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Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Inspired by Mother Teresa

I am from Saharanpur UP. I have done my BBA from IMS Dehradun, specialized in HR. I wanted to stay closer to my parents hence took the opportunity of studying at Jaipuria-Noida. I am enjoying my stay at Jaipuria-Noida.I am quite good in singing and I love to paint. Painting embraces me and connects me with what i feel. Its easy to express myself on canvas and it is fun to paint or sketch.
I have some good friends here at College and the environment is also nice.
Studies wise there is a lot to work on- from assignments, to everyday studies to participating in extra-curricular activities. Here the students have a lot of focus and are really independent. I have learnt this from students here to do lots on my own, become a self starter. With my friends we tend to eat out a lot as I am a big foodie. The funny bit is that I can only cook maggi and tea.
Whenever the students have the time we are exploring foodjoints- the places we frequent are the Shipra Mall and Great India Place. The mess food for me is not sufficient to appease my appetite. We get a lot of snacks from home to pass time while studying late at nights during Exams. It’s interesting to note that there is gas kept in the boy’s hostel! The boys are definitely a lucky lot here!
I feel lucky to pursue my passion of painting and sketching. I even contributed some sketches and paintings at the Exhibition held during our annual festival in Udaan. I also sang at Udaan. I draw a lot of inspiration from Mother Teresa, whose painting I made. That is my favorite till date. I get a lot of positive vibes from that painting. I am a positive person and that is why I love that painting so much.
My future plans include doing PhD and pursue painting in some way or another. I will pursue a job, but will also keep looking to pursue my passion. Jaipuria-Noida has allowed me to explore not just PGDM, but also encouraged my passion. It’s my outlet to showcase my talents!

Rishibha Jain

PGDM General Jaipuria Noida

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

My College Has The Best Faculty, Ever…!!!

Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida possesses gems in form of its faculty members and one of its precious member is Ma’am Poonam Sharma who taught marketing to me in two semester.She is one who makes teaching so lively and practical. I especially like the way she tries to bridge the gap between theory and practicality. The exposure she gave us is incredible and arranging visits to places like Asian Paints Store was a step in the process. The way she articulates and tries to stem professionalism in us makes the subject more meaningful.
My other favourite faculty is Pratibha Ma’am. She taught us Accounting in the first semester. I have been accounts student for the last five years. But the way she cleared my concepts and basics no one else could do. I had phobia of accounts, but later I realized what role a good teacher can play in removing all the fears. We have some other teachers like Sonali Ma’am. She used to teach us Quants and I can bet it’s very difficult to find a quant’s teacher like her. She used to handle all our queries very patiently.I really feel that Jaipuria Noida rocks, because of its wonderful faculty!

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

My College Has The Best Faculty, Ever…!!!

Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida possesses gems in form of its faculty members and one of its precious member is Ma’am Poonam Sharma who taught marketing to me in two semester.She is one who makes teaching so lively and practical. I especially like the way she tries to bridge the gap between theory and practicality. The exposure she gave us is incredible and arranging visits to places like Asian Paints Store was a step in the process. The way she articulates and tries to stem professionalism in us makes the subject more meaningful.
My other favourite faculty is Pratibha Ma’am. She taught us Accounting in the first semester. I have been accounts student for the last five years. But the way she cleared my concepts and basics no one else could do. I had phobia of accounts, but later I realized what role a good teacher can play in removing all the fears. We have some other teachers like Sonali Ma’am. She used to teach us Quants and I can bet it’s very difficult to find a quant’s teacher like her. She used to handle all our queries very patiently.I really feel that Jaipuria Noida rocks, because of its wonderful faculty!

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Investing Time In My Dreams…

As I leave for the hostel at the end of the college day, I see groups of students near the canteen, the amphitheatre, near the parking lot, playing basketball listening to music, rushing to complete assignments. But whenever I have some free time I work on the campus company called Illuminati. We started with this club in my first year and as our first assignment we made T Shirts for the school which was a big success. It was amazing to see the T shirts flying off the table in our stall. From there, we ten members of the club have moved on to a lot of cool stuff.Our current assignment is making t-shirts for a pet shop. I won’t name the pet shop, but this is like the big break Illuminati was looking for. Also we (myself and Natasha Verma) are working on an advertisement concept for them. I am really excited and am looking forward to working on this.
Reflecting back, I have traveled the length and breadth of India, as my Father is working in the Indian Air Force. I have stayed in Kashmir, Delhi, Punjab( Amiritsar), Chennai, Agra and Rajasthan. I never really thought of pursuing PGDM till my graduation After getting through PGDM in Jaipuria-Noida things just started to happen on their own. Luckily there was no conflict with my choice of becoming an entrepreneur or pursuing my PGDM. It was my father’s job which gave me the inspiration to do these things. I have lots of ideas that I want to work on and implement. Before Illuminati was formed, Jaipuria Noida, gave us the opportunity to visit and work at Hometown and worked with their sales Manager for fifteen days. From there I got these ideas, how to set up a business, what it takes to start and then we got inspired and started Illuminati. One person I would like to mention is Ravi Ranjan sir (Manager Placement) who helped us give shape to Illuminati.
I am looking forward to establishing Illuminati in the coming years. I want to nurture this dream and make it grow. I have a lot of ideas and any free time I get, is not enough free time. Jaipuria Noida is arming me with information, education and new ideas. For me, right now, my present is golden, and am looking forward to my future!

