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Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Hyderabad beckons Jaipuria Noida's Kush

Kush Kaushish, a PGDM student (2010-12 batch) of Jaipuria Noida, has been offered a place at Deloitte.Kush specialized in Marketing and Finance and his position in the company will be that of a tax analyst. Being chosen by the first company to visit the campus this year is obviously an achievement for this Delhi guy.
What could have put a damper on Kush’s career plans is that fact that the position is in Hyderabad. However, he realizes how opportunity doesn’t knock twice so he is willing to relocate and will be joining the organization coming August.
Ask him how he prepared for the interview and his answer comes as a surprise. Kush says he was aware that the company was looking for someone with a solid grounding in taxation. He says whatever little he did study was about the tax laws in India. However, Deloitte was on the lookout for someone conversant with the US laws. At the same time, they wanted someone with strong accounting skills. That’s where Kush’s commerce background stood him in good stead. As for the interview,Kushsays he didn’t stress too much over taxation but chose to hone his communication skills.
While he’s been offered Rs 4.2 lakh p.a. as starting salary, he says two years down the line, he sees himself as a tax analyst- Grade II.
About his last two years at Jaipuria,Kus hsays when he joined the institute; he had six-month work experience with However, he wanted a career in finance. Jaipuria Noida is the best B-school in the NCR with the best faculty for finance in the entire region, he says. He has gained both the theoretical and practical knowledge of the domain. For his internship,Kushcaught the eye of one of the visiting faculties and found a place for himself at Indagadio Research where he interned for 10 weeks.
Kush says of the time he spent at Jaipuria Noida, only 50% of it went in studying. The rest of the time, he was either coordinating or participating in sports or co-curricular activities. This, he says, is one of the best things about the institute. Jaipuria Noida is constantly growing, re-inventing itself. A case in point, the institute has done away with its earlier grading system which was absolute. Now, it is relative.
Even among all the Jaipuria institutes, Kush says that his alma mate( Jaipuria Noida) is the best. In fact, he adds, that students from Lucknow and Jaipur, if they haven’t been placed, come all the way to Noida.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

Faculty of HR & OB at Jaipuria Noida,Dr.Shalini Shrivastava, spearheads student satisfaction survey initiative

No one is perfect. This applies to Institutions too. But only those who try to overcome their weaknesses and strive for perfection finally reach the top. Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida is going out of the way to help students reach the pinnacle of success by ironing out the bottlenecks. Spearheading this mission, along with the Director General Jaipuria Institute of Management ( All campuses) J.D. Singh, is Dr. Shalini Shrivasta, Associate professor OB & HR.
Dr. Shalini is a hardcore researcher, who is using her skills for the benefit of students, what if she has to go the extra mile and devote more time. Although just a year old in the organisation, this veteran’s contribution to the organisation will be remembered for years to come. And this is just the beginning. “The whole project is based on students’ feedback on every aspect of the institution. After going through each and every suggestion, certain decisions have been taken, and results will be in front of everyone very soon”, says Dr. Shalini. “Importantly, this student satisfaction survey is not just a one-time exercise. This will be a regular phenomenon and students will have every opportunity to get their problems redressed “, adds Dr.Shalini.
Associate professor Dr. Shalini Srivastava is very happy that she got an opportunity to work in an esteemed organisation like Jaipuria Noida which is devoted to students’ welfare.
Apart from her academic talent, what makes Dr. Shalini stand out is her enthusiasm and love for the profession. “I tell my students that they should do what they love to do, and everything else will fall in line”, says Dr.Shalini, without realizing that she is thumping the table. Well, it is heartening to see a teacher thumping the table for students cause. Dr.Shalini has been in the academics for the last fifteen years. Teaching OB & HR at Jaipuria Noida, she has an advice for HR students—be ready to slog in the initial years and career will boom after that. Contrary to popular belief that HR is easy, she stresses that it is equally demanding and requires one to put in the best in order to succeed.
She busts the myth that HR is for girls. “Now, boys outnumber and outshine girls in HR. It is no longer dominated by girls. Anyone who understands human behavior and knows how to deal with people can carve a niche for oneself”, says Dr.Shalini. This hardcore professional is a mother too, who is happy that she is able to spend quality time with her baby. Although she sometimes calls her second year students Beta(Son), but she considers them budding mangers who are mature and ready to take on the fierce world of Business.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

