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FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Indore

Jaipuria Director Dr. Halve encourages students to look at Entrepreneurship as a career option

“Entrepreneurship is a mindset”, says Dr. Harsh vardhan Halve, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore.“There is no age limit to being an entrepreneur”, he adds. According to Dr. Halve, this is an excellent time for entrepreneurs in India since the country’s economy is growing: “We are in the expansion phase and the world is looking at India today as an expanding market, so why shouldn’t we leverage this opportunity?”

Dr. Halve says entrepreneurship is about creating value from creativity. However, money may not always be the objective – it could also be self-satisfaction: “ Look at Prakash Amte. He is a doctor who has been working for the development of tribal people all his life. His work has translated into a hospital, Lok Biradari Prakalp Davakhana, a residential school, Lok Biradari Prakalp Ashram Shala, and an orphanage for injured wild animals, the Amte’s Animal Ark”. Entrepreneurship doesn’t always mean a multi-million dollar enterprise.

Entrepreneurship, according to Dr. Halve, is sector independent. People often try to do the trendy things; for instance, currently everyone is talking about e-commerce and mobile applications. However, there are creative individuals who are innovating in other sectors as well. The first step is to look within and discover your passion and then identify the gaps in the market in that area and possibly invest and create a business around it. It is the passion, in the end, that derives value: “ I have recently seen an excellent case in the U.S. during my recent U.S. visit, I discovered a brand called ‘Mrs. Fields Cookies’ named after the founder, Mrs. Field. From her childhood, she was passionate about baking cookies and her cookies would always have a very fresh smell. Fortunately, she got married to an economist who was working with Stanford University, and he encouraged her to convert it into a business. He focused on the joy she felt whenever he or their friends and relatives requested a batch of cookies. The freshness of her cookies became the USP of the business. Today, there are over one hundred stores in five countries and the USP is freshly-baked cookies. After forty minutes, the baked cookies are not served to the customers, since the maximum survival time after cooking is forty minutes. Even without her now, the same smell is being maintained in all these stores. That’s operational excellence.”

However, businesses need knowledge to set up and run. Jaipuria is the only institute that has started an entrepreneurship course as a core course, which is compulsory for every student who is pursuing PGDM. Dr. Halve has created simulation games around the course to help students experience real-life scenarios. He thinks being an entrepreneur is far more satisfying than holding a job, and he says that most people realize this after spending a few decades as an employee. However, he feels that innovation is the true key to a successful and sustainable business, rest is following, which does not create value for the society.

Dr. Halve believes that Indians are slow starters as far as entrepreneurship is concerned – this is, he explains, largely because of the challenges of social security. Our social and economic environment has been a challenge so far and risk-taking has been limited. However, courses like ‘entrepreneurship’ can mitigate that risk and help a creative person manage the business she aspires to.

Blog Jaipuria Jaipur

“Did you forget an answer in your PI or could not speak in GD? Words of advice by Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director, Jaipuria Jaipur on how to tackle the situation.”

All management aspirants who want to a bag a seat at a top B School have to navigate the crucial Group Discussion and Personal Interview. These are important opportunities for candidates to make a lasting impression. Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, reveals the secrets that can help students ace the selection process. Shedding light on the importance of the GD he says, “It’s not only meant for assessing the candidate’s knowledge of current affairs, but also to measure his or her ability to respond to their teammates.”

However, he is quick to point out a GD with low intensity participation does not reveal much, while one with hyper and temperamental participants kills the very purpose. That’s something his institute realized early, which led them to begin to focus on Case Analysis. According to Dr. Pankaj, there are several benefits to CA: “CA allows a candidate to live a virtual situation where there is a need for making decisions. The candidate has to take a stand which reveals her/his overall perception, personality, decision making ability, and ability to construct arguments.”

Dr. Pankaj also has advice for those who might not be in tune with the topic of discussion and, therefore, might struggle to make an impact. In those situations, he believes that the best strategy is to wait and listen carefully to the others in the GD before presenting a counter-argument. He states, “The first mover is not always an advantage unless you are able to make a meaningful beginning. There is an ‘interjector’ advantage. An interjector presents contradictions through good examples. There is a ‘leadership’ advantage, wherein one can bring the discussion back on track.”

