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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Lucknow

“Curriculum And Mode Of Delivery At Jaipuria Lucknow Rests On The Four Pillars Of Knowledge, Application, Discipline And Learning habit.” – says, Professor Dheeraj Misra, Dean, Jaipuria Lucknow.

“At Jaipuria Lucknow we strongly believe that teachers become great if they are able to put complicated theory into simple layman’s language, so that every student can understand and learn. Degrees and diplomas mean nothing if you are unable to translate knowledge into easy-to-understand-and-assimilate information.”
These are wise words from Professor Dheeraj Misra, who knows this first hand; after all, as the Dean of Jaipuria Lucknow; he leads the largest PhD faculty anywhere in the country. Professor Misra’s views on teaching methods and techniques have been developed over a career spanning 20 years.
An academician ‘by design and not by default’, Professor Misra developed a keen interest in teaching while he was still a graduate student of Economics. Once he was awarded a First Class in his graduation, the doorways to being an academician opened automatically for him, one after the other.
“In general terms, most teachers go for their Doctorate after having accumulated quite a lengthy teaching experience. For me it was the other way round. Since I had decided to be a teacher very early in my life, I completed my PhD in Economics from IIT Kanpur before joining the world of academia.”
Professor Misra points out that the curriculum and mode of delivery at Jaipuria Lucknow rests on the four pillars of knowledge, application, discipline and learning habit. By the end of their two years in Jaipuria Lucknow, every student should be able to answer these all-important questions: What is your objective? What are the best methods to achieve them? And where is the chance of failure the least?
“To achieve this, students of Jaipuria Lucknow are given an in-depth understanding of the nature of industry and its issues. They are then expected to chalk out the business strategy and see how the strategy can best be applied. The nature of each problem is different. One should first understand the issues and only then can one apply the concepts.”
Professor Misra elaborates that the faculty at Jaipuria Lucknow is especially skilled at gauging the abilities of a student, and guide him or her accordingly.
“You cannot fit a square peg in a round hole. If a student is unable to grasp the technicalities of statistics and is not good with numbers, there is not much point for the student to get into Finance.”
It is with this objective that Jaipuria Lucknow conducts a survey every trimester, wherein a student is required to assess his overall progress on managerial qualities, and the level of self-development achieved in the duration.
“Our aim is that students at Jaipuria Lucknow enjoy themselves while learning, and develop these characteristics along the way.”
At the beginning of every course Professor Misra gives a course outline to ensure that each subject has a different curriculum and that overlapping subjects/ topics are not repeated. At the end of each month the progress of the curriculum is monitored and, if required, modified for the benefit of the students of Jaipuria Lucknow. Clearly, Professor Misra is one of those rare deans who believes that a student’s time is as important as a lecturer’s or Director’s. This is what has earned him immense respect across the board in Jaipuria Lucknow.

Jaipuria Lucknow STUDENT Speaks

Defni Prasad from Jaipuria Lucknow – "One day I’m a volunteer at an IIC Conference"

Defni Prasad – “One day I’m a volunteer at an IIC Conference, & the next day I’m teaching underprivilleged kids; It can be so uniquely across-the-spectrum.”

