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'Rural Day' at Jaipuria Noida helps students establish a connection with farmers, understand the challenges of an agro based economy

16th February, 2015: In an interesting initiative to better understand the rural sector of the Indian economy, Jaipuria Noida’s students got an opportunity to interact with and help a group of framers. The day long event was aptly called ‘Rural Day’ was part of E-week, and it involved multiple activities, including spending time with farmers and an agricultural scientist, debating and drama.

The day started with Jaipuria students traveling to go and spent time with nine farmers from the neighbourhood villages of Mahawar, Kudi Khera (Ghaziabad). A health checkup was also organized for these farmers and it was interesting to note according to Dr. Rajesh Kesri, that they were in much better health in their 70s and 80s than their much younger city counterparts. The day was also graced by one of the most senior agricultural scientists in the country, Dr. V Kumar, who engaged in one-on-one conversations with the farmers.

In his talk, Dr. Kumar shared his experience of working with farmers, the issues and challenges they grapple with and the “policy paralysis” of the Government. He then went on to offer solutions that can change things on individual and community level, through means like dairy farming, horticulture, regular soil testing and making the most out of the services offered by the Government. Students also got the opportunity to interact with the farmers and learn about the ground realities in their own words. This was quite an eye-opening experience for many students, as their interaction with rural communities and farmers has been limited.

Two more activities were planned for the day, and these activities were followed by the debate on the question: “Is rural India the new bottom of the pyramid”. There were participants speaking for and against the motion in what turned out to be quite an engaging discussion. Tushar Walia won the first prize speaking for the motion, and Pranjal Srivastava was also awarded the first prize, while speaking against it. At the end of the debate, it was agreed that companies need to look at the poor as valuable customers. In addition, the key to farming in the future lies in sustainable business models, effective distribution channels and working with the right partners.

The finale of the event was a drama titled “Lighting of Rural India”. It was presented by a talented bunch of students from the institute. In keeping with the theme of the event, the play highlighted the divide between city and rural life, while trying to build a new, sustainable connection between the two. The show was high on energy and made good use of humour to convey important messages and themes. Putting the simplicity and significance of rural India and farmers in the spotlight, the day emphasized rural India’s untapped potential that future managers could help realize.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

The dance of dreams – Jaipuria Noida’s Alumni Day amidst Entrepreneurship week!

The biggest asset an institute has is definitely its alumni. Successful alumni become bearers of goodwill and publicity. However, more than that, a student who remains connected with his/her alma mater is an invaluable source of learning and inspiration for current students enrolled at the institute. Jaipuria Institute of Management recognizes the strength that its alumni bring to the institute; so, it is no surprise that each year Alumni Day is organized with tremendous enthusiasm.

On the sixth day of this year’s E-week, Jaipuria Noida hosted its Alumni Day. The event was led by Dr. Ritika Gugnani, and the theme this year was “Alumni Entrepreneurs”. Entrepreneurship has emerged as a key area in the growing Indian economy, and there is no better way to learn about this field than from “our own” entrepreneurs, as Dr. Gugnani referred to them.

Mr. Rohit Sharma, alumnus, Jaipuria, owner of Aditi Arts Exports, Jodhpur, is a visionary entrepreneur in the field of the import/export of metal handicrafts. He advised students about watching costs in a business: “if possible purchase on credit and sell it in advance”. He motivated students to nurture their passion for business, and to chase their dreams, even after a setback. Alumnus Mr. Romil Jain, owner of Romila Pigment Private Limited, New Delhi, loves challenges and that’s how he has built his business. He told the audience that “passion and dreams are very important in an entrepreneur’s life. ‘Nothing is impossible’ – first we should dream big and then achieve big”.

Alumnus Mr. Nitin Kulshetra owns Margdarshan Education & Research. He is an astro-financial analyst, which is a combination of astrology and technical financial analysis. Ever since his teenage years, he had a passion for advising, which he later used to chart a path for success. Mr. Kulshetra has many certifications from NSE and other leading financial institutions and has more than 2000 clients in his company’s kitty. Since he has interests in finance and astrology, he decided to carve out a business that focused on combining the two disparate fields. Talking to students, he said, “Believe in yourselves just like I did, and always work towards your goals.”

