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Jaipuria Indore STUDENT Speaks

“The reputation of Jaipuria Institute of Management precedes itself,” says Richa Puri who hopes to add value to its sterling brand image.

I was pursuing my degree from Bhopal when I heard about Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore. I knew it was a relatively new institute but ever since its inception, the school’s reputation has been growing by leaps and bounds. From my friends to kins, everyone was talking about the new Jaipuria campus of Indore and the quality of education that it has been delivering to its students. When I visited the campus, I instantly made up my mind that this was the institute where I would follow my management aspirations.

The campus made me feel at home. It has been 18 days since I have come here but I have not missed home even once. The orientation program was very helpful and different workshops like theatre, yoga and aerobics have built my personality. My self-confidence has received a major boost already. The ambience of the institute and the activities it undertakes creates a platform for students to learn every step of the way.

The early stages of the orientation programs brought many prominent speakers to the campus. It was brilliant to get an opportunity to learn from such imminent personalities. The faculty members at the institute are guiding us at every step. I think the mentorship program is a nice concept because it helps us understand the basic aspects of being managers, and it outlines ways to improve ourselves individually and as part of a team.

The educational system followed by the institute has interesting concepts of teaching and it doesn’t rely only on bookish knowledge. It grooms our personality as a whole. Every moment I spend on campus I feel proud to be a part of the Jaipuria family. The infrastructure, facilities and resources add to my learning. Jaipuria, Indore has a brilliant brand image and I will definitely try to add value to it.

Jaipuria Indore STUDENT Speaks

“I am all set to have two phenomenal years ahead with Jaipuria Institute of Management”- Madyantika Mehra

My name is Madyantika Mehra and I am from Ajmer. I was looking for a college that would groom me into a management professional, which is why I joined Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore. I love the campus. It is far away from the maddening crowd and hustle- bustle of the city. It’s green and peaceful, which makes it an ideal learning environment.

Of course, I was filled with doubts about the program and whether I had made the right decision. However, I was filled with excitement and promise because of the PGDM program, and with each passing day I realize that Jaipuria Institute of Management was absolutely the right choice. Dr. J.P. Upadhyay, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore started the orientation program on a high note and there have been several guest speakers and renowned names in the industry who shared their valuable experience with us.

Besides learning about management concepts, we were given a healthy dose of spirituality in the program. Workshops like “art of living”, “know your true self” and yoga helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses. There were interesting games to keep things lively and fun. I was particularly interested in the “Jaipuria Got Talent” contest as it offered me an opportunity to launch a radio station. Oh yes, it did!

I am thrilled about the mentorship program because it helps us stay focused, builds an emotional bond with the mentor, and creates a comfort zone. Interactive sessions and conceptual learning are an integral part of classroom teaching. Jaipurians are groomed in an environment where the theory and practical are fused together for daily understanding of the business environment.

The hostel life has been one rollercoaster ride and seniors helped us settle in quickly with a big smile on their faces. The journey is already turning out to be special in more ways than one and I am all set to have two phenomenal years ahead.

Jaipuria Indore Whats New

CSR Initiative led by students of Jaipuria, Indore seeks to improve the City’s traffic situation

January 24-25, 2014: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, organized and implemented a two-day CSR initiative with the objective of improving the traffic situation in Indore. The initiative, named ‘Better Traffic in Indore’, was conducted in association with the Indore Traffic Police. Prior to the event, students were given traffic related training by the Indore traffic police at the Traffic Thana in Indore.

During the event, students, wearing Jaipuria t-shirts, in teams of four to five were stationed at ten major traffic junctions of the city.

Banners carrying the theme of the event were displayed near the students’ positions. At their respective traffic junctions, students handed chocolates and Jaipuria pens as a token of appreciation to those who followed safe traffic norms, such as wearing seat belts or helmets. Traffic violators, on the other hand, were provided with pamphlets that contained statistics of road accidents in Indore, as well as appeals to follow traffic rules. Some students went a step ahead and asked many who were not wearing seat belts to wear seat belts; the motorists, surprisingly, agreed to do so! At other junctions, students were seen taking an active role in managing traffic, which included making drivers stop at red light signals. The Indore traffic police constables at the traffic junctions served tea to the students in appreciation of their service. The ASP, Indore Traffic Police, and Ms Anjana Tiwari, who personally witnessed the actions of the students, appreciated their efforts. The event also received press coverage in some newspapers in the city.

Jaipuria Indore Placement Update

Chandrakant Lovanshi, from Khandwa, M.P., lands a job with Capital IQ, Hyderabad and finds a foothold in his dream sector

“I was looking for an organization in the field of Research & Analysis. When I heard Capital IQ was coming for campus placement, I applied immediately because finance sector is exactly where I want to start it all from,” says Chandrakant Lovanshi. This headstrong PGDM student from Jaipuria, Indore chased his dream with gusto and managed to bag a job as a Junior Research Associate with the Hyderabad based company.

This is no small feat for the boy from the sleepy town of Khandwa, who has been on the road for more than a decade pursuing his academic aspirations. The Biology graduate was keen on making a mark in the world of management and focused on Jaipuria, Indore as the institute where he could realize his goals. Although he had heard a lot about the B School, he did his homework by visiting the campus in order to make sure that it was the right fit for him.

“I realized that Jaipuria, Indore was the best place for me to go to because of the brilliant learning environment and fantastic infrastructure it offers,” says Chandrakant, who is specializing in Finance and Marketing. “Given my background, understanding management concepts was initially difficult for me. But thanks to the support of my faculty and friends I have a good grasp of the subject now.” It was this understanding of the concepts that he believes held him in good standing during the selection process for the job. After having gone through a written and general aptitude test, he was put through three rounds of interviews. During the interview process, his confidence shone through, which is how he managed to bag the coveted job with Capital IQ. “Two years at Jaipuria, Indore have prepared me to face any kind of challenges,” he says with a smile on his face.

Jaipuria Institute of Management has always strived to make its students industry-ready and for Chandrakant the process involved being a part of several initiatives, including the Media Relations Club. He also went through an exhaustive Summer Internship Project with SIDBI, Mumbai, which he believes gives him the confidence to take on the role of a corporate professional himself. “I am really impressed with the curriculum offered by the institute as it focuses on the overall development of an individual,” Chandrakant says. “It has a culture of learning, which has helped me immensely. Not only did I get exposed to the business world, but I also managed to work on my overall personality.” He even goes on to recommend the program to future candidates, as he believes it gives them a much-needed competitive edge.

Now that he has had a head start in his professional journey, Chandrakant wants to work towards a successful future ahead. In five year’s time he hopes to be working in a leadership position handling important projects. But he also has a long term plan, which is a desire to work with a big International organization. And the way this Finance-minded individual is going, you shouldn’t put your money against it.

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