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Jaipuria Indore STUDENT Speaks

“I am all set to have two phenomenal years ahead with Jaipuria Institute of Management”- Madyantika Mehra

My name is Madyantika Mehra and I am from Ajmer. I was looking for a college that would groom me into a management professional, which is why I joined Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore. I love the campus. It is far away from the maddening crowd and hustle- bustle of the city. It’s green and peaceful, which makes it an ideal learning environment.

Of course, I was filled with doubts about the program and whether I had made the right decision. However, I was filled with excitement and promise because of the PGDM program, and with each passing day I realize that Jaipuria Institute of Management was absolutely the right choice. Dr. J.P. Upadhyay, Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore started the orientation program on a high note and there have been several guest speakers and renowned names in the industry who shared their valuable experience with us.

Besides learning about management concepts, we were given a healthy dose of spirituality in the program. Workshops like “art of living”, “know your true self” and yoga helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses. There were interesting games to keep things lively and fun. I was particularly interested in the “Jaipuria Got Talent” contest as it offered me an opportunity to launch a radio station. Oh yes, it did!

I am thrilled about the mentorship program because it helps us stay focused, builds an emotional bond with the mentor, and creates a comfort zone. Interactive sessions and conceptual learning are an integral part of classroom teaching. Jaipurians are groomed in an environment where the theory and practical are fused together for daily understanding of the business environment.

The hostel life has been one rollercoaster ride and seniors helped us settle in quickly with a big smile on their faces. The journey is already turning out to be special in more ways than one and I am all set to have two phenomenal years ahead.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Jaipur Events

In lieu of Eid-ul-Fitr Celebration, of ‘Iftar Party’ at Jaipuria Jaipur (23rd July 2014)

In the holy month of Ramadan, our Muslim colleagues and students are participating in full day fasts. This fasting is done during the daylight hours from dawn to sunset. In order to break the fast, the “Sadbhav Club” of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur organized and “Iftar Party” for its colleagues and students on 23rd July 2014 (07:21 pm).

During the party, students enjoyed a variety of delicious foods including dates, a key element of Iftaar. Students were very happy and excited during the Iftar. The director of the institute Dr. Prabhat Pankaj enjoyed the occasion and expressed his wishes for Ramadan and the upcoming Eid to all students and colleagues.

Submitted by
Prof. Prashant Sharma
Coordinator: Sadbhav Club

Jaipuria Internship

"Your mentor sees you through your internship,” says Shubham Pandey, Jaipuria Lucknow

“Your mentor is the one who sees you through your internship,” says Shubham Pandey, Class of 2015, Jaipuria Lucknow, interning with Bajaj Electrical Ltd.

“Summer Internship Project is an opportunity that each student should grab and make the most of it while it lasts”, says Shubham Pandey of Jaipuria Institute of Management. He has been placed with Bajaj Electrical Ltd., for his summer internship project.

Shubham is a commerce student and belongs to the city of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh. He completed his education in commerce and went on to earn a Bachelor of Business Administration from Lucknow University. It was a careful and conscious effort to build a career in management, which began with a degree from Lucknow University. Now, Shubam is at Jaipuria Institute of Management to fulfill his goal of higher studies in management. Jaipuria Institute of Management is India’s one of the Top MBA Colleges in Lucknow having campuses in Noida (Delhi-NCR), Jaipur, and Indore. Jaipuria Institute of Management is offering PGDM courses in Retail Management, Financial Services, Marketing, and Service Management. Since Shubham arrived at the B-school in 2013, he has been working hard to find his place within the corporate structure.

Bajaj Electricals Ltd. interviewed him on campus and he believes the selection has provided him with a great opportunity to learn with the best. And, he is excited about the project that he has been assigned to: “I have been assigned to do a market survey by Bajaj Electrical Ltd. I have to study the market for Bajaj LED lights, which is a new product from the Bajaj stable in the Lucknow region.”

He received a thoroughly professional reception at the organization. On day one, he was handed over to an industry mentor who oriented him to the company, its organizational structure, and its various functions. He was then briefed about his work during the entire internship period. The clarity helped Shubam focus himself on the coming work and time: “My first day at Bajaj was built around getting to know my organization and the work I was expected to carry out. The onboarding helped me find my way and also facilitated the learning process”.

Shubham has also been assigned a mentor from the college who will support him with his SIP. “My mentor has also been my faculty for marketing research and he always been helpful and supportive”, he says. “No one else could have been a better choice to guide me through my SIP.” In the first few days of his SIP, Shubam has woken up to the reality of the working world: “the first thing that I have learned is that the real corporate world is very different from the world we believe in. It’s the application of concepts that actually matters!”

