“Finance is just like cooking. You cannot make a perfect dish unless you put in the right ingredients at the right time; just as you cannot do financial management at all levels, unless you take the right decisions at the right time.”
It is interesting comparisons like these that make Prof. Kalyani Parmal’s classes in Jaipuria Institute of Management very popular. A youthful and vibrant figure on the Jaipuria campus, Prof. Parmal is one of the youngest teachers, with just about two-and-half years of teaching experience. A natural researcher and academic, Prof. Parmal is currently in the last leg of two immensely challenging educational qualifications – a PhD as well as CA. This is something which can be very stressful, unless you are absolutely passionate about finance.
“Financial Management is one of my favorite teaching areas. I love to shoulder the responsibility of making students understand the need and importance of Finance, gradually making them comfortable with the subject to the extent that they start loving it. It gives me immense satisfaction when my students start playing with numbers and display great confidence with the subject.”
An MS (Finance) and a CFA (Indian), Prof. Kalyani Parmal has become skilled at holding classes that are buzzing with activity. There is either a debate, a group presentation, case analysis, or even quizzes going on at all times. Students at Jaipuria Institute of Management carry the opinion that Prof. Parmal’s teaching method strengthens the weak, but also probes students who are not so up-to-date in financial matters. She makes it a point to focus more on the weaker students in a batch.
“Workshops and seminars are part and parcel of the Jaipuria Institute of Management culture,” emphasises Prof. Parmal. “Apart from the regular seminars, workshops and guest sessions, organising the unique ‘One Day MBA’ programme has been very interesting. All these interactions bring ‘straight-from-the-horse’s-mouth’ knowledge on how industry operates.”
Often described as a bundle of energy by her fellow faculty members at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Prof. Parmal enjoys general reading. It helps her explore the financial aspects of different topics and domains. And her favourite pastime? You guessed right… it’s cooking! “I love cooking for my near and dear ones,” adds Prof. Parmal, with a smile. “I find it meditative and relaxing.”
Prof. Kalyani Pramal advises her students to make the most of the opportunity to enhance their skills, provided at Jaipuria Institute of Management.
“Count yourself among the lucky ones to have made it to Jaipuria Institute of Management. I’m sure you will find a big change in what you were before and after the two years at Jaipuria. There is a clear-cut difference between students groomed at Jaipuria Institute of Management, and those from other institutes. There are no short cuts to success; so work hard and outperform wherever you go.”
Prof. Parmal defines her teaching experience at Jaipuria Institute of Management as “wonderful, with a fantastic work culture”. She feels that the faculty members at Jaipuria Institute of Management have been very cooperative and the course is highly dynamic, and quickly adjusted as per the needs of industry.