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Investing Time In My Dreams…

As I leave for the hostel at the end of the college day, I see groups of students near the canteen, the amphitheatre, near the parking lot, playing basketball listening to music, rushing to complete assignments. But whenever I have some free time I work on the campus company called Illuminati. We started with this club in my first year and as our first assignment we made T Shirts for the school which was a big success. It was amazing to see the T shirts flying off the table in our stall. From there, we ten members of the club have moved on to a lot of cool stuff.Our current assignment is making t-shirts for a pet shop. I won’t name the pet shop, but this is like the big break Illuminati was looking for. Also we (myself and Natasha Verma) are working on an advertisement concept for them. I am really excited and am looking forward to working on this.
Reflecting back, I have traveled the length and breadth of India, as my Father is working in the Indian Air Force. I have stayed in Kashmir, Delhi, Punjab( Amiritsar), Chennai, Agra and Rajasthan. I never really thought of pursuing PGDM till my graduation After getting through PGDM in Jaipuria-Noida things just started to happen on their own. Luckily there was no conflict with my choice of becoming an entrepreneur or pursuing my PGDM. It was my father’s job which gave me the inspiration to do these things. I have lots of ideas that I want to work on and implement. Before Illuminati was formed, Jaipuria Noida, gave us the opportunity to visit and work at Hometown and worked with their sales Manager for fifteen days. From there I got these ideas, how to set up a business, what it takes to start and then we got inspired and started Illuminati. One person I would like to mention is Ravi Ranjan sir (Manager Placement) who helped us give shape to Illuminati.
I am looking forward to establishing Illuminati in the coming years. I want to nurture this dream and make it grow. I have a lot of ideas and any free time I get, is not enough free time. Jaipuria Noida is arming me with information, education and new ideas. For me, right now, my present is golden, and am looking forward to my future!

Blog Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Jaipuria Noida gave me the opportunity to explore my strengths, and i grabbed it

Finance will always be in demand. Understanding money, investing it wisely and creating wealth forclients is as rewarding as it is challenging. Ashish Pandey is on top of the world today. He has been placed with UCO Bank and is all set to be the best that he can be.
Groomed by the excellent Finance faculty at Jaipuria – Noida, Pandey finds he is a transformed person. “I learnt many great things and found the courage to initiate many things, thanks to the faculty. They are very good and have groomed me really well,” he says. Today facts and figures are on his fingertips. “Yes, they are. We have surprise quizzes and competitions. I believe in being prepared and did many things other than finance which I really enjoyed.” His metamorphosis has been remarkable. A reserved person, when he joined Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, he spoke a lot less than he does today. He was even less confident of speaking in public. But Jaipuria-Noida faculty pushed him. Every student had to present PPTs and speak inpublic. Now, an un-reserved Pandey enjoys presenting PPTs the most. Well, you never know what lurks beneath a shy exterior.
“Actually, there is a reason. Initially, all these things were new to me. I knew I had it in me, but needed to explore myself. Jaipuria Noida gave me the opportunity and I grabbed it.” Yes, Ashish, there are no second chances.
At Jaipuria Noida he learnt hands on. The industry experience here is priceless. “Because when wego out there we meet the people who are actually working in the industry. They know the ground realities. By training there, we are able to see the practicalities,” he observes.
Working in the Finance Department of UCO Bank was that invaluable opportunity Pandey dreamt of. His career in finance is set.
His two years at Jaipuria Noida have flown past and Ashish is nostalgic about the time he spent under its wings. “I am sad that I will be leaving my friends, my college. We have done many great things together,” he says.
His advice to his juniors is that there are no shortcuts to hard work. It is the only route to success. To future finance professionals, he says, “Choose Jaipuria, Noida if you are serious about a career in finance. The faculty is great and the education is awesome.” And he should know.

Blog Jaipuria Noida Placement Update

Jaipuria Noida gave me the opportunity to explore my strengths, and i grabbed it

Finance will always be in demand. Understanding money, investing it wisely and creating wealth forclients is as rewarding as it is challenging. Ashish Pandey is on top of the world today. He has been placed with UCO Bank and is all set to be the best that he can be.
Groomed by the excellent Finance faculty at Jaipuria – Noida, Pandey finds he is a transformed person. “I learnt many great things and found the courage to initiate many things, thanks to the faculty. They are very good and have groomed me really well,” he says. Today facts and figures are on his fingertips. “Yes, they are. We have surprise quizzes and competitions. I believe in being prepared and did many things other than finance which I really enjoyed.” His metamorphosis has been remarkable. A reserved person, when he joined Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, he spoke a lot less than he does today. He was even less confident of speaking in public. But Jaipuria-Noida faculty pushed him. Every student had to present PPTs and speak inpublic. Now, an un-reserved Pandey enjoys presenting PPTs the most. Well, you never know what lurks beneath a shy exterior.
“Actually, there is a reason. Initially, all these things were new to me. I knew I had it in me, but needed to explore myself. Jaipuria Noida gave me the opportunity and I grabbed it.” Yes, Ashish, there are no second chances.
At Jaipuria Noida he learnt hands on. The industry experience here is priceless. “Because when wego out there we meet the people who are actually working in the industry. They know the ground realities. By training there, we are able to see the practicalities,” he observes.
Working in the Finance Department of UCO Bank was that invaluable opportunity Pandey dreamt of. His career in finance is set.
His two years at Jaipuria Noida have flown past and Ashish is nostalgic about the time he spent under its wings. “I am sad that I will be leaving my friends, my college. We have done many great things together,” he says.
His advice to his juniors is that there are no shortcuts to hard work. It is the only route to success. To future finance professionals, he says, “Choose Jaipuria, Noida if you are serious about a career in finance. The faculty is great and the education is awesome.” And he should know.

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