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Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Jaipur Events

The recent Industrial visit organized by Jaipuria Jaipur at Ginni International and Richlite Pvt. Ltd. exposed students to plethora of industry practices

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur recently organized industry visits for its students of PGDM Batch 2013-15, which turned out to be an enriching experience for them. The students had the opportunity to visit two reputed industries in Neemrana, Ginni International and Richlite Pvt. Ltd., on March 31st. This experience helped students get practical industry exposure and see how the concepts they learn at the institute are put into practice.

Ginni International Ltd. is a leading textile factory in Neemrana, Rajasthan and focuses on manufacturing denims. The highlight for the company is that 80% of its products are exported while only a 20% are sold locally in India. The company also employs 2000 workers, making a huge difference to the local economy. Richlite Pvt. Ltd., on the other hand, is a newly set up Biscuit manufacturing company, which today is doing its best to grow its market share.

Ginni International was the first stop on the day for students where they were briefed by HR and Training Manager Mr. S. K. Jena. He talked about the task of managing a large workforce and training them to work with the machines. The factory visit was an eye-opening experience for students as they got a chance to witness the process of making Denim and grill fabric. Students also realized the importance of seminars – the company organizes seminars on a regular basis to keep the morale of its workforce high.

One of the students, Ashish Kumar Mishra, pointed out, “We got an insight into the working environment of the company and how it functions. We also got information related to practical aspects of the concepts learned in our programme, which simply cannot be visualized in classroom lectures.” According to student Tuhina Rani, “The chance to interact with industry associates, sharing their views and concerns for workers and the understanding of the production process, made the experience truly worth it.”

The group then headed to Richlite Ltd. where they could witness the process of making biscuits firsthand. Right from converting raw flour through various stages of mixing, moulding, baking, cooling and packing, students observed all the processes involved and gained important insight into them. The General Manager, HR, then talked more about the training program the company offers its employees. Students also learned about motivational initiatives for workers and initial marketing techniques used by the company.

With Richlite Ltd. being a new organization, it was interesting for students to see how it planned to grow in the future. They were told about the long term plans the company has, which made a lot of sense to future management professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs in the group. One of them, Shweta Parihar, had an interesting take on the visit: “We discovered a whole new world today and it made one thing clear; it’s easy to eat biscuits but very difficult to make them.” Clearly, the students had come back with some food for thought.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Noida Events

Jaipuria, Noida hosts an eye-opening session on Information Technology and Operations; makes a lasting impression with participants.

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida held an IT Conclave on Information Technology and Operations going Green held, appropriately, on World Water Day. It was a big day commemorated internationally, especially given the emphasis on environment issues in present times. The conclave, organized by the IPTOS Club of the institute, discussed important ecological issues and hosted noted industry experts who shared their thoughts on a wide range of topics. With the wealth of information discussed and the poignant stories told, the conclave was surely memorable event for all involved.

Dr. Rajiv Thakur, Director, Jaipuria Noida, began the proceedings and joined the faculty members of the IT/Operations department in welcoming the guests of honour for the event. After the welcoming statements, a session, aptly titled “Leveraging Cloud for Green Operations”, began. The venue was packed with students, leaders from industry, faculty members from the institute and interested participants who were interested in the topics discussed and the research being done. And, they weren’t to be disappointed as guest speakers took to the podium.


Mr. S. Ramaswamy, Executive Director, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. was the first one to speak about the role of IT in sustainability efforts. Through his talk, Mr. Ramaswamy made the audience realize the importance of Manthan and its overseas operations. Mr. Prateek Garg, CEO, CII Western Unicorn Pvt. Ltd, spoke after Mr. Ramaswamy. He was able to shed some light on the evolution of electronic communications and its advantages by SMACK (Social, Mobile, Analytic, Cloud and Knowledge).

Mr. Garg’s important message of Business flexible connectivity and the significance of virtual integration was the talking point of the high tea session that followed. It was an opportunity for the students in the gathering to interact with eminent personalities from the industry. Many of the participants had their questions answered by the experts, and it only increased their enthusiasm for the sessions to follow. These sessions focused on the technical aspects of cloud computing – this session, with its interesting topic, held the audience in rapt attention from the word go.

