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Jaipuria Featured Stories

Jaipuria Institute of Management, NHRDN along with NEN hosted National Conference on Youth 2025

On February 8-9, 2014, the Jaipuria Institute of Management and the National Human Resource Development Network (NHRDN), along with knowledge partner, NEN, organized the two-day National Conference on Youth 2025: Harnessing India’s Demographic Dividend. The event was designed to position youth to become more viable as future employees while also strategically harnessing and unlocking the potential of youths within India.

The conference was attended by more than 450 students from across the region and also included faculty members from 24 institutes, NITs, and universities. The conference also boasted prominent speakers from all walks of life, including academics, business leaders, and leaders in civil disciplines. Given the enormity and popularity of the conference, more than 20 sponsors also lent their support to the proceedings.

The two-day conference kicked off on February 8 with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp and saraswati vandana. This was then followed by several speakers, including Shri Sharad, Chairman of the Jaipuria Institute of Management, and Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Director General of the institute, who welcomed the attendees and opened the conference in high style. The inaugural address was presented by Dr. Anurag Thakur, a Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha and the president of the National BJP Youth Wing. As the chief guest of honor, Dr. Thakur challenged the attendees to not waste time thinking about their destiny; rather, Dr. Thakur stated, they should work hard to make their destinies happen.

The rest of the first day of the conference covered various sessions on youth being the key drivers for change. These sessions highlighted the opportunities and challenges that were faced by India’s youth and included a Youth Icon speaker session and a student presentation session. The Youth Icon session welcomed Shri Sarath Babu, CEO of Food King and a 2008 MTV youth icon and alumni of IIMA. His rags-to-riches story provided an example to the attendees of what can happen when you work hard to achieve your dreams.

After a day filled with speakers and various informational panels, the evening brought a gala cultural celebration that mixed comedy, music, and fun together to create a memorable event for all involved. Renowned singer Deepika T enthralled the audience with her performance, and a student talent show showed the creativity and innovation of those who were in attendance. In all, it was an extremely special night.

The second day of the conference dawned with even more speakers who informed and entertained the attendees. Taking up the mantle of the first day, the speakers challenged the youth of India to rise to the occasion presented to them. As the conference came to its conclusion, it was a theme that the attendees would not soon forget.

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Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Lucknow Events

Jaipuria Lucknow hosts its two-day conference on Corporate Governance and draws attention from the best in the industry

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow recently hosted its Eighth National Conference amidst much excitement and fanfare. Themed Corporate Governance (IIC 2013) the conference brought several leading lights from the industry on the same platform. One of the objectives of the institute is to offer its students a comprehensive learning experience by exposing them to the influences of real world corporate scenario. And the conference, held in the same vein, turned out to be a huge success

The two day conference began on 21st December 2013 with Mr. M. Damodaran, Former Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India inaugurating it. Mr. Damodaran has been member of the premier Indian Administrative Service, Manipur – Tripura cadre, since 1971 and has worked with the State and Central Governments in different positions. He is also a renowned voice in India’s financial sector.

Mr. Ashish Kumar Chauhan, Managing Director & CEO, BSE Ltd delivered the keynote address and set the ball rolling for the day by talking about the positives and negatives of the corporate world. According to him, “Conceptual technologies like invention of zero, double entry book keeping system, creation of corporate have their importance in time. The definition of corporate governance has evolved over a period of time and the corporates are now largely answerable to the youth.”

Mr. Damodaran went on to elaborate on the matter of corporate governance by saying, “It should be done in a manner that is consistent with the interests of stakeholders. Content in corporate governance is more important than its structure and mere compliance to regulatory framework is not governance.” He then went on to urge the youngsters to participate actively in the functioning of corporate governance.

Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Director General, Jaipuria Institutes of Management gave a vote of thanks and the IIC 2013 Souvenir was released. But the gathering’s appetite had just been whetted and they were looking forward to the next sessions with great anticipation.

Session 1

Mr. R. K. Dubey, Chairman and Managing Director, Canara Bank Limited moderated the first session of the conference based on Finance and Corporate Governance. He talked about the virtues of transparency, compliance and risk management in corporate governance before adding, “A company’s performance is reflected in the effectiveness of its boardroom dynamics.”

Dr. A.C. Mahajan, Chairman Banking Codes and Standards Board of India brought the impact of global financial crisis into the picture and talked about how businesses have had to reconsider their corporate governance. It was quite an insightful session that had complete attention from the audience throughout.

Session 2

This was a session on Legal Perspectives on Corporate Governance and brought Justice Sudhir K. Saxena, Honourable Judge, High Court of Allahabad to the panel. By citing examples of companies like Walmart and Satya he made his point, “Good governance is one that needs to be governed the least.” Mr K.V. Viswanathan, Additional Solicitor General of India took the message forward. He was of the opinion that corporate governance is a three-fold concept that includes sustainable business, generating long term value, and ensuring benefits for all stake holders.