Mr. Swapnil Tiwari runs a social-entrepreneurship organization called LIVEMAD. Mr. Tiwari has suffered from dyslexia since childhood, but he believes in the importance of making an impact on people’s lives. His advice to the students was to strive to inspire others and dream big whenever possible:“Greatness can be achieved by anyone, but for that we need to prioritize things in order to clarify our vision and goals.”

The session was a huge success with students, who hung on to the words of their professors, alumnus and honoured guests. Their interaction and eagerness was clear evidence of already burgeoning dreams and the confidence given to them by the event’s many esteemed speakers.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

Entrepreneurship E-summit kicks off E-Week 2015 at Jaipuria, Noida on a rousing note

Navikarna, the E-cell of Jaipuria, Noida recently organized an E-Week 2015 themed “Creating Jobs for Millions”. The week long activities kick started on 14th Feb with the E-summit that brought together entrepreneurs to share their experience with students.

In a bid to celebrate entrepreneurship, several activities were also lined up for the day of the summit. Thus in a fun and exciting way, the summit strived to offer crucial entrepreneurship mantras to the students. And one of the important mantras that students learned at the event, was about the overall impact entrepreneurship has on the society.

Some of the big name speakers at the summit were Dr. Dave Valliere, Professor, School of Business Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Mr. Satvinder Singh, Senior General Manager, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Mr. Manish, Director, Raashika Industries Private Limited and Mr. Tushar Garg, Head, Shankar Gramudyog Sewa Sansthan.

Dr. Swati Agrawal, co-coordinator, E-Week began the proceedings with the opening address that focused on Entrepreneurial Mindset and relevance of Intrapreneurship. Dr. Poonam Sharma, Associate Dean then gave the official welcome address to the esteemed panelists and guests at the summit. In her speech she talked about the importance of young entrepreneurs to our country and society on the whole. She also stressed that they had an opportunity to make the most out of demographic dividend, which was inspiring to students in the gathering.

It was then the turn of the speakers to enthrall the audience with their experiences and anecdotes. Dr. Dave started the discussion by saying, “All businesses start with one person and entrepreneurship is all about seeing the gap before others perceive it. One’s small actions can make a huge difference to the society.”

Mr. Singh talked about the platform offered by the Government in the form of NSIC and shed light on processes of registering new start-ups, acquiring funds, technical support, contacting suppliers, tapping FDI opportunities and more, for the benefit of future entrepreneurs amidst them.

Becoming an entrepreneur often means quitting the security of a cushy, well-paid job. That’s exactly what Mr. Manish did and he shared the experience by saying, “In spite of being a top executive with my company, there was an unsatisfied zeal to make a mark in the society. One entrepreneur has an effect on twenty-five lives indirectly by employing just five people.”

Mr. Tushar’s story of a small handmade paper unit to country’s leading manufacturer further inspired the students to become entrepreneurs and make a difference. Noted faculty members from Jaipuria, Noida Dr. Ritika Gugnani, Prof Moinuddin Ahmed and Dr. V.K. Tomar also made an impact with the audience with their seasoned views.

Amongst the activities held, the highly popular Entrepreneur Quiz, was won by Sahil Duhan and Manish Kumar. Junk-o-preneur focused on the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle while fostering creativity and innovation amongst budding entrepreneurs. Their persuasion skills to sell the items were also put to test in a contest that was won by Pradeep Kumar Sahu and Bijit Ghosh.

Thus the E-summit set the ball rolling for the weeklong event to follow and raise much anticipation.

Jaipuria Noida STUDENT Speaks

Academic Awards Ceremony – 2015

Jaipuria Institute of Managemet Noida recognizes the student achievers amidst 2013-15 batch. On February 10, 2015, the talented and commendable management aspirants of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, were awarded for excellence in their respective academic field , as well as in co-curricular and extra-curricular performances. The ‘Academic Awards Ceremony’ provides an opportunity to recognize and reward student excellence across the three PGDM programmes at the institute.

