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Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

Anant Chaturvedi , 2010-12 Batch – Life at Jaipuria Noida “Networking is my Life”

“I consider myself really lucky” says Anant Chaturvedi, who is yet to attend his PGDM Jaipuria convocation and has already bagged his dream job as Executive – Campus Relations, at India HR Network, Noida.
Hailing from the princely state of Jodhpur, Anant was sceptical pursuing CA along with his Bcom (in Jodhpur) which seemed to be a popular trend among his friends at that time. Instead, he chose to follow what he terms as his ‘networking interests’ and started to work in the field of marketing alongside his graduation.
‘I’ve always been good around people’—holds for Anant true, ashe has scores of friends and acquaintances from all walks of life to boast of (a great sales and marketing skill). Interestingly, his gift of gab also landed him his first job with a FM radio station in Jodhpur during his Bcom days. Anant, being a frequent caller at that particular radio station, soon chatted up to become friends with the RJ. That RJ then went on to invite Anant to visit his radio station. A visit turned into a job-offer, as the radio station soon beckoned him to join their marketing team. Not only that, in the next few months Anant went on to manage the marketing efforts of 3 other radio stations and a Cinema hall around Jodhpur region.
A self-professed way-wanderer, Anant went on to seek the guidance of his elder brother to apply for his PGDM degree. Subsequent to scoring a decent 80 percentile in his MAT, he chose Jaipuria Noida as a better option over other Universities. Not only had he heard about its reputation, he also knew that the faculty there was superb.
Jaipuria-Noida — “Here I come”
Along with studies, life at Jaipuria was lots of masti and lots of fun! Of course the regimen of a fixed schedule and classes makes the student what they are, but for Anant, the entire journey meant earning a degree and a higher degree of relationship making.
Poised with confidence, he adjusted well to life in Delhi and campus life in general. Today, he keeps in touch with almost all his friends, through the popular social networking site, Facebook.
Anant went on to do his internship with retail brand, Provogue.
Executive, Campus-Relations, India HR Network, is Anant’s current designation. As the title suggests he is instrumental in ice-breaking through new relationships at college campuses and getting to sign on Btech students for placements across different companies.
And the ‘icing on the cake’ for Anant is – he can steal a visit to his Jaipuria campus once in a while (because his office is in Noida itself) and meet his Kanchan ma’am for a quick hello!

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Vipendra Vikram, 2010-12 Batch – “Get Involved”

Everyone always says that “the years you are in college are the best years of your life.” Having recently graduated with a degree in Marketing and Operations from Jaipuria Noida, this statement could not be less true for VipendraVikram.
Hailing from small town of Allahabad in U.P. Vikram remembers his freshman orientation as he arrived at his campus for the first time. He had visited the campus before, but along with umpteen other schools, which he remembers as a blur. The distinct, spacious and neat campus of Jaipuria Noida , stood apart to all the other colleges he’d visited in the NCR region.  He soon found himself meeting a number of people – students who would be living on his hostel floor, taking classes with him, and spending day after day alongside him.
Jaipuria Noida’s experienced faulty, combined with robust infrastructure & entire facility, was instrumental in imparting valuable and real-world skills for Vipendra. In fact, it was at this institute where he learned to ‘get involved’, actively engage and achieve the tactical edge over potential customers and prospective clients. The institute imbibed team spirit that helped him foster greater confidence and spirit. Virendra had ample opportunities within the institute itself like the annual cultural fest Udaan. The educational institute also has numerous mini workshops like Entrepreneurial workshops to test classroom tactics on field.
For a Post Graduate in Marketing & Operations, it was the two-pronged specialization offered by Jaipuria Noida that was the stepping stone for his first success getting into the Banking Industry.
Vipendra has been thankful from day one to his professors who had not only been technical & academically proficient, but also quite practical and realistic in nature. Coaxing the students to set higher standards and push them to achieve and even surpass them seems to be routine in the campus. “Learn from the knowledge and apply it as per the need” not as per the rule book is the mantra Vipendra seems to have imbibed as he prepares to enter the corporate world as Area Sales Manager for Corporate Banking with ING Vysya Bank.
Jaipuria Noida, not only helped him bring up his skill set in his desired field, but also helped him develop the confidence to sail successfully through the interview process. As ING Vysa Bank does not hire anyone but the best, it was a gruelling four step-interview for Vipendra as he faced and conquered every task and hurdle staring from a GD, Technical and Aptitude Tests, followed by immersive interviews with HR Head & National Sales Manager. Vipendra is indeed a happy person as he now set to start his career in one of the premier banks of India with a global presence
Overall, Vipendra attributes the institute for his entire turn-around in personality. Not just Vipendra, but his colleagues and co-students who have been placed in large Public and Private Sector Banks have been thankful and wish their juniors the same experience. Jaipuria Institute of Management,Noida has been instrumental in bringing closer students from myriad background and preparing them for the responsibilities and challenges of some of the largest companies in the world. However, as Vipendra puts it, “It is a family like atmosphere that helps us nurture the person within, while forging one way ahead”.

Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Vipendra Vikram, 2010-12 Batch – “Get Involved”

Everyone always says that “the years you are in college are the best years of your life.” Having recently graduated with a degree in Marketing and Operations from Jaipuria Noida, this statement could not be less true for VipendraVikram.
Hailing from small town of Allahabad in U.P. Vikram remembers his freshman orientation as he arrived at his campus for the first time. He had visited the campus before, but along with umpteen other schools, which he remembers as a blur. The distinct, spacious and neat campus of Jaipuria Noida , stood apart to all the other colleges he’d visited in the NCR region.  He soon found himself meeting a number of people – students who would be living on his hostel floor, taking classes with him, and spending day after day alongside him.
Jaipuria Noida’s experienced faulty, combined with robust infrastructure & entire facility, was instrumental in imparting valuable and real-world skills for Vipendra. In fact, it was at this institute where he learned to ‘get involved’, actively engage and achieve the tactical edge over potential customers and prospective clients. The institute imbibed team spirit that helped him foster greater confidence and spirit. Virendra had ample opportunities within the institute itself like the annual cultural fest Udaan. The educational institute also has numerous mini workshops like Entrepreneurial workshops to test classroom tactics on field.
For a Post Graduate in Marketing & Operations, it was the two-pronged specialization offered by Jaipuria Noida that was the stepping stone for his first success getting into the Banking Industry.
Vipendra has been thankful from day one to his professors who had not only been technical & academically proficient, but also quite practical and realistic in nature. Coaxing the students to set higher standards and push them to achieve and even surpass them seems to be routine in the campus. “Learn from the knowledge and apply it as per the need” not as per the rule book is the mantra Vipendra seems to have imbibed as he prepares to enter the corporate world as Area Sales Manager for Corporate Banking with ING Vysya Bank.
Jaipuria Noida, not only helped him bring up his skill set in his desired field, but also helped him develop the confidence to sail successfully through the interview process. As ING Vysa Bank does not hire anyone but the best, it was a gruelling four step-interview for Vipendra as he faced and conquered every task and hurdle staring from a GD, Technical and Aptitude Tests, followed by immersive interviews with HR Head & National Sales Manager. Vipendra is indeed a happy person as he now set to start his career in one of the premier banks of India with a global presence
Overall, Vipendra attributes the institute for his entire turn-around in personality. Not just Vipendra, but his colleagues and co-students who have been placed in large Public and Private Sector Banks have been thankful and wish their juniors the same experience. Jaipuria Institute of Management,Noida has been instrumental in bringing closer students from myriad background and preparing them for the responsibilities and challenges of some of the largest companies in the world. However, as Vipendra puts it, “It is a family like atmosphere that helps us nurture the person within, while forging one way ahead”.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, Alumni Executive Body Meet, Held Outside The College Campus Becomes A Big Hit.