Mr K.T.S Tulsi, Sr Advocate, Supreme Court was another important speaker on the panel and he made a mark with his inimitable style. He encouraged students to bring in receptance and glory to the Nation and emerge as ethical corporate leaders. It was a truly inspiring experience for students in the gathering as Netri Aggarwal said, “Rarely do we get to hear about legal perspectives in the corporate world. Listening to the bigwigs from the legal system has been a fantastic experience for me.”

Session 3

“Regulatory issues of corporate governance” was the topic of the third technical session meant to be informative for the gathering. Mr Atul Mittal, Director (Tax & Regulatory) Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt. Ltd talked about synergy of transparency and ethical values in corporate governance. He said, “It’s a mechanism to increase the efficiency and the growth of the business.” He pointed out real life incidents to drive his point home amongst his audience.

Mr Prithvi Haldea, Chairman PRIME Database then highlighted the structural flaws in the laws of corporate governance and the ambiguity present in their definition. He tried to make the audience understand the importance of consistency, clarity and timely complete disclosure.

His talk drew the first day to an end and the participants went back home completely sated, looking forward to more on the next day.

Day 2 – Session 4

“Technology and Corporate Governance” was the session for the day and Mr. J N Gupta, Managing Director, Stakeholder Empowerment Services Pvt Ltd was at the helm of the matters. He highlighted the role of technology in issues like insider trading, surveillance, and its benefits in audit trailing. Mr. Pawan Kumar, Commissioner of Income Tax said, “The advent and adaptation of technology has made India one of the first countries to use 100% electronic registrations of companies.” With good use of numbers and statistics he made a huge impact with his talk.

Mr. N.C. Bajpai, Chairman of State Planning Commission on the other hand said, “As far as corporate governance is concerned, there is a structured internal accountability whereas in state government, we have diffused multi point accountability. Good governance coupled with technology accelerates development, ensures equity and entitlement to people.”


In this session, Dr. Anil Khandelwal, Former Chairman and Managing Director, Bank Of Baroda, shed light on how success can be achieved, making his audience sit up and take notice. He said, “Those who do not face rejection will never be entitled to personal growth; facing pain and rejection makes you successful.” He drew on his personal example where he almost lost his job when politicians criticised him for using orange colour in the new logo of Bank Of Baroda. He said it was seen as his allegiance to the BJP. But Dr. Khandelwal was quick to respond to the criticism as he said, “I’ll remove the colour in the logo as soon as you remove the colour in the Indian flag.” Thus he concluded that higher the risk one takes; greater is the chance of gain.

It was the right note for the conference to end as it had been enriching for the participants who were looking forward to take the ideas they learned to their classrooms and future careers. Said Mansi Srivastava “Not every day, do you get a chance to listen to such well known speakers who are experts in various fields. This conference gave us this opportunity and it’s an experience I won’t forget.” And it indeed turned out to me a memorable experience for many.

Written by: Sanchit Kacker and Soumya Sharma
Interviews taken by: Shubhi Tripathi and Deepti Bansal

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Jaipur Events

Jaipuria, Jaipur students spend a day at Autolite (India) Limited on an industrial visit that ignites their passion for success

A group of 9 students from Jaipuria, Jaipur visited Autolite (India) Limited on 27th December 2013.
It was an educational visit planned by the institute to help students understand the organisation and functioning of the manufacturing unit for automotive lighting and lamps

The visit also served as a platform from which students could learn how their theoretical learning could be put into practice. The students looked forward to the day and it did not disappoint them at any level.
Autolite Group, known for its progressive and dynamic approach to business, proved to be the perfect setting for students to learn more about industry operations which are its backbone.
The company is known for producing innovative products and offering them to consumers at reasonable prices. From automotive head lamps to halogen lamps, fog lamps to work and LED lamps, the company produces a wide range of products that have become a well-known name in the market.
At the manufacturing unit visited on the day, students were taken through all the processes involved in the light manufacturing unit.

It was an exciting experience for the inquisitive visitors took an avid interest in the production set-up. They were guided by their mentor Dr. Nidhi Vashishth and also received valuable inputs from the managers at the company who were eager to help nurture the young minds.

It was a complete, all-round experience that Nazmeen Khan was looking for: “It was great to see all the theoretical knowledge applied to practical life. I was also inspired by the conversations we had with the managers who taught us a few new things. I will remember what we learned from this day for a long time to come,” she said.