The event recognizing the 2013-15 batch, was held amidst much fanfare and excitement. The ceremony began with an Aristotelian quote by the Academic Programme Committee student coordinator, Ms. Divya Nigam: “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intentions, sincere efforts and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny”. She then handed over the dais to Dr. Deepak Singh, Assistant Dean (Academics). Dr. Singh expressed sincerity and pride in hosting the event that celebrated the academic performance of bright and brilliant minds. He shared the sense of accomplishment on behalf of faculty and said that faculty and staff join him in congratulating the meritorious students on their academic excellence.

Dr Singh then invited Director, Dr Rajiv Thakur to address the august gathering. Dr Rajiv Thakur blessed the students and expressed his delight in their academic performance. He shared his vision of academic excellence and spoke to the students about the path beyond academic learning. He congratulated them on their commitment to learning, their passion for understanding, their appreciation of the growing complexities and challenges in the corporate world, cultural diversity, and their willingness to use their growing wisdom for economic growth and nation building.

Professor Durgansh Sharma, Programme Director of PGDM, was invited on stage to announce the students with the best academic performance for each trimester and the overall academic year.The winning students of PGDM were, Priyanshi Srivastava, Varun Singhal and Deep Arora.

Dr. Richa Misra, Programme Director of PGDM(SM), proudly read the roll call of distinguished students for each trimester and the overall academic year of PGDM (SM). These students were Akanksha Sahay, Jhalak Goel and Aashna Grover.

Professor Abdul Qadir, Programme Director of PGDM (M), announced those at the top of the list of his programme for each trimester and the overall academic year. This group was led by Prabhat Kumar Tripathi, Ankit Dua and Arphan Ojha.

The awards ceremony came to an end with a vote of thanks by Dr. Deepak Singh. He thanked the Director for his guidance in ensuring a challenging and rewarding academic environment and thanked his colleagues for their support. He also thanked the APC student coordinators and all the students for joining the ceremony. The evening came to a close with tea and a photo session where everyone mingled and congratulated the winners.


Jaipuria Institute of Management celebrates its first Mentorship Day with a lot of passion.

Jaipuria Institute of Management celebrated its first ever Mentorship Day amidst much fanfare on the 5th of Feb. It was the day when young students from the institute expressed their gratitude to their mentors and acknowledged their efforts.

The Mentorship program run by the institute is much appreciated by the student community because they are guided by expert faculty members. It’s heartening for students to know that there is a mentor close at hand, who can be reached when they are faced with any kind of challenges.

Hence they made the most out of the opportunity offered by the day-long event to let their mentors know how much their efforts meant to them. On the day they were brimming with enthusiasm and excitement, with the infectious energy in the air. That made the event a truly memorable one for all.

The celebrations kicked off with a speech by Dr. Rajiv Thakur, the Director of the institute. In his talk he asserted the reason behind starting a novel program like this one. According to him, its objective is to mould young individuals into well-groomed personalities and professionals of tomorrow.

Young and impressionable minds in today’s competitive world can do with experienced friends, mentors in different walks of their lives. Faculty member Dr. Deepak Singh talked about the vast impact of an important mentor in one’s life; the mother. The institute tries to play its part too by offering special faculty attention to students beyond classroom hours, where time is spent on understanding the problems they face and bringing them up to speed with the rest. (hopefully

It was then the turn of students to come forward and express their gratitude to their mentors. Their heartfelt gratitude made a mark with the gathering that was filled with emotion all around. They talked about how the program had cleared management concepts, offered them insight into the corporate world and instilled confidence to take on their challenges they face along the way.

The day’s proceedings ended with the celebratory cake being cut and snacks served. That was just the icing on the cake for the day that had served a big dollop of emotion mixed with warm feelings for the mentors and mentees alike.

Write up courtesy: Sayoni Campus, Journalist

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

Jaipuria, Noida’s Conclave on Corporate Communications brainstormed on the topic- “Corporate Communication: Do you see what I see?”

