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Jaipuria Featured Stories

Jaipuria Institute of Management, NHRDN along with NEN hosted National Conference on Youth 2025

On February 8-9, 2014, the Jaipuria Institute of Management and the National Human Resource Development Network (NHRDN), along with knowledge partner, NEN, organized the two-day National Conference on Youth 2025: Harnessing India’s Demographic Dividend. The event was designed to position youth to become more viable as future employees while also strategically harnessing and unlocking the potential of youths within India.

The conference was attended by more than 450 students from across the region and also included faculty members from 24 institutes, NITs, and universities. The conference also boasted prominent speakers from all walks of life, including academics, business leaders, and leaders in civil disciplines. Given the enormity and popularity of the conference, more than 20 sponsors also lent their support to the proceedings.

The two-day conference kicked off on February 8 with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp and saraswati vandana. This was then followed by several speakers, including Shri Sharad, Chairman of the Jaipuria Institute of Management, and Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Director General of the institute, who welcomed the attendees and opened the conference in high style. The inaugural address was presented by Dr. Anurag Thakur, a Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha and the president of the National BJP Youth Wing. As the chief guest of honor, Dr. Thakur challenged the attendees to not waste time thinking about their destiny; rather, Dr. Thakur stated, they should work hard to make their destinies happen.

The rest of the first day of the conference covered various sessions on youth being the key drivers for change. These sessions highlighted the opportunities and challenges that were faced by India’s youth and included a Youth Icon speaker session and a student presentation session. The Youth Icon session welcomed Shri Sarath Babu, CEO of Food King and a 2008 MTV youth icon and alumni of IIMA. His rags-to-riches story provided an example to the attendees of what can happen when you work hard to achieve your dreams.

After a day filled with speakers and various informational panels, the evening brought a gala cultural celebration that mixed comedy, music, and fun together to create a memorable event for all involved. Renowned singer Deepika T enthralled the audience with her performance, and a student talent show showed the creativity and innovation of those who were in attendance. In all, it was an extremely special night.

The second day of the conference dawned with even more speakers who informed and entertained the attendees. Taking up the mantle of the first day, the speakers challenged the youth of India to rise to the occasion presented to them. As the conference came to its conclusion, it was a theme that the attendees would not soon forget.

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Blog Jaipuria Indore

Mentoring Week turns out to be a huge success among students of Jaipuria Indore

Jaipuria Institute of Management – Indore has always recognized the importance of the role that a mentor can play in the life of a student, whether they are still in school or are just beginning their journey into the corporate world. The act of offering advice and life experience to one who is seeking guidance forms a bond that is not easily broken between individuals and can serve to be mutually beneficial to both. It is in celebration of this unique relationship that Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore recently held Mentorship Week across the Indore campus as a means of both honoring and facilitating the link shared between mentors and their protégés.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore has developed a distinctive mentorship program that assists students seeking additional leadership, be it in the fields of academia or business. This mentorship program combines academic and industry experience to create a bridge for students as they transition from the academic environment to the corporate environment. The goal of the mentorship program is to ensure that students get the most out of their experience at the insitute, while being able to take their acquired school knowledge and transforming it into knowledge that they can take into their corporate life.

This mentorship week began with an idea from Dr. Nitin Merh who crafted a proposal for every faculty mentor. The proposal suggested that every faculty mentor take their students for an outing that would combine education with a chance for some fun. This proposal was then adopted into a trip to Nakhrali Dhani, an ethnic village resort that reflects the Rajasthani and Malwi cultures. The trip was a chance for both the mentors and their charges to spend time with one another, while also enjoying the rich warmth and rustic charm of the festivals that are generally held in Nakhrali Dhani.

