Everyone always says that “the years you are in college are the best years of your life.” Having recently graduated with a degree in Marketing and Operations from Jaipuria Noida, this statement could not be less true for VipendraVikram.
Hailing from small town of Allahabad in U.P. Vikram remembers his freshman orientation as he arrived at his campus for the first time. He had visited the campus before, but along with umpteen other schools, which he remembers as a blur. The distinct, spacious and neat campus of Jaipuria Noida , stood apart to all the other colleges he’d visited in the NCR region. He soon found himself meeting a number of people – students who would be living on his hostel floor, taking classes with him, and spending day after day alongside him.
Jaipuria Noida’s experienced faulty, combined with robust infrastructure & entire facility, was instrumental in imparting valuable and real-world skills for Vipendra. In fact, it was at this institute where he learned to ‘get involved’, actively engage and achieve the tactical edge over potential customers and prospective clients. The institute imbibed team spirit that helped him foster greater confidence and spirit. Virendra had ample opportunities within the institute itself like the annual cultural fest Udaan. The educational institute also has numerous mini workshops like Entrepreneurial workshops to test classroom tactics on field.
For a Post Graduate in Marketing & Operations, it was the two-pronged specialization offered by Jaipuria Noida that was the stepping stone for his first success getting into the Banking Industry.
Vipendra has been thankful from day one to his professors who had not only been technical & academically proficient, but also quite practical and realistic in nature. Coaxing the students to set higher standards and push them to achieve and even surpass them seems to be routine in the campus. “Learn from the knowledge and apply it as per the need” not as per the rule book is the mantra Vipendra seems to have imbibed as he prepares to enter the corporate world as Area Sales Manager for Corporate Banking with ING Vysya Bank.
Jaipuria Noida, not only helped him bring up his skill set in his desired field, but also helped him develop the confidence to sail successfully through the interview process. As ING Vysa Bank does not hire anyone but the best, it was a gruelling four step-interview for Vipendra as he faced and conquered every task and hurdle staring from a GD, Technical and Aptitude Tests, followed by immersive interviews with HR Head & National Sales Manager. Vipendra is indeed a happy person as he now set to start his career in one of the premier banks of India with a global presence
Overall, Vipendra attributes the institute for his entire turn-around in personality. Not just Vipendra, but his colleagues and co-students who have been placed in large Public and Private Sector Banks have been thankful and wish their juniors the same experience. Jaipuria Institute of Management,Noida has been instrumental in bringing closer students from myriad background and preparing them for the responsibilities and challenges of some of the largest companies in the world. However, as Vipendra puts it, “It is a family like atmosphere that helps us nurture the person within, while forging one way ahead”.