Jaipuria, Noida recently organized its first communications conclave with the theme “Corporate Communication: Do you see what I see?” The event, held on the 31st of January, 2015 was organized by faculty coordinators of the institute, and it aimed to drill home the importance of Business communications amongst future managers. Through panel discussions that brought together some of the sharpest and experienced minds in the field, it managed to do just that.

The Chief Guest, Mr. Lavleen Raheja, CEO & Chairman, Franklin Covey began the proceedings with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp. It was followed by the welcome address by Dr. Poonam Sharma, who talked about the likes of Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. Narendra Modi, who have been consistently “touching people’s hearts” with their inimitable communication skills. She also stressed the importance of effective communications in a range of areas, including sales and marketing.

Mr. Raheja then gave a presentation on “7 Habits of High Effectiveness”. His ability to articulate complex ideas had the audience hooked from the first word. One of the important points he made was the significance of trust; for this topic, he used the example of GE, which has used trust as its driving marketing strategy to reach out to customers. He also added, “There is a growing demand for the art of communication amongst corporate companies and it has to be followed with actions.”

The panel discussion titled “Effective Communication, A tool for communication without authority” brought many prominent industry leaders together. This included Capt. Ved Prakash Singh, Corporate Head – HR, Jamna Auto Industries Ltd; Ms. Ira Aggarwal, Director Mission, I AM; Col. M.S Vilkhu, Advanced Communicator, Toastmaster International; and Ms. Mridula Lawrence, India Communications lead, CSC. Building upon their business experience, the panellists highlighted the importance of effective communication within teams, in cross functional teams and among people across all age groups.

The second panel titled “INSERT TITLE OF PANEL” brought together even more luminaries from the corporate world, including Mr. K.D Singh VP, Corporate Services, Maruti Suzuki Ltd, Ms. Poonam Jain, Founder President, Suprayas and DTM Toastmasters International, and Ms. Urvashi Sareen, Senior Manager, HR Tech, Mahindra. Sharing anecdotes and experiences with their own big name brands, the experts focussed on barriers in effective communications. They also offered ways to mitigate these barriers, which was quite helpful to future managers in attendance. Overall, the event offered participants an insight into corporate communications, which in many ways is the backbone of successful organizations.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

Communication Conclave “Communication makes, sustains and breaks relationships.”

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida witnessed its first ever communication conclave held on 31st January 2015 with professors and professionals participating along with zealous students eager for heavy interaction. The main topic for the conclave was “Corporate Communication: Do you see what I see?”. The event was successfully organized by the faculty coordinators: Dr.Abhijit Nair, Ms. Richa Dhar, Ms. Kanchan Rana, Prof. Ashok Advani, Col.Rajpal and Dr.Niva Bhandari. The chief guest of the event was Mr.Lavleen Raheja, CEO & Chairman of Franklin Covey who inaugurated the conclave by lighting the divine lamp.

Dr. Poonam Sharma in her welcome speech focused on clear communication as the fundamental requirement for success. She, then tapped on the importance of “touching the locus” which means winning the hearts in style by quoting examples from speeches of Mr. Barack Obama and Mr.Narendra Modi. She also emphasized the importance of effective and clear communication in all the areas of sales and marketing; in fact in all the business domains.

Mr. Lavleen Raheja mesmerized the audience by his enthralling presentation, which focused on “7 Habits of High Effectiveness”.

He quoted the rising corporate demand for cultivating the art of communication clearly and the ability to follow the same with action. He then emphasized on the importance of trust using examples like GE to highlight the organizational shift from “profitability” to “trust”. He also spoke about the shift of organization towards value creation in every sphere of their activity.

The inauguration came to an end with a thanks giving speech by Dr.Abhijit Nair who quoted enthusiasm as the prime essence of communication.