Not surprisingly, the trip was a huge success with all those who were involved. While engaging in such activities as riding on camels, students were able to spend time with their respective mentors in an atmosphere that was conducive to learning. As Professor Arindam Saha stated, “Mentorship helps us to interact with one another and increases the understanding among students as well as the mentor. The concept of the trip was an interesting one, and more activities like this should be planned to fully reap the benefits for both the students and their mentors.” Additionally, Aman Kumar, a student who attended the event has this to say about the trip, “Besides all of the activities that took place, we had a lot of fun and forged a strong bond of togetherness and openness with our menotrs that enabled us to share our thoughts and ideas.”

Overall, students from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore experienced immense opportunity over the course of the event. Along with their mentors, the students were given a chance of acquiring guidance towards achieving their dreams and attaining long-term success. Prof. Megha Jain describes the whole process significantly well- “Mentoring is the process that can elevate your professional capabilities exponentially. It involves a long term relationship where person becomes your trusted ally and feels you motivated whenever you are need his/her support.”

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

The HR Conclave at Jaipuria Noida debated on role of HR- Centre or Circumference

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida is in continuous pursuit of all-round excellence in management education through narrowing the gap between academia and industry. To that end, the HR Club, IPSA, under the area of Human Resource Management organised a day-long in-campus HR CONCLAVE on the theme “HR – Centre or Circumference” on Saturday, 24th August 2013. While addressing a very relevant debate on the topic of HR – Centre or Circumference in the arena of Human Resource Management, the conclave aimed at providing an enriching experience to the student community from within Jaipuria Noida, as well as to sister campuses, particularly those specialising in HR. The conclave was well attended by the students and faculty of the institute, research scholars and members from the media. The attendees were both enthused and enlightened by the captivating speeches, presentations and deliberations of the highly knowledgeable and experienced panel members, who were top HR executives from a wide variety of organisations. They were divided into three panels, namely: HR as Strategic Business Partner, HR as Change Agent, and Contemporary HR Practices. The overall ambience of the carefully readied Auditorium-1 on the ground floor and the expectant mood of the eagerly waiting students of the institute seemed just right for the great day ahead of them. The following is a brief account of the event.

The conclave was inaugurated by the guests of honour, Mr. Gyanendra Singh (COO, Mancer Consulting Services) and Mr. Prashant P. Srivastava (HR Head, Orient Electricals of the CK Birla Group) in the presence of Dr. Rajiv R. Thakur, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. The conclave was inaugurated with the traditional lighting of the lamp by the esteemed guests.

Dr. Rajiv R. Thakur welcomed the guests of honour and shared his thoughts on the theme of whether HR was in the Centre or Circumference, wherein he introduced theme and sub-themes of the conclave. Mr. Gyanendra, in his inimitable style, eloquently shared his thoughts in terms of how HR leads from the front in managing core HR functions and the value additions done by the HR stakeholders in the process. Mr. Prashant sounded very convinced about HR’s role at the “centre” of many organisations. He advised all HR stakeholders about how to align themselves for the three stages of an employee’s tenure in an organization – -the employee joining an organisation, being in the organisation and then exiting the organization. Both speakers concluded that in order to be in the centre, HR personnel must understand their responsibility towards the business, objectives and mission of the organisation.

After the inaugural session, the conclave proceeded to its first panel discussion on the theme ‘HR as Strategic Business Partner’. Dr. V. P. Singh (ED & Chief Pupil, Devyani International) opened the discussion and said that HR’s strategic role as business partner is more to do with economic value addition in the overall performance of the organisation. He deliberated that in every HR function, right from acquiring employees to their exit, HR people have to continuously ensure value addition. He said that merely knowing and performing HR functions is not enough; one would need to have diverse knowledge of other areas of operations, like production, marketing, sales and distribution. The other panelist, Mr. Rohin Dhar (HR Head, Amplifon India Pvt. Ltd.), engaged the audience by asking their views on how HR plays the role of business partner. While modifying the responses of students, he emphasised that HR professionals should work upon their credibility deficit. He said that HR plays a pivotal role in people planning and their management. Dr. Amar Nath Chatterjee (Adjunct Professor, Jaipuria Noida), while moderating the panelists’ opinions, deliberated that HR should not focus only on profit generation, but also on the growth and development of employees in the organisation. He shared couple of strategic business models which showed how HR could be aligned with the business of an organisation. He concluded the panel discussion by reflecting that that the theme of the conclave, ‘HR – Centre or Circumference’, was like asking him to choose between the head or the heart; in his view, HR embraced every corner of today’s organisations.