Mr. Abhishek Gupta, Mr. Raviraj Bajilal and Mr. Navneet Sharma (CEO, JN Robotics and Automation) were the speakers for the cloud computing session and they shared their experiences of the practical world of technology in the manufacturing industry. They also spoke about how it has been instrumental in making profits and judging the globalized world. They ended their talk doing their best to inspire students by saying, “Success is happiness which is to be achieved”.

Mr. Abhishek Gupta

The second technical session of the conclave dealt with IT in Service Operations. Mr. Vineet Sharma, with his 18 years of experience in the field, including work at WIPRO and TCS, was the eminent speaker. He started with clearing the basic concepts of Cloud computing before reminding the audience, “As the telegrams have been discarded similarly the technology is transcending the metamorphosis of the modern age day by day.” Giving the analogy of plastic money that’s prevalent today, he suggested that cloud computing can be used to reduce the expenditure of teleconferences.

Mr. Sheetal Kachroo, Jaipuria, Noida Alumni, then took the discussion further by talking about travel retail and how it contributes towards the growth of the Indian economy. Today, he works as a Department Manager at Duty Free Services, Delhi and drew on his experiences at the IGI Airport in the capital city to support his point about the increasing importance of operations and MIs systems.

Finally, it was the turn of Mr. Prabhat Kumar, Co-Founder and CEO, DREAMSOL PVT. LTD, who talked about taking control of cloud system. According to Mr. Kumar, “India is booming and so are the industries here. Hence, cloud storage is necessary and should be looked into closely.” As an entrepreneur himself, his insights were not only valuable but inspiring. After hearing about and discussing important issues affecting India and the world, the participants left the conclave with a good understanding of the role of IT, and also what lies in store for them in the future.

Jaipuria Indore Whats New

1st Women’s Convention “Role of women Empowerment in Uplifting the Society”

The First Women’s Convention was organized at Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore on March 8, 2014.The theme of the event was “Role of women Empowerment in uplifting the society”.

Under the Guidance of Dr. J P Upadhyay, the First women’s Convention was coordinated by Dr. Priti Bakhshi and Dr. Romi Sainy with the support of all the Faculty and staff members.

Madam Sumitra Mahajan was the Chief Guest for the Convention. She is an Indian politician and a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) political party. Currently, she is a member of the 15th Lok Sabha of India. She has been representing the Indore constituency of Madhya Pradesh since 1989 at 9th Lok Sabha. She contested and won first time Lok Sabha Elections in 1989 and she has bought many projects for Indore from Railways, Aviation, Urban Development Ministry . She is known for simplicity, honesty and clean politics. She has a clean track record and has always maintained distances from Special Interest Group. She is popularly known as Tai (Sister).

All the empowered women who attended the convention were welcomed in a traditional manner and the participation saw a wide variety that includes Politician, Socialist, Retailer, Beautician, Designer, Doctor, Teacher/Professor, RJs, Models, Industrialist, Film Director, etc.

Prof Charu Dubey welcomed the guest, faculty member and students, the event commenced by offering prayers to Goddess Saraswati and lighting the ceremonial lamp in the presence of esteemed guest, faculty members and students from Jaipuria.

Director, Dr. J.P Upadhay addressed the gathering and shared that we are celebrating this fest to flag the significant of women empowerment, today women is in every sector of our lives. He said that there is more success in those areas where women are there but more progress is required. He also shared that Jaipuria Indore is doing well because most of the faculty members are females.

Dr. Romi sainy took over the session and showed a video on the life of women. She shared some famous saying that there is always a woman behind the success of a men, the objective of the event is to take inspiration from your life. She also shared the purpose of the convention.

Dr. Priti Bakhshi talked about Mompreneur (Mom + Entrepreneur) and discuss about its benefits and limitations and shared what Jaipuria can offer to various women present in the convention in terms of MDP/Training, Consultancy/Project Report, Mentoring, E-Commerce, Scaling Up, Market Survey/feasibility study, etc. to overcome the limitations.

Then our honorable Chief guest of the day Smt. Sumitra Mahajan – Member of Parliament, interacted with gathering saying that women believes in karma, a women is always physically and mentally balance and responsible. We should encourage women not to belittle men but to make her realize her own abilities. We should take time for us and do what we like. She also said that it is not today but every day is a women’s day.