The Panel 1 discussion came into action with focus on “Effective Communication, A tool for communication without authority”. The Panelists comprised of: Capt. Ved Prakash Singh,Corporate Head –HR, Jamna Auto Industries Ltd, Ms. Ira Aggarwal-Director Mission I AM . Col. M.S Vilkhu, Advanced Communicator, Toastmaster International and Ms. Mridula Lawrence, India Communications lead-CSC.” The session was moderated by Dr.Niva Bhandari.

The discussion started with a focus on effective communication throughout i.e. within teams, in cross functional teams and among people across all age groups. The speakers also shared their experiences.

The Panelists for the 2nd Panel were Mr. K.D Singh VP-Corporate Services –Maruti Suzuki Ltd, Ms. Poonam Jain Founder President Suprayas & DTM Toastmasters International and Ms. Urvashi Sareen Senior Manager HR Tech Mahindra, with the session being moderated by Prof. Ashok Advani. The speaker shared their real life experience with the help of stories and examples to emphasize on the barriers to effective communication and discussed the possible ways to mitigate the same. The panel also discussed about the various methods employed by organisations like Maruti Suzuki Limited and Tech Mahindra to overcome cross cultural challenges.

The discussion in the conclave amplified what Jimmy carter once said about cross cultural and cross functional communications: “We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.”

Write up courtesy– Tanya Ahuja and Karthikeya Agarwal
Photography– Tanya Kohli and Rishav Mohan

Alumni Speak

“Jaipuria prepared me to not only compete but also be in the right place at the right time!” says Manpreet Singh Lamba, Senior Consultant, Mancer Consulting Services

“The discipline that Jaipuria taught me has helped me succeed in my career”, says Manpreet Singh Lamba who completed his PGDM from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. A 2010 batch alumni, Manpreet is employed with Mancer Consulting Services, the organization that offered him the position of management trainee during the campus recruitment. Since then, he has grown to the position of Team Lead/Assistant Manager.

Manpreet is convinced that an MBA today can be extremely helpful, especially one received from a good school like Jaipuria: “A college education provides with basic skills. To be employable and further grow in your domain, you need specialized learning and exposure,such asthe education you can receive while pursuing an MBA. A well designed program like the one Jaipuria offers can create huge impact.” However, it’s not just the program; the complete ensemble, including the faculty, infrastructure, co-curricular activities and the soft skill training contribute to the development of student into skilled professionals. “My journey with Jaipuria was very good, Manpreet tells us. “The program polished my skills, nurtured me in the best possible way, and gave me great exposure to a high-quality business education. In addition, it gave me an opportunity to work with some of the best faculty out of all B-Schools. The result, of course, is the job I have secured and am growing in. I am truly happy and will be completing five years in my assignment soon.”

The industry is becoming more competitive by every day. “I am a recruitment consultant and my clients are becoming more and more demanding, “Manpreet says. “The market trends are also dynamic, with businesses reducing or stopping the outsourcing of recruitment functions. The pressures are increasing, but this also makes the domain very exciting.” According to Manpreet, the economy is improving and the market is booming, creating growth in jobs in ever sector: “Today, even graduates from good colleges are getting placed and, hence, they can get some work experience before opting for post graduation”.

Manpreet advises the MBA aspirants to take the program seriously. “The program being offered by Jaipuria is designed to map the industry requirements,” he says. ”Its professional approach prepares students for employment, instead of simply handing out degrees”. This, he believes, is the greatest take-away from a higher education institute in the current times.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

4th Jaipuria Annual Management Conference (JAMC), 2014 dealt with the topic of “Employee Engagement: Harnessing Human Capital”

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida organised its 4th Jaipuria Annual Management Conference (JAMC-2014) on December 13, 2014 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.The theme of this year’s event was on the theme “Employee Engagement: Harnessing Human Capital”.

