Dr. Shalini was in her Post Graduation days when she first sat down to compile her research work. “It still makes me smile. I believe there was no one singular definitive moment when I wanted to focus on my areas of interest. It can well be described as an urge- an urge that makes you look deeper into things, phenomenon, their causes and their effects,” explains the professor of HR and OB of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. Her students rave about her. She is not just widely accepted as an academician but is mentor to many of the aspiring, young Managers who wish to carve out a career like that of her.
With nearly 50 research papers in her name, Dr. Shalini Srivastava’s papers have made it to some of the widely read, national and international journals since she started her career as a researcher come academician. In 2013, Emerald conferred her an award for “Leader Effectiveness in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Study of the Managers in India” by publishing her work in Journal of Technology Management in China as a Highly Commended Paper of 2013. From being reviewer of various referred Journals like Personnel Review-Emerald (A Category Journal), International Journal of Organisational Analysis-Emerald (A Category Journal), Human Resource Development Quarterly- an International Journal of School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China, South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM) and Sage, among many, Prof. Srivastava is currently the Associate Dean, Research and Publications at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.
“If you love research- you will take out time for it. It is that simple!” explains the avid researcher on being asked about her time management. “If I love doing something, I will do it; time can’t be a constraint,” she adds. Prof. Srivastava looks
after the research activities at the B-school. She firmly believes, that a good researcher does not necessarily need a muse. “I am my own muse,” says Prof. Srivastava, smilingly.
Prof. Srivatava’s research achievements at a glance:
• Authored and Co-authored numerous empirical research papers in Scopus Indexed Journals and ABDC Category of International (Emerald, Inderscience, Science Direct, Sage), National- (Metamorphosis (IIM-Lucknow), Global Business Review (IMI), Abhigyaan (FORE), MLS (XLRI), Vision (MDI) and Paradigm (IMT)
• Emerald has conferred an award for “Leader Effectiveness in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Study of the Managers in India” published in Journal of Technology Management in China as a Highly Commended Paper of 2013
• Best Researcher Award-2017-18 (Pan Jaipuria)
• Best Researcher Award-2016-17(Pan Jaipuria)https://www.jaipuria.ac.in/blog/wp-login.php?action=logout&_wpnonce=e0831b8dc8
• Research article entitled “Job Burnout and Organisational Commitment Relationship: Moderating Effect of Career Salience: An Empirical Study on Indian Managers was honoured with SMART Journal Best Paper Award 2012 published in SMART JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT STUDIES, ABDC Category (Volume 8 Number 2).
• Paper entitled,” Assessing the impact of Moderator on Tolerance of Ambiguity and Managerial Effectiveness Relationship: An Empirical Study” among the 5 shortlisted Research Papers for J.L.Batra Award organized by AIMS in 2011
• Awarded First Prize in the Doctoral Session at VII AIB-India International Conference on “Global Economic Crisis: Challenges & Opportunities organized by IILM in Collaboration with AIB-India and UNCTAD in 2010.
• Reviewer for various Refereed Journals like Personnel Review (Emerald), International Journal of Organisational Analysis (Emerald), Vikalpa-IIM-Ahemdabad, Human Resource Development Quarterly”, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China, International Journal of Business Research and Management (IJBRM), Malaysia, African Journal of Business Management, Asia Pacific Business Review, South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM)
• Guest Editor (Special Issue) – International Journal of Strategic Business Alliance (Inderscience)
• Guest Editor (Special Issue) -Internal Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion (Inderscience)
• Co-Editor- Social Media and Organisational Sustainability- International Publisher (Bloomsbury, New Delhi, 2016), Co- Editor-Jaipuria Journal of International Management and Research (JJIMR)