Students on the industrial visit also had an opportunity to interact with the Plant in-Charge and Human Resources heads for the units.
Through these interactions, students learned more about the various processes followed in the plants, besides manufacturing. They became aware of the importance of supply chain management and safety procedures. The role of HR in the organization was also discussed.
Prerna Jhawar, a student from the group, had an interesting observation to make about the learning during the day. “The company deals with foreign markets and assembles its raw materials through foreign trade. It was good to get an insight into how to be sustainable in the foreign market while knowing more about their marketing process and various other channels involved,” he noted.

Whilst staff at Autolite was eager to talk about the internal functioning of their organization, they were also keen to talk about the future of management as well. In fact, the group had a reality check of sorts when they were told about the expectations organizations have from management students.
Students agreed the day at the lamp manufacturing unit was educational, engaging and inspirational. And it related well to their institute’s belief of helping them learn through practical applications of theoretical concepts. No wonder the students came back from their outing feeling enlightened.

Anil Singh
PGDM Batch 2013- 2015

Jaipuria Academics Jaipuria Featured Stories

Innovations are a way of life at Jaipuria Institute of Management

‘Quality before Scalability’ is an oft-heard mantra, but nowhere does this hold as true as in the business education scenario in India. At the turn of the millennium, management institutes were sprouting in every nook and corner of the country. But thirteen years down the line, we notice that very few actually lived beyond a decade. One of those who not only survived but actually thrived – and is today recognised as a formidable brand -is the Jaipuria Institute of Management. Raised in the mid-nineties, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow was established by stalwarts from the domain of education from the pre-independence era. During its fledgling years, the management of Jaipuria Lucknow observed, studied and understood the dynamics of the Knowledge Revolution, and embedded this deeply into its DNA. So, by the time the second campus came up in Noida in 2004, innovations had become second nature to Jaipuria Institute of Management. It is for this reason that Jaipuria is today known for producing managers and leaders who are essentially Knowledge Society compliant.

“Frankly speaking, Jaipuria Institute of Management has come this far only because of its ability to innovate and keep up with the times, and at a very fast pace,” points our Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur. “Student Councils, the Individual Development Plan through a strong mentor-mentee programme, increasing focus on industry connect, taking administrative decision-making right to staff and faculty, 24 x 7 accessibility of academic resources to students through E-learning, and social media tools… all such innovations are deeply ingrained within our DNA now. I strongly believe that in the UnCampus philosophy, our years of innovation have come together under one umbrella. All the four campuses are seamlessly integrated, allowing free exchange of ideas and events, and leading to unprecedented collaboration between students, faculty and staff.”

At Jaipuria, any time is a good time to bring in an innovation; new ideas don’t wait for the next academic year. Come winter, and Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur will be launching the ‘Winter Social Internship’ through which students will be interning with village panchayats or NGOs for a variety of purposes. Many a time, events happening within the campus inspire innovations. For instance, campus life after classes was always interesting, but a couple of years ago, the concept of ‘Life-after-6’was introduced formally, bringing in a series of value added activities. Today, foreign language classes and guitar classes during the 7-8 PM slot are big hits! The ‘Midnight Reading Hub’ is turning out to be another ‘happening’ innovation at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur.

The atmosphere at all the Jaipuria campuses is quite informal, with teachers acting more as facilitators and students being encouraged to think things through. With knowledge easily available through the internet, Jaipuria’s faculty focus more on the emotional aspects of students – acting as friends and guides and always keeping the learning process high on the  ‘fun quotient’.  Therefore, most of the teaching in Jaipuria campuses happens beyond the four walls of the classroom, in lush green lawns or on industry sites.

“Innovations in Jaipuria Institute of Management often are a natural outcome of the needs of the time,” says Dr. Rajiv Thakur, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. “Technology and this generation’s behavioural choices have a major impact on how education is imparted on Jaipuria campuses. This has led to a paperless mode of education. Infact, the latest Jaipuria campus at Indore is completely digitaland has been from its inception because of the lessons picked up from other campuses. Societal demands ensure that traditional folk art and theatre very often become the medium for imparting education in sections where chalkboards prove to be ineffective.”

Jaipuria’s legacy of pedagogical innovations has now reached the threshold of being a game-changer. This year, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, will be critically examining SIP projects from a completely different perspective. The aim will be to identify atleast half-a-dozen projects that can be ‘game changers’ for the industry and to actually create breakthroughs.

Interestingly, the management of Jaipuria Institute of Management believes that one of the major reasons behind their success is that right from the beginning, everyone within the folds of the Jaipuria campuses believed they worked for a B-school second to none. Belief generates hope, and hope generates enthusiasm and ownership. This ultimately generates outcome. All campuses of Jaipuria Institute of Management are among the top 5 in their respective regions. Jaipuria Lucknow is ranked 4th best among all B-Schools in North India. Riding on its hugely successful legacy of innovations, the management of Jaipuria is quite confident of producing managers who are well ahead of their times.

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