Summary: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida has for the first time, organized its alumni executive body meet, outside the college campus. Attendance at the meeting was very inspiring and members liked the idea of moving out of the campus every now and then. Efforts are on to find ways to generate more alumni fund and increase the level of interaction among the members.
April 14, 2012 has become a milestone in the Alumni saga of Jaipuria Noida. Earlier also alumni have been interacting, sharing ideas and working together to widen their network, but that was confined to the college campus. But not anymore, as the third executive body meeting of the alumni association grew out of the campus and was held at Country Inn, a hotel in Vaishali, Noida.
“I have been discussing with other alumni members, and they all were of the opinion that we should try and move out of the campus every now and then, to keep an element of surprise. Going by the positive response, we plan to follow this trend in future,” says Prakarsh, an alumnus and one of the organizers.“We managed to break the monotony of same place every time, andthis helped infused new enthusiasm in the whole event, Also, we may even start holding meetings outside the Delhi-NCR,” adds Prakash.
Attendance at the meeting was good and all the credit goes to the intelligent planning of the organizers. The venue being close to metro station, helped many to avoid the heavy traffic of Noida, and it was rather easy for participants to take out time on Saturday. “Organizers remain in constant touch with all the alumni, and everyone’s comfort is kept in mind before finalizing date and venue,” says Prakarsh. At present, there are 22 members in the executive body, and there are plans to increase the number soon. Members include students from all the past batches. Students’ representatives from the present batches are also offered membership, so that they get to understand the working of the association and when they pass out, they will be more familiar and attached to the whole system. This helps bridge thecommunication gap between present and past students as they get to interact regularly at one platform.
Apart from the venue change, there were many first, as many new ideas were floated by the members.“We all have come up with practical ideas to generate more alumni funds and devise ways to increase the level of interaction among the members. We are also inventing methods to increase interaction between alumni and all the present students of the institute, so that students get help of their seniors and fetch suitable placements and assignments,” says Prabhashkumar, another founding member of the association.
Efforts are being made to develop the whole concept in such a way that everyone associated with it gains in the long run. “We all are deeply attached to Jaipuria Noida, and most of the alumni are doing excellent job in their chosen fields. If we all get together then think of the opportunities we bring to the table, and this is available to everyone associated with Jaipuria,” says Rohit Kumar, another alumnus who passed out two years back.
The meet ended with a delicious buffet and a resolve to meet regularly.

Blog Jaipuria Noida

Sharpen Your Skills at Jaipuria- Noida’s Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop

Opportunities’ abound for young entrepreneurs to learn the in’s and out’s of starting a business at Entrepreneurial Camps
Imagine.Design.Launch. Jaipuria-Noida is offering an exciting opportunity to incoming college students and/other teens with a workshop titled “Entrepreneurship for Teens” for those with an aptitude and interest in entrepreneurship.
Selected students will attend the ten-day, idea focused, animated Entrepreneurship discussions at the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida campus. The workshop held between May 28- June 8, 2012 will be an intensive course led by the faculty and staff of Jaipuria with critical assistance from industry leaders and successful ‘teen’ business entrepreneurs. Students will get to work in teams on a fundamental business case to determine the best way for a business to compete, identify capital needs to start a business and devise a plan for managing a business successfully.
This highly-interactive workshop is aimed at instilling confidence among the participants and helps them discover their latent talents. Comprising of participant presentations and discussions, guest talks, movies and videos, games, exercises, field work and classroom lectures by experts, this program provides students with a platform to inspire and give direction to their entrepreneurial desires.GOAL
The world has changed – thanks to advances in technology, the barriers to entry for entrepreneurs have fallen and today some of the most successful businesses in the country are now being created in make-shift garages. Entrepreneurship programs then offer a great way to engage such teens in productive, fun learning activities with lots of hands-on application. “Entrepreneurship for Teenagers” is conceived with the objective of sensitizing young boys and girls about the concept of entrepreneurship, kindling the business idea generation, developing out of box thinking and sensing business opportunities.
The high-end curriculum of this program is firsthand experience – putting participants in the trenches to nurture an entrepreneurial idea from start to finish. Of course there’s still room for conventional classroom lectures and textbooks, but today, the focus is getting out and doing it with guidance from peers and experienced mentors. The kind of experiential learning that this entrepreneurship program promises to deliver – is emphasizing to foster big ideas and big results.ENTREPRENEURS
India’s growth story as emerging economy is in fact galvanized by the growing tribe of the likes of Ambanis, Birlas, Tatas and others alike. They command a great respect in society and are instrumental in driving our economy’s growth engine story.
Entrepreneurs representing a variety of technology backgrounds, expertise and products will mentor the teams throughout the week. The teams also will hear from guest presenters who will share their stories of success and lessons learned.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Secret of success is within the four walls of the classroom! – Sameer