The second panel discussion involved stalwarts like Mr. Indranil Mitra (AGM-HR, NTPC) and Mr. Rajeev Kakkar (GM-HR, JK Group). While elaborating on the sub-theme, ‘HR as Change Agent’, both speakers emphasised the transactional and transformational roles of HR and claimed that the latter was the most instrumental in managing and implementing change in an organisation. They emphasised that HR people needed to be part of the change, while understanding the organisation’s needs and their implications. They summed up their thoughts by saying, “People don’t leave an organisation; they leave their bosses”.

The final and concluding panel discussion at the conclave was on the theme ‘Contemporary HR Practices’. Mr. NC Sharma (Director-HR, Country Inn & Suites) talked about the current trends in HR and shred his concerns about how new inventions like competency mapping, etc., were not yielding the desired results. He laid emphasis on bridging the gap between the employees’ skills sets and the organisation’s requirement. Ms. Parul Arora (Freelance Trainer & Academician and Ex. HR Lead, All e-Technologies) talked about performance-driven compensation, employee engagement and revenue generation by HR professionals as the need of the hour. She emphasised the role of the HR team in centre and advised her listeners that to manage HR, one needed to be with people and just not rest back in one’s cubical. Mr. Anshumal Dikshit (HR-Head, I-Gate Solutions) gave as his opinion that HR professionals must keep themselves abreast with the changes rapidly taking place in the economy and in the market. Only after that should they should plan and introduce new interventions in managing HR. He shared current fancy designations in the field of HR, such as “Chief Trouble Officer”, “HR BP”, “Chief Fun Manager”, “Hunter Valley”, etc., in organisations.

The students showed their interest and responded with great enthusiasm while putting up questions to the panelists and guests speakers. The conclave concluded with thundering applause and drew to a close with the vote of thanks proposed by Prof. Abdul Qadir (Coordinator – HR Conclave). Prof. Qadir acknowledged all those who contributed towards the grand success of the day-long conclave, with a special mention for the HR Club bearers and conclave organising committee, IPSA.

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Shri S.S. Mundra, CMD of Bank of Baroda addresses the 17th Annual Convocation at Jaipuria, Lucknow

May 23, 2013: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, held its Seventeenth Annual Convocation on May 23, 2013. Shri S.S. Mundra, Chairman and Managing Director of Bank of Baroda was the honourable Chief Guest on the occasion. Chairman, Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Vice Chairman, Shri Shreevats Jaipuria, Director General, Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Director of the Institute, Prof. S.R. Musanna, the esteemed members of the Board of Governors and the Academic Council of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, were present on this occasion.

Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Institute of Management, welcomed the Chief Guest and the distinguished congregation on the solemn occasion. The Convocation souvenir was also released on this occasion. Shri Jaipuria, while delivering his welcome address, highlighted that Jaipuria’s ethos is built around the ‘student’, the individual who yearns for knowledge. He added that the curriculum and pedagogy followed at Jaipuria make the student a partner and an active participant in the teaching-learning process. He noted that India maintains its position as the second fastest growing economy of the world and further noted that the corporate world looks at India as the land of opportunities in view of its ever-expanding market. He advised the management students to understand the multiple challenges and opportunities in the emerging scenario and work accordingly to make a mark of success for the organization they work in and also for their own self. He pointed out that at a time when the major countries of the world, such as China, Japan and South Korea are facing a serious ‘demographic squeeze’, India enjoys a remarkable ‘demographic dividend’. Adding that India has more than 60% of its population in the working age, he stressed that ‘inclusion of people lying at the bottom of the pyramid’ is an opportunity as well as necessity for the economic growth of the country. He closed by urging the students to always work with ‘passion’ and ‘ownership’ in life.