For most of us, ‘Leadership’ is a long trudge through life, a code that needs to be cracked… the final destination that is achieved in pursuit of excellence. For most of us, ‘Leadership’ is equated by the greyness in our hair, and is often confused with experience. Not for Defni Prasad. Defni is one of those gifted few, who are recognized straightaway as born leaders. They ascend to prominence without breaking a sweat, on the basis of their natural charm, a flair for communication, and the ability to work smart.
“Deciding to commit to an MBA course meant choosing a career in management. But once that was done, Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow was my first choice. It was in fact, the first management institute where I had given an interview and luckily, I cracked it! I had heard a lot about Jaipuria Lucknow. But my brother’s friend, an alumnus of Jaipuria Lucknow, opined that Jaipuria Lucknow would be just the place for me as it laid stress on good grooming and gave its students ample opportunities to showcase their talent.”
Defni is the class representative of her batch at Jaipuria Lucknow. While this would be considered an accomplishment by the parents of most of the students in Jaipuria Lucknow, people who know Defni Prasad think it is quite natural for her. For this girl from Jhansi, academics and extra-curricular activities have always walked hand-in-hand. Right from her school days, Defni had excelled in competitions ranging from one-act plays and singing to debates, elocutions and seminars. Not only was Dephni the College Captain, but shehad graduated with the second highest grade in her college – over 70%.
“Organising events in school or college was small-scale work; doing the same in Jaipuria Lucknow is a different ball-game altogether. It brought out from within me the best management skills – those that I never knew I possessed. Most of the events in Jaipuria Lucknow are student-driven, right down to bringing in the sponsorship. The thrill of ‘fixing a deal’, the taste of the real business world, the tactics and strategy required to ensure a ‘buy-in’, all happens because Jaipuria Lucknow trusts its students and its pedagogical philosophy.”
Apart from being a part of the sponsorship team, faculty members have elected her to the student affairs committee, which manages all the events within the Jaipuria Lucknow campus. Having tasted action, Defni now wants more of it! She is targeting a Marketing profile with a major corporate house, and after 5 years of having learnt the ropes, she intends starting her own venture.
“One day I’m a volunteer, helping organize Jaipuria Lucknow’s flagship event – the Independence, Integration and Co-creation (IIC) conference, and the very next day I’m with the Udaan team, teaching underprivileged children. That is the beauty of Jaipuria Lucknow; it can be so uniquely across-the-spectrum.”

Jaipuria Lucknow STUDENT Speaks

Defni Prasad from Jaipuria Lucknow – "One day I’m a volunteer at an IIC Conference"

Defni Prasad – “One day I’m a volunteer at an IIC Conference, & the next day I’m teaching underprivilleged kids; It can be so uniquely across-the-spectrum.”

For most of us, ‘Leadership’ is a long trudge through life, a code that needs to be cracked… the final destination that is achieved in pursuit of excellence. For most of us, ‘Leadership’ is equated by the greyness in our hair, and is often confused with experience. Not for Defni Prasad. Defni is one of those gifted few, who are recognized straightaway as born leaders. They ascend to prominence without breaking a sweat, on the basis of their natural charm, a flair for communication, and the ability to work smart.
“Deciding to commit to an MBA course meant choosing a career in management. But once that was done, Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow was my first choice. It was in fact, the first management institute where I had given an interview and luckily, I cracked it! I had heard a lot about Jaipuria Lucknow. But my brother’s friend, an alumnus of Jaipuria Lucknow, opined that Jaipuria Lucknow would be just the place for me as it laid stress on good grooming and gave its students ample opportunities to showcase their talent.”
Defni is the class representative of her batch at Jaipuria Lucknow. While this would be considered an accomplishment by the parents of most of the students in Jaipuria Lucknow, people who know Defni Prasad think it is quite natural for her. For this girl from Jhansi, academics and extra-curricular activities have always walked hand-in-hand. Right from her school days, Defni had excelled in competitions ranging from one-act plays and singing to debates, elocutions and seminars. Not only was Dephni the College Captain, but shehad graduated with the second highest grade in her college – over 70%.
“Organising events in school or college was small-scale work; doing the same in Jaipuria Lucknow is a different ball-game altogether. It brought out from within me the best management skills – those that I never knew I possessed. Most of the events in Jaipuria Lucknow are student-driven, right down to bringing in the sponsorship. The thrill of ‘fixing a deal’, the taste of the real business world, the tactics and strategy required to ensure a ‘buy-in’, all happens because Jaipuria Lucknow trusts its students and its pedagogical philosophy.”
Apart from being a part of the sponsorship team, faculty members have elected her to the student affairs committee, which manages all the events within the Jaipuria Lucknow campus. Having tasted action, Defni now wants more of it! She is targeting a Marketing profile with a major corporate house, and after 5 years of having learnt the ropes, she intends starting her own venture.
“One day I’m a volunteer, helping organize Jaipuria Lucknow’s flagship event – the Independence, Integration and Co-creation (IIC) conference, and the very next day I’m with the Udaan team, teaching underprivileged children. That is the beauty of Jaipuria Lucknow; it can be so uniquely across-the-spectrum.”

