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Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

'Rural Day' at Jaipuria Noida helps students establish a connection with farmers, understand the challenges of an agro based economy

16th February, 2015: In an interesting initiative to better understand the rural sector of the Indian economy, Jaipuria Noida’s students got an opportunity to interact with and help a group of framers. The day long event was aptly called ‘Rural Day’ was part of E-week, and it involved multiple activities, including spending time with farmers and an agricultural scientist, debating and drama.

The day started with Jaipuria students traveling to go and spent time with nine farmers from the neighbourhood villages of Mahawar, Kudi Khera (Ghaziabad). A health checkup was also organized for these farmers and it was interesting to note according to Dr. Rajesh Kesri, that they were in much better health in their 70s and 80s than their much younger city counterparts. The day was also graced by one of the most senior agricultural scientists in the country, Dr. V Kumar, who engaged in one-on-one conversations with the farmers.

In his talk, Dr. Kumar shared his experience of working with farmers, the issues and challenges they grapple with and the “policy paralysis” of the Government. He then went on to offer solutions that can change things on individual and community level, through means like dairy farming, horticulture, regular soil testing and making the most out of the services offered by the Government. Students also got the opportunity to interact with the farmers and learn about the ground realities in their own words. This was quite an eye-opening experience for many students, as their interaction with rural communities and farmers has been limited.

Two more activities were planned for the day, and these activities were followed by the debate on the question: “Is rural India the new bottom of the pyramid”. There were participants speaking for and against the motion in what turned out to be quite an engaging discussion. Tushar Walia won the first prize speaking for the motion, and Pranjal Srivastava was also awarded the first prize, while speaking against it. At the end of the debate, it was agreed that companies need to look at the poor as valuable customers. In addition, the key to farming in the future lies in sustainable business models, effective distribution channels and working with the right partners.

The finale of the event was a drama titled “Lighting of Rural India”. It was presented by a talented bunch of students from the institute. In keeping with the theme of the event, the play highlighted the divide between city and rural life, while trying to build a new, sustainable connection between the two. The show was high on energy and made good use of humour to convey important messages and themes. Putting the simplicity and significance of rural India and farmers in the spotlight, the day emphasized rural India’s untapped potential that future managers could help realize.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

Jaipuria, Noida’s Conclave on Corporate Communications brainstormed on the topic- “Corporate Communication: Do you see what I see?”

Jaipuria, Noida recently organized its first communications conclave with the theme “Corporate Communication: Do you see what I see?” The event, held on the 31st of January, 2015 was organized by faculty coordinators of the institute, and it aimed to drill home the importance of Business communications amongst future managers. Through panel discussions that brought together some of the sharpest and experienced minds in the field, it managed to do just that.

The Chief Guest, Mr. Lavleen Raheja, CEO & Chairman, Franklin Covey began the proceedings with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp. It was followed by the welcome address by Dr. Poonam Sharma, who talked about the likes of Mr. Barack Obama and Mr. Narendra Modi, who have been consistently “touching people’s hearts” with their inimitable communication skills. She also stressed the importance of effective communications in a range of areas, including sales and marketing.

Mr. Raheja then gave a presentation on “7 Habits of High Effectiveness”. His ability to articulate complex ideas had the audience hooked from the first word. One of the important points he made was the significance of trust; for this topic, he used the example of GE, which has used trust as its driving marketing strategy to reach out to customers. He also added, “There is a growing demand for the art of communication amongst corporate companies and it has to be followed with actions.”

The panel discussion titled “Effective Communication, A tool for communication without authority” brought many prominent industry leaders together. This included Capt. Ved Prakash Singh, Corporate Head – HR, Jamna Auto Industries Ltd; Ms. Ira Aggarwal, Director Mission, I AM; Col. M.S Vilkhu, Advanced Communicator, Toastmaster International; and Ms. Mridula Lawrence, India Communications lead, CSC. Building upon their business experience, the panellists highlighted the importance of effective communication within teams, in cross functional teams and among people across all age groups.

The second panel titled “INSERT TITLE OF PANEL” brought together even more luminaries from the corporate world, including Mr. K.D Singh VP, Corporate Services, Maruti Suzuki Ltd, Ms. Poonam Jain, Founder President, Suprayas and DTM Toastmasters International, and Ms. Urvashi Sareen, Senior Manager, HR Tech, Mahindra. Sharing anecdotes and experiences with their own big name brands, the experts focussed on barriers in effective communications. They also offered ways to mitigate these barriers, which was quite helpful to future managers in attendance. Overall, the event offered participants an insight into corporate communications, which in many ways is the backbone of successful organizations.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

"MBA teaches you the value of out-of-the-box thinking and how to go about it" says Vedant Vashishta recent alumnus, currently working with Carlsberg Pvt. Ltd

“It is easy to sit in an air-conditioned classroom and receive lectures on marketing, finance, and various other subjects; however, it’s very difficult to actually go out in the field and perform.” These are the words of Vedant Vashistha, a PGDM course batch 2012-14 alumnus from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. He was placed with Carlsberg Pvt. Ltd. India as a Key accounts executive during campus recruitment. He has been with the organization for almost a year and is looking forward to an exciting journey ahead.