The ninth issue (March 2014) of “The Indore Pride Magazine” was unveiled by Mr. Anurag Gupte (CEO, Editor The Indore Pride). This issue is dedicated to Empowered Women of Indore Region and Jaipuria Indore has supported them in the same.

Dr. Yogeshwari Pathak, Director – Prestige Institute of management said women should grab the opportunity when we have. She talked about the meaning of empowerment, it is to instill power. Power can change, power can expand. She shared a story of women empowerment in Chhattisgarh. She also shared few lines with us “Alone she must conquer or alone must fail, she alone can save herself and save her world”

Mrs Ritu Grover, a well known socialist shared that we should take the responsibility to make our home perfect, we should instill ethics and values in our coming generation whether they are girl or a boy. Prime duties should be filled in order to have success.

Mrs. Marry from Vedanta group said a educated women can educate the whole society. Then a presentation by Ms. Madyantika Baira sharing that women should know her rights and should organize herself.

Then Director & founder of Mansi Beauty Academy, Mrs. Unnati Singh added that beauty lies in attitude, how we perceive the world, It will us serve in that way only.

Then Mrs. Vinita Raj( Indira Group, Indore) introduced the contributor in the magazine” The Indore Pride” and they are awarded on behalf of Jaipuria Indore. Famous personalities like Ritu Grover, Unnati Singh RJ Shruti, Rj Tina, Nancy Sood and many more has contributed and were awarded by Jaipuria Indore.

The event saw participation from 100+ empowered women of/from Indore and most of them shared their experience. The event was highly appreciated by one and all present including Mrs. Sumitra Mahajan and she also shared that along with the event, the infrastructure and employees of Jaipuria are also very good. Most of them said that they will love to visit Jaipuria campus again and again.

FACULTY Speaks Jaipuria Noida

At Jaipuria Noida, despite the multi-dimensional pressures of the turbulent environment around, ‘excellence’ is a continuous journey.

“At Jaipuria Noida, despite the multi-dimensional pressures of the turbulent environment around, ‘excellence’ is a continuous journey. A journey which aligns us together in pooling resources of the institute as well as the people to achieve superior levels of performance and adding value to even to the last member in the Jaipuria family.”

Reflecting back on what Jaipuria Noida achieved during the year 2013, we all derive greater satisfaction in witnessing that the institute not only continued doing its best in core areas of activities, for which Jaipuria Noida is well known, but also could set landmarks of achievements on many new fronts opened up during the year. Some of the highlights are as follows:

For the first time, during 2013, students from over 17 states joined courses at the campus justifying a legitimate national footprint to our institute. Needless to mention that it paved the way for vibrant and richly diversified peer group learning.

Industry developed a greater level of confidence in the skills and capabilities in Jaipurians, as a result, started showing up for campus placements as early as in the month of October ’13. Our students reciprocated well and didn’t disappoint the recruiters. By the end of December’13 companies having diverse needs of the industry, picked up our students in larger numbers. The year created a path breaking trend and contributed to appreciable momentum in placement activities and in turn generated greater confidence in our students.

As far as teaching learning process is concerned, far reaching impacts could be made because of the initiatives taken up by our faculty and staff colleagues who devoted their heart and soul in reaching out to the last student and making them industry ready. The approach was to provide adequate subject knowledge along with outside class room interventions like mentoring and conducting sessions on general awareness, behavioural and communication skills etc. Industry oriented interventions ensured that students perform better in selections and conversions during placements.

Establishing of Centre for MDP and Consultancy was a landmark decision during the year. Conducting over 36 MDPs with PSUs and other private sector organizations within a short period after its inception, was a remarkable achievements made by the MDP Centre.
Commencement of the Ph. D. programme in association with MLSU, Udaipur was yet another highly satisfying achievement, with 10 scholars joining the first batch and with the course work already in progress.
Intensified efforts were made towards internationalization comprising of student and faculty exchange as well as visits by faculty from overseas Universities.
Publication of research papers and award winning Cases in conferences and Ivey publications by faculty members, awards and accolades won by our students in various events outside and initiatives taken in reaching out to the society outside campus boundaries truly established new landmarks in the annals of Jaipuria Noida.

