharth Tripathi, 2011-13 Batch – “Summer Internship programme of Jaipuria Noida is a big confidence booster for me”

Summary: Siddharth Tripathi, PGDM student at Jaipuria Noida, is doing his summer internship with UCO Bank, Lucknow branch. He is finding himself exploring his hidden potential and learning to move things through patience and cajoling. He is learning new lessons in the art of self discipline.
When the clock strikes 10 O’clock in the morning, Siddharth Tripathi, dressed in formals is already sitting on his chair at UCO Bank, IT College, Lucknow branch. His job is to scan through the details of the loans provided by the branch to its clients. Later, during his internship he will carry out comparative study of the loans provided by two private and public banks in housing loan category, and then compare it with UCO Bank performance in housing loan segment. Finally, he will give his report on non performing assets (NPA) of the branch and help the bank assess how it has fared in recovering the loans in comparison to other banks.
Siddharth is very excited working on this Summer Internship Project of Jaipuria Noida. Initially, although the staff members of the bank were busy with the audit work, he still managed to get their full cooperation through his soft skills and good behaviour. “I kept talking to them about my project and shared with them the benefits of such a comparative study for the branch. Finally, my persistence paid, and now everyone goes out of the way to provide me the details I require for my research and comparative study,” says Siddharth with a newly found confidence in his voice. “Now I have learnt that slow and steady wins the race and of course a good work environment helps,” adds Siddharth with a smile on his face.
Reaching office in the morning and scanning through the loads of data till evening was really tough for Siddharth in the beginning. “For a couple of days I got late by half an hour, but then I decided not to let this happen. Fortunately, everything fell in line and I am sure I will have many interesting things to write in my SIP,” Says Siddharth. His industrial mentor Ms. Swati Srivastava, was a student of Jaipuria Lucknow branch is now Assistant Manager of UCO Bank, who has guided Siddharth in his project work. The highlight of his internship has been the visit to the currency chest (which is forbidden to outsiders), and being at the cash counter-learning the in’s and out’s of managing cash flow and operating Finacle (a universal banking product, developed by Infosys, to help with CRM and wealth management requirement of banks and other organizations).
He will be specializing in marketing and finance, and he is sure this internship will help him get insight into correct marketing and financial practices.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Reema Shrivastava, 2011-13 batch – “Thanks To The Summer Internship Programme Of Jaipuria Noida, I Am Getting To Know The Real Corporate World”

Summary: Reema Shrivastava, PGDM student of Jaipuria Noida, is enjoying her summer internship project with Bajaj Capital in Delhi. She is getting to know the real corporate world from close quarters, and learning a lot every day.
Every big journey begins with a small step. Reema Shrivastava, PGDM (General) student at Jaipuria Noida, is surely taking her baby steps nicely, learning about the real corporate world and actually living the life of a corporate executive, not just listening about it or watching it from outside. She is working as summer intern with Bajaj Capital.
She finds the atmosphere very professional. One has to adhere to the office rules.  “College life is different. But in office you can’t remain idle. Apart from that, one has to be dressed in formal wears and behave like a professional. It was a little uncomfortable in the beginning, but now I am enjoying the enthusiasm and energy here. I am meeting new and interesting people, and getting to know the real corporate world—hardworking, efficient and result oriented,” says Reema.
She is studying performance appraisal mechanism followed in Bajaj Capital. “Performance appraisal has always been a hot and rather controversial topic, especially in the business world. A good appraisal serves as a motivator while a bad appraisal kills the desire to do one’s best,” says Reema. “So, performance appraisal is an effective tool in the art of motivating and retaining employees,” says Reema, explaining the importance of her project.
She hails from Jabalpur and is currently doing her internship in Delhi. She is staying with her sister and this saves her from the trouble of organizing for her food and accommodation. But she has her fair share of difficulties. “Commuting in Delhi is a real problem but I have learnt to take it in my stride. Every day is a learning experience and there is so much to learn here,” concludes Reema.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Mini Nigam, 2011-13 Batch – “My first-ever internship programme of Jaipuria Noida proving an enriching experience.”