Vedant describes his job as an exciting opportunity, although he admits to the complexity of the sector and domain. Talking about the challenges of his job, he explains that there are extremely stringent Government regulations in the marketing industry. However, he believes that he is making definite progress and he attributes it to his dual specialization in marketing and finance, as well as his ability to multitask.

“MBA polishes your personality”, Vedant says, discussing the importance of management education in the current business environment. He advises MBA aspirants to ‘learn by doing: “learn practical things and do your projects well. Also, try to think out of the box. Run-of-the-mill jobs and attitudes are not the way to succeed today.”

Vedant’s fondest memories from Jaipuria are from the time he spent in a hostel making friends and engaging in intellectual conversations. He is excited about what the future holds for him, and he is looking forward to meeting the challenges head-on!

Jaipuria Indore Whats New

Jai-Utsav 2015

In the short span of 4 years, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore has emerged as the best private B-School of Central India and now it is back again with its exhilarating Annual fest, Jai-Utsav, a fun filled 3-day youth carnival with the right blend of academics, cultural, sports events. The theme is INDIA LIES IN YOU. India now has the world’s largest youth capital, the event aims in inspiring the Gen Y to unleash the true potential in them and building the leadership qualities to take our country forward to great level of heights.

Every year, Jai-Utsav witnesses unparalleled level of participation and the atmosphere gets electric with excitement, frolic, engagement and lots of fun. The fest draws participants not only from Indore but also from different colleges in India including our other 3 campuses in Lucknow, Noida and Jaipur.

This year Jai-Utsav would play host to number of events like Marketing Genius – Finance Genius – HR Genius, a unique 3-level management game along with events ranging fromdance competition, fashion shows to numerous exciting management games and Rock-band competition to tickle the wits of the best and the brightest who visit the campus. In addition to all this, the fusion of sports, drama and humour filled events and DJ nightwill make this carnival a grand one.

Date of Jai-Utsav: 12 Feb 2015 -14 Feb 2015
Venue: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore.

Download Schedule Registration Form

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

Communication Conclave “Communication makes, sustains and breaks relationships.”

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida witnessed its first ever communication conclave held on 31st January 2015 with professors and professionals participating along with zealous students eager for heavy interaction. The main topic for the conclave was “Corporate Communication: Do you see what I see?”. The event was successfully organized by the faculty coordinators: Dr.Abhijit Nair, Ms. Richa Dhar, Ms. Kanchan Rana, Prof. Ashok Advani, Col.Rajpal and Dr.Niva Bhandari. The chief guest of the event was Mr.Lavleen Raheja, CEO & Chairman of Franklin Covey who inaugurated the conclave by lighting the divine lamp.

Dr. Poonam Sharma in her welcome speech focused on clear communication as the fundamental requirement for success. She, then tapped on the importance of “touching the locus” which means winning the hearts in style by quoting examples from speeches of Mr. Barack Obama and Mr.Narendra Modi. She also emphasized the importance of effective and clear communication in all the areas of sales and marketing; in fact in all the business domains.

Mr. Lavleen Raheja mesmerized the audience by his enthralling presentation, which focused on “7 Habits of High Effectiveness”.

He quoted the rising corporate demand for cultivating the art of communication clearly and the ability to follow the same with action. He then emphasized on the importance of trust using examples like GE to highlight the organizational shift from “profitability” to “trust”. He also spoke about the shift of organization towards value creation in every sphere of their activity.

The inauguration came to an end with a thanks giving speech by Dr.Abhijit Nair who quoted enthusiasm as the prime essence of communication.

The Panel 1 discussion came into action with focus on “Effective Communication, A tool for communication without authority”. The Panelists comprised of: Capt. Ved Prakash Singh,Corporate Head –HR, Jamna Auto Industries Ltd, Ms. Ira Aggarwal-Director Mission I AM . Col. M.S Vilkhu, Advanced Communicator, Toastmaster International and Ms. Mridula Lawrence, India Communications lead-CSC.” The session was moderated by Dr.Niva Bhandari.

The discussion started with a focus on effective communication throughout i.e. within teams, in cross functional teams and among people across all age groups. The speakers also shared their experiences.

The Panelists for the 2nd Panel were Mr. K.D Singh VP-Corporate Services –Maruti Suzuki Ltd, Ms. Poonam Jain Founder President Suprayas & DTM Toastmasters International and Ms. Urvashi Sareen Senior Manager HR Tech Mahindra, with the session being moderated by Prof. Ashok Advani. The speaker shared their real life experience with the help of stories and examples to emphasize on the barriers to effective communication and discussed the possible ways to mitigate the same. The panel also discussed about the various methods employed by organisations like Maruti Suzuki Limited and Tech Mahindra to overcome cross cultural challenges.

The discussion in the conclave amplified what Jimmy carter once said about cross cultural and cross functional communications: “We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.”