Jaipuria Lucknow Jaipuria Lucknow Placement Update STUDENT Speaks

The faculty at Jaipuria Lucknow is absolutely amazing! We could call our teacher sup at 2 am with a query, and they would answer.

Between 2010 and 2012, there was not a single function or event in Jaipuria Lucknow that was not conducted in the silvery voice and clipped English accent of Deepti Sadhwani. Come hail or storm, almost every evening between 5 and 8 pm would find Deepti hanging out with her batch mates at Jaipuria Lucknow – preparing for events, meeting for group studies or simply catching up!
“We had a real blast at Jaipuria Lucknow! Nothing comes even remotely close to the sense of belonging that we felt for Jaipuria Lucknow. As a part of the placement committee, five of us had co-ordinated the interviews for our seniors. Even with our batch, those of us who got placed early on were anxious about the others, and would be helping them with their interview preps.”
In fact, Deepti was among the first to be placed in her course; and what a placement it was! The global corporate powerhouse from Japan, the Nomura Goup that acquired Lehmann Brothers in Asia and Europe, in the aftermath of the global meltdown in 2008 took on this young girl.Deepti joined Nomura in April 2012, and has been assigned the unique Risk Manager’s profile with the Operations Division Risk Governance (ODRG).
“No other management trainee has been assigned to this division.I feel that in two years’ time, this experience would have shaped me for the next level.”
Deepti speaks very highly of the famed Japanese work ethic in Nomura; all new joinees go through a six-week training programme revolving around ‘why you are doing what you are doing’ and ‘how each one’s work impacts the others’.
“While HR policies are very strictly followed, the company goes out of its way to ensure that the employee is at ease. I had fallen ill sometime back and they took me to the hospital and ensured everything was ok till I was discharged. I was really touched!”
Before joining Jaipuria Lucknow, Deepti was with HPCL. While she had applied to all good B-schools, what swung the decision in favour of Jaipuria Lucknow was its famed finance department and also because Lucknow is her home-town. Her summer internship with Standard Chartered Bank, doing a comparison for the different financial products of Standard Chartered and how they stood vis-à-vis the offering of other MNC banks, was the right preparation for her ultimate role in Nomura.
“The faculty at Jaipuria Lucknow is absolutely amazing! We could call our teachers up at 2 am with a query, and they would answer.”

Jaipuria Lucknow Jaipuria Lucknow Placement Update STUDENT Speaks

The faculty at Jaipuria Lucknow is absolutely amazing! We could call our teacher sup at 2 am with a query, and they would answer.