According to Shubham, SIP can be an important stepping stone for students; for his opportunity, Shubham enthusiastically thanks Jaipuria Institute of Management for providing the platform. During the internship, he hopes to gather a working knowledge of the corporate world, so he can succeed in any opportunity that comes his way.

Jaipuria Academics

Faculty Development Program on “Mentoring the Mentors” hosted by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur

5th & 6th May, 2014

“God did not create you to be alone. He deposited skills, knowledge, and talents in someone out there who is expected to mentor you, teach you and encourage you to go high…”

A two-day faculty development program on “Mentoring the Mentors” organized by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur was an effort to revaluate and re-analyse the importance of “Teachers”, as outlined in the above passage. The role of faculty is indeed to teach, inspire, and take students to the next level. It is also proven that having a good Mentor early in one’s career can make a difference between success and failure in any field. Mentoring, therefore, is an important tool that helps us bring the best out of our students so they can reach their goals. With a focus on the aforementioned themes, the two day FDP was successfully organized at Jaipuria Institute of Management. It was beneficial for all who attended, and it offered an opportunity for faculty members to improve their individual mentoring skills, and it helped the institute develop a more effective method of mentor/mentoree organization.

The two day FDP was facilitated by Raj Shankar, Founder Ichiban Consulting Group and an expert on Strategy and Entrepreneurship. The program was attended by Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Director Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, and the entire faculty pool of the Jaipur Campus along with Prof. Rajesh Sharma of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida.

The program was inaugurated by Dr. Prabhat Pankaj who shared the value of having a Mentoring process in Jaipuria and the importance of effective Mentoring in students’ holistic development. He also shared the history of Jaipuria and its contribution in the field of management education.

The workshop was conducted in a facilitative method and was spread across eight sessions in two days. The highlights of the session coverage are as follows:

Day 1:

  • Introduction to Mentoring
  • Setting workshop objectives- What got you here won’t get you there
  • Discussion based on “Pre-work exercise”
    What is mentoring? Why do we need it?
    Nuances in mentoring graduate students
    Building a formal Mentoring Program – 1:
    Setting the objectives / goals for mentoring/- Formulating a formal mentoring program on campus
  • System requirements for Year 1 and Year 2
  • Becoming an effective mentor- listening, Questioning, Influencing

Day 2

  • Building a formal Mentoring Program 2
  • Mentor Mentee Match (Structuring groups)/ student orientation towards mentoring/ coaching
Jaipuria Academics

The Case Writing Workshop of Jaipuria Institute of Management witnessed participation of faculty from various B-schools

Jaipuria Institute of Management organized a Case Writing Workshop on May 1, 2014. Dr. G.D. Sardana, Chair, BIMTECH Center for Management Case Development, Greater Noida, and Dr. Rajiv R. Thakur, Director Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida were two of the primary speakers. The workshop used Teaching Cases to help participants in the development of important decision-making skills. There were many aspects of Teaching Cases that were the focus of the event, including identifying the topic and situation, choosing a writing style to simulate interest, building up the case setting to make it thought provoking, identifying the data requirement, making the case multidimensional and multidisciplinary and writing a standard teaching note.

With Dr. Tahkur being the key speaker at the event, participants from various institutions of Delhi-NCR- Galgotias University, INMANTEC, BIMTECH, JSS, Manav Rachna University, Amity University, etc. along with the Jaipuria Institute of Management’s faculty, participated in the workshop. Under the able guidance of Dr. Shikha Bhatia, Faculty, Jaipuria Institute of Management, the workshop stressed on very topical issues pertaining to case study writing.

The workshop discussion started with a look at different types of cases and their peculiarities. Participants were asked to focus on Teaching and Research cases. Cases were discussed and analyzed with respect to publication standards and also their effectiveness in classroom teaching. The important “do’s and don’ts” of information collection and citation were also discussed. The participants were also warned about plagiarism, and the difficulties in getting fabricated cases published. The participants were given an introduction into what goes into writing a good teaching note. In order to make the workshop effective and output-oriented, all participants were allotted a mentor to explore and discuss individual concerns and discuss practical nuances of case writing.