Dr. Aman Srivastava of Jaipuria Noida: A Bit More than Management

Jaipuria Noida is a great learning environment, not only for the students but for the faculty as well. There is a lot of emphasis on ethics and logic,” Dr. Aman Srivastava’s opening line is focused and interesting, just like the man himself.
With decades of experience behind him Dr. Srivastava is the gem at Jaipuria Noida. He has been with the B-School since its inception. “Initially it was a typical technical type of institute. We then introduced courses like Diploma in Management, PGDM Services, PGDM Retail, etc. Student quality improved. Today, we frequently upgrade our curriculum; focus on getting better, think of what better can we offer our students,” says this teacher of Corporate Finance and Financial Management.
A favourite among his students, he is known to keep them on their toes. He constantly grills them with questions on current events and corporate happenings. “Uncertainty is rising and they have to be on their toes. They must survive in this challenging environment. Knowledge is the key. If you don’t work hard and are not on your toes, it is very difficult for you to survive. We prepare our students to face realities. They should not have any fear when they go into the business world,” his reasons for the class grilling are completely validated.
Another reason his classes have low absenteeism is because of the processes he adopts. “The learning at Jaipuria is experiential. It is not based on the traditional chalk and talk method. While there are lectures, it is more of a case based teaching. However, we emphasise more on learning by doing,” he says. What better way is there to learn as you do? The very experience of the doing teaches you where you could be going wrong, or for that matter, right.
Typically, a Jaipuria Noida student is given many career options. They can either turn entrepreneur or go corporate. “We have people from the industry come and talk to them; some of them are our own alumni. We have tie up with National Entrepreneurship Network, too. Entrepreneurship holds more responsibility than a job,” he says, clear about giving the Jaipuria Noida students what they seek – a bit more than just management studies.
He ends with a bit of advice to the students not just of Jaipuria but to the students of the entire business world. “Understand not only Indian business environment but global business environment is changing very fast. The experiences from US, Europe and other free economies like France and Italy are facing the heat of uncertainty and crisis. It is rising day by day. The managers of today should be prepared for today and for more uncertainties that wait in the future. Their level of preparation should be very high, without any shortcuts.”

Jaipuria Media Jaipuria News

Jaipuria Noida embracing technology to wire up students to its hybrid library.

With the advancement of information technology and the internet, the world of knowledge is just a click away at Jaipuria Noida. Our communication methods have undergone a sea change and have changed the ways we gather information. Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida can boast of a very rich Library and Resource Centre since 2004, which started offering its services on the web in 2008. But as if that is not enough—they are furiously working to put in place a state-of-the-art virtual library that will change the way students collect data and gather information.
“Presently we have a hybrid library which offers print material such as books and magazines as well as electronic-based material but to introduce more features and make it accessible to all the students and faculty, we are embracing various advanced technologies”, says Suresh K. Chauhan, Librarian at Jaipuria Noida, who is always looking for ways to attract students to the library.
PGDM has become very competitive and in order to excel, students and faculty members need to access quality literature. “We gather literature from all our resources and pool it at one place so that our students and teachers access best material available. For example, we recently got the subscription of IMF’s digital library”, says Mr. Chauhan. Jaipuria Noida has made arrangements with other organizations and foreign institutions so that resource exchange can take place. “We are able to access latest research and theories which help us get an international perspective on present-day problems”, says a second-year PGDM student.
All this is not to suggest that the physical library is being relegated to a secondary position. The physical library provides an environment to study which no electronic library can provide, and many students prefer printed material.
Innovative methods are devised to encourage students to use library and consult available material. Names of the best five books and best five library users of the months are displayed on the notice boards and the web site of the institute. It has been observed that frequent visits to the library get reflected as improvement in grades. Concepts like these are showing their results as it helps motivate students to visit the library and make use of the vast resource of knowledge at Jaipuria Noida.