Besides the eminent guests from across industries, media, academia and the government who graced the various successful conclaves and conferences, two significant luminaries in Shri Rajnath Singh ji and Shri Yashwant Sinha ji enthralled the audience with their charismatic presence and words of wisdom they shared. We as a Jaipuria Noida family of faculty, staff and students collectively share the proud moments of these accomplishments of the year 2013. Aspirations drive us as individuals and as professional to excel in life.

Similarly, Excellence is an aspiration for institutions as well. Challenges nevertheless is firstly to define and discover ’excellence’ which is purely contextual. Aligning individual and institutional aspirations towards ‘excellence’ is the second most important challenge. At Jaipuria Noida, despite the multidimensional pressures of the turbulent environment around, ‘excellence’ is a continuous journey. A journey which aligns us together in pooling resources of the institute as well as the people to achieve superior levels of performance and adding value to even to the last member in the Jaipuria family.

Year 2014 is going to be no different in these terms but we are determined to make it different in many other ways which will enable the Institute to scale up higher trajectory of growth and reach closer to a vision of becoming One among the Top 35 B schools in the country in next five years. Creating an environment conducive for Thought Leadership and Research, Industry (society) centered teaching-learning, establishing a Centre for entrepreneurship in its truest form to create entrepreneurs and promote innovation and skill development, Jaipuria Centre for Industry -Institute partnership and Internationalization are few of the identified areas on which we shall be focusing in the year 2014 and ahead. We feel confident that as a vibrant family with well-focused purpose, we shall be making a great beginning in the new year and achieve new milestones in our continuous journey to excellence!

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Lucknow Events

Alumni Annual General Meet hosted by Jaipuria Lucknow

On 1st March: Alumni Annual General Meet hosted by Jaipuria Lucknow elicits fantastic response from alumni who offer priceless suggestions and inspire current students to achieve greater success

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow hosted its 14th Annual General Meet, Samyantar on 1st March 2014. An annual event that brings together distinguished alumni of the institute, it was held in the jam-packed hall of Hotel Grand JBR, Lucknow. Jaipuria Institute of Management has always considered its alumni to be its global ambassadors who have managed to keep its education standards quite high. Hence, it was no surprise to see the ‘who’s who’ from Jaipuria Institute of Management present at the event to welcome home its alumni.

Prof. Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Director General, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Dr. S. R. Musanna, Director, Jaipuiria Institute of Management, Lucknow, Dr. Dheeraj Gupta, Dean, Dr. Kavita Pathak, Associate Dean, Mr. Amit Vij, Vice-President of Alumni Association, Dr. Manisha Seth, Treasurer of Alumni Association and all other faculty members made their presence felt at the event. But the highlight of the evening was the institute’s alumni representing different batches who had descended on the historic city from various parts of the world. And, they filled the function hall with infectious energy that was carried forward throughout the evening.

The events unfolded with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp, after which the Director General and Director welcomed the alumni. They also went on to talk about the achievements of several of the alumni, which was quite inspiring to the large number of students in the audience. The platform was then set for Dr. Pankaj Gupta to make a proud announcement on the behalf of the institute. Jaipuria Institute of Management has received AIU certification for equivalence of PGDM with MBA in effect from 26th November, 2013. The fantastic news drew big applause from the audience, which was now clearly in a celebratory mood.

The audience was also in for a cultural treat with dancer Ajay Wadhwa, dressed as Lord Krishna, left the audience enthralled with a mesmerizing dance performance. Current students of the institute also put together a video on the theme of “Past holds Future” for the alumni. It was a visual walk down memory lane for the alumni who could relive past memories that they treasured so much. The video had turned the mood in the hall quite emotional and it somehow managed to bring the whole gathering, across different years, at the institute together.

After the nostalgia trip, it was time to look forward to the future with the panel discussion titled “Gearing up for the Change – Campus to Corporate”. Mr. Amit Vij from the batch of 97 moderated the talk that was meant to offer direction for the institute and its future students in order to take on the challenges of the corporate world. Mr. Arpan Sanyal, CII executive got things going as he talked about resistance to change, while Mr. Bilal Ahmad, Manager, Central Bank of India from the batch of 2010, mentioned how change can be incorporated at the campus level.