Jaipuria Internship

Student Deepak Meedha of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur is an entrepreneur by heart and is all set to get his dreams realised

Deepak Meedha, a current PGDM student of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur aspires to have his own event management company someday ‒ that is the motivation that pushes him to make the most out of his education and internship. Born and raised in Rajasthan, he opted for an MBA at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, hoping to turn his dreams into reality. He has made steady progress so far, with the latest achievement being a Summer Internship Project with Pearson that includes a handsome stipend per month along with a work profile he wanted to. Obviously, Deepak is very excited about this opportunity: “I am looking forward to my SIP with Pearson that I have bagged after a stringent selection process. I believe self confidence, work experience and quick response helped me get this SIP. Of course, we are made to learn all these right from first day inside the classroom at Jaipuria. Every assignment subtly underlines the necessity of integrating confidence and spontaneity.” He further adds- “That this is a paid experience adds to its already huge value in my perspective! I am going to share my first pay with my family and am waiting to get started”.

At Pearson, Deepak will be managing events. Just what he wanted! His primary job role includes budgeting and scheduling events. Explaining his responsibility, Deepak states, “I will be working as a team lead with a five member team. Our aim is to positively impact the admission numbers for the organization, as well as ensure branding for it”.

Deepak belongs to Bikaner, Rajasthan. He is an entrepreneur at heart and is striving hard to learn to manage situations and people in a professional role. His decision to join the management program was based on this need, as well as advice from his family and mentors.

Deepak believes Jaipuria Institute of Management is one of the best decisions of his life. Not only is he acquiring the required skills, but he is also being supported to hone these skills in the work environment. “I am continually supported by my mentor from Jaipuria, and during my SIP I plan on continually seeking his guidance. Dr Abhijit Nair, the Asst. Dean of Jaipuria, Jaipur is my mentor and he has always motivated and guided me”.

SIP has already started teaching real life lessons to Deepak, the important ones being teamwork and meeting strict deadlines. He also has specific learning objectives in mind that include handling large events, working under pressure, working in a team and leading teams, and optimizing resources. Every day he picks up something new at work and moves another step closer to his ambitions!

Jaipuria Internship

“My SIP gives me the opportunity to understand the dynamics of real corporate rigmaroles,” says Shubham, PGDM, Class 2015 of Jaipuria Institute of Management who is currently interning with Pearson

“I just want to learn as much as I can, in this limited period of two months”, says Shubham Barthwal, PGDM Class of 2015, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, who recently bagged a Summer Internship Project in Marketing and Event Management with Pearson. He is going to be attached with the marketing division during his internship, and will work on Pearson’s brand perception in the market through events specifically targeting children and their parents. Shubham explains the responsibilities of his position: “The objective is to reach the customer where Pearson’s reach has been limited. We will be marketing through events, and the important thing is to manage the event within the purview of the budgets that are allocated to me and my team”. The team gets together in the morning and plans for the day. A lot of time is also spent travelling around the Pearson school campus to understand the target audience and their locality in order to identify the venue for the event. The arrangements are meticulously managed by the team, and events are executed to perfection in the evening.

Shubham has been assigned a mentor Dr. Abhijit Nair, Associate Professor, Jaipuria Institute of Management, to help him optimize this opportunity. He says that there are some differences between the classroom and the corporate world: “Customer perception, sales, marketing are broad concepts, which when we learn in the classroom create an impression that things always have to be done in a particular way; however, in the real world there is scope for alternative ways. One has to be inventive and innovative while remaining knowledgeable of the industry”. A good SIP is a great way to learn, relearn and experiment. “There is a gap between academia and industry so far as student competency is concerned. It is important that the student work closely with the mentor during SIP who helps the student bridge the gap and become relevant in the industry”, explains Dr. Nair.

For Shubham, this paid SIP brings an opportunity to learn outside the classroom. He wants to learn how to adopt effective business practices, and to adapt to different work environments. This SIP has certainly opened the doors to professional world for him: “I feel confident today and want to share this happiness with my family. I am going to buy gifts for my family with my first pay and hopefully all our dreams will come true”.

Jaipuria Internship

“This is my chance to practice all I have learned”, shares Geeta Bhardwaj, PGDM’15, Jaipuria Institute of Management, currently interning with Hitachi

Geeta Bhradwaj, PGDM, Class of 2015 of Jaipuria Institute of Management is supremely elated these days. Of course she has her reasons! Having been picked by one of the Japanese multinational engineering and electronics conglomerates for her summer internship programme, Geeta has more reasons than one to be this exhilarated. She is looking forward to her first stipend from her internship assignment as a trainee with Hitachi. Her excitement is understandable – she prepared very hard for the interview process and gave her all during each stage: “I was sure my first question would be about sales and I was prepared. I think my focus and passion convinced the interviewer of my skills and abilities.”