The Chief Guest Shri S.S. Mundra, in his address, expressed joy in being a part of the convocation ceremony at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow. Wishing the young graduates luck on their journey into the corporate echelons, emphasized to keep a vision in their lives. He further emphasized that nowadays whatever is the area of your interest, there is always an opportunity in that area. According to him the new leadership mantra is "Survival of the most flexible mentally, physically and emotionally".

Giving some home truths he said that he has complaints that the present youth has a very short span of attention. Therefore he advised that serious reading and internalising could be a substitute to "channel surfing". He ended up by suggesting the students to look for a job where they would learn and become a flare and not a fire burn out.

Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Director General, Jaipuria Institute of Management, welcoming the graduating students to the 17th Convocation, emphasized the students to choose their career on the basis of their ‘ruchi’, ‘yogyata’ and ‘vishwas’ to achieve excellence in life. He highlighted the role of ‘vision’, ‘passion’,‘ownership’ and ‘dedication’ in making a successful career. He urged the students to continuously build their KASH (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habits) balance everyday which will make a big difference one day. He further urged the students to have a ‘life-long learning attitude’ in life. Advising the students to always be ‘a professional’, he wished the students all the best in their professional endeavours.

Dr. S.R. Musanna, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, presented the progress-report of the Institute and highlighted the milestones achieved by the Institute during the academic year 2012-2013. He emphasized that success may be the collective goal of many, but the person himself is the true judge of what success is for him. He noted that future belongs to those who dream and urged the students to dare dream impossible dreams and work hard to actualize them. Highlighting the importance of ‘humility’ and ‘compassion’ in life, he added that a person is remembered for his character. He concluded by wishing the graduating class all success.

Vote of thanks was proposed by Shri Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman, Jaipuria Institute of Management. He advised the students to treat their workplace as ‘an extension of their personality’; to go ‘the extra mile’ to pursue just one lead they have a glimmering hope of; to ask ‘the extra questions’ to develop good understanding of things and to put in ‘the extra hours’ to do things with perfection. Saying that it is not the end but the beginning of a long and continuous journey, he wished the students an enriching future.

In all, 268 students successfully completed various programmes of the Institute this year. The programmes are: 2-year full-time PGDM, 2-year full-time PGDM (Financial Services), 2-year full-time PGDM (Retail Management) and 3-year part-time PGDM programmes. The diplomas were conferred on successful candidates by Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Institute.

The meritorious students were awarded scholastic medals, for their outstanding performance, by the Chief Guest, Shri S.S. Mundra. In addition to various scholastic medals, a trophy to recognize ‘Student of the Year 2012’ for exceptional scholastic performance was given to Bhagwati Prasad Gupta, a student of two-year full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Management programme.

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Shri Paras Kuhad, Additional Solicitor General graced the sixth annual convocation at Jaipuria Jaipur

Jaipuria Jaipur organized its sixth annual concvocation on May 18, 2013 . The Chief Guest for the occasion was Shri Paras Kuhad, Additional Solicitor General, Govt. of India. The convocation commenced with the lighting of ceremonial lamp and invocation to Goddess Saraswati. Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman Board of Governors, welcomed the Chief Guest, Members of the Academic Council and Board of Governors, Parents of the graduating students and the distinguished guests.

Gracing the occasion, Honorable Chief Guest, Shri Paras Kuhad began with offering his congratulations to all the students who were conferred their degrees. He said “Learning is a continuous process. We should crave for learning with application of our knowledge to raise the social levels of the down trodden and in the betterment of society.” He reiterated “The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.” He said, integrity is the biggest necessity for your holistic growth, for your continuous and everlasting success, for your cheer and happiness and for your emotional and spiritual fulfillment. He strongly advocated that one should be 100 percent honest and even a little bit of dishonesty shall not take one to the success ladder. He also said that one should be passionate about whatever one is working on as one shall not be lucky enough to get on to work every time on one’s passionate job.

