July 7 2013: Jaipuria Indore recently partnered with National Human Resource Network (NHRDN). The National Apex body of professionals committed to the development of human resources through education, training, research and experience sharing. It has 12,500 members representing, Multinationals, Public & Private organizations including Government, MSME & NGOs spread across 30 chapters in India and serves as a reference point for HR Professionals in Indian Industry.
Mr. Kamal Singh (Director General, NHRD), during his visit to Indore Committed that Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore to be the nodal point for the election of the Indore chapter and for further coordination with Head Quarter of NHRD.
Further Jaipuria Inodre in association with NHRD network will be organizing the National HR Summit in the month of November and Business Quiz competition for Under Graduate and Post Graduate students in the month of January.