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Shri Rajnath Singh, BJP National President addressed 7th Annual Convocation at Jaipuria Noida

Noida, May 05: The Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida hosted its “Seventh Convocation Ceremony” on Sunday, May 05, 2013 for 118.graduating students of PGDM (2011-13) Batch, 39 graduating students of PGDM Services (2011-13) and 24 graduating students of PGDM Marketing (2011-13) Batch.

Shri Rajnath Singh, National President BJP and MP delivered the convocation address to the enthusiastic gathering. Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman of Jaipuria Institutes of Management awarded the diplomas to all the graduating students while the chief guest, Shri Rajnath Singh, handed over the Chairman’s Gold and Vice-chairperson’s Silver medals to the top achievers amongst the graduating students for their academic excellence in the presence of members of Academic Council, corporate dignitaries, faculty, staff, family members, friends and members of the press.

Gracing the occasion, Shri Rajnath Singh, said that he was quite delighted to address the young diploma recipients of the institute and urged the students to follow three rules in life always. The rule of no difference between words and deeds, the rule of hard work with right intention and lastly the rule of having a large heart always. He added that the there is a direct relationship between the largeness of heart and the maximization of happiness. According to him real spiritualism lies in living a kind and large hearted life which has no place for I, me and myself. He also requested the students to think about why the Indian culture is accepted and recognized as the best culture in the whole world? He gave a very small example to explain this further by saying that if western students would be asked , Who is the greatest King on earth and Why?, they would take names of people who have earned a lot of wealth and land. But if Indians are asked the same question their answer will mention kings like Raja Ram or Raja Harishchandra who were great in deeds and character. He ended his address by asking the students to always follow the path of sacrifice, hard work, strong character and dedication in life.

Shri Sharad Jaipuria in his welcome address extended a warm welcome to Mr. Rajnath Singh and congratulated the students on successfully completing their Post Graduate Programme in Management. Speaking on the occasion, he urged the students to adopt a culture of Hard Work, Integrity and Diligence in their profession. He added that there is no substitute for hard work, and core values of hard work, determination, and commitment should always guide the students towards finding their purpose in life and achieving their goals. He gave examples of India’s most successful and towering business leaders and Chief Executives coming from modest circumstances, who worked hard for everything in their lives but were able to transcend their circumstances and thrive.

Dr. Pankaj Gupta Director General, Jaipuria Institutes of Management, greeted all the fellowmen present at the venue and elaborated on the principles of KASH i.e. knowledge, attitude, skills and habits & SPICE which is a combination of Spirituality, Physical, Intellectual, Community and Emotion. According to him if followed these could be success enablers for students. He also said that one should choose one’s career on the basis of Interest, Skills and Belief so that maximum output can be delivered.

He urged the students to work in the true spirit of being a professional and quoted Subroto Baghchi from his book, The Professional, “ Professional is somebody who works unsupervised, who is proactive and he/she is the one who declares completion of any task as per his/her standards”.

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Thakur, Director, while presenting the Progress Report of the Institute described the year 2012-13 as an ‘eventful year full of excitement, learning and progress’. He very happily shared that Jaipuria Noida had been awarded ‘A’ Grade Accreditation by NAAC and had been rated as 6th in North India amongst private B-Schools by Outlook – Career 360 (2012), A++ by Business India, Best B School Survey 2010 and 2011, 5th in NCR by silicon India B-School survey. In his speech Dr. Thakur said that the students should use knowledge for the service of the society and also remain passionate about their dreams and goals in life. He said that one should work like an artist in life who is always working for perfection in his art. He also reiterated the fact that humility, character, dedication and simplicity are the values that take a person towards long term success in life.

Thereafter, awards were given to the deserving students for their outstanding academic achievements. The Gold Medal for PGDM was awarded to Ms. Harshita Shukla and Silver Medal to Ms. Anuja Srivastava. The specialization wise toppers were Mr. Harshita Shukla (Financial Management), Ms. Neeti Bali (Marketing Management), Ms. Neeti Bali (Human Resource Management), Mr Amar Pal Singh for Operations Management.

For PGDM (Services), the Gold Medal was awarded to Mr. Lakhbindar Sharma and Silver Medal to Ms. Swati Pandit. The specialization wise toppers were Lakhbindar Sharma for Financial Management, and Swati Pandit for Marketing and Human Resource Management.).

For PGDM (Marketing), The Gold Medal was awarded to Mr. Ankush Verma and Silver Medal to Mr. Arun Kumar Pal.

The Gold Medal for Best Woman Student of 2011-13 was awarded to Ms Harshita Shukla.

The Vote of Thanks was delivered by the Vice Chairman of the Jaipuria Group of Institutions, Mr. Sreevats Jaipuria who stressed on the fact that each passing student should become an active doer and participate in the whole process of the system in the best possible manner.he firther added that one should take responsibility and feel a sense of ownership for his professional responsibilities. Inner satisfaction only comes when one contributes whole heartedly to whatever he is doing. H e once again wished the very best to the passing out students.

All in all the Graduation Ceremony was an emotional moment for the family members of the students as their loved ones went on stage to receive their certificates. The gathering then proceeded for a group photograph.

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Introducing Ph.D at Jaipuria, Noida in association with MohanLal Sukhadia University, Udaipur

A Memorandum of Understanding between Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida and Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur has been signed on 8th May, 2013. With this the institute shall start offering Ph.D course from new academic session 2013-14.

The MoU aims at promoting and enhancing academic interaction and collaboration between the two institutions in areas of mutual interest for mutual benefits. The MoU also opens up avenues for student faculty exchange between two institutes of repute. Together, the two institutions propose to seamlessly collaborate and pursue their respective research and educational aspirations by facilitating joint research and educational activities in areas of mutual interest.

With this, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida opens up new opportunities in higher education of management for management students, professionals and academicians looking forward to pursue Doctoral Programme in Management. The details regarding Ph.D programme shall be put up shortly on the website.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida stands committed to achieve its mission –“To continuously upgrade and upscale the quality and spread of our educational endeavour”

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