I am on cloud nine after securing top position in the first semester of micro-economics and financial management. All the hard work has really paid off. But I know my success would not have been so spectacular had it not been the dedication and commitment of my teachers at Jaipuria Noida, who went out of the way to help me dispel my doubts. Many times, even after the scheduled class, I would approach my teachers with queries on economic and financial matters, and they would happily help me understand the topic in every possible way. They would suggest reference material and encourage a healthy discussion that goes beyond books, and helps one look at academic theories in broader perspectives.
Many of my friends at Jaipuria ask me the secret of my success. Well, the secret lies in the four walls of the class room. I always pay utmost attention to the lecture delivered in the class and note down all the important points so that I can refer them while making final notes and preparing for the examinations. Friends, if you think you can retain everything without putting it in black and white, then you are making a big mistake. Just write it down on paper during the lecture, and you will find it a lot easier to elaborate when you prepare for the examinations.
There is one more secret—all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. And I am definitely not a dull young man. I love travelling, watching movies, and like to chill out with friends. It helps me unwind and get back to studies with more vim and vigor.
At Jaipuria, there are many groups that help students develop their personality and excel in their chosen field. I am member of finance club and literally club. In finance club we play games, like virtual stock trading, that help us sharpen our business acumen. I love reading books that help me sharpen my business skills and enhance my understanding of the corporate world.
I will be doing my majors in Finance. I am enjoying my campus life at Jaipuria. Every day is a learning experience and the atmosphere for learning and growth here is unmatchable.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Secret of success is within the four walls of the classroom! – Sameer

I am on cloud nine after securing top position in the first semester of micro-economics and financial management. All the hard work has really paid off. But I know my success would not have been so spectacular had it not been the dedication and commitment of my teachers at Jaipuria Noida, who went out of the way to help me dispel my doubts. Many times, even after the scheduled class, I would approach my teachers with queries on economic and financial matters, and they would happily help me understand the topic in every possible way. They would suggest reference material and encourage a healthy discussion that goes beyond books, and helps one look at academic theories in broader perspectives.
Many of my friends at Jaipuria ask me the secret of my success. Well, the secret lies in the four walls of the class room. I always pay utmost attention to the lecture delivered in the class and note down all the important points so that I can refer them while making final notes and preparing for the examinations. Friends, if you think you can retain everything without putting it in black and white, then you are making a big mistake. Just write it down on paper during the lecture, and you will find it a lot easier to elaborate when you prepare for the examinations.
There is one more secret—all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. And I am definitely not a dull young man. I love travelling, watching movies, and like to chill out with friends. It helps me unwind and get back to studies with more vim and vigor.
At Jaipuria, there are many groups that help students develop their personality and excel in their chosen field. I am member of finance club and literally club. In finance club we play games, like virtual stock trading, that help us sharpen our business acumen. I love reading books that help me sharpen my business skills and enhance my understanding of the corporate world.
I will be doing my majors in Finance. I am enjoying my campus life at Jaipuria. Every day is a learning experience and the atmosphere for learning and growth here is unmatchable.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Jaipuria-Noida Taught Me That Hard Work Counts But Smart Work Pays

I joined Jaipuria-Noida after three years of work experience at Ebix which is based in Atlanta. My job profile was that of a data quality analyst and I had to handle and audit data. Ebix, Noida, was where I learnt the nuances of managing myself in the corporate world. I learnt that even though hard work is what counts, it is smart work that pays. It was here that I learnt the importance of building up personal relationships with everyone around me.

I graduated in Electronic and Communications Engineering from Agra. I joined Jaipuria-Noida, because this was the only institute which provided specialization in Operations. The things I learnt at Ebix greatly helped me at Jaipuria-Noida. I was able to maintain my relationships with the members of my study groups. I believe that having had a first-hand experience of the corporate world, I was able to apply my learning in a realistic manner. This is something that freshers have a problem with. I was able to represent myself in a better manner at Jaipuria, thanks to my applicative skills.