Write up courtesy– Tanya Ahuja and Karthikeya Agarwal
Photography– Tanya Kohli and Rishav Mohan

Alumni Speak

“Jaipuria prepared me to not only compete but also be in the right place at the right time!” says Manpreet Singh Lamba, Senior Consultant, Mancer Consulting Services

“The discipline that Jaipuria taught me has helped me succeed in my career”, says Manpreet Singh Lamba who completed his PGDM from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. A 2010 batch alumni, Manpreet is employed with Mancer Consulting Services, the organization that offered him the position of management trainee during the campus recruitment. Since then, he has grown to the position of Team Lead/Assistant Manager.

Manpreet is convinced that an MBA today can be extremely helpful, especially one received from a good school like Jaipuria: “A college education provides with basic skills. To be employable and further grow in your domain, you need specialized learning and exposure,such asthe education you can receive while pursuing an MBA. A well designed program like the one Jaipuria offers can create huge impact.” However, it’s not just the program; the complete ensemble, including the faculty, infrastructure, co-curricular activities and the soft skill training contribute to the development of student into skilled professionals. “My journey with Jaipuria was very good, Manpreet tells us. “The program polished my skills, nurtured me in the best possible way, and gave me great exposure to a high-quality business education. In addition, it gave me an opportunity to work with some of the best faculty out of all B-Schools. The result, of course, is the job I have secured and am growing in. I am truly happy and will be completing five years in my assignment soon.”

The industry is becoming more competitive by every day. “I am a recruitment consultant and my clients are becoming more and more demanding, “Manpreet says. “The market trends are also dynamic, with businesses reducing or stopping the outsourcing of recruitment functions. The pressures are increasing, but this also makes the domain very exciting.” According to Manpreet, the economy is improving and the market is booming, creating growth in jobs in ever sector: “Today, even graduates from good colleges are getting placed and, hence, they can get some work experience before opting for post graduation”.

Manpreet advises the MBA aspirants to take the program seriously. “The program being offered by Jaipuria is designed to map the industry requirements,” he says. ”Its professional approach prepares students for employment, instead of simply handing out degrees”. This, he believes, is the greatest take-away from a higher education institute in the current times.

Alumni Speak Jaipuria Noida

Mr. Yatish Wahaal talks about his meteoric rise and how Jaipuria Institute of Management helped him soar to towering heights of success

Saying that Mr. Yatish Wahaal has done Jaipuria Institute of Management proud would be an understatement. The fact that he is the winner of the first Chairman’s Medal given to alumni of the institute illustrates the significance of his professional achievements. A student of the 2007 batch, Mr. Wahaal remembers the fresh feel of Noida campus, and he credits the institute for giving him the right skills needed to make giant strides in his career. His success has led him to his current position as the CEO and Director of Nayati Healthcare & Research Pvt. Ltd.

Here, Mr. Wahaal talks about his professional growth and his institute’s role in his success. “I am really indebted to the house of Jaipuria because I feel that some of the very basic qualities they have instilled in me have resulted in the achievements that I have made,” he tells us. “It’s the passion for education, and not profits, that drives the institute.” He has, of course, reaped the benefits of his education, illustrated by his placement with Centurion Bank of Punjab. Mr. Wahaal bagged the placement at an interesting time for the bank – it was an in its expansion phase and his placement offered him a tremendous learning experience.

Since then, Mr. Wahaal has worked with Haier Appliance, a Fortune 500 consumer durable company, at a time when it was just setting up a base of operations in India. This was another position that gave him the experience needed to help him on his rise up the corporate ladder. He has also worked on several top rung projects, including the privatization of IPL, a gig for Sultanate of Oman and helping Sahara group acquire the Grosvenor House. He admits that it’s been a rewarding career so far and attributes it to the platform laid out for him by his institute.

Talking about his time at Jaipuria, Noida Mr. Wahaal says, “They offer plenty of scope to students to derive value from their education. Besides classroom learning, we did a lot of case studies, research work and industry visits that were really helpful. One of my most memorable experiences was working with Café Coffee Day with one of our professors. We did a live exercise at one of their outlets and helped create support material, including the idea of a signature CCD tune that worked towards their brand enhancement.”

Mr. Wahaal believes that it was exercises like these that brought him closer to his consulting career, which is his focus in the long run. Today, Nayati Healthcare & Research Pvt. Ltd. does its work in Tier 2 and Tier 3 areas where there is no network of doctors and medical professionals. The idea is to take healthcare to patients in a model that’s economically viable and sustainable. “It’s something I am passionate about and want to do for those around me, Mr. Wahaal says. “I am indebted by the Chairman’s Medal given to me; however, I also look at it as a sense of responsibility.”

Going down memory lane and reflecting on his academic days at the institute is not always easy for Mr. Wahaal, as it fills him with a wide range of emotions: “There are many great memories attached to those times. But, what I appreciate the most was that our institute took our suggestions on board, like when we asked for help in learning a foreign language. Upon this request, the institute quickly organized French lessons for its student body.” And, in a parting shot to current students, Mr. Wahaal says, “The institute offers you a phenomenal platform, make the most of it and avoid taking short cuts.” With his experience, both as a student and a professional, students would be wise to listen to these words.

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