Originally, Geeta spent time in Delhi where she completed her BBA. She always aspired to pursue a career in management and joined the MBA course soon after her graduation. Geeta feels that Jaipuria has trained and equipped her with the skills that helped her bag the internship. Now, she wants to make the best of this opportunity: “I eventually want to build my career in the retail sector. This internship is offering me the chance to learn the skills that are required in that field. My job here is to connect with the walk-in customer in the Hitachi retail outlet, educate them about our products and eventually convert that into a sale. Hitachi is just the place for me to learn all I need”.

Geeta is a person who carefully plans her priorities and values all the help and education she can get. She is following the college mentoring initiative as directed, and firmly believes in its benefits: “Associate Professor, Dr. Susobhan Goswami is my mentor and he has helped me make important decisions. He is a master of marketing and business strategy and we meet once a week. During these meetings, I have learned more about myself, and I have also received tips to deal with my weaknesses. Recently, I also sought his help to choose my course electives. He has helped me work on my presentation skills and my subject knowledge. In the future, I want his opinion and guidance for final placement and career plans. He has been a true mentor to me.”

The hands-on experience of SIP enables students to learn the skills that can help them fit into the working world without hiccups. Geeta wishes to add on some key skills that include networking, since she believes it will add to her art of selling. The other things on the top of her mind are: subject knowledge in her area of interest, customer mapping, organizational work culture, and concepts of marketing, which she has studied but will now get a chance to practice. Geeta is not leaving any stone unturned to enhance her knowledge base during her SIP, and she is convinced that she can and will definitely leverage this opportunity.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

Faculty Development Programme On Research Publication: Best Practices and Pitfalls

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, in its continuous drive to strengthen the research skills organized a two day Faculty Development Programme on “Research and Publication: Best Practices and Pitfalls on 25th-26th April 2014 . The FDP was designed with the aim to familiarise the participants with an overview of the research process, building better academic arguments ,research misconduct, and research publication in academic Journals and research collaboration. This FDP further attempted to provide insights on the elements of good research and how one can do meaningful, good quality research within the given constraints. A hands-on approach was adopted for the FDP which included exercises and brainstorming sessions. The FDP was enriched with the valuable insights given by eminent speakers like: Dr Sushil, Chair Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Dr N P Singh Professor and Dean – Research & Accreditation ,MDI, Gurgaon, Dr G C Tripathi, Deputy Director General (Academics), PMI, NTPC, Noida and Dr. Mukesh Chaturvedi, Ex-Professor, IMT, Ghaziabad. 15 faculty members, research scholars and entrepreneur from Institutes like Delhi University, Amity University, Galgotias University, JSS Academy of Technical Education, JIMS, Rohini and faculty members of Jaipuria, Noida attended the FDP. The FDP was co-ordinated by Dr Shalini Srivastava-Chairperson Research Committee and her team.

Jaipuria Internship

Pratigya Sharma of Class 2015, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida discusses her gains from SIP at IBM as she chalks out a future game plan

“Being selected by IBM for my internship is quite special for me because it’s a huge company and this is the first big opportunity in my life,” says Pratigya Sharma, student of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida. Summer Internship Placements are a big deal for students because it’s their first taste of what life is going to be like as a professional. SIP helps prepare them for the transition from classroom desk to work desk. And, Pratigya believes that she has struck gold given the worldwide reputation of IBM.

Pratigya cherishes the opportunity to intern with IBM because she had to go through a serious screening process to earn her placement. After the initial CV screening, students had to go through an HR interview in person before a telephonic interview with the HR department in IBM’s Gurgaon office was conducted. Pratigya believes it was her confidence, work ethic and knowledge that she gained at her institute that propelled her through the process.

Her profile with the company is that of an HR intern. This is a profile that Pratigya is quite happy with because she gets to learn the practical aspects of her education. Talking about her experience with IBM as an intern so far, she says, “It’s been quite satisfying and I want to learn all about HR practices followed by big organizations. I get a chance to explore the challenges HR professionals face in the real world and I hope to learn how to deal with them during my time here.”

Talking of a typical day during her internship, Pratigya says, “It starts with a lot of enthusiasm because I am keen on learning something new every day, especially since I am lucky enough to be a part of a dynamic working environment.” She admits that there are rough days, but she is glad to have support from her mentor Dr. Shikha Bhatia. Calling Dr. Bhatia the “best mentor ever”, Pratigya says that she feels encouraged by his pep talks every time she lacks motivation.

Now, Pratigya looks forward to new challenges so that she can display her talent to the fullest. After all, she is not looking at her internship as just two months with the company. “I want to be a part of IBM in the future ‒ it’s one of my dream companies to work for,” she says. “I want to gain from my experience here and show my potential, which I know I can.” It’s not surprising that Pratigya’s key learning from her SIP in her own words is, “If you are determined, you can achieve anything.”

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