Further he advised the students on the art of living. He said, “Remember to enjoy the little things, for one day we may look back and realize those were really the big things. I believe life is in the details. Simple pleasures throughout the day can be far more gratifying than that one amazing weekend. When you connect the dots between all these little joys, life seems fuller and more satisfying.”

Finally, he wished that each one turn out to be integrated individuals, laden with values and a sense of responsibility towards the institute, nation and society as a whole.

Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman of Jaipuria Institutes of Management, in his message to the graduating students said “We too need corporations and managers who adhere to the triumvirate of Indian values: Satyam-(Truth), which is the ethical component of business; Shivam- (Welfare), which should be the economic objective of business; Sundaram- (Beauty), which should be aesthetical outlook for business: aesthetics here does not imply physical beauty but purity of ideas, morality in behavior. In the ultimate analysis what matters is whether truth prevails in the end and it has happened. He emphasized do not forget that the noble values of caring, sharing, service and sacrifice has kept our society away from dangers of extinction and made it energetic at all times. As inheritors of a society which mushroomed great values for life and a deep concern for human development, you should intensely pursue for further deepening and broadening your knowledge, learning to experience the power of collective team work, and always be guided by higher values that you believe in.

Dr. Pankaj Gupta Director General, Jaipuria Institutes of Management, in his message to the graduating students said “Life’s biggest battles don’t always go to faster or stronger man,… but the man who thinks he can.’ If you are sure about your success & dreams, it is definitely going to manifest, as per the Universal ‘Law of Attraction and Belief’. The clarity of your vision will decide how far you can go in your career. Your passion will determine the strides you will make and your world view will determine the route you may take to get to your destination. You will have to carve out your own chartered path to glory and you must create your own mandate for growth. Toughen up your body and soul, fuel your passion to excel and be prepared to walk through the stony path. Invest yourself in these 5 areas on a daily basis “SPICE” – Spiritual + Physical + Intellectual + Community + Emotional. Also, find time to relax, smile, do some random act of kindness, and above all be grateful for what you have got; always feel grateful to your parents, guru’s, your company, your bosses, your peers, your colleagues. So this feeling of gratefulness will get more and more bliss and happiness in your life. He wished the students very best in their professional endeavours.

Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director, Jaipuria Jaipur presented the progress report and outlined the growth of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur in terms of institute’s improved rating, ranking and placements, expanded infrastructure and intellectual capital, research contributions, executive development and other significant academic milestones. He congratulated the students and advised them to be good brand ambassadors of the institute. Dr. Prabhat Pankaj shared a couple of motivating thoughts for the graduating students. First he said, “Face trouble, don’t flinch.” Never try to dismiss the problem or shy away from it. Second he said, “Keep the child alive in you.” Like children try to be your own best friend. Give yourself positive recognition and be as simple as a child.

26 students of PGDM batch 2011-13 were awarded diplomas and the meritorious students were awarded medals and certificates.

Shri Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman of Jaipuria Institutes of Management proposed a vote of thanks. He thanked Shri Paras Kuhad, members of the Board of Governors and Academic Council, faculty, staff and all the distinguished guests, especially the parents of the graduating students. He felicitated the students and advised them to remain eternally young by being open to new progress, new improvement and new transformation.

The ceremony culminated with the singing of National Anthem. It was a day of fond remembrance and achievement for the young management graduates who received their degrees in the ceremony with the Board of Governors, the Director, the faculty members and the proud parents in attendance. Students were upbeat and expressed their elation by throwing their hats up in the air.

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Jaipuria Featured Stories

Shri Rajnath Singh, BJP National President addressed 7th Annual Convocation at Jaipuria Noida

Noida, May 05: The Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida hosted its “Seventh Convocation Ceremony” on Sunday, May 05, 2013 for 118.graduating students of PGDM (2011-13) Batch, 39 graduating students of PGDM Services (2011-13) and 24 graduating students of PGDM Marketing (2011-13) Batch.