However, all the efforts made by students in the GD can come to a naught during the Personal Interview. Dr. Pankaj says that’s because the two are completely different processes. “GD is about your ability to put forward points, contextualizing them, and convincing others,” he explains. “The PI does not depend so much on instant preparation, but a lot on how you have been thinking about those questions. Besides that, body language is important: sit straight, look into the eyes of the interviewer while answering questions. Dress appropriately and wear a smile.”

For those who tend to go blank during the interview, Dr. Pankaj has some helpful tips as well. He suggests, “Never look blank, or scratch your hair. The best way is to ask for time to recall the answer. Keep your cool and focus on finding the answer; but if you can’t, accept the fact that, unfortunately, you are not able to recall the answer just now. The interviewer will move on to the next question and it will not be considered a negative, especially if you could answer subsequent questions.” Now, that’s pretty helpful advice that management candidates can benefit from.

Jaipuria Indore Whats New

“My Favourite Brand” at Jaipuria Indore was about a fun exercise to bring the basics of Branding home

Richa Puri and Prof. Aditi Naidu

An out of the box classroom exercise was held for the students of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore recently as it not only worked on their communication skills but made them aware of concepts like brand loyalty and value as well. Organized by the Marketing club of the institute “My Favourite Brand” was an activity that hit the point home with the students as they related their own personal experiences. Thus the initiative served its purpose of helping students understand the importance of users’ connection with brands and marketing aspects involved in the process.

The task in front of the students was fairly straightforward; they had to talk about their favourite brand for two minutes. But as they talked about their love and loyalty for their chosen brand they could see the bigger picture as they realized what consumers look for when they build a bond with a particular brand.

Needless to say, students put their best foot forward during the contest and came up with arguments that were quite becoming of budding management professionals. Vivek Pathak, student of the 2014-16 Batch who spoke about Dettol as his favourite brand was adjudged the winner. “The brand has been used by my family for a long time. Whenever there are cuts and bruises in the family, Dettol is a trusted name,” was his winning reply. His reward for winning the contest was a book on Branding, which he intends to put to good use at the earliest.

Other participants who talked about various brands like Apple, Dove, Red Tape Shoes and more, might not have won a book on the subject but they certainly went back home richer in understanding of branding. They were also awarded Certificates of Participation but it was the huge learning experience this activity offered them that the students cherished the most. The exercise turned out to be a fruitful one also because the participants’ communication skills were called into play and they learned to put their points across in an effective manner.

Jaipuria Indore Whats New

CSR Initiative led by students of Jaipuria, Indore seeks to improve the City’s traffic situation

January 24-25, 2014: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, organized and implemented a two-day CSR initiative with the objective of improving the traffic situation in Indore. The initiative, named ‘Better Traffic in Indore’, was conducted in association with the Indore Traffic Police. Prior to the event, students were given traffic related training by the Indore traffic police at the Traffic Thana in Indore.

During the event, students, wearing Jaipuria t-shirts, in teams of four to five were stationed at ten major traffic junctions of the city.

Banners carrying the theme of the event were displayed near the students’ positions. At their respective traffic junctions, students handed chocolates and Jaipuria pens as a token of appreciation to those who followed safe traffic norms, such as wearing seat belts or helmets. Traffic violators, on the other hand, were provided with pamphlets that contained statistics of road accidents in Indore, as well as appeals to follow traffic rules. Some students went a step ahead and asked many who were not wearing seat belts to wear seat belts; the motorists, surprisingly, agreed to do so! At other junctions, students were seen taking an active role in managing traffic, which included making drivers stop at red light signals. The Indore traffic police constables at the traffic junctions served tea to the students in appreciation of their service. The ASP, Indore Traffic Police, and Ms Anjana Tiwari, who personally witnessed the actions of the students, appreciated their efforts. The event also received press coverage in some newspapers in the city.

Jaipuria Indore Placement Update

Chandrakant Lovanshi, from Khandwa, M.P., lands a job with Capital IQ, Hyderabad and finds a foothold in his dream sector

“I was looking for an organization in the field of Research & Analysis. When I heard Capital IQ was coming for campus placement, I applied immediately because finance sector is exactly where I want to start it all from,” says Chandrakant Lovanshi. This headstrong PGDM student from Jaipuria, Indore chased his dream with gusto and managed to bag a job as a Junior Research Associate with the Hyderabad based company.