Several of the illustrious alumni put forward their opinions during the highly engaging panel discussion that drew healthy feedback from the audience. Mr. Abhishek Agarwal, Chairman Lotus Institute Of Management (Batch 2006), then proposed a unique idea of an alumni funded annual competition for students. The panel discussion then came to an end with promises to work on the suggestions made by the alumni.

A vote of thanks was then proposed before the alumni cut a cake to begin the informal celebrations. It was a great opportunity for them to interact with each other and current students who obviously had a lot of questions for them. Everyone finally had a chance to let their hair down and groove to the music as the evening came to an end with the promise of coming together next year. And many present at this grand gathering can hardly wait.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Lucknow Events

Management Conclave held by Jaipuria Lucknow brings Consumer Experience Management into focus

On 22nd February, the Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow hosted a Management Conclave, which focused on the important field of Consumer Experience Management. The conclave also brought forward new ideas that are necessary for future managers in the world of marketing. This event was a great benefit for the institute’s students, who made the most out of the opportunity to interact and learn from industry experts. And, the experience of listening to stalwarts in the industry was the icing on the cake for the students who are eager to embark on a career in management and marketing.

Students came in large numbers to hear from Mr. V. P. Kamath, Group Chief Operating Officer at Nova Medical Centers Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore. A renowned name in the field, Mr. Kamath gave the opening address at the conclave and had the audience enthralled throughout his talk. Right at the onset he made students aware of the evolving scenario in marketing and the current trends that are here to stay. The traditional approach to marketing as far as consumer experience is now passé, and that’s something he highlighted in his speech.

“Two main things drive current marketing scenario: technology and globalization. As these two elements keep growing, prospect of marketing will grow disproportionally,” Mr. Kamath declared. According to him, these aspects have somehow contributed to the shift from marketing in its traditional sense. He reminded students how conventional strategies involved a focus on mass population and low participation of consumers, which is something one cannot afford in today’s times.

Students at the conclave listened in rapt attention as Mr. Kamath began talking about relationship building, which is the future of marketing. “Earlier success of a company was determined by the current market share and profits”, he said. “But today the participation of consumers is high and success is determined by lifetime market share and profits. Hence if you want to survive in the market, there is no alternative to long term relationship building.”

It was a point well made by the eminent speaker who strongly held the students’ attention. And, they were in for another enriching experience when Mr. Achal Rangaswamy, Director Marketing Advatech Cera Tiles Ltd, Ahmedabad took to the podium. He had students’ interest piqued right from the word go when he said, “[the] Spirit of enterprise always starts with saving. Ordinary people sell bulbs, good people sell lights and outstanding people sell a noble prize.”

Mr. Rangaswamy then went on to share experiences from his own glittering career. That’s just what the participants of the conclave were hoping for because it brought them insight into different functions of companies. The lesser known facts about businesses that he shed light on are certainly going to stay with the students, as is his message about reaching out to consumers: “Sell joys, experience, adventure, saving, comfort, sleep, peace, fun and not just product.”

“It is all about loving your job,” he continued as his speech and the conclave came to an end. That was another important bit of information for the students who left the event excited and enlightened.

Jaipuria Indore Whats New

CSR Initiative led by students of Jaipuria, Indore seeks to improve the City’s traffic situation

January 24-25, 2014: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore, organized and implemented a two-day CSR initiative with the objective of improving the traffic situation in Indore. The initiative, named ‘Better Traffic in Indore’, was conducted in association with the Indore Traffic Police. Prior to the event, students were given traffic related training by the Indore traffic police at the Traffic Thana in Indore.

During the event, students, wearing Jaipuria t-shirts, in teams of four to five were stationed at ten major traffic junctions of the city.

Banners carrying the theme of the event were displayed near the students’ positions. At their respective traffic junctions, students handed chocolates and Jaipuria pens as a token of appreciation to those who followed safe traffic norms, such as wearing seat belts or helmets. Traffic violators, on the other hand, were provided with pamphlets that contained statistics of road accidents in Indore, as well as appeals to follow traffic rules. Some students went a step ahead and asked many who were not wearing seat belts to wear seat belts; the motorists, surprisingly, agreed to do so! At other junctions, students were seen taking an active role in managing traffic, which included making drivers stop at red light signals. The Indore traffic police constables at the traffic junctions served tea to the students in appreciation of their service. The ASP, Indore Traffic Police, and Ms Anjana Tiwari, who personally witnessed the actions of the students, appreciated their efforts. The event also received press coverage in some newspapers in the city.