Shri Rajnath Singh, National President BJP and MP delivered the convocation address to the enthusiastic gathering. Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman of Jaipuria Institutes of Management awarded the diplomas to all the graduating students while the chief guest, Shri Rajnath Singh, handed over the Chairman’s Gold and Vice-chairperson’s Silver medals to the top achievers amongst the graduating students for their academic excellence in the presence of members of Academic Council, corporate dignitaries, faculty, staff, family members, friends and members of the press.

Gracing the occasion, Shri Rajnath Singh, said that he was quite delighted to address the young diploma recipients of the institute and urged the students to follow three rules in life always. The rule of no difference between words and deeds, the rule of hard work with right intention and lastly the rule of having a large heart always. He added that the there is a direct relationship between the largeness of heart and the maximization of happiness. According to him real spiritualism lies in living a kind and large hearted life which has no place for I, me and myself. He also requested the students to think about why the Indian culture is accepted and recognized as the best culture in the whole world? He gave a very small example to explain this further by saying that if western students would be asked , Who is the greatest King on earth and Why?, they would take names of people who have earned a lot of wealth and land. But if Indians are asked the same question their answer will mention kings like Raja Ram or Raja Harishchandra who were great in deeds and character. He ended his address by asking the students to always follow the path of sacrifice, hard work, strong character and dedication in life.

Shri Sharad Jaipuria in his welcome address extended a warm welcome to Mr. Rajnath Singh and congratulated the students on successfully completing their Post Graduate Programme in Management. Speaking on the occasion, he urged the students to adopt a culture of Hard Work, Integrity and Diligence in their profession. He added that there is no substitute for hard work, and core values of hard work, determination, and commitment should always guide the students towards finding their purpose in life and achieving their goals. He gave examples of India’s most successful and towering business leaders and Chief Executives coming from modest circumstances, who worked hard for everything in their lives but were able to transcend their circumstances and thrive.

Dr. Pankaj Gupta Director General, Jaipuria Institutes of Management, greeted all the fellowmen present at the venue and elaborated on the principles of KASH i.e. knowledge, attitude, skills and habits & SPICE which is a combination of Spirituality, Physical, Intellectual, Community and Emotion. According to him if followed these could be success enablers for students. He also said that one should choose one’s career on the basis of Interest, Skills and Belief so that maximum output can be delivered.

He urged the students to work in the true spirit of being a professional and quoted Subroto Baghchi from his book, The Professional, “ Professional is somebody who works unsupervised, who is proactive and he/she is the one who declares completion of any task as per his/her standards”.

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Thakur, Director, while presenting the Progress Report of the Institute described the year 2012-13 as an ‘eventful year full of excitement, learning and progress’. He very happily shared that Jaipuria Noida had been awarded ‘A’ Grade Accreditation by NAAC and had been rated as 6th in North India amongst private B-Schools by Outlook – Career 360 (2012), A++ by Business India, Best B School Survey 2010 and 2011, 5th in NCR by silicon India B-School survey. In his speech Dr. Thakur said that the students should use knowledge for the service of the society and also remain passionate about their dreams and goals in life. He said that one should work like an artist in life who is always working for perfection in his art. He also reiterated the fact that humility, character, dedication and simplicity are the values that take a person towards long term success in life.

Thereafter, awards were given to the deserving students for their outstanding academic achievements. The Gold Medal for PGDM was awarded to Ms. Harshita Shukla and Silver Medal to Ms. Anuja Srivastava. The specialization wise toppers were Mr. Harshita Shukla (Financial Management), Ms. Neeti Bali (Marketing Management), Ms. Neeti Bali (Human Resource Management), Mr Amar Pal Singh for Operations Management.

For PGDM (Services), the Gold Medal was awarded to Mr. Lakhbindar Sharma and Silver Medal to Ms. Swati Pandit. The specialization wise toppers were Lakhbindar Sharma for Financial Management, and Swati Pandit for Marketing and Human Resource Management.).