There were many other distinguished guests at the gathering, including Chief Guest Dr. A. K. Balyan, MD & CEO, Petronet LNGLtd., and Mr. Vipin Sondhi, MD & CEO, JCB India, who was the Guest of Honour. Mr. S. Y. Siddqui, Chief Mentor, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., Mr. Kamal Singh, Director General, NHRD, and Mr. G. P. Rao, Management Advisor also attended as special guests. Also in attendance was Mr. Sharad Jaipuria, President of PHDCCI & Chairman, Jaipuria Institute of Management, and Mr. Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman of the institute, Dr. Rajiv R. Thakur, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. The inaugural session of the conference began with the guests taking part in the lamp lighting service. After the ceremonial lightning of the lamp, Honourable Director Dr. Rajiv R. Thakur introduced the theme of the conference. In his welcome address, Mr. Sharad Jaipuria emphasised significance of employee engagement. He also stressed the importance of harnessing human capital for reaping the benefits of competitive advantage, productivity and growth for all the stakeholders in the organization.

Mr. G.P Rao, while presenting the conference overview, energized the gathering with his witty and eloquent deliberation on the need of employee engagement. He also introduced the agenda for the conference and the distinguished speakers in the inaugural session.Mr.KamalSingh, while sharing his thoughts on the event, presented important and interesting data on employee engagement, backed by research and rating agencies, including Dale Carnege, NHRDN and Tower Perrins.

In his address, the Guest of Honour Mr. Vipin Sondhi ignited the young minds in attendance by sharing four short stories that confirmed the importance and need of employee engagement for the success of any organization and its people. He stated that engagement initiatives are inclusive in nature and the drivers should ensure that everyone is a part of engagement, including leaders, followers, and both weak and strong players in the process. The key to the success of employee engagement lies in the hands of leadership.

The Chief Guest, Dr. A.K Balyan, while delivering his inaugural address, enthralled the audience with his pearls of wisdom. He emphasised the leadership-driven employee engagement endeavours, which is a combination of hardware and software, with policies and procedures being referred to as hardware and execution and people as software. He illustrated for an emotional connection between employees and management, and a commitment of employees toward the organization. He showed the immense benefits of engagement on the bottom line of a business. While delivering the vote of thanks, Mr. Shreevats Jaipuria appreciated the engaging deliberations of all the guests. He stated that employee engagement is a value chain and that all the stakeholders should chip in to complete this important practice. While organizations are taking important initiatives in this direction, business schools like Jaipuria Institute of Management are also instilling values and ethics in its students, the future flag bearers of employee engagement in organizations.As the session reached its end, the distinguished guests were honoured by presenting mementoes as a gesture of gratitude.

The first session on Leadership Values & Brand Alignment was chaired by Ms. Ester Martinez, Founder & Editor-in-chief, People Matters. The eminent panellists were Mr. Pradyumna Pandey, Chief GM-HR, JK Tyre, Mr. Deepak Dobriyal, VP-HR, Birlasoft, Ms. Usha Subramanian-VP, Technical and Campus-Mphasis, and Mr. Rajiv Kapoor, CPO-Fortis Healthcare.The session highlighted the different methods of defining values and their evolution. They also discussed the relationship between values and brand creation.The session was based on experiential sharing about how an organization defines and disseminates its values.

The second panel session on Employee Engagement Strategies & Best Practices was led by Ms. Shampi Venkatesh, CPO-NIIT Ltd. The eminent panellists were Mr. Sushil Baveja, President-HR, DSCL Ltd., Ms. Ashu Sawhney, VP-HR, DCB Bank and Mr. Abhay Kapoor, AVP-HR & Corporate ER, Escorts Ltd.The panel discussed the role of engagement by 3 key stakeholders: Reporting Manager, Business Leader, and HR. They also spoke about engagement at various stages of the employee life cycle, as well as the role of engagement for future generations. Also discussed were the role of communication,auto mationand entertainment in engagement.

In his special address, Mr. S.Y. Siddiqui spoke about the expectations of employees of different categories and age groups. He spoke about the various aspects of leadership, including mentoring, listening, influencing, and networking. He emphasised on the need to develop a culture of respect, empowerment, commitment and ownership within an organization. He shared that the best strategy for employee engagement is to develop an element of pride among the employees. He also discussed various HR initiatives at Maruti Suzuki and shared his insightful experiences.