Summary: Mini Nigam, PGDM (General) student of Jaipuria Noida is undergoing her first every internship programme with PNB. She finds this programme very enriching and everyone is helping her in the completion of her project.
This is the first time Mini Nigam is undergoing internship programme and she is very excited about it. “I am trying to learn as much as I can, and there is a lot of scope for learning here,” says Mini. She is doing her internship with PNB, circle office, Lucknow branch. Finance is her specialization subject and this training will prove very helpful to her in future.
“I am the only student who is doing internship from here. So, I am getting all the help from the staff. They have provided me with all the relevant books and I am allowed to use the library here. Everyone is very co-operative and really going out of the way to help me in my project,” says Mini.
As she is doing her internship from Lucknow, which happens to be her hometown, she is enjoying every moment here. “I am putting up with my parents, enjoying home cooked food, and at the same time doing my internship project. That’s icing on the cake,” concludes Mini.

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Jaipuria Noida’s 6th Annual Convocation: A memorable occasion

Chief Guest at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, Mr. Sachit Jain, Executive Director Vardhman Textiles Ltd and Management Author delivered the convocation address to the enthusiastic gathering.
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida hosted their Sixth Annual Convocation Ceremony on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 for graduating students of PGDM, PGDM Services and PGDM Marketing of 2010-12 batches. The convocation was formally inaugurated with the ceremonial lightening of the lamp and Saraswati Vandana.
Dr. J.D. Singh, Director General, Jaipuria, Noida, in his welcome address, gave the students two very valuable tips. “Have hunger to leave a mark in this world. Do something that others haven’t done before. Innovate. Dare to disagree if you want to be different. Being different is easy. Being distinctive is not. Be both.”
Dr. Singh’s second tip was, “Be happy. Have a sense of humour. Love people, smile with them, and enable them to laugh from within. Ultimately, it is not the strategy, but the people who matter.”
Mr. Sachit Jain’s speech, loaded with humour, began with an interesting observation right after he gave awards to deserving students.
The Chairman’s Gold Medal for PGDM went to Ms. Akansha Chaturvedi and the Vice Chairperson’s Silver Medal to Ms. Mehal Rakhra. The Gold Medal PGDM (Services) was awarded to Ms. Kavita Gupta and Silver Medal to Ms. Akansha Bhoobna. For PGDM (Marketing), The Gold Medalist was Mr. Prakash Chaubey and Vice Chair Person’s Silver Medalist, Mr. Avinash Raj. The Gold Medal for Best Woman Student, 2010 – 2012 went to Ms. Akanksha Chaturvedi.
“The female of the species is certainly deadlier than the male. They took away all the awards, except for one course,” Jain began. Laughter followed.
“You are starting out in life,” he said. “Sometimes it is good to listen to people who have traversed these paths before you. You can learn from them by not making their mistakes. Make your own.”
According to Mr. Sachit Jain, there were three kinds of people. Those who used their hands to work, those who used their brains and those who used their hearts. It is a good idea to be able to use all three if you want to succeed, Mr. Jain suggested.
“One sentence which Dr. J. D. Singh used, ‘Dare to disagree,’ he said. I admire that sentence very much. Also learn how to disagree. If you disagree in the wrong way, you’ve had it,” Jain spoke from the heart.
It was an honour for the students who received their diplomas from Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Institute of Management.
Dr. Anup K. Singh, Director, Jaipuria Noida in his Annual Report, said, “This year has been distinctive for Jaipuria, Noida. The B-School received an A Grade accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, a body of UGC. Our student centric culture got us A +++ by Business India, AAA by Business and Management Chronicle and Jaipuria Noida is among the top 50 B-Schools by MBA Universe. “
In his vote of thanks, Mr. Shreevats Jaipuria addressed the students as the soul of Jaipuria, Noida. They were stepping out with dreams for a future full of ‘success, happiness and peace’. He said that the Institute has been instrumental in meeting the needs of the nation with a pool of qualified corporate professionals.