For PGDM (Marketing), The Gold Medal was awarded to Mr. Ankush Verma and Silver Medal to Mr. Arun Kumar Pal.

The Gold Medal for Best Woman Student of 2011-13 was awarded to Ms Harshita Shukla.

The Vote of Thanks was delivered by the Vice Chairman of the Jaipuria Group of Institutions, Mr. Sreevats Jaipuria who stressed on the fact that each passing student should become an active doer and participate in the whole process of the system in the best possible manner.he firther added that one should take responsibility and feel a sense of ownership for his professional responsibilities. Inner satisfaction only comes when one contributes whole heartedly to whatever he is doing. H e once again wished the very best to the passing out students.

All in all the Graduation Ceremony was an emotional moment for the family members of the students as their loved ones went on stage to receive their certificates. The gathering then proceeded for a group photograph.

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Jaipuria Indore celebrates its First Convocation Ceremony

Indore: May 11, 2013: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore hosted its “First Convocation Ceremony” on Saturday, May 11, 2013 for the graduating students of the Class of 2013. Diplomas were conferred to all 37 students for having successfully completed their Post-Graduation in Management.

Shri Ramesh Chandra Agarwal, Chairman, Dainik Bhaskar Group was the Chief Guest for the event and delivered an inspirational and thought provoking first convocation address. Shri Sharad Jaipuria, Chairman, Board of Governors, Jaipuria Institute of Management (Lucknow, Noida, Jaipur, Indore) awarded diplomas to all the graduating students, while the Chief Guest, Shri Ramesh Agarwal felicitated the top achievers. The felicitations happened in presence of members of Jaipuria Group’s Academic Council, industry and academia, members of the press and faculty, staff, and other special invitees of the Institute.

Addressing the august gathering, Shri Agarwal congratulated the graduating batch of students, and said that for growth of India and for political and economic stability, it is important that the fresh graduates realize the impetus upon them to spearhead the change in the country. He gave the graduating batch of students some tips to shape their future, saying “Good strategy, planned preparation and skilled team can lead to stupendous results. This formula applies equally to corporate and the government. People now understand this. I hope to see the glimmer in the eyes of the students, of the dream to make a strong India, wherever they work. If we can contribute even the slightest bit in realizing this dream, we would have made our life and education meaningful”.

Shri Sharad Jaipuria in his address extended a warm welcome to Mr. Agarwal and congratulated the students on successfully completing their Post Graduate Diploma in Management. He also congratulated the Director and faculty & staff of the Institute for having successfully completed the first two academic years, and remarked that the first convocation would indeed be a grand milestone for times to come.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Sharad Jaipuria said that these young graduates have reached a major educational milestone and have become ready for the challenges and opportunities of the corporate world. He said “You being the future leaders of business must broaden your perspective and develop an insight to understand the multifarious challenges and myriad opportunities in the emerging scenario and work accordingly to make a mark of success for the organisations you work with and also for your own self”. He concluded by quoting Mr. Jonas Salk “The most meaningful activity in which a human can be engaged is one that is directly related to human evolution.”

Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Director General of the Group, greeted all the fellowmen present at the venue and elaborated on the existing youth power in the world. He told the young graduates “I would advise you to choose your career based on your natural ‘Ruchi’ ‘Yogyata’ and ‘Vishwas’. Follow excellence and perform your duties with total dedication and passionate ownership and everything else will follow. Believe in your dreams, success & success alone and don’t entertain any thought of failure”.

Dr. Jai Prakash Upadhyay, Director of Jaipuria, Indore, while presenting the impressive Progress Report of the Institute described the last two years as the most ‘eventful years in the lifecycle of any Institute- full of excitement, learning and reflection, and certainly the formative years for what seems like great days ahead’. He shared “Our philosophy of institution building at Jaipuria has been that the excellence in work comes through well defined systems and processes, with transparency, trust and mutual respect embedded in it”.