Jaipuria Media Jaipuria News

Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, honored meritorious students.

Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida was buzzing with excitement and joy. Meritorious Students had all the reasons to smile and paint the town red—their hard work was acknowledged in the awards distribution ceremony which was held in Auditorium II, between 3.30 PM to 5.00 PM, 8 February. It was attended by all PGDM (G/S/M) students. “I cheered for my buddy Akanksha Chaturvedi who is overall topper of PGDM (2010—12) for 1st year,” says classmate and close friend who missed making to the toppers list but was very happy for her friend.
Girls at Jaipuria Noida have more than one reason to smile this time—they have annihilated boys as all the three top rankers for first year are only girls. So, boys have a lot to prove in future. But some of them have their own idea to settle the scores . “We boys cheered the loudest on Wednesday and girls could not match us”, says Pankaj. “This time they took the crown but they should not forgot that there is one more year and an injured lion is very dangerous,” laughed Pankaj. Ms. Reshu Varshney, and Ms. Rhythem Gupta have bagged second and third position respectively. Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida gave cash prize of fifteen thousand to the overall topper Ms Akansha, ten thousand to second topper Ms. Reshu and five thousand to third topper Ms. Rhythem.
PGDM (2010—12) 3rd term top rankers and subject-wise toppers were also felicitated.
Jaipuria Noida PGDM (2011-13) batch journey has taken off well–first term is over and the results are very promising. Here too, top is crowded with girls as the first two toppers are Ms. Harshita Shukla and Ms. Aarti Sharma. Boys can take solace in the fact that Mr. Sameer Vivian Joseph has saved complete wash out by securing third position. Subject-wise toppers for the first term were also awarded.
It was time to look one’s best, and appreciate friends who deserved applause for their hard work.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

Dr Vikas Nath of Jaipuria Noida Speaks on his Experience in Teaching

Dr. Vikas Nath began his career in Management thirteen years ago. He has faced challenges head-on and has grown as a person with each roadblock in his life. Moving through B Schools, Dr. Vikas Nath has gained priceless experiences. “The journey was very exciting,” he recalls. “I started with IMR, went on to become a Reader and Coordinator with the affiliated college of GGSIPU and have now joined Jaipuria, Noida.”
Before entering B-Schools, Dr. Nath tried the corporate experience, but it was not for him. He was a teacher through and through, he found, and promptly returned to academics. “Over the years I have learned a lot and have exercised that learning in my teaching. For me, teaching is twofold. One is to make my student’s great businessmen and secondly, of equal importance is to help them mature into good human beings,” he says. Because, he finds, deep down inside everybody is a ‘good human being. Some have many layers covering that innate goodness. It is his job to peel off those layers so the real person can shine through.
Knowledge shared is knowledge doubled. Dr. Nath’s mission to share as much as he knows, and he is doing it the practical way, which is the best way to teach and learn. Students retain lessons much better when they experience things firsthand. “I believe in giving practical knowledge that is not confined within the pages of a book alone,” he confesses. Books guide. For practice, you need real life. “At Jaipuria Noida, I take the students to different corporate houses or maybe to a local market to make them understand different market trends and often give them research projects that they work on independently. It helps the students to learn fast and know about the realities of business and market.”
In a recent trip to HEIG-VD, while mentoring a team of students from different countries viz Switzerland, America, and India, Professor Laurence Firoben of HEIG-VD commented- ” I really like the way, you coach students”. In that visit, he inculcated the Spirit of observing practical things done by managers and embed it in one’s life.
Being told he is on top of the teachers’ popularity charts at Jaipuria, Noida brings a smile to the otherwise serious Dr. Vikas Nath’s face. “Thank you,” he says, still smiling. “It feels great. I guess my practical way of teaching may have attracted the students. It actually helps students to understand the market scenario and the quantitative method in a more appropriate way,” he ends, happy in the knowledge that his students value his hard work.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