Blog Jaipuria Noida Jaipuria Noida Whats New

Jaipuria Noida’s 6th Annual Convocation: A memorable occasion

Chief Guest at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, Mr. Sachit Jain, Executive Director Vardhman Textiles Ltd and Management Author delivered the convocation address to the enthusiastic gathering.
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida hosted their Sixth Annual Convocation Ceremony on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 for graduating students of PGDM, PGDM Services and PGDM Marketing of 2010-12 batches. The convocation was formally inaugurated with the ceremonial lightening of the lamp and Saraswati Vandana.
Dr. J.D. Singh, Director General, Jaipuria, Noida, in his welcome address, gave the students two very valuable tips. “Have hunger to leave a mark in this world. Do something that others haven’t done before. Innovate. Dare to disagree if you want to be different. Being different is easy. Being distinctive is not. Be both.”
Dr. Singh’s second tip was, “Be happy. Have a sense of humour. Love people, smile with them, and enable them to laugh from within. Ultimately, it is not the strategy, but the people who matter.”
Mr. Sachit Jain’s speech, loaded with humour, began with an interesting observation right after he gave awards to deserving students.
The Chairman’s Gold Medal for PGDM went to Ms. Akansha Chaturvedi and the Vice Chairperson’s Silver Medal to Ms. Mehal Rakhra. The Gold Medal PGDM (Services) was awarded to Ms. Kavita Gupta and Silver Medal to Ms. Akansha Bhoobna. For PGDM (Marketing), The Gold Medalist was Mr. Prakash Chaubey and Vice Chair Person’s Silver Medalist, Mr. Avinash Raj. The Gold Medal for Best Woman Student, 2010 – 2012 went to Ms. Akanksha Chaturvedi.
“The female of the species is certainly deadlier than the male. They took away all the awards, except for one course,” Jain began. Laughter followed.
“You are starting out in life,” he said. “Sometimes it is good to listen to people who have traversed these paths before you. You can learn from them by not making their mistakes. Make your own.”
According to Mr. Sachit Jain, there were three kinds of people. Those who used their hands to work, those who used their brains and those who used their hearts. It is a good idea to be able to use all three if you want to succeed, Mr. Jain suggested.
“One sentence which Dr. J. D. Singh used, ‘Dare to disagree,’ he said. I admire that sentence very much. Also learn how to disagree. If you disagree in the wrong way, you’ve had it,” Jain spoke from the heart.
It was an honour for the students who received their diplomas from Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Institute of Management.
Dr. Anup K. Singh, Director, Jaipuria Noida in his Annual Report, said, “This year has been distinctive for Jaipuria, Noida. The B-School received an A Grade accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, a body of UGC. Our student centric culture got us A +++ by Business India, AAA by Business and Management Chronicle and Jaipuria Noida is among the top 50 B-Schools by MBA Universe. “
In his vote of thanks, Mr. Shreevats Jaipuria addressed the students as the soul of Jaipuria, Noida. They were stepping out with dreams for a future full of ‘success, happiness and peace’. He said that the Institute has been instrumental in meeting the needs of the nation with a pool of qualified corporate professionals.

Placement Update

Placements touch new heights, as pay packages for Jaipuria Institute of Management graduates soar

If placements and pay-packages are indicators of the health of an economy, then the campuses of Jaipuria Institute of Management have indicated an economic boom, instead of the anticipated slowdown. The Jaipuria Institute of Management have registered a quantum leap in placements. With a substantial increase of 11 percent from last year.
The placement – 2012 has been very positive till now and the same feeling is reverberated in the ‘Summer Placements’.  Jaipuria has wrapped up its summer placements for all of its four campuses. Companies such as Dish TV, Dainik Jagaran, Accenture, TATA Cummins, Ranbaxy, NDTV, DLF, Sony, ITC, Ceat, Canara Bank, Punjab National Bank, TATA Steel, Grasim, PepsiCo, Omax Auto were among the recruiters who gave opportunity to the management students to hone up their skills.
The centralized Corporate Relations department and the campus placement cell, with meticulous planning and tremendous dedication, took the placement graph to an altogether different level, with companies from all sectors like Consultancy & Research, Manufacturing, Consumer Durables/FMCG, PSU & Private Banks, Financial Services, Retail, Services, etc having recruited graduates from its campuses .
The head of corporate relations department Mr. R.K.RishiRaj thanked the strong network of more than 250 national and multinational recruiters, and more than 3,000 alumni in various corporate houses, for making all this possible.
Almost all prominent banks including ICICI Bank, Allahabad Bank, Corporation Bank, UCO, Corporation Bank, IDBI Bank, Axis Bank, Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, HDFC Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Indian Bank, Central Bank of India have recruited in large numbers from Jaipuria. Other prestigious recruiters include Nomura, Deloitte, Beroe Consulting, Genpact, ITC, TVS Motors, Zee News, Berger Paints, Hindware, Polyplex, SBI Life, GATI and many more. Most of these companies have been regular recruiters at Jaipuria.
The average pay package across all Jaipuria Institutes this year is 4.7 lacs – a whopping 21% hike from the last year. The highest pay package internationally came from World Vision International at 12 lakh per annum, while the highest in the domestic market came from Central Bank of India at 8.84 lakhs per annum including perks.
Jaipuria has been a life changing experience for me. These two years have taught me to expect the unexpected and to believe in myself. Jaipuria was not just about a great learning experience, but also about maintaining a plausible work-life balance. I can hardly wait to begin my corporate career!” gushed and excited Pallavi Singh, who has been placed with Deloitte.