This is no small feat for the boy from the sleepy town of Khandwa, who has been on the road for more than a decade pursuing his academic aspirations. The Biology graduate was keen on making a mark in the world of management and focused on Jaipuria, Indore as the institute where he could realize his goals. Although he had heard a lot about the B School, he did his homework by visiting the campus in order to make sure that it was the right fit for him.

“I realized that Jaipuria, Indore was the best place for me to go to because of the brilliant learning environment and fantastic infrastructure it offers,” says Chandrakant, who is specializing in Finance and Marketing. “Given my background, understanding management concepts was initially difficult for me. But thanks to the support of my faculty and friends I have a good grasp of the subject now.” It was this understanding of the concepts that he believes held him in good standing during the selection process for the job. After having gone through a written and general aptitude test, he was put through three rounds of interviews. During the interview process, his confidence shone through, which is how he managed to bag the coveted job with Capital IQ. “Two years at Jaipuria, Indore have prepared me to face any kind of challenges,” he says with a smile on his face.

Jaipuria Institute of Management has always strived to make its students industry-ready and for Chandrakant the process involved being a part of several initiatives, including the Media Relations Club. He also went through an exhaustive Summer Internship Project with SIDBI, Mumbai, which he believes gives him the confidence to take on the role of a corporate professional himself. “I am really impressed with the curriculum offered by the institute as it focuses on the overall development of an individual,” Chandrakant says. “It has a culture of learning, which has helped me immensely. Not only did I get exposed to the business world, but I also managed to work on my overall personality.” He even goes on to recommend the program to future candidates, as he believes it gives them a much-needed competitive edge.

Now that he has had a head start in his professional journey, Chandrakant wants to work towards a successful future ahead. In five year’s time he hopes to be working in a leadership position handling important projects. But he also has a long term plan, which is a desire to work with a big International organization. And the way this Finance-minded individual is going, you shouldn’t put your money against it.

Blog Jaipuria Indore

Mentoring Week turns out to be a huge success among students of Jaipuria Indore

Jaipuria Institute of Management – Indore has always recognized the importance of the role that a mentor can play in the life of a student, whether they are still in school or are just beginning their journey into the corporate world. The act of offering advice and life experience to one who is seeking guidance forms a bond that is not easily broken between individuals and can serve to be mutually beneficial to both. It is in celebration of this unique relationship that Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore recently held Mentorship Week across the Indore campus as a means of both honoring and facilitating the link shared between mentors and their protégés.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore has developed a distinctive mentorship program that assists students seeking additional leadership, be it in the fields of academia or business. This mentorship program combines academic and industry experience to create a bridge for students as they transition from the academic environment to the corporate environment. The goal of the mentorship program is to ensure that students get the most out of their experience at the insitute, while being able to take their acquired school knowledge and transforming it into knowledge that they can take into their corporate life.

This mentorship week began with an idea from Dr. Nitin Merh who crafted a proposal for every faculty mentor. The proposal suggested that every faculty mentor take their students for an outing that would combine education with a chance for some fun. This proposal was then adopted into a trip to Nakhrali Dhani, an ethnic village resort that reflects the Rajasthani and Malwi cultures. The trip was a chance for both the mentors and their charges to spend time with one another, while also enjoying the rich warmth and rustic charm of the festivals that are generally held in Nakhrali Dhani.

Not surprisingly, the trip was a huge success with all those who were involved. While engaging in such activities as riding on camels, students were able to spend time with their respective mentors in an atmosphere that was conducive to learning. As Professor Arindam Saha stated, “Mentorship helps us to interact with one another and increases the understanding among students as well as the mentor. The concept of the trip was an interesting one, and more activities like this should be planned to fully reap the benefits for both the students and their mentors.” Additionally, Aman Kumar, a student who attended the event has this to say about the trip, “Besides all of the activities that took place, we had a lot of fun and forged a strong bond of togetherness and openness with our menotrs that enabled us to share our thoughts and ideas.”

Overall, students from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore experienced immense opportunity over the course of the event. Along with their mentors, the students were given a chance of acquiring guidance towards achieving their dreams and attaining long-term success. Prof. Megha Jain describes the whole process significantly well- “Mentoring is the process that can elevate your professional capabilities exponentially. It involves a long term relationship where person becomes your trusted ally and feels you motivated whenever you are need his/her support.”

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