I will be taking up Operation Skills and Total Quality Management next year because I wish to expand my knowledge in the field. I am doing my majors in Operations and Marketing. I believe that Ebix and Jaipuria-Noida are similar in that both of them are people-centric. Ebix is extremely employee-centric and Jaipuria, student-centric. Thanks to being at Jaipuria-Noida, I have been able to considerably expand my knowledge which has greatly strengthened my corporate knowledge as well.’

Piyush Jain
PGDM General

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Jaipuria-Noida Taught Me That Hard Work Counts But Smart Work Pays

I joined Jaipuria-Noida after three years of work experience at Ebix which is based in Atlanta. My job profile was that of a data quality analyst and I had to handle and audit data. Ebix, Noida, was where I learnt the nuances of managing myself in the corporate world. I learnt that even though hard work is what counts, it is smart work that pays. It was here that I learnt the importance of building up personal relationships with everyone around me.

I graduated in Electronic and Communications Engineering from Agra. I joined Jaipuria-Noida, because this was the only institute which provided specialization in Operations. The things I learnt at Ebix greatly helped me at Jaipuria-Noida. I was able to maintain my relationships with the members of my study groups. I believe that having had a first-hand experience of the corporate world, I was able to apply my learning in a realistic manner. This is something that freshers have a problem with. I was able to represent myself in a better manner at Jaipuria, thanks to my applicative skills.

I will be taking up Operation Skills and Total Quality Management next year because I wish to expand my knowledge in the field. I am doing my majors in Operations and Marketing. I believe that Ebix and Jaipuria-Noida are similar in that both of them are people-centric. Ebix is extremely employee-centric and Jaipuria, student-centric. Thanks to being at Jaipuria-Noida, I have been able to considerably expand my knowledge which has greatly strengthened my corporate knowledge as well.’

Piyush Jain
PGDM General

Jaipuria Media Jaipuria News

Jaipuria Noida: An Architectural Marvel Of Integration And Harmonization For Better Education.

You become what your surroundings are. Learning is a constant process and it happens all the time. “This has been the guiding principle behind the establishment of Jaipuria Noida and it gets reflected in every aspect of the institution, from architecture to curriculum,” says Dr. J.D. Singh, Director General of Jaipuria Noida. “When we are in harmony with the surroundings then everything integrates and this marriage of elements brings out desired result–all round development that eclipses the best in the world,” adds Dr. Singh.

A student during the course spends considerable amount of time on the campus. It has been scientifically proved that one’s ability and interest to absorb and retain information is very much affected by the surroundings, ambience, atmosphere and space available. “We have always believed that in the campus there should be freedom to breathe, freedom to think, freedom to interact,” highlights Dr. Singh while explaining the thoughts that went into designing the architecture and finalizing the curriculum.

Even before you enter the premises of Jaipuria Noida, you get to see the wave that creating ripples in the education world. Well, we are talking about the façade of the campus building which is in the shape of a wave. “This is the wave of learning and every wave of learning says, mitigate the one which has gone by and acquire the fresh one that is coming up,” explains Dr. Singh.

The moment you step in, you get a sense of tranquility in the greenery and free space of campus. You don’t bump into the concrete building; rather big lawn is waiting to embrace you. When you walk through the big corridors, gentle cool breeze will re-energize you. “Every effort has been made to keep students in touch with essential elements of nature—fresh air and sunlight. There are places in the campus where students indulge in group activities like seeing sunrise and sunset while sipping a cup of tea and chatting with friends,” tells Dr. Singh. “The idea essentially was to let people think big, thinks fresh, remain fresh and carry on”, recounts Dr. Singh on the necessity of relaxing in order to be creative and more productive.

Dr. Singh says that when students join Jaipuria Noida, they come with overload of information which bogs them down. Here they are taught the art of unlearning and emptying their cup of knowledge, so that they can retain what is taught to them in the campus. The entire teaching pedagogy and curriculum is designed on the art of isolating the relevant from the not so relevant.

The library, apart from the books, has a lot to teach the students. Here stones teach wisdom lesson if you care to pay attention. It is like a beach inside. “Stones on the river bed or beaches are polished. In the library too, same stones will always keep on reminding that knowledge is a never ending process and we can never claim to have known it all, but the process of acquiring knowledge will polish us, make us shine. Like the flowing water, new creative thoughts should also keep flowing. Importantly, one should keep moving forward” concludes Dr. Singh.

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