Dr Vikas Nath of Jaipuria Noida Speaks on his Experience in Teaching

Dr. Vikas Nath began his career in Management thirteen years ago. He has faced challenges head-on and has grown as a person with each roadblock in his life. Moving through B Schools, Dr. Vikas Nath has gained priceless experiences. “The journey was very exciting,” he recalls. “I started with IMR, went on to become a Reader and Coordinator with the affiliated college of GGSIPU and have now joined Jaipuria, Noida.”
Before entering B-Schools, Dr. Nath tried the corporate experience, but it was not for him. He was a teacher through and through, he found, and promptly returned to academics. “Over the years I have learned a lot and have exercised that learning in my teaching. For me, teaching is twofold. One is to make my student’s great businessmen and secondly, of equal importance is to help them mature into good human beings,” he says. Because, he finds, deep down inside everybody is a ‘good human being. Some have many layers covering that innate goodness. It is his job to peel off those layers so the real person can shine through.
Knowledge shared is knowledge doubled. Dr. Nath’s mission to share as much as he knows, and he is doing it the practical way, which is the best way to teach and learn. Students retain lessons much better when they experience things firsthand. “I believe in giving practical knowledge that is not confined within the pages of a book alone,” he confesses. Books guide. For practice, you need real life. “At Jaipuria Noida, I take the students to different corporate houses or maybe to a local market to make them understand different market trends and often give them research projects that they work on independently. It helps the students to learn fast and know about the realities of business and market.”
In a recent trip to HEIG-VD, while mentoring a team of students from different countries viz Switzerland, America, and India, Professor Laurence Firoben of HEIG-VD commented- ” I really like the way, you coach students”. In that visit, he inculcated the Spirit of observing practical things done by managers and embed it in one’s life.
Being told he is on top of the teachers’ popularity charts at Jaipuria, Noida brings a smile to the otherwise serious Dr. Vikas Nath’s face. “Thank you,” he says, still smiling. “It feels great. I guess my practical way of teaching may have attracted the students. It actually helps students to understand the market scenario and the quantitative method in a more appropriate way,” he ends, happy in the knowledge that his students value his hard work.

Blog Jaipuria Noida

E-week in full swing from 11-18 February at Jaipuria Noida

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Well, the same is true for the budding future managers at the prestigious Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida where a week has been planned away from the occupying daily schedules of management education and rather venture into the arena of fun through mutual learning and healthy competition and special focus on evoking entrepreneurship capabilities. The E week will be on from the coming Saturday, 11th of February till the corresponding Saturday, 18th of February where around 120 events and 304 pledges have been planned for the participants.
The E week campaign, led by the National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) and supported by the prestigious Wadhwani Foundation, has been designed to build public awareness and support for entrepreneurship in the country. The faculty in- charge for the E week this year is Dr. Poonam Sharma from the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. The special E week at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida will focus on creating a public awareness on today’s biggest business opportunities and encouraging participants to imbibe skills and attributes that will reflect on their role as leaders and innovators of tomorrow.
A rather hurried look at the long list of schedules and events planned and up for the E week at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida reveals eye grappling activities spread across all the 7 days with a dominant theme. A mix and flurry of events planned include guest speaks by eminent personalities from the industry. The E speak will be the most grappling guest speak-up for participants to attend that will kick off the very first day with the outlined theme of ‘Education’. An interesting role playing event will also be among the events planned on Saturday. Another E week event will be focused on good governance of the political scenario of India. The 11th of February will also see the commencement of Unicus- a competition to showcase the best business plan. Other activities include quiz events, movie screening, writing activities, documentaries, book fairs and discourse on the future of marketing.
The second day is dedicated to the theme ‘Sports Arena and CSR’ that apart from generating interest towards CSR activities in an organization, will also challenge the physical fitness of the participants. Some of the events planned include Cricket for charity, self defense lessons for girls, a rock show, and a tree plantation drive. The third day that is Monday, 13th of February will be the special day for all talented participants with artistic inclination. Under the theme ‘Artistic Platform’, creative activities like tribal art, Mr. and Ms. Entrepreneur, My Story, Master of creation- business ideas workshop, poster presentation and waste is wealth events are lined up.
Similarly for the rest of the week, the per day themes include E week @ School on the 14th of February, Tuesday, Rural Day on Wednesday, Design and innovation on Thursday, Science and Technology and Abstract on the Friday, 17th and Saturday, 18th of February respectively. Under the various absorbing themes, an even more exciting array of events will include skit on environmental awareness, mock parliament, write up on water harvesting, sales pitch, extempore, micro technology, patents, E-treasure hunt, chess championship, and a special focus on waste management with the broader theme of developing entrepreneurial skills and endeavours from participants.
This year too, the E week is slated for an active participation from people across all industries and educational institutes much in accordance with its past of dramatic results of the largest entrepreneurship activity in the country. The E week has built support for the entrepreneurs while encouraging them to launch a start up. As is anticipated for the coveted E Week this year, it is set to engage over 6,00,000 participants as the campaign will see active involvement from more than 30 organizations that support entrepreneurship; corporate entities; industry captains, experts, non-profits, and faculty leaders to inspire, encourage, and guide students.