Placement Update

Placements touch new heights, as pay packages for Jaipuria Institute of Management graduates soar

If placements and pay-packages are indicators of the health of an economy, then the campuses of Jaipuria Institute of Management have indicated an economic boom, instead of the anticipated slowdown. The Jaipuria Institute of Management have registered a quantum leap in placements. With a substantial increase of 11 percent from last year.
The placement – 2012 has been very positive till now and the same feeling is reverberated in the ‘Summer Placements’.  Jaipuria has wrapped up its summer placements for all of its four campuses. Companies such as Dish TV, Dainik Jagaran, Accenture, TATA Cummins, Ranbaxy, NDTV, DLF, Sony, ITC, Ceat, Canara Bank, Punjab National Bank, TATA Steel, Grasim, PepsiCo, Omax Auto were among the recruiters who gave opportunity to the management students to hone up their skills.
The centralized Corporate Relations department and the campus placement cell, with meticulous planning and tremendous dedication, took the placement graph to an altogether different level, with companies from all sectors like Consultancy & Research, Manufacturing, Consumer Durables/FMCG, PSU & Private Banks, Financial Services, Retail, Services, etc having recruited graduates from its campuses .
The head of corporate relations department Mr. R.K.RishiRaj thanked the strong network of more than 250 national and multinational recruiters, and more than 3,000 alumni in various corporate houses, for making all this possible.
Almost all prominent banks including ICICI Bank, Allahabad Bank, Corporation Bank, UCO, Corporation Bank, IDBI Bank, Axis Bank, Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, HDFC Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Indian Bank, Central Bank of India have recruited in large numbers from Jaipuria. Other prestigious recruiters include Nomura, Deloitte, Beroe Consulting, Genpact, ITC, TVS Motors, Zee News, Berger Paints, Hindware, Polyplex, SBI Life, GATI and many more. Most of these companies have been regular recruiters at Jaipuria.
The average pay package across all Jaipuria Institutes this year is 4.7 lacs – a whopping 21% hike from the last year. The highest pay package internationally came from World Vision International at 12 lakh per annum, while the highest in the domestic market came from Central Bank of India at 8.84 lakhs per annum including perks.
Jaipuria has been a life changing experience for me. These two years have taught me to expect the unexpected and to believe in myself. Jaipuria was not just about a great learning experience, but also about maintaining a plausible work-life balance. I can hardly wait to begin my corporate career!” gushed and excited Pallavi Singh, who has been placed with Deloitte.

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Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida- 6th Annual Convocation