Blog Jaipuria Featured Stories Jaipuria Lucknow Events

Students of Jaipuria Lucknow perform Nukkad Natak in the city and take raise social awareness

On Feb 18th, members of the Connect Club of Jaipuria, Lucknow were part of Manthan, an annual street play festival. The festival is organized by Verve, the street play society of Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi, and aims to make colleges in the country an important part of the street theatre movement. The festival is held across various cities in the country, and Jaipuria, Lucknow was called on to be a part of it because the city is known for its culture and tradition.

Street plays are a dynamic way of raising awareness on different issues that plague our society. Those taking part in these plays carry a huge responsibility of spreading their message to audiences across the country. And, students of Jaipuria, Lucknow were very successful in having their message heard. The nukkad natak was held at Sahraganj mall in the city between 4 and 6 pm, and the actors brilliantly displayed their talents, resulting in a sincere connection with the audience.

One of the objectives of Manthan is to arouse a sense of responsibility and cognizance about sensitive issues affecting society. It is especially important to spread information about these issues to those who may be unaware of them. And, the theme of this performance was AIDS awareness, which is something that relevancies relevant in today’s society. In spite of many campaigns to raise awareness about AIDS, several misconceptions about the disease remain. And the performance tried to correct these misconceptions through a storytelling format that instantly struck a chord with the audience.

Kunal, an active member of the Connect Club at Jaipuria, Lucknow who was very excited about the experience while being mindful of the responsibility involved. “It was certainly exciting to be a part of the experience and everyone gave it their best shot,” he said. “It was a meaningful initiative where we were trying to raise awareness amongst the audience but eventually we became aware of our own responsibilities towards the society.”

He wasn’t the only one invigorated by the performance as the Social Responsibility Committee of Jaipuria, Lucknow was looking forward to its own nukkad natak to commemorate International Women’s Day. Women are the pillars of our society and yet have to face several issues on a daily basis. There has to be a dialogue about women-related issues and that’s just what this initiative in Hazratgunj, Lucknow aimed to do during its 8th March event.

The performance was focussed on several women’s issues like eve teasing, sexual harassment, molestation, child abuse and rape. The idea was to raise awareness about these issues and make people realize the importance of treating women as equal members of society. There can be no social development without women in the country being empowered—that was the message this program conveyed to its audience.

The annual street festival Manthan tries to make individuals aware of the power they possess so that they can raise their voices against injustice and make a difference to the society. The flame was certainly lit amongst students of Jaipuria, Lucknow who were geared up to fuel the process of change.

Blog Jaipuria Indore

Annual Fest Jai Utsav hosted by Jaipuria, Indore becomes a student extravaganza

On 9th to 15th Feb: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Indore hosted its second annual fest recently amidst much fanfare. Jai Utsav was held from 9th to 15th Feb and brought together students from several B Schools in the city including Acropolis, IPS, Pioneer and PIMR. The organizers did everything possible to ensure that the student extravaganza was an event to remember and that’s just what it turned out to be. An air of healthy competition filled the venues and student camaraderie shone through during the week-long event.

Mr. Saurabh Bhatnagar, Associate Vice President, Nai Duniya and Dr. J. P. Upadhyay, Director Jaipuria, Indore were present for the inauguration of the event along with faculty members and students from various institutes in the city. The event was graced by many eminent personalities including Mrs. Basmati Devi Upadhyay, Mrs. Mamta Upadhyay, Mrs. Usha Jain and Mr. Nishant Naik.

Given the magnitude of the event, it wasn’t surprising to see top-rung sponsors, including Dainik Jagran, Red FM, Kaya, Tatva, V Pizza, Capiro, X Fun and E TV putting their weight behind it. Amidst much enthusiasm all around, Dr. J. P. Upadhyay delivered the welcome address that focused on the importance of hosting college festivals in B Schools as they are a part of practical experience for corporate life. He also had a message for students: “Look at this event as a platform to showcase your talent or discover your hidden ones. And test your mettle by competing with students from other B schools.”