Jaipuria Media Jaipuria News

LG handpicks two Jaipuria students

Excited about the offer, Himanshu says: “It feels great that for the first time I would be interning at LG and will be getting a taste of the corporate world. “ An equally thrilled Ankush says: “It is such an amazing opportunity that I have got and I feel lucky that Himanshu and I got this chance.”
Both the students are pursuing PGDM in Marketing and would be handling projects related to their field of specialization. Himanshu adds that they could land on brand equity, consumer behavior, CRM or other marketing-related topics. He says the topics will be given only after they report at the LG office on April 15th.
On being asked as to how this entire selection process took place, Ankush says: “Our placement cell had put up a notice about LG Electronic’s requirement for fresh interns. Both Himanshu and I applied right away and got shortlisted on the basis of our performance throughout our MBA. Then we were interview and we got through.”
Himanshu says Jaipuria Noida is a great institute to be in. Explaining, he says the institute involves them in a variety of projects, “there are projects wherein we are required to conduct corporate interviews of Marketing and HR professionals. We are also assigned projects for developing marketing plans for organizations.” Such projects, he says, are a good learning experience for any MBA student.
Looking forward to their internship, Ankush says: “ I believe the program will give us the right kind of exposure.”

Jaipuria Media Jaipuria News

LG handpicks two Jaipuria students

Excited about the offer, Himanshu says: “It feels great that for the first time I would be interning at LG and will be getting a taste of the corporate world. “ An equally thrilled Ankush says: “It is such an amazing opportunity that I have got and I feel lucky that Himanshu and I got this chance.”
Both the students are pursuing PGDM in Marketing and would be handling projects related to their field of specialization. Himanshu adds that they could land on brand equity, consumer behavior, CRM or other marketing-related topics. He says the topics will be given only after they report at the LG office on April 15th.
On being asked as to how this entire selection process took place, Ankush says: “Our placement cell had put up a notice about LG Electronic’s requirement for fresh interns. Both Himanshu and I applied right away and got shortlisted on the basis of our performance throughout our MBA. Then we were interview and we got through.”
Himanshu says Jaipuria Noida is a great institute to be in. Explaining, he says the institute involves them in a variety of projects, “there are projects wherein we are required to conduct corporate interviews of Marketing and HR professionals. We are also assigned projects for developing marketing plans for organizations.” Such projects, he says, are a good learning experience for any MBA student.
Looking forward to their internship, Ankush says: “ I believe the program will give us the right kind of exposure.”

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