Introducing their business graduates to the corporate world with  high expectations that come from imparting a contemporary education and sound training, the prestigious Jaipuria Institute of Management (Jaipuria Noida), Noida will be conducting its sixth convocation ceremony on May 15, 2012 (Tuesday). The ceremony will commence at 1:30 PM sharp.
Chief Guest at Jaipuria Noida’s Convocation is Mr. Sachin Jain, Executive Director, Vardhman Textiles Ltd and a management author. His is the talk that they will remember for years to come. Drawing from his personal experiences, he will show them how excellence and giving a hundred percent of themselves really helps achieve wonders.
To be held at the Jaipuria Noida auditorium, the convocation ceremony will begin with an academic procession. The Chairman of the institute will declare the convocation open,.
Welcoming the Chief Guest, parents and students into the gathering, Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Member of the Board of Governor of the institute will set the mood for the convocation. “Every year, as we see new graduates move into the Corporate World of work and careers, we feel a sense of pride and anticipation,” he says.
Addressing the gathering, the Director and Director General will talk to the students about how it is important to be true to their inner selves first. This is the truth Jaipuria is well known for and will help students become successful individuals and bring glory to their alma mater.
Following this, the Chairman will present the jubilant PGDM, PGDM (Marketing) and PGDM (Services) students of Jaipuria Institute of Management with their well earned diplomas.
Mr. Sachin Jain, Chief Guest, will then bestow honour upon meritorious students by presenting them with medals.
After awarding the medals and diplomas, the chief guest of the ceremony will share some words of wisdom with the students. He will present industry insights and inspire students to dream big, for big dreams can be achieved, because the future you see is the future you get.
The vote of thanks would be delivered by Sri Shreevats Jaipuria , executive Director, Board of Governors. After the national anthem, high tea will be ready at 3.30 pm.
“I am so excited to be here during this convocation,” says Shreevats Jaipuria (Executive Director)  Jaipuria. “This is the second year I will be here. The anticipation is building up.”
This is a time when excitement reigns. It is when students move out and move on. The bud of their knowledge is about to burst forth into a fabulous flower that will bear the fruit of their careers. Jaipuria students have had many advantages, starting with being trained by some really renowned and experienced teachers. Their gruelling academic routine and internships have given them the experience they need to step out into the world with confidence born out of grounding.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Isha Mishra, 2010-12 Batch – “MBA is about Navigating Your Opportunities into Gainful Experiences ”

The distinct strength of Jaipuria-Noida’s network, the calibre of people, the high level of student engagement, and the overall environment all stood out for Isha Mishra, who recently graduated from Jaipuria, majoring in Finance and Marketing.
Before her PGDM, she also held a prestigious degree in BTech from Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology.
What Isha loved is that Jaipuria’s culture is incredibly student-driven and dynamic; the school is constantly pushed forward, shaped, and redefined by its students, which is why Jaipuria holds such a fantastic reputation across many fronts. “These elements seem intangible until you visit and see them come to life in its excellent facilities, Infrastructure and energy on campus” says Isha. It’s these overarching qualities, coupled with the strength of the Jaipuria program itself, which made Jaipuria an easy choice for Isha after scoring a great percentile in her CAT.
Once Isha started attending her classes, the two memorable years passed in a whiff…She had a fantastic experience gaining her dual specialisation in Finance and Marketing and was lucky to have a wide spectrum of opportunities under the Jaipuria Label. For once, she was an active member of her Finance and Marketing Club (Jaipuria hosts a range of clubs spanning across different industry verticals such as HR, Finance, Marketing etc). Some themes which she saw included innovative thinking, social responsibility and a strong commitment to personal learning and growth. As you can tell these clubs provide with significant overlapping philosophies from a diverse pool of students and it’s about finding the people and working in groups and approach what you best connect with.
The first year ended with Isha bagging an Internship with a Financial and Operational Consultancy start-up, AG Knowledge Tech. Here she put into practice her financial chisels into delivering Finance & Operational excellence for one of AG’s clients. “I came to Jaipuria to pursue finance and marketing so my summer provided terrific exposure to a consulting set-up, strong networking opportunities, and the foundation to help solidify my longer-term career goals.” Moreso, Isha also wrote white papers for her internship company, which have now been published online.
In many ways Jaipuria is a microcosm for the working world – with many interesting challenges, and a finite amount of time. You have to navigate your experience deliberately and Isha did so by co-ordinating various events for her Annual fest, where she got to try something uncharacteristic.
From a study perspective, Isha not only found her professors incredibly dynamic, but also appreciated the discussion that are grounded in practice and helped her draw impactful insights from them. She was particularly impressed and enjoyed her classes of ‘security Analysis and Portfolio Management’ by Anurag sir. Seeing how practitioners think about these topics is what makes the course that much more impactful, thought-provoking, and relevant.
Post-PGDM, Isha will be moving to join Hyundai Motors in its Marketing Communications group.  “Jaipuria was instrumental in my summer internship and full-time career decisions. Having a renowned, top-tier B-School name and being a target school for many recruiters accelerate the process and made access to companies that much easier” says Isha. The career services did facilitate the on-campus recruiting process, but equally important were Isha’s 1st and 2nd year peers who provided candid conversations, coaching, and feedback through every stage of her recruiting process.

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