Between 2010 and 2012, there was not a single function or event in Jaipuria Lucknow that was not conducted in the silvery voice and clipped English accent of Deepti Sadhwani. Come hail or storm, almost every evening between 5 and 8 pm would find Deepti hanging out with her batch mates at Jaipuria Lucknow – preparing for events, meeting for group studies or simply catching up!
“We had a real blast at Jaipuria Lucknow! Nothing comes even remotely close to the sense of belonging that we felt for Jaipuria Lucknow. As a part of the placement committee, five of us had co-ordinated the interviews for our seniors. Even with our batch, those of us who got placed early on were anxious about the others, and would be helping them with their interview preps.”
In fact, Deepti was among the first to be placed in her course; and what a placement it was! The global corporate powerhouse from Japan, the Nomura Goup that acquired Lehmann Brothers in Asia and Europe, in the aftermath of the global meltdown in 2008 took on this young girl.Deepti joined Nomura in April 2012, and has been assigned the unique Risk Manager’s profile with the Operations Division Risk Governance (ODRG).
“No other management trainee has been assigned to this division.I feel that in two years’ time, this experience would have shaped me for the next level.”
Deepti speaks very highly of the famed Japanese work ethic in Nomura; all new joinees go through a six-week training programme revolving around ‘why you are doing what you are doing’ and ‘how each one’s work impacts the others’.
“While HR policies are very strictly followed, the company goes out of its way to ensure that the employee is at ease. I had fallen ill sometime back and they took me to the hospital and ensured everything was ok till I was discharged. I was really touched!”
Before joining Jaipuria Lucknow, Deepti was with HPCL. While she had applied to all good B-schools, what swung the decision in favour of Jaipuria Lucknow was its famed finance department and also because Lucknow is her home-town. Her summer internship with Standard Chartered Bank, doing a comparison for the different financial products of Standard Chartered and how they stood vis-à-vis the offering of other MNC banks, was the right preparation for her ultimate role in Nomura.
“The faculty at Jaipuria Lucknow is absolutely amazing! We could call our teachers up at 2 am with a query, and they would answer.”

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Ritu Sabnani, A Graduate of Jaipuria Noida, tells us about her placement experience at Jaipuria Noida

Ritu Sabnani had been placed with UCO Bank as Officer, Second Grade through the Placement Cell at Jaipuria Noida. She is currently a member of the middle management and is serving her one year probation period at UCO Bank, after which she will be sanctioned a permanent department.
Ritu, who hails from Jaipur, Rajasthan, took admission into the 2010-12 PGDM program at Jaipuria Noida and was awarded a scholarship of Rs. 50,000/- at that time. Passion about finance, she was excited about all the possibilities the school offered her and was able to immediately settle into the life of a B-School.
When asked her about her experience at Jaipuria, she says, “The faculty at Jaipuria was very good and helpful, especially Professor Aman Shrivastav and Professor Anurag Singh, who encouraged growth of knowledge and helped me through the 2 years that I was there.”
Ritu is extremely thankful to her college for playing an integral role in helping her find her first job. She is excited about the growth that lies ahead of her and believes that it is the faculty and the philosophy of the university that allowed her to acquire a job she otherwise would not have been able to. The support and advice that she received from the faculty members was invaluable throughout her placement experience.
She moves on to talking about the Mentor-Mentee Program and the Industrial Mentor Program offered at Jaipuria, Noida, “Through regular sessions and seminars, our Placement Head shared reviews of various companies. He guided us on the basic interview process that each company followed, and the type of questions that we would be asked during the interviews. Further, the mentors also helped us with our problems, as and when we faced them in college.” She further elaborates, “Sometimes students didn’t match the company’s requirement of communication skills, or the companies didn’t like the aptitude levels. So our college started conducting aptitude tests for our benefit. They conducted tests for 3 months for our practice, and in the second year, there was a faculty member, Ms. Bhandari, who was appointed especially for us to help us with our interview skills. She also worked towards improving the communication levels of the students. The permanent faculty has also given us support and would advice us on what we need to answer, and how we should express our views.”
Ritu’s only advice to her juniors is to leverage the intellect and experience of the Jaipuria faculty to learn, grow and succeed in life.

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Shikha Gupta, A Graduate of Jaipuria Noida, gets reminiscent about her time at the B-School.