He was delighted to declare that Jaipuria Indore has been excelling not only with student growth and development, but instrumental in the progress of the nearby villages and the city of Indore at large. Through industry-academic partnerships, the Institute is fast emerging on its own a center for promoting inclusive growth in the region. In spite of it being the very first batch of the Institute, the placements have been fantastic, with 65% students already suitably placed, and rest are expected to be placed shortly. Some of our recruiters are TV 18 (CNBC Awaaz), ICICI Securities, India Bulls, Polyplex, Uttam Galva Steel, WNS Global Services, Laurent and Benon, Tata McGraw Hill, Remorphing, India Mart Intermesh, Entrepreneur India etc. The Director was glad to share that the quality of summer placement this year was also much superior, with all 100 students of the Class of 2014 having found divergent SIPs.

Dr Upadhyay affectionately addressed the graduating students saying “I extend my hearty congratulations to you, the graduating students and am confident that your attitude of cooperation, flexibility, and readily taking up responsibility will give you a distinct edge in your career. I wish you all the very best for your future endeavors. May God bless you!”

Thereafter, awards were given to the deserving students for their outstanding academic achievements. The Chairman’s Gold Medal was awarded to Ms. Aditi Sharma, Vice Chairman’s Silver Medal to Mr. Anurag Srivastava and Director’s Bronze Medal to Ms. Juhi Sharma. Ms. Aditi Sharma was also the topper for Financial Management and Human Resource Management, whilst Mr. Anurag Srivastava bagged the Marketing Management accolade.

Shri Shreevats Jaipuria, Vice Chairman of the Jaipuria Group gave the vote of thanks. He injected a spirit of triumph and hope in the students, saying “Even though this foundation includes technical knowledge of academic subjects, I hope you will realize that academics are only part of your learning here. As important if not more, is to develop a mindset for continuous learning. Even as there will be no examinations and quizzes anymore, you will be required to learn and relearn from real life situations every day. And again , this learning will not be restricted to finance formulae, and marketing techniques, but will require you to understand and manage people, their fear, their needs and their aspirations above all else”. He thanked all who were present for the occasion.

After the grand convocation ceremony, Mr Ramesh Agarwal’s feedback spoke volumes about the strides Jaipuria, Indore has made in a short span of time saying “I congratulate you, Jaipuria- Indore, on the outstanding success of the convocation, and the last two academic years. It was a real privilege to get to know your unique institution and the complete dedication the management shows for every student’s development”.

The Convocation Ceremony was an emotional moment for the family members of the students as their loved ones went on stage to receive their certificates. The gathering then proceeded for a group photograph and followed by lunch.

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Introducing Ph.D at Jaipuria, Noida in association with MohanLal Sukhadia University, Udaipur

A Memorandum of Understanding between Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida and Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur has been signed on 8th May, 2013. With this the institute shall start offering Ph.D course from new academic session 2013-14.

The MoU aims at promoting and enhancing academic interaction and collaboration between the two institutions in areas of mutual interest for mutual benefits. The MoU also opens up avenues for student faculty exchange between two institutes of repute. Together, the two institutions propose to seamlessly collaborate and pursue their respective research and educational aspirations by facilitating joint research and educational activities in areas of mutual interest.

With this, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida opens up new opportunities in higher education of management for management students, professionals and academicians looking forward to pursue Doctoral Programme in Management. The details regarding Ph.D programme shall be put up shortly on the website.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida stands committed to achieve its mission –“To continuously upgrade and upscale the quality and spread of our educational endeavour”

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Swapnil Tiwari – Jaipuria Noida Alumnus 2010 batch featured in Forbes Magazine

Jaipuria Alumni featured in Forbes magazine for being a ray of hope for Social Entrepreneurship in India

Jaipuria Featured Stories

Social Media Conclave Report

20th April 2013:The First National Social Media Conclave on New India: New Media was conducted on 20th April 2013 at Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore.

Mobile Section