As the anticipation at the venue kept building up, Dr. Priti Bakshi gave an address detailing the program for the event that included management games, sports and cultural activities. Mr. Saurabh Bhatnagar then declared the event open, which was followed by a cake cutting ceremony. It was then time for students to match their wits and prowess in different activities to make their respective institutes proud. And they all gathered for an inter-institute get together on the campus to begin the revelries on the first day.

Business Challenge, Word War (Debate), Brandology (Brand Antakshari), Rajya Leela (Political Quiz), Silver Screen (Bollywood Quiz), Jo Dikhey So Bikey (Ad Mad Show), The Journalist and Business Simulation were some of the innovative and fun games that tested participants’ skills on Day 1. There was also a Presentation Competition and Salesmen of the Year contest that allowed future management professionals to display their talent. Play with Colours (Rangoli) and Kagaz Ki Kalakari activities added to the cultural element of the day.

Fun-filled events meant for celebration of student spirit marked Day 2 of the event. Dramebaaz, The Portrait (Inter-collegiate Photography Competition), The Reel (Documentary), R J Hunt, Role Play, Bazm-e-Jaipuria (Kavi Sammelan), Dancing competition were some of the activities that spread cheer on the day. A mimicry competition filled the venue with laughter as participants imitated Bollywood artistes and created their own scripts, much to the amusement of the audience. A glamorous Fashion Show rounded up the day’s proceedings as students walked the ramp on the themes of Corporate, Traditional and Wild Life.

“Innovating For India” was the overall theme of all the activities that were conducted throughout the event and the message was conveyed loud and clear. More than 350 students had attended the first two days of the extravaganza and they were brimming with more enthusiasm for the activities to follow over the next five days. The event, organized by students of Jaipuria, Indore under the guidance of its Director and faculty members was shaping up to be a huge success. Winners of different competitions went home with trophies and prizes that they will cherish for a long time to come. But looking at the smiles on all participants’ faces, it was obvious that this was an event where everyone was a winner.

Jaipuria Indore Placement Update

Chandrakant Lovanshi, from Khandwa, M.P., lands a job with Capital IQ, Hyderabad and finds a foothold in his dream sector

“I was looking for an organization in the field of Research & Analysis. When I heard Capital IQ was coming for campus placement, I applied immediately because finance sector is exactly where I want to start it all from,” says Chandrakant Lovanshi. This headstrong PGDM student from Jaipuria, Indore chased his dream with gusto and managed to bag a job as a Junior Research Associate with the Hyderabad based company.

This is no small feat for the boy from the sleepy town of Khandwa, who has been on the road for more than a decade pursuing his academic aspirations. The Biology graduate was keen on making a mark in the world of management and focused on Jaipuria, Indore as the institute where he could realize his goals. Although he had heard a lot about the B School, he did his homework by visiting the campus in order to make sure that it was the right fit for him.

“I realized that Jaipuria, Indore was the best place for me to go to because of the brilliant learning environment and fantastic infrastructure it offers,” says Chandrakant, who is specializing in Finance and Marketing. “Given my background, understanding management concepts was initially difficult for me. But thanks to the support of my faculty and friends I have a good grasp of the subject now.” It was this understanding of the concepts that he believes held him in good standing during the selection process for the job. After having gone through a written and general aptitude test, he was put through three rounds of interviews. During the interview process, his confidence shone through, which is how he managed to bag the coveted job with Capital IQ. “Two years at Jaipuria, Indore have prepared me to face any kind of challenges,” he says with a smile on his face.

Jaipuria Institute of Management has always strived to make its students industry-ready and for Chandrakant the process involved being a part of several initiatives, including the Media Relations Club. He also went through an exhaustive Summer Internship Project with SIDBI, Mumbai, which he believes gives him the confidence to take on the role of a corporate professional himself. “I am really impressed with the curriculum offered by the institute as it focuses on the overall development of an individual,” Chandrakant says. “It has a culture of learning, which has helped me immensely. Not only did I get exposed to the business world, but I also managed to work on my overall personality.” He even goes on to recommend the program to future candidates, as he believes it gives them a much-needed competitive edge.

Now that he has had a head start in his professional journey, Chandrakant wants to work towards a successful future ahead. In five year’s time he hopes to be working in a leadership position handling important projects. But he also has a long term plan, which is a desire to work with a big International organization. And the way this Finance-minded individual is going, you shouldn’t put your money against it.

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