Shikha Gupta is a graduate of Jaipuria Noida, and had been placed, on-campus, in an enterprise communication company called ‘Value First’. ‘Value First’ is a comprehensive digital solutions provider that is internationally renowned for its mobile, SMS and Internet marketing services. After her PGDM from Jaipuria Noida, Shikha was given charge of the sales & support department and is currently handling the ‘Fab India’ project by providing them all the back-end support that they require.
When asked about her time with Jaipuria Noida, she tells us, “I thoroughly enjoyed my stay in Jaipuria. Never did I regret my decision of pursuing my PGDM here. The faculty is very supportive; whenever we needed them, they were always there for us, without fail. Be it for a silly issue or for curriculum guidance, they were always there.”
Belonging to a relatively small batch of management students at Jaipuria, Shikha especially remembers how compatible she was with her peers and how her experience not only included academic learnings, but a number of other co-curricular activities such as cultural events and industrial visits.
We asked how her experience at Jaipuria changed her, and she goes on to tell us “Prior to Jaipuria, life for me was all about having fun and nothing else. But when I entered Jaipuria I came to realize what the professional world was actually about. There are always people who play politics and try to use their power, so I actually had a gist of how things are in the corporate world. We learnt how to manage time, how to understand concepts, and how to grasp things quickly. In the two years that I spent here, I learnt how to present myself and how to take charge of a presentation. Initially we used to hesitate in front of a gathering of 40 people, but now we have gained immense confidence to present anything to any number of people.”
During her term at Jaipuria, Shikha also had the opportunity to intern with where she handled a social media marketing profile. She thoroughly values this experience as an opportunity to learn, and believes that it played an integral role in her management education and development of skills.
Shikha’s message to her juniors is to make the most of their time at Jaipuria, have fun and to always be themselves!

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Shikha Gupta, A Graduate of Jaipuria Noida, gets reminiscent about her time at the B-School.

Shikha Gupta is a graduate of Jaipuria Noida, and had been placed, on-campus, in an enterprise communication company called ‘Value First’. ‘Value First’ is a comprehensive digital solutions provider that is internationally renowned for its mobile, SMS and Internet marketing services. After her PGDM from Jaipuria Noida, Shikha was given charge of the sales & support department and is currently handling the ‘Fab India’ project by providing them all the back-end support that they require.
When asked about her time with Jaipuria Noida, she tells us, “I thoroughly enjoyed my stay in Jaipuria. Never did I regret my decision of pursuing my PGDM here. The faculty is very supportive; whenever we needed them, they were always there for us, without fail. Be it for a silly issue or for curriculum guidance, they were always there.”
Belonging to a relatively small batch of management students at Jaipuria, Shikha especially remembers how compatible she was with her peers and how her experience not only included academic learnings, but a number of other co-curricular activities such as cultural events and industrial visits.
We asked how her experience at Jaipuria changed her, and she goes on to tell us “Prior to Jaipuria, life for me was all about having fun and nothing else. But when I entered Jaipuria I came to realize what the professional world was actually about. There are always people who play politics and try to use their power, so I actually had a gist of how things are in the corporate world. We learnt how to manage time, how to understand concepts, and how to grasp things quickly. In the two years that I spent here, I learnt how to present myself and how to take charge of a presentation. Initially we used to hesitate in front of a gathering of 40 people, but now we have gained immense confidence to present anything to any number of people.”
During her term at Jaipuria, Shikha also had the opportunity to intern with where she handled a social media marketing profile. She thoroughly values this experience as an opportunity to learn, and believes that it played an integral role in her management education and development of skills.
Shikha’s message to her juniors is to make the most of their time at Jaipuria, have fun and to always be themselves!

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Pallavi Singh , 2010-12 Batch – " Summer internship proved decisive in my final placement at Deloitte ”

Pallavi is happy and excited as she has got placed with Deloitte. Just talk to her for a few minutes and you realize she really deserves it.  She comes across as a very mature and intelligent person. Confidence in her voice is infectious. She thanks Jaipuria Noida for this total transformation in her personality. “At Jaipuria, they teach and train you to become managers. Communication classes, personality development sessions, presentations, projects, and seminars are regular part of the curriculum that imparts so much of practical training that when you appear for interviews , you don’t get  nervous,” says Pallavi.
Jaipuria Noida curriculum stresses on practical training which helps students excel when they enter in the corporate world. Placement cell of the Jaipuria prepares students for placement interviews through mock interview techniques and make every effort to invite best names of the industry for oncampus placement interviews. “Despite bad market condition and depressing global economy, Jaipuria Noida, has witnessed a big jump in terms of average package and better profile,” informs Anup K. Singh, Director of Jaipuria Noida.
But don’t presume her interview was a cake walk. On the contrary, it was very grilling and she had to face four rounds of interviews. She did her internship in finance and hersummer internship project was to evaluate the validity of a project in Indian Oil Corporation.  It being a hard core finance project required her to doa lot of research and evaluation wok.“Duringall rounds of interview, I was quizzed on every aspect of the project. Since, I had really worked hard during the project, I was able to impress the interview panel which decided to offer me the big ticket,” says Pallavi. She advises her juniors to take internship programme very seriously as this could prove decisive during placement interviews.
Soon, she will be saying adieu to Jaipuria to embark on her career journey. “Apart from the Masti and Dhamaal of campus life, I am going to miss the excellent teaching faculty. They are always eager to help out students and solve their problems,” says Pallavi getting nostalgic about the days spent at campus.
Pallavi believes that in order to succeed in corporate world, it is an advantage to specialize in either marketing or finance. “But, even if you have decided to specialize in other subjects, just pay full attention to it and never adopt chalta hai attitude,” cautions Pallavi to her juniors.
She terms her two years at Jaipuria Noida as a roller coaster ride. “I really enjoyed my two years and it was great learning experience,” says Pallavi. Well, her journey in real corporate world is about to begin, and she can’t wait to embark on her voyage.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

Anant Chaturvedi , 2010-12 Batch – Life at Jaipuria Noida “Networking is my Life”

“I consider myself really lucky” says Anant Chaturvedi, who is yet to attend his PGDM Jaipuria convocation and has already bagged his dream job as Executive – Campus Relations, at India HR Network, Noida.
Hailing from the princely state of Jodhpur, Anant was sceptical pursuing CA along with his Bcom (in Jodhpur) which seemed to be a popular trend among his friends at that time. Instead, he chose to follow what he terms as his ‘networking interests’ and started to work in the field of marketing alongside his graduation.
‘I’ve always been good around people’—holds for Anant true, ashe has scores of friends and acquaintances from all walks of life to boast of (a great sales and marketing skill). Interestingly, his gift of gab also landed him his first job with a FM radio station in Jodhpur during his Bcom days. Anant, being a frequent caller at that particular radio station, soon chatted up to become friends with the RJ. That RJ then went on to invite Anant to visit his radio station. A visit turned into a job-offer, as the radio station soon beckoned him to join their marketing team. Not only that, in the next few months Anant went on to manage the marketing efforts of 3 other radio stations and a Cinema hall around Jodhpur region.
A self-professed way-wanderer, Anant went on to seek the guidance of his elder brother to apply for his PGDM degree. Subsequent to scoring a decent 80 percentile in his MAT, he chose Jaipuria Noida as a better option over other Universities. Not only had he heard about its reputation, he also knew that the faculty there was superb.
Jaipuria-Noida — “Here I come”
Along with studies, life at Jaipuria was lots of masti and lots of fun! Of course the regimen of a fixed schedule and classes makes the student what they are, but for Anant, the entire journey meant earning a degree and a higher degree of relationship making.
Poised with confidence, he adjusted well to life in Delhi and campus life in general. Today, he keeps in touch with almost all his friends, through the popular social networking site, Facebook.
Anant went on to do his internship with retail brand, Provogue.
Executive, Campus-Relations, India HR Network, is Anant’s current designation. As the title suggests he is instrumental in ice-breaking through new relationships at college campuses and getting to sign on Btech students for placements across different companies.
And the ‘icing on the cake’ for Anant is – he can steal a visit to his Jaipuria campus once in a while (because his office is in Noida itself) and meet his Kanchan ma’am for a quick hello!

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