The conference concluded with the conference summary by Prof. Abdul Qadir, Conference Coordinator and a vote of thanks by Mr. R.K. Rishiraj, Head Corporate Relations & Placement, Jaipuria Institute of Management.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

Jaipuria Noida hosts its eighth convocation ceremony with Mr. Ankur Warikoo, Head, Groupon APAC Emerging Markets as the Chief Guest

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida recently held its 8th convocation ceremony for its 2014 Batch on Sunday, 30th November. 206 students of the batch of 2012-14 were awarded their degree. The event did not only witness students on the cusp of new beginnings buzzing with energy but it also brought together leading lights from the world of academia and business. Mr. Ankur Warikoo, Head, Groupon APAC Emerging Markets was the Chief Guest of the event.

The organizers had left no stone unturned to make sure that the day will be remembered for a long time to come. It was of course a big day for the students who had turned out in their Sunday bests, so to speak, and were brimming with joy on the major achievement in their lives.

Mr. Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman of the institutes took to the stage and began the proceedings. He talked about the role the institute plays in creating leaders of tomorrow and the students in front of him stood testimony to that. He inspired the students by saying, “You need to focus on your strengths because they help you achieve your dreams. Dream big and go after them with whatever your strengths might be.” He followed up his thought with the example of the Indian Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi, who has done just that and spectacularly so.

Dr. Rajiv R Thakur, Director, Jaipuria, Noida then presented the annual report for the institute, which was received with a big round of applause. He talked about the placement record for the institute last year, which stood at 95% overall, with a large number of big name organizations coming to the campus as recruiters. He also focussed on various initiatives carried out by the institute in the last year for the overall development of students. He ended his talk reiterating the institute’s commitment to creating leaders of tomorrow.

The alumni were then guided to take the oath by Mr. Jaipuria who also gave them their diplomas. Mr. Ankur Warikoo, the Chief Guest of the event then handed over medals to students who had performed extraordinarily in different fields. In his heartfelt speech he said, “The institute has prepared you to face the corporate world with finesse. Now it will be onto you to pay back with your success in the times to come. Congratulations to Jaipuria and you all.”

Through his speech Mr. Warikoo had tried to talk about the importance of being limitless rather than being bogged down by materialistic things. He shared anecdotes from his life to drive home his point and describe the significance of physical and mental courage. And these qualities are in abundance in the recipient of this year’s Chairman’s Award of Recognition. Mr. Yateesh Wahaal, alumni from 2005-7 batch has made giant strides in the industry since then and was felicitated on the day by his proud institute. He started his career in banking but soon moved to different industries and worked on projects that made an impact internationally. Today, he is the CEO of an emerging health care company that will be opening super speciality hospitals in different parts of the country.

Thereafter, awards were given to the deserving students for their outstanding academic achievements. The Gold Medal for PGDM was awarded to Ms. Bhavna Tandon and Silver Medal to Ms. Sakshi Gupta. The specialization wise toppers were Ms. Bhavna Tandon (Financial Management), Ms. Megha Mahajan (Marketing Management), Ms. Isha Singhal (Human Resource Management), Ms. Sakshi Gupta (International Business), and Mr Tarun Harit (Operations Management).

For PGDM (Services), the Gold Medal was awarded to Ms. Komal Nagar and Silver Medal to Ms. Shipra Gupta. For PGDM (Marketing), The Gold Medal was awarded to Ms. Shubhanshi Dhooper and Silver Medal to Mr. Tarun Harit.

The Gold Medal for overall BEST STUDENT OF 2012-14 was awarded to Ms Bhavana Tandon. The Gold Medal for BEST WOMAN STDUENT of 2012-2014 was awarded to Ms Sakshi Gupta

The Vote of Thanks was delivered by the Vice Chairman of the Jaipuria Group of Institutions, Mr. Shreevats Jaipuria who stressed on the fact that each passing student should believe in themselves to overcome difficult situations and unknown problems that they would encounter as they go ahead in the professional and personal lives. The 8th Convocation ceremony of Jaipuria Noida reinstated in every way one of the core philosophies on which Jaipuria Institute of Management is touted